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Have you seen an Unidentified Flying Object?

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 08:04 PM
I had added a little something for you that was the last post of page 5. You may have missed it.

I know it was a long time ago, and they didn't have digital cameras back then, but I still thought it was at least note-worthy.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 08:33 PM
I have been debating with myself wondering whether to post on a possible sighting I may have had approx. 2 weeks ago. I will say for the record that I myself am not totally convinced it was a "ufo" and has been frustrating to understand because it does not seem to fit into usual ufo "schemas". Part my posting here is the hope that someone else from my area will come forward, with some kind of explanation.

I live in near the downtown area of Halifax, Canada, and I was preparing to go to bed at about 3:30 -4:00 AM when I noticed an odd lighting effect through my kitchen window. At first I thought it must be strobe light effects - I hopped up on the counter to have a better view through the window, and what I saw was basically a cloud. Wheather conditions in the area were uniformly overcast, except for this whitish-amber cloud formation hovering very over the horizon. A large sparsely leafed tree obscured the the cloud, almost perfectly matching its shape oddly enough. The reason it caught my attention was that it was flickering, certain areas of the cloud would light up and then fade , then another section would light up and fade , and so on, with some overlap - in a random fashion, but oddly. There was no thunder or lighting, no sound at all. Strobes that I have seen are quite regular. I thought it might be fireworks, but again, absolutely no sound - no cheering, or explosive noises. Colours were wrong for lightning activity, with a yellowish-orange colour pervading. I considered a malfunctioning streetlight, but the area in question was too high for any streetlight in my area, I have been out checking. So I have not seen a craft, I can only describe it ironically as atmospheric activity, but of a very strange sort, perhaps a u.f.e., unexplained flying event. My subjective sensation at the time was that I was looking at a tear in space/time, but that is just an impression I was given to.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 11:14 PM
Ok liquidself, I am pleased that you decided to talk about what you saw. Here is a video that I was just looking at and I wonder if the shapes you see in the clouds rather than the suspected ufo is similar to what you saw.

Talk later, and anyone that may have experienced the same please speak up and share so that liquidself can have soem feed back, Thanks! Antar

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 01:58 AM

Okay people here is my report. Go figure you are walking down a street in Honolulu in Waikiki and a UFO large enough to occupy more than half the distance between two hotel towers is suddenly just there when you look up. The distance is across that street less than 45 degrees angle and less than halfway through the hotel lot. It is very clearly a machine, no blurry lights, foggy distant obscurity, but highly visible and colorful.

I called it an "advanced aircraft," at the time, but there were other things of importance on my mind. If you can believe it the heart of college work was beginning to seriously yield really great prospects as its sphere of understanding grew. It was about passing along some political theory and knowing it worked in a very large audience.

It was much more than only "fifteen minutes of fame," but that story is way too complicated to recite here. The UFO was just the frosting on the cake, if you will, it seemed to me like an acknowledgment in the overall universe in a wide open way.

The actual date was about May 15, 1983 confirmed by a recent journal discovery I made while repacking the last house move, while the entry and comment was May 17, 1983. Such things signify a great deal when you have been looking through many pages off and on a few years in an effort to reconfirm the time line.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by SkipShipman]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 07:00 AM
The first photo on this post
I saw this or something very similar about 10 years ago in m my Hometown in the south east of the UK. Since then a few of my friends have also seen something that they describe in a similar fashion the last sighting I am aware of is last year in the summer sometime.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 10:55 AM
Shipshipman, sounds like one my Mom and I saw back in the early 80's as well in Sedona az.
It was at the end of town right around sunset, all of the cars that were out stopped and pulled over and we all stood outside our vehicles just watching it.
My Mom and I had to leave as we were on our way up to Hopi for a dance.
The people that were stopped by us were just amazed that we could actually drive away while this was happening. I never found out how it ended.
Have you ever seen any footage that resembled the one you witnessed? If you do please post it here and we can talk about it.
Thanks for your post it is great when others see the same type of craft in different locations.
One more thing did you at any time feel like it could have been our technology? I never did.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 11:03 AM
Hope_for_reason, thankyou for your post, I am not so sure about the top triangular one as I have seen Triangular craft and that just raises flags for me.
However the two bottom ones perk up my UFO senses!
I did see these pictures here on the forum and have to say that as far as I know I have never witnessed any like them, the fact that they have lights that are not uniform, makes me wonder if they are authentic. I would love to interview the people that took the footage.
Thankyou for your pictures.
Have you ever witnessed anything you considered to be off world?

