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Rnaa, shouldn’t there have been at least one or 2 of those intermediates? Without them your theory is just an imaginary hypotosis.
i can't either, you know why? because it didn't happen. you want proof of that? just look at what evolutionists consider "proof" that we came from monkies.
"Regarding Lucy, in fact, it is known, "Lucy - when they required a knee joint to prove that Lucy walked upright, they used one found more than 200 feet lower in the (earth) and more than two miles away.""
"Piltdown was discovered in 1953 to have been nothing more than an Ape's jaw placed with a human skull. It was a hoax placed on purpose. They recognized neither the jaw to be an ape's or the skull to be a human's. Instead, they declared each part as an in between of ape and human. They dated it to be 500,000 years old, gave it a name (Eoanthropus Dawsoni or `Dawn Man'), and wrote some 500 books on it. The `discovery' fooled paleontologists for forty five years."
""The curvatures in the limb bones, and other deformities, led scientists to believe that Neanderthal walked with a stooped, bent kneed gait. Decades later, it was shown that these were in fact the remains of an old individual crippled with arthritis.""
Q. How far away from Lucy did you find the knee?
A. Sixty to seventy meters lower in the strata and two to three kilometers away.
This question was perhaps intended by the questioner to mean "How far away from Lucy did you find Lucy's knee?
In a letter dated July 29, 1994, Chittick wrote that "The knee joint found lower and away from the 40% complete skeleton was the item Johanson used in his claim that 'Lucy' walked upright." Johanson argues that the 1973 knee joint is of the same species as "Lucy" on the grounds of anatomical similarity, and points to it as one of several pieces of evidence that the species, and therefore "Lucy," walked upright
Regarding all four of the Australopithecus types, we find the following "Lord Zuckerman (Dr. Solly Zuckerman), a famous British anatomist,...had a team of scientists, rarely numbering less than four, who studied the fossils of Australopithecus for 15 years. They used the most sophisticated methods of anatomical study available to analyze these fossils. After many years of study and research, Lord Zuckerman declared that Australopithecus did not walk upright, and that these creatures were not intermediate between ape and man. Lord Zuckerman's team concluded that they were not the same as any modern ape living today, but they were, nevertheless, nothing more than apes." ([1], p.84) He added, "...the anatomical basis for the claim that (they) walked and ran upright like man is so much more flimsy than the evidence which points to the conclusion that their gait was some variant of what one sees in subhuman primates, that it remains unacceptable.
Scientists have concluded that all of the so-called primitive features of Neanderthal people were due to pathological conditions, or diseases.
Normal variation in human skulls has not been taken into consideration by evolutionists. This modern human skull, for example, has the prominent brow ridge that supposedly was the mark of a human ancestor.
Arthritis (or rickets) does not produce individuals with skeletons resembling Neanderthals.
On the Neanderthal finds, medical expert Rudolf Virchow declared, "The curved leg bones were the result of rickets (vitamin deficiency)...the knots of bone above the eyes had been caused by damage to the skull, and other special features of the skeleton were the result of arthritis deformans.
The problem is that because we know the `end of the story' (that evolution is true), we tend to interpret earlier events as if their sole purpose was to reach that end." Roger Lewin, pro-evolution
The incessant repetition of this unproved claim glossing lightly over the difficulties, and the assumption of an arrogant attitude toward those who are not easily swayed by fashions of science, are considered to afford scientific proof of the doctrine." Richard Goldschmidt, geneticist.
There were once considered to be 180 vestigial organs (organs of no use that evolutionists use to say we evolved out of). Today, there are medically regarded as being no vestigial organs. For example, the appendix is noted as able to fight infection in early life and tonsils destroy harmful bacteria.
Nowadays, Neanderthal Man is classified as Homo sapiens, completely human" (Huse 1983).
Originally posted by ashanu90
reply to post by Bob Sholtz
i bet aside form those few flaws that you know nothing about evolution
do you think we believe we evolved from chimps? thats crazy we have a common ancestor
sorry i blew away your mountain of evidence with my death ray of logic
Originally posted by Heronumber0
Darkside, I have got you man! If mutations do not have a selective advantage then NO evolution can occur. Excessive intelligence leads to aberrant behaviour. Our most intelligent people do not conform to normal behaviour. Chimps are intelligent but not capable of recursive thought - e.g. 'I think you thought I was angry' An extra intelligent chimp with aberrant behavoiur would not survive in the social milieu of other chimps. Please excuse the solipsistic arguments.
first off, i am perfectly aware that evolutionists don't believe we desended from modern day monkies, i was merely being general.
the author is speculating that johanson misunderstood the question, and then rephrases the question, and changes one word to make it seem like anyone could make this mistake. he replaces "the" with "lucy".
johanson had plenty of time to clarify what he meant, but he never did.
To summarize: At least eighteen creationists have made this bogus claim. Three have never responded in any way to questions about it (Girouard, Menton, Willis). Another two have not responded to further inquiries (Brown, McAllister). Only five have shown a willingness to discuss the matter (Chittick, the Nuttings, Sharp, Taylor), but one (Chittick) cut off correspondence. Four have agreed that the claim was in error and agreed to stop making it (Hovind, McAllister, Sharp, Taylor), and two agreed to stop making it if further investigation showed that the claim was bogus (the Nuttings) but have continued to repeat it. One (Arndts) has indicated a willingness to believe that the claim is in error but no interest in researching further or offering a correction because the article in which he made the claim just used it as an example of a type of error in reasoning. One (LaHaye) has insisted that the claim is not in error, but agreed to stop making it at the request of the Institute for Creation Research. Three (Baugh, Huse, Mehlert) have not yet been contacted for comment. One (Brown) now denies having made the claim at all. Only three (Menton, Morris, Sharp) have issued public corrections or clarifications.
edit to add: i missed your link on neanderthals, terribly sorry, i have to resort to copy and pasting your posts into notepad so that i can address your points in order, and it doesn't show links.
