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Billy Meier UFO Contact Hoax: Discussion

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posted on May, 18 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Dallas
What I'd like to know is your points on the case itself please.

Dallas, in case you have been missing the obvious - they have stated their points on the case. They think it's fake, a hoax, complete and utter crap, etc...

Not only have they stated it once, they have stated it multiple times.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I will indeed continue to support the Meiers case. And you are both welcome to stay and to post. I know how difficult it must be to discuss a case when you have never talked to Meiers, or been to his house in Switzerland or even seen the Wedding Cake in person.

A person doesn't need to talk to Meier or go to his house in Switzerland. And I doubt you'll see a Wedding Cake UFO anytime soon. Not exactly the best arguments. My point is, Meier put so much of his "opinion"
out there that it's quite easy to see what this guy is all about. The guy has been at it for 30 years, profilers can have a fieldday with his 'information'.
By the way John, did you come across Meier's text where he claims he's an ancient old spirit from another spiritual and higher level who came down if you will to lower plaines and "created" peoples with the sheer power of his wisdom? "Supreme Commissionor Nokodemion' a.k.a. Billy Meier steered an entire race of people in the universe of which we here on Earth are descendants.
Pretty groovy stuff right? To know that "God" lives in Switzerland as another contributor suggested. Personally I'm not buying a single word, but do know what you're defending Mr. Lear. Oh, and after some 50 pages in this thread I'm still waiting for you to directly respond to any single question I raised. But, perhaps to ignore me is that much more wisely, hm?

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 11:01 PM
Hey jritzmann man, Dunno, I seen your pic-points here and there (not always agreed with your stuff either), but respected the analysis better than my own as your the expert in that area man.

I had my opinions on the 'what if one of the vids or pics is real'?, to that end I feel it's more reasonable to believe (not the laser gun stuff) though I'm not totally convinced on the raygun pics either way-- either.
As for my last post, I'm waiting for some detail, man.

I'm not an expert on Billy's stuff, and I do feel money came into the picture, not by Billy but FIGU. That is not cause for all to believe it's fake. Mr Stevens opinion as of late has helped me consider the whole deal might be real.


edit: added last word: 'real'.

[edit on 18-5-2007 by Dallas]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 11:06 PM
Hey tezzajw,

Cool. Others believe a hoax so others that believe there's something to-it should feel the same?
Come-on you all know I don't speak through tongue. I have self researched reasons (including this whole thread) to consider the possibility Billy's case as being not fabricated all together (before FIGU).


posted on May, 19 2007 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by torsion
and here if you want to see a nice high resolution flying saucer photo:

You know if I were Malin and this was the photograph (lithograph or whatever) I was shown I might have made the same comments on first pass. Anyone know? It's a good fake for it's day but having said that there's something not quite right about it but I just can't put my finger on it.

BTW is this the one that looks like Lear's (oops I mean Lazar's) "sport model"? If so, weren't Lazar's aliens Zetans and Billy's Pledians (sp) or something? Does this mean some of these different alien races shop at the same spaceship lot (Saucers 'R Us maybe?) assuming they're from different planets/galaxies/whatever?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by hangerateteen

Originally posted by torsion
and here if you want to see a nice high resolution flying saucer photo:

You know if I were Malin and this was the photograph (lithograph or whatever) I was shown I might have made the same comments on first pass. Anyone know? It's a good fake for it's day but having said that there's something not quite right about it but I just can't put my finger on it.

Notice the wicked shimmy along the horizontal central line of the 'craft'? The photograph itself seems to be an improved reproduction, it doesn't have the colouring of other pictures.

BTW is this the one that looks like Lear's (oops I mean Lazar's) "sport model"? If so, weren't Lazar's aliens Zetans and Billy's Pledians (sp) or something? Does this mean some of these different alien races shop at the same spaceship lot (Saucers 'R Us maybe?) assuming they're from different planets/galaxies/whatever?

The stuff conspiracies are made off, hm? Might be something there if you do the IF game. Meier said some unusual things about the Gray/abduction phenomenon. 'It's not that bad', 'most people are hallucinating', 'Betty&Barney Hill case is false', 'Grays aren't that bad', 'abductions hardly happen - just a few'. Not a word of course on psychological or physical trauma's of the abductee. And supposedly these Grays joined the 'Plejaren Federation'. Oh, there's plenty of stuff to theorise about and combine that with Lazar's claim that he saw a Meier 'beamship' at S-4 / Area 51 than you got the stuff of ultimate conspiracies.
More weirder is that I remember an article in a weekly magazine from the late 70s - early 80s where the Meier case was on display including illustrations. Semjase, Meier's alleged female alien contact, was displayed as very humanoid except for black slanted - walnut shaped eyes. Nowdays she's depicted as a babe so the magazine might have been wrong or the story changed which also happend a few times.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by torsion
and here if you want to see a nice high resolution flying saucer photo:

The unpublished (by Meier apologists) professional commentary on that particular photo has always centered around the distinct lack of a shadow cast by the supposed saucer.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Dallas
I had my opinions on the 'what if one of the vids or pics is real'?, to that end I feel it's more reasonable to believe

Mr. Lear, Mr Horn, and other Meier apologists have been refusing to comment on this attribute of the "zoom video" ever since it was pointed out years ago.

The issue here is something with which everyone has direct personal experience; "Atmospheric" or Aerial Perspective. This is where the haze or moisture in the air causes more distant objects to be "grayed out", to simplify the concept.