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 01:41 PM

I have examined the video you posted; there are some simularities, but also some differences. What I saw did have some cumulo-kind of shapes, but not quite as defined as in the pyroclastic flow. I also considered the possibility of a fire, and actually became fearful on that count as my ex-girlfriend was at work in the general area of the cloud - but I did not hear any fire alarms, and have not seen any mention of a large fire (which it would have had to have been) in the local news reports, nor are there any new burned out charred buildings in the general area of the cloud. I can only describe the lighting as being similar to a special effect I saw in the Star Trek movie Wrath of Khan; speciffically the scene near the end when the enterprise moves into a nebula cloud - alternate areas of the cloud would light up as if someone turned on a switch, fade, and then another section - only within this cloud formation, no where else - would then light up. The source of the illumination was impossible to make out - and not unified. The more I think about it the stranger it seems. I do not rule out atmospheric effects but I know of no phenomena that can create that effect aside from lightning, but as I said before, there was no sound, no storm activity anywhere but in this very low cloud, and the colours ranged from yellow to orange. I have seen what is called in these parts "heat flashes" which are lighting, it was nothing like that.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 01:48 PM
Hi Antar as you requested ,here is the original post on my sighting ..sorry i only logged on tonight again ..cheers!

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by antar
ShipShipman, sounds like one my Mom and I saw back in the early 80's as well in Sedona az.
It was at the end of town right around sunset, all of the cars that were out stopped and pulled over and we all stood outside our vehicles just watching it.
My Mom and I had to leave as we were on our way up to Hopi for a dance.
The people that were stopped by us were just amazed that we could actually drive away while this was happening. I never found out how it ended.
Have you ever seen any footage that resembled the one you witnessed? If you do please post it here and we can talk about it.
Thanks for your post it is great when others see the same type of craft in different locations.
One more thing did you at any time feel like it could have been our technology? I never did.

To me the technology was nothing like I had ever seen before, but my contacts for academic purposes at the time had reached praxis. In that light when and if you ever experienced feeling like the "king of the world," while having no direct handshake or acknowledgment, a sighting such as this would blend into your idea of recent communications terminals. Hence this thing might be government, or part of some ongoing communications project of the government with ET. I could only go along with things I had read previously, so the answer to that is an open question.

The clearness of it, the multicolored lights, and the silence of it brought out of me at the time the very vocal talk to myself "Wow these things are really real!"

Now you think of it, being about 100 feet from this "advanced aircraft," knowing that most all UFO photographs published are obscure, then you know the uniqueness of it all. You feel lonely in a way, almost wishing to go along with it to another world, while detecting no hostility. But at the same time your responsibilities here on earth eclipse such attention profiling things as UFOs.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:57 PM
Skipshipman, I totally agree with you that although we may not seem to have the 'hard evidence' so many people justifiably need in order to side with the reality of extraterrestrial entities in our skies, it is another experience altogether when you actually witness one close up like you did.
I am always delighted to hear these accounts from ordinary people like ourselves because we have no agenda, we are not trying to sell a book or find acclaim.
Just finding people of like experience and sharing our story.
It has taken me many years to even begin to reach out to others.
I did not want to put myself in a position to have to defend what I knew was a reality for me.
You should read all of the accounts on this thread sometime.
We all have so much in common. The experience is undeniable.
We will talk more later I hope.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 04:19 PM
qonone, welcome back! I am very pleased you found the link to the old ATS thread, however the external links say not found yada yada... Can you somehow fix this ?
I would Love to see the pictures you took. I can tell by the majority of the posts, people thought you were genuine.
I think about those children at that school in your part of the world, remember? John Mack was the one to talk with the children and interview them? I saw it on some major network station but just the end of the interview.
I can totally relate to your enthusiasm. There is no doubt in your mind is there? LOL****

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 05:40 PM
(actually the black triangles)

Several years ago on a summer night I was out with a buddy of mine around twilight. We had stopped at a crossroads not far from where I write this. I happened to look up and saw a huge black triangle hovering right above the treetops ..... no sound just lights on the three corners and a glow in the center then (I don't know how long) it silently moved away. I looked at my friend and asked him what he had seen, "the same as you" he replied.

We still talk about it to this day .....

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 05:47 PM
Very cool, I am not certain I have ever heard about one of the black triangles being seen simply hoovering in mid air.
How large was it and how close to you was it? Did you sense that they knew you were there witnessing it?
I also saw the red dot in the center, and at least one white one on one of tips as well. Interesting how we are just now coming together with these accounts. Were you -are you close to a military installation?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 03:07 AM
Hi Antar
In answer to your question I don’t think I have ever seen anything from off world, for many years I was convinced that the triangle I saw could have been, but over the years with more and more people reporting the same sighting and rumours on the net about black budget aircraft I have concluded this is what I most likely saw.
However I can not believe for one moment that every single sighting reported is the work of a crackpot, or just another black project sighting. The sheer numbers of people who do come forward with such sightings should make us become more aware that we are almost certainly not alone.

PS just like Hal4511 I have friends who have seen this Triangle thingy hover.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by antar
qonone, welcome back! I am very pleased you found the link to the old ATS thread, however the external links say not found yada yada... Can you somehow fix this ?
I would Love to see the pictures you took. I can tell by the majority of the posts, people thought you were genuine.
I think about those children at that school in your part of the world, remember? John Mack was the one to talk with the children and interview them? I saw it on some major network station but just the end of the interview.
I can totally relate to your enthusiasm. There is no doubt in your mind is there? LOL****

Yes exited i was ..though even i was 33 at the time,but i remember and have concurred with my mother whom is 71 now that myself,sister (3yrs older than me) and my mother have spotteda "orange light" in the early 80's ,also to such ab extent that cars pulled off the roads to take a look,sadly no one had camera's but just our strories we have to rely on hearsay.

