Walmart and Target has the right to "spy" on their employee's while they are at work and on the companies time.. They dont know who they are hiring
and for all they know they could be hiring a bunch of sticky fingered little thieves...
Off the clock though.. the companies dont have any right to spy on their employees
It's only a brief comment on the firing incident but it is interesing to read who is in charge of their Office of Global Security, "Kenneth Senser,
a former senior CIA and FBI official who has headed Wal-Mart's office of global security since 2003."
Intercepting phone calls and pager messages is going a little far.. especially if its unwarranted.. I mean the guy worked there for 19 years.. if you
cant trust someone after 19 years.. good lord..
If I were this fellah I'd be suing the crap outta Walmart for invasion of privacy.. Bastards.. I mean.. the store isnt that great anyway