There is clear atmospheric effect of haze or high humidity in the air the day Mr. Meier created the video:

(still capture of the video)

The near object, the tree and WCUFO, is sharper and more distinct than the more distant tree to the lower right, and the even more distant hills in the background.

However, the tree to the lower right must be absolutely gargantuan in comparison to the tree at left. It's quite far away, due to the atmospheric perspective, somewhere between the tree at left and the hills.

Even if these trees are the same distance from the camera, the right tree must be over 200 feet tall, which we know is impossible given the variety.

This clearly shows, with absolute certainty, that the tree at left is very small. And thus, with absolute certainty, this video depicts a contrived setting of a small "WCUFO" model attached to a small tree that is much closer to the camera than the tree at right.

It is clear and irrefutable evidence of a hoaxed video, without any need for photo/video analysis. Common sense shows us the hoax.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by
Common sense shows us the hoax., I agree with everything that you have typed in this thread, mate - except for the above quote.

Judging by the ramblings in this thread from some people, common sense is actually not that common! It's never safe to assume that all people share common sense!!!

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:35 AM
Hey, thanks for taking the time to explain the pics as you see'm. I read your post a few times and to be honest don't really understand it all (I'm no master (no layman either (laugh) of pics/vid analysis) but appreciate your effort Sir.


posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Dallas
I'm no master (no layman either (laugh) of pics/vid analysis

Understanding the concept requires absolutely no knowledge of video or photo analysis techniques. It requires only common every day experience with haze. Just look around you on a humid day, or a morning with a slight fog -- nearby trees are more clear and distinct that those farther away -- nearby trees are comparatively larger than those father away. So it stands to reason, in such an environment, that a smaller-appearing tree will be less clear than a larger-appearing tree.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:36 AM
I assumed your were referring to a range of Billy's pics - yes? Not just a hazy day. I mean there are a lot of pictures and video on various days/eves.


posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Dallas
I assumed your were referring to a range of Billy's pics - yes?

No. My comments are specific to the "zoom video", and the frame-capture I posted.

If we determine that any one piece of evidence is contrived, then we can doubt the integrity of every other piece of evidence. We can easily show the video is contrived, thus, all other material produced by Meier must be suspect.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:13 PM

Give it up man, The Meier supporters will continue to say, "Ignore that, look at this." no matter what you say.

Some people are so devoid of common sense its remarkable they know how to get up in the morning. People like this are the reason the Nigerian 419 scam is still going strong, some people will believe anything, regardless of proof, as long as the scam is "pretty". The Meier scam is indeed "pretty" if not true.

Dallas, I just inherited 42.6 million dollars from an uncle I didn't know I had. I need some help getting it into the USA and am willing to give you 10% for your help.....hehe

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:56 PM
Give it up John, you are old. Get your self a good time for your own sake, get a

Your old buddies could be wrong and they lied to you. You, Give it up!

What would it be, if this chicken hoax Billy Swiss man have given you hard time and given CIA and Octagon hard times, and he is a simple hoax you easily find in crowded market places. And he gave you headache, your headache is ashame!

The more you defend Billy, the more you give shame to American. Be wise! Ok?
You are nothing just a pilot, do you know how many pilots in this world? You are just another piece of junk, yes you John Lear is nothing than a piece of junk.

Get off ok?

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:57 PM
I'm not sure how to take that insult Tiloke? Let's just say your not doing well at keeping friends today. It cost's nothing to be nice


edit: Tiloke wrote:
"Dallas, I just inherited 42.6 million dollars from an uncle I didn't know I had. I need some help getting it into the USA and am willing to give you 10% for your help.....hehe "

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Dallas]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 03:59 PM
John Lear, is just a pilot. He is old, and he is no longer pilot.

Don't call her Mr. or Sir.

He is another pilot. If you have to call pilot a Sir or Mr, then you have to call 10000000 sir and mr.

He is old and he is no longer no use. He is junk.


My apology. I am being rude.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by kontol]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by kontol
John Lear, is just a pilot. He is old, and he is no longer pilot.

Don't call her Mr. or Sir.

He is another pilot. If you have to call pilot a Sir or Mr, then you have to call 10000000 sir and mr.

He is old and he is no longer no use. He is junk.

kontol, you have a u2u waiting for you.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Why is John Lear being attacked in a thread about Billy meier?
Sure seems a few heads out to get him at the moment.
This (they tell me) is against ATS's T&C.
Meier is very genuine
Lear is genuine
Anyone who purposefully goes after these guys in this manner show their true colours.
When you are not blinded, you can see.
Respect Billy meier, i hope life is treating you ok, and that you are safe.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
Why is John Lear being attacked in a thread about Billy meier?
Sure seems a few heads out to get him at the moment.
This (they tell me) is against ATS's T&C.
Meier is very genuine
Lear is genuine
Anyone who purposefully goes after these guys in this manner show their true colours.
When you are not blinded, you can see.
Respect Billy meier, i hope life is treating you ok, and that you are safe.

Ok, respect me for I have not being genuine.

And my true colour is I DON'T TRUST THAT OLD PILOT!

I a,m not blind, do you?

What do you see? An old retired pilot mumbling around?

Ok I respect Billy Meier, he is a single man in history whoever shocked American CIA, NASA and whatever it is, a headache!

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