My sister says she remembered that will be one of those nights a child will never forget,same here.I do believe in "UFO's" what i need to see to be convinced is who is flying them,i have seen strange flying objects as millions others but how many of us have seen thee "aliens/pilots" ..& my heart eats @ me knowing all this Space and just us ..nahh cannot be ..

My main "thing" is yes i believe there are aliens but no i do not believe they are/look like us ..though i do hope we do find "another human race"..some who will slap our hands in the way we treating each others & our world but for now if a alien craft comes & hovers over me i am bolting "run Forest run" i am not one for anal/nasal probing if i can get away i will surely use it wisely i won't be the one with the "Welcome Board/Bring Elvis Back" on the roof..

Cheers buddy!!

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 08:43 PM
qonone, you and me both, always walk with dignity (no probes) and be selective in our company...

Thanks for checking back! How are things going for you? And I must ask you this question, how do the people in South Africa feel about Ufology?
Are there legends or tales about them? Does any of the African Artistry depict Alien Visitation? Thankyou Antar

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:38 AM
With ALL of the video out there today I wonder why (myself included) so few that I have connected with personally and here on Ats, do not get pictures and video?

I was camping a couple of years ago with my grandparents and while the rest of the family were out boating, my gramma and I sat over looking the lake and the dam at Lake Pom de' Terre.
There had been a big thundershower earlier in the day and the sky had some of those big billowy clouds floating by.
Just relaxed listening and talking I found myself watching as a glowing silverish metalic space craft with awsome multicolored lights weaved playfully in and out at the base of a giant cloud right in front of me.
The exciting realization finally jarred me into reaching up and taking the camera over head of the picnic table where we sat I was walked along snapping photos. My grandma with macular could not see it.
I got to the end of the roll and stood watching it for several minutes more. It was so close I could practically throw a rock and hit it. It was in a V formation and the base or bottom was rounded and a very light silver color. I did not have my glasses on at the time so I could not make out the fine detail as I do not see distance. It seemed to know that I was observing. Seagulls were flying under it (this was the only time I had seen seagulls in the heart of the midwest) and later when I went out on the boat they seemed to follow us.
It eventually went into the cloud and never reappeared. The cloud moved off and joined other clouds, and I took the camera and put it very carefully in the front seat of the truck. That was the last time I saw the camera.
The family came back and all of the sudden I became SOoo tired I couldnt keep my eyes open. I told my husband about the sighting and asked if he would join me in a little nap. We laid down on the futon in the back of our mini van and when we woke up and attempted to move the van alittle in preparation for night, it would not start. We got a jump but found that the radio did not work and as a matter of fact none of the electrical worked. We had to sell my beautiful almost new van because of this.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:50 AM
One more thing about my step grandma, she told me once that she had lived next door an AFB in Texas back in the early 40's.
She and her girlfriend who's husband was in the military would often listen to the guys talk on the weekends when they gathered around the table to talk about the UFOs that would converge on the base on a regular basis. They spoke about nothing else she said, always attempting to figure it out. They were all warned heavily to never say a word. Even my grandma who witnessed the craft many times was advised to never say a word. She kept that secret until I brought up the subject by reading William One Sacs Website telling the story of the governments connection to the UFO alien agenda. She was shocked and asked me very upset where I got this information! I explained it was now common knowledge but not verifiable. She said she could verify it to be so.I have wondered a million times since that camping trip if 'she' was the one to take the camera and do something with it. Why else would the closest pictures I have ever seen just disappear?

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 04:11 AM
I'm adding it to your collection, Antar.

Here is the thread for this report. Gravity Distortion Vehicle 2002 Sighting.

I live in central Alabama, south of Birmingham and this occured in an upper/upper-middle class neighborhood called Highland Lakes, off of Hwy 280. I've included answers to questions I've already received in the report. If you can think of any more, I'll do my best to clarify my description for you.

In 2002 (I was 21 at the time) I was a pizza delivery man and I saw a craft in the sky that had portholes down the side with red light on inside of it. It was not quite dark yet and looked up at a bright moon as I exited my car (I was at the house the pizza was going to and still had the pizza in my hand, I had just stepped out of the car and not approached the house yet). Below right of the moon was the craft, stationary in the sky, some clouds in the sky gave it some distance perspective (the clouds (not a cloudy sky, just a cloud) were not directly behind it, but upper right. Order of objects were: moon, cloud, craft, me). I squinted to focus more on it and by the time I could see the definition of the portholes, and the outer shape of the craft, it left in a split second, up and to the right. The craft left nothing but a red streak of light from the before mentioned portholes. I have seen this one vehicle, I know for a fact technology beyond modern science exists. The way it left when I looked at it makes me wonder if they were looking back at me. Guess I'll never know.

Fully extend your arm and hold your fingers (thumb and index) roughly 1 to 1.25 inches apart and that's what length it was in the sky.

The sighting lasted for about 3-4 seconds.

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