posted on May, 4 2007 @ 01:49 PM
There's a saying that is ubiquitous in the Meier material, "truth is harsh". And nowhere is that more in evidence than in our society, and in
microcosmic manifestations of it such as forums like this. What is allowed, even encouraged here, is the kind of low brow attack mode that when
directly responded to at all results in the referee coming in warning that one's supposed to keep one hand tied behind their back...a fitting
analogy, considering the topic...or be banned from the game.
The word wimpy is of course appropriate to use here, banned or not.
Actually, this isn't so much a complaint but a description. If it was a complaint I wouldn't be playing here with the neighborhood bullies or, to be
more accurate, conducting classes, albeit for a relatively small student body capable of, and interested in learning. And for the interested
observers, who remain mostly quietly present, it's easy to see the stark, glaring similarities to our school rooms today, certainly in the U.S.
Unruly places where little learning goes on with kids who plug up their ears with mindless music/noise, their eyes and minds with superficial images
and aspirations of fame and celebrity, what hope is there for too many of them to live...real, not virtual, lives?
The encouragement of screen names on the internet, for alleged security reasons, often reveals the lack of something more than a name, i.e. the lack
of being ashamed at one's stupidity, ignorance and arrogance and the opportunity for letting loose of some of the more base and less lovely aspects
of their person.
I don't agree with everything John Lear says, but I think he's a classy person and, coincidentally perhaps, he has his real name there, which puts
his reputation on the line. Obviously, most of the people are more legends in their own minds, rather than demonstrably accomplished, with probably a
few exceptions.
And I would suggest to the moderator that some other "punishment" rather than banning and eliminating the thread be considered for this simple
reason: Nobody here is really sensitive enough to perceive - or to really CARE about - the actual level of put down that is expressed when their
character is criticized; it's WAY over their heads. It's NOT important to them so why not just let it all hang out here?
Obviously it disturbs no one here that JR made claims, accusations, assertions, etc. and couldn't back them up. Next. So why should he, you or anyone
else here feign offense at having YOUR OWN failures pointed out?
This forum is what it is. To make it wrong for what it is is foolish. There's an old martial arts saying, "You're enemy is never wrong."
Contemplation on that reveals why it's so. And so I'd suggest that ATS adopt that attitude too - not just me.
As I said, truth is harsh and each person has to live with the EFFECT of their CAUSES. It's a good thing to consider when venting the frustrations of
your life, which is the present effect of YOUR OWN thoughts and actions, towards people who sought to educate you, wherever the class room may be.
Then again, there's that saying warning one about throwing their pearls where they won't be appreciated...a lesson form me and a few others?