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The Disclosure Project is looking for a Professional Publicist

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posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by millerman
No, evidently not, because Greer has not been behaving at all like he is experiencing any serious credibility problems.
Or if he is experiencing serious credibility problems, he sure is putting on a brave face and hiding it really well!

It must be a very brave face. Perhaps, with the aid of a professional publicist, he will be able to put on an honest face instead of the lying, deceiving face that we currently see him wear. He might as well wear a mask that has a moth's head on it and buzz around pretending to vector in his UFOs.

A professional publicist will help him to adopt a more believable image that the common man can understand.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by millerman

Not only that, but you will absolutely NEVER be able to answer my question:

WHAT would real genuine mind-over-matter levitation look like, HOW would we be able to distinguish it from "magic trick" levitation, and HOW would a person who can really levitate be able to provide evidence of it so that it doesn't immediately get written off as a magic trick or illusion?

Hey, like I stated - "you win". I just hope Greer teaches his publicist how to levitate/vector, so the publicist can then vector/levitate in front of the media.

Perhaps you should apply for the Publicist position (since you are a constant supporter - you could even use these forums as your resume)?

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by millerman
No, evidently not, because Greer has not been behaving at all like he is experiencing any serious credibility problems.
Or if he is experiencing serious credibility problems, he sure is putting on a brave face and hiding it really well!

It must be a very brave face. Perhaps, with the aid of a professional publicist, he will be able to put on an honest face instead of the lying, deceiving face that we currently see him wear. He might as well wear a mask that has a moth's head on it and buzz around pretending to vector in his UFOs.

Very good ridicule, tezzajw, congratulations. Too bad it doesn't cause Greer to experience the actual serious credibility problems that you so passionately want him to experience.....

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by millerman

kroms keeps weaseling out of answering these questions - maybe you'll give me some real answers? Or will both of you just keep ducking out of having to answer these important questions?

Only because they are important to you. You know I can't answer how Chris Angel does his magic TRICK, because he hasn't relinquished it to the public. HE did relinquish how he did the other levitation trick - and he even admits that is all they are TRICKS and ILLUSIONS. So stop playing games. PLUS, what does THIS have to do with Greer and his publicist?

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by millerman

So essentially, Greer has 1000 times more balls than guys like you and kroms, because he doesn't take the Safe and Easy way.....

Bringing the male anatomy into this subject matter has nothing to do with this topic. Plus, it seems Greerites (who are supposedly about universal harmony) love to attach names to people and insult them. What would Greer think of your comments?


(what would Greer do?)

Greer has no foundation accept collecting funds for his multiple organizations - a trilateral commission of disinformation that started out collecting witnesses and then turned into a New Age alien moth anchor party - which discredited the witnesses. Has Greer found his publicist or no?

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by kroms33

Originally posted by millerman

Not only that, but you will absolutely NEVER be able to answer my question:

WHAT would real genuine mind-over-matter levitation look like, HOW would we be able to distinguish it from "magic trick" levitation, and HOW would a person who can really levitate be able to provide evidence of it so that it doesn't immediately get written off as a magic trick or illusion?

Hey, like I stated - "you win".

Damn right I do!

Because you and tezzajw both completely ducked out of having to answer the difficult questions I posed to you, just like I predicted you would!

Like I said, it's SO easy to sit back and play skeptic and ridicule people, anyone with an IQ of Mud can do it, and you guys do a fantastic job of it.... but as soon as someone puts YOU on the spot and starts asking difficult questions and demanding you prove YOUR stance - you duck right out and turn tail and run!

And this isn't the first time either..... tezzajw completely ducked out of having to answer all the difficult questions I posed to him about CSETI and Greer's credibility too, and instead is resorting to constant, constant ridicule - the EASY way out!

So yeah, I win and you lose, guys, because you completely duck out of having to answer my questions, EVERY SINGLE TIME.....

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by millerman
Very good ridicule, tezzajw, congratulations. Too bad it doesn't cause Greer to experience the actual serious credibility problems that you so passionately want him to experience.....

Greer does have serious credibility problems. Read the threads in this forum about Greer. He has plenty of detractors in a UFO forum! If he was genuine and interested in true disclosure, then he would have the vast majority of us UFO believers with him.

Greer's new publicist, should they be intelligent, might want to visit this forum and then advise Greer on the error of his ways.

Passion? From me? The only passion I have gets passed on to my wife, millerman. I don't have any passion for Greer. It's more a form of anti-passion at how a fraudster can so blatantly get away with his lies.

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by millerman
And this isn't the first time either..... tezzajw completely ducked out of having to answer all the difficult questions I posed to him about CSETI and Greer's credibility too, and instead is resorting to constant, constant ridicule - the EASY way out!
So yeah, I win and you lose, guys, because you completely duck out of having to answer my questions, EVERY SINGLE TIME.....