In the 1800's the famous pathologist Rudolf Virchow was one who claimed that the first Neandertal fossil found was of a rickets sufferer. As Trinkaus and Shipman (1992) point out, Virchow, an expert on rickets, should have been the first to realize how ridiculous this diagnosis was. People with rickets are undernourished and calcium-poor, and their bones are so weak that even the weight of the body can cause them to bend. The bones of the first Neandertal, by contrast, were about 50% thicker than those of the average modern human, and clearly belonged to an extraordinarily athletic and muscular individual.
Lubenow (1992), relying on the authority of Virchow and Ivanhoe (1970), claims that Neandertals (and H. erectus and the archaic sapiens) were caused by a post-Flood ice age: heavy cloud cover, the need to shelter and wear heavy clothes, and a lack of vitamin D sources, would all have combined to cause severe rickets.
This explanation fails for many reasons:
* Rickets does not produce a Neandertal, or Homo erectus morphology; it is clear from many sources (Reader 1981; Tattersall 1995) that the original Neandertal skeleton was unlike any previously known, even in a century in which rickets was a common disease.
* Evidence of rickets is easily detectable, especially on the growing ends of the long bones of the body. Radiology courses routinely teach the symptoms. It has never (so far as I know) been detected in Neandertals or Homo erectus.
* Even Virchow did not claim rickets as a sole cause. Virchow in 1872 decided that the first Neandertal Man fossil had had rickets in childhood, head injuries in middle age, and chronic arthritis in old age. A whole population of such people strains credibility, to say the least, although Lubenow says that this diagnosis "is as valid today as when [Virchow] first made it".
* The long bones of Neandertals, like those of rickets victims, are often more curved than normal, but rickets causes a sideways curvature of the femur, while Neandertal femurs curve backwards (Klein 1989).
* Humans could hardly have stayed in shelter all the time; food gathering would have required them to spend a lot of time outside (and probably a lot more time than most modern urban humans).
* The most extreme differences from modern humans (H. erectus) are mostly found in regions such as Africa and Java, which were always tropical; the reverse of what would be predicted by Lubenow's hypothesis.
* Creationists usually claim that most of the fossil record was laid down by the Noahaic Flood. And yet there are hundreds of fossils of "post-Flood" humans, who supposedly lived in a period of low population and little fossilization. Why, underneath these post-Flood humans, do we not find far larger numbers of fossilized pre-Flood humans?
my mention of the piltdown man is merely to show that evolutionists don't look at the evidence, but accept it unquestioned.
yes, i am taking my information from sources. or would you rather me make wild claims without any evidence? i've stated the source i used in the previous article, not sure how you could miss it.
Nowadays, Neanderthal Man is classified as Homo sapiens, completely human" (Huse 1983).
from your source.
so there goes another "pre-human" down the toilet! just a human.
Actually, Neandertals are usually classified as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, a subspecies of humans, in recognition of consistent differences such as heavy brow ridges, a long low skull, a robust skeleton, and others. (Some scientists believe the differences are large enough to justify a separate species, Homo neanderthalensis.) Evolutionists last century claimed that these were real differences between us and Neandertals, and they were right. Creationists claimed that the differences were a result of various diseases or environmental factors, and they were wrong. For Parker to claim that creationists won this debate is a rewriting of history.
evolution wouldn't have to keep changing "its opinion" if it followed the evidence in the first place. but it seems we have people making claims about evidence that isn't backed up scientifically, so it fits the theory.
Why is it assumed by evolutionists that the various species had to develope from one source?
Why couldn't they have developed from their own matrix or grouping of elements; so many electrons; so many protons etc.
Will they next say that the Elements evolved one from the other?
Do evolutionists believe in Abiogenesis? I know they aren't the same but people try to say they are but that just shows their ignorance and lack of understanding of the subject. I feel the need to infer that they can be used together since I can't see one without the other. Evolution can't happen if Abiogenesis is false and vice-versa.
Originally posted by rnaa
reply to post by novastrike81
Do evolutionists believe in Abiogenesis? I know they aren't the same but people try to say they are but that just shows their ignorance and lack of understanding of the subject. I feel the need to infer that they can be used together since I can't see one without the other. Evolution can't happen if Abiogenesis is false and vice-versa.
You are correct.
It is certainly valid to infer that a Theory of Abiogenesis could inform the "Theory of Evolution". But, IMO, only from the standpoint of helping biologists understand the processes involved in the evolution of the very first life forms into the very second life forms.
Furthermore, the findings from Evolutionary Theory and Biology in general can help limit focus the parameters for an Abiogenesis scenario that would lead to the kind of life we have on the planet.
But "Evolutionists" do not 'believe' in Abiogenesis, 'believe' is not the right word. They know and understand that life began 'somehow'. How it started is not part of 'The Study of Evolution' and the 'Study of Evolution' does not depend on how it was started in any way. Evolution applies only to life, not to non-life.
However, 'The Study of Evolution' is not the only thing in Biology and Abiogenesis is certainly an issue of study with in the wider discipline of Biology (with help from Chemistry and Physics of course) and is definitely being worked on.
Does that answer your question?
Originally posted by thedeadtruth
Still waiting for a creationist to reply to my question regarding mutations that cause suffering.
Cant blame the devil for that one, and free will plays no part in a mutation.
So is it were God made a mistake in our design ?