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This is What 9/11 Truth is Up Against.

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:57 PM

This is Nick Rizzuto the Producer of Andrew Wilkow’s show. I’ve spoken to Virgin Atlantic’s Press folks, a gentleman named Paul Charles. After a heated 20 minute conversation where I threatened to spread this information throughout the conservative media and promised them a media firestorm and PR poison, they have decided not to show the film.

These people claim that they are personally responsible for Virgin pulling LC2 by THREATENING them with smear tactics.

These are the followers of the neo-cons that we are up against. They are brainwashed.

They hate freedom... what about freedom of expression?

Read the comments on that page... sickening.

If these guys are what is propping up the neocon agenda I weep for this country.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by Pootie]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Pootie

These people claim that they are personally responsible for Virgin pulling LC2

Whoa! Wait a minute! Are you saying that Virgin destroyed Loose Change 2 by means of a controlled demolition? ( It_Sure_Does_read_that_Way)

WOW, I am sure you have all of the proof to back that up. HEH

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:30 PM
I seriously believe above comments are an attempt at humor while the OP was dead serious. As he should be, and so should you. There are Terabytes of storage for humor on BTS, take it over there.

I´m shocked by Virgin pulling LC2, Richard Branson was my hero up until now (if this is confirmed)

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Truth4hire
I seriously believe above comments are an attempt at humor while the OP was dead serious. As he should be, and so should you. There are Terabytes of storage for humor on BTS, take it over there.

I´m shocked by Virgin pulling LC2, Richard Branson was my hero up until now (if this is confirmed)

He said "pulled"-- you can read it..clear as day. Hey! you said it too. . We all know the ONLY meaning for Pull or Pulled is when describing a controlled demolition ..right?

And why would you be shocked at Virgin "pulling" LC2? It is in bad taste to show a movie about very real plane crashes to people in the air...on a plane! Even without some people complaining beforehand, it must have been a "WTF?" moment for the Virgin Execs either way.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Oh Lord,, There are many threads on this site alone, never mind the entire web that contain such rubbish. Have You nothing better to do?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:54 PM
the fed that controls america is what we are up against. America is up against itself. That's why they can't figure out who the real enemy is. To stupid to look in the mirror cuz they don't want to believe.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:00 PM
The enemy is religious fanatisizm, if you cannot see it you are blind.

I am a helluva lot more concerned with hardline evangelicals, and radical Islam than anything the goofy Truth movement has to offer.

One thing they all have in common--They are all based on unprovable fallacy.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by rrahim1
the fed that controls america is what we are up against. America is up against itself. That's why they can't figure out who the real enemy is. To stupid to look in the mirror cuz they don't want to believe.

English or something that could be translated as would be a massive help.

Though Your enthusiasm has been noted!!!

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
The enemy is religious fanatisizm, if you cannot see it you are blind.

I am a helluva lot more concerned with hardline evangelicals, and radical Islam than anything the goofy Truth movement has to offer.

One thing they all have in common--They are all based on unprovable fallacy.

While Your spelling is terrible and Your reasons questionable, You have a right to say what You feel.

But what bothers me none the less is that You are more concerned with "unprovable" and "fallacy"..

Do You know what a "fallacy" is and whether or not it can/could be proven?

[edit on 4-5-2007 by blue73]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:12 PM
well gwions humor aside...

pootie, great find. most people probly figured out that i think loose change is a load of crap but thats not the issue at hand.

it ISSUE is that a group in the media (online or off i think they still constitude "media") has an issue with what an independant company shows on their airline.

well at the core its a freedom of expression. and it is an issue for both sides.

first, virgin airlines has the right to show whatever they hell they want on THEIR flights. as i read things virgin has it set up so people on the flights can choose what they watch (can anyone correct me on that? or is this the case?) if they want to show loose change thats their right as far as im concerned.

secondly though, is this group was opposed to it so they vocalized this displeasure, but who the HELL are they to threaten virgin with a smear campaign if they dont comply?

this pisses me off as much as sharpton threatening to organize a boycot against the broadcasters who carried the imus show if imus wasnt fired.

freedom of expression is core to the american way of life and infractions of it really piss me off, regardless of if i agree with the expression or not.

when i was graduating highschool i signed up with the army, in doing so i vowed to die for peoples rights.

i may not agree with what dylan avery or richard branson or anyone on this board has to say but by GOD ill die for your rights to say it.

so long as my rights to disagree are held with the same regard.

good thread pootie

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Could You possibly re-post in English and not in stoned student speak..

Or is that too much to ask?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by blue73
Could You possibly re-post in English and not in stoned student speak..

Or is that too much to ask?

was that directed at me?

if so which words didnt you understand exactly?

if not disregard

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Damocles

Originally posted by blue73
Could You possibly re-post in English and not in stoned student speak..

Or is that too much to ask?

was that directed at me?

if so which words didnt you understand exactly?

if not disregard

LOL.. Bloody all of them...

I'm jokin....

Pshhhd to be the Terms & Conditions Of Use.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by blue73]

[edit on 4-5-2007 by blue73]

[edit on 5-5-2007 by sanctum]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by blue73

While Your spelling is terrible and Your reasons questionable, You have a right to say what You feel.

Well thank you for your unsolicited critique, Narcissus. Bitchin' about a typo will come back to bite you everytime.

But what bothers me none the less is that You are more concerned with "unprovable" and "fallcy"..

See what I mean? I think you do. Good try at a quick edit though.

Do You know what a "fallacy" is and whether or not it can/could be proven?

[edit on 4-5-2007 by blue73]

Yea a fallacy IS: An argument in which the reasons advanced for a claim FAIL to warrant acceptance for that claim.

I have no reason to "believe" Jesus was the son of God.
I have no reason to believe that Mohammed conversed with Allah.
I have no reason to believe that the US Government attacked New York.

There is no proof of any of these claims. NONE. Just other people's opinion, and blind faith.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by GwionX

While Your spelling is terrible and Your reasons questionable, You have a right to say what You feel.

Well thank you for your unsolicited critique, Narcissus. Bitchin' about a typo will come back to bite you everytime.

But what bothers me none the less is that You are more concerned with "unprovable" and "fallcy"..

See what I mean? I think you do. Good try at a quick edit though.

Do You know what a "fallacy" is and whether or not it can/could be proven?

[edit on 4-5-2007 by blue73]

Yea a fallacy IS: An argument in which the reasons advanced for a claim FAIL to warrant acceptance for that claim.

I have no reason to "believe" Jesus was the son of God.
I have no reason to believe that Mohammed conversed with Allah.
I have no reason to believe that the US Government attacked New York.

There is no proof of any of these claims. NONE. Just other people's opinion, and blind faith.

No that's a misconception. Not a fallacy!

[Mod Edit: Quote format - Jak]

[edit on 5/5/07 by JAK]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:40 PM
So, an Airline, a British airline decides not to show a film and somehow this shows what 9/1 truth is against? Sorry, but those guys on the other side of the water are not protected by the constitution in any way so this cannot be about freedom of speech.

Is was an inflight movie 'choice' and now it is not. By the way, you did say pull it.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
So, an Airline, a British airline decides not to show a film and somehow this shows what 9/1 truth is against? Sorry, but those guys on the other side of the water are not protected by the constitution in any way so this cannot be about freedom of speech.

Is was an inflight movie 'choice' and now it is not. By the way, you did say pull it.

I cannot speak for any/and/or major companies or firms regarding any events resulting in the insults of passing of media regarding the firms included and or the .........Blah .Blah......

[Mod Edit: Profanity and insults removed. Terms and Conditions - Jak]

[edit on 5/5/07 by JAK]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 09:55 PM
blue 73, it is nice to meet you. I see that you are an assest to the human race in your eloquent way of expressing yourself. Would you like to try again to say something constructive?

I made a point that there is no conspiracy and you told me to lewisnki myself? So, if I tell you again that there is no conspiracy do I get to home?

[edit on 4-5-2007 by esdad71]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by blue73

Originally posted by Damocles

Originally posted by blue73
Could You possibly re-post in English and not in stoned student speak..

Or is that too much to ask?

was that directed at me?

if so which words didnt you understand exactly?

if not disregard

LOL.. Bloody all of them...

I'm jokin....

Pshhhd to be honest....Don't smoke green if You fancy postin.......

[edit on 4-5-2007 by blue73]

[edit on 4-5-2007 by blue73]

um, i dont smoke weed adn quite frankly im insulted at the insinuation. and anything that may be in my system is between myself and my doctor and is quite frankly none of your friggin business

so how is it my problem you dont understand what i wrote? if you dotn understand, or disagree...then move on with life. not that hard really...

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Everyone's like prove it blah blah blah, well why don't you try unproving it. They put the blame back on us by questioning the integrity of our findings. What makes the media's account of 911 true? Why do you believe them, do they have evidence? Can the government prove through physics that the airplane indeed pulverized a 100 story building to ash?

IF the building would have slowly come down due to fire and each part came down after another with debri and fire coming from the towers for 20 hours straight until it was on the ground I'd believe it. But this thing came down in 9seconds after less than an hour of fire exposure. Jantior's and people heard bombs go off before the plan impact, in the basement. The trade centers were shut down for security reason's during one of the days pre911. Jfk Mcgaffin so many others murdered for questioning the Fed.

The guy with the skull and bones logo. You are like an internet assassin. You shot down people bringing the truth. You attack peoples integrity by asking for proof. We are not here to prove anything. We are here to share with others that we have concluded something from reading and watching information about the topic. So people like JFK being assassinateed for passing Executive Order 11110. I thikn you should go look it up and then tell me to prove it. Because if you look it up I won't have to prove it.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by rrahim1]

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