I clearly stated that Greer has little credibility. Posting the pictures of the moths on his website demonstrates that.

Why do questions about Greer need to be answered, when he is a fraud? I will be interested to read some of his proclomations, after he has hired his new, professional publicist. Perhaps he/she will be able to put a better spin on Greer's dis-info than you can, millerman?

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by millerman

Damn right I do!

Wow, for a person who complains a lot about cutting the questions out of the posts and not answering them directly - you sure do it all the time. As I said, you win... but notice the quotes in my original post.
What you won? Can't really tell ya. But I do think you would do a great job as Greers publicist.

[edit on 4/24/2007 by kroms33]

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by kroms33

Originally posted by millerman

kroms keeps weaseling out of answering these questions - maybe you'll give me some real answers? Or will both of you just keep ducking out of having to answer these important questions?

Only because they are important to you.

No, they are important to the process of proving that people can levitate. You guys keep demanding that Greer prove that he can levitate.... but HOW will we distinguish real genuine power-of-consciousness levitation, from "magic trick" levitation? What will real levitation look like and how will we tell the difference from ILLUSORY levitation? What sort of evidence could a real genuine levitator possibly provide, if video footage isn't even good enough and gets immediately dismissed as ILLUSION no matter how amazing it is?

You guys want me to prove that Greer, or people in general can levitate.... but before I can do that, you need to answer all these difficult but important questions!!! If you keep ducking out of answering the questions, it makes it look like you can't answer them................

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by millerman

You guys want me to prove that Greer, or people in general can levitate.... but before I can do that, you need to answer all these difficult but important questions!!! If you keep ducking out of answering the questions, it makes it look like you can't answer them................

But Mr. Millerman - you constantly duck out of all the questions and answers that I post - notice that you didn't even take into account how Angel EXPLAINED his trick. That is just flawed in every way and form.

You can keep arguing for Greer - but as I see it, unfortunately you are following with your eyes closed. You keep refuting the information given to you, saying no one is giving you answers - but you don't even know the answers or even the questions in most cases. You want everyone else to do the work for you and then you get angry when you actually have to do something. I don't know how many times I have provided links, and told you what to google... countless... but to no avail you persist in the convergence of neglecting to formulate any valid argumentation on the subject matter.
WE need to prove absolutely NOTHING to you. Greer and YOURSELF, who make CLAIMS and want everyone to accept these claims have to PROVE to everyone else that these claims are valid - until then, they remain classified as UNTRUE FABRICATIONS. So, YOU prove ME wrong (and NO I am not talking about those poor witnesses either). Prove any type of claim that YOU or Greer has made - or are you perpetrating a hoax on ATS claiming that Chris Angel and Blaine can LEVITATE for real when EVERYONE who knows about them KNOW they are ILLUSIONISTS???

posted on Apr, 24 2007 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by millerman
And this isn't the first time either..... tezzajw completely ducked out of having to answer all the difficult questions I posed to him about CSETI and Greer's credibility too, and instead is resorting to constant, constant ridicule - the EASY way out!
So yeah, I win and you lose, guys, because you completely duck out of having to answer my questions, EVERY SINGLE TIME.....

I clearly stated that Greer has little credibility. Posting the pictures of the moths on his website demonstrates that.

Why do questions about Greer need to be answered, when he is a fraud?

Because if you keep refusing to answer the questions, it looks like you CAN'T answer the questions....

And if you CAN'T answer the questions, that makes it look like you CAN'T back up your claims that Greer is a fraud!

If you are certain of your claims, you should have the confidence to answer any questions that are posed to you, no matter how difficult. Refusing to answer questions just makes it look like you're not certain of your claims. You'll note that I will readily answer any question that is posed to me, I've never refused to answer questions about my claims....

If Greer is a fraud, if he is actively ripping people off, taking them on these week-long expeditions and then NOT vectoring in ANY UFOs - that should be a simple thing to prove! So why can't you actually prove it, like by providing evidence?

Instead of providing EVIDENCE that he is actively, purposely ripping people off, all you ever do is provide an argument - "Greer can't prove he can vector UFOs so therefore he is a fraud". But where is your EVIDENCE that he is actively ripping people off? Where are the hoardes of dissatisfied customers loudly and visibly proclaiming that Greer ripped them off and demanding their $$$ back and burying CSETI with lawsuits?

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 01:43 AM
The evidence that CSETI is ripping people off has been provided by CSETI themselves in the form of several clearly prosaic photographs being posted on the website from which they make monetary gain.

CSETI imply the photographs are of a unearthly nature and also imply that Dr Greer has a supernatural power through which he senses these 'unearthy' events before they happen.

Three photographs show everday insects and dust particles. One photograph shows a tiny blue smudge that appeared in the upper corner of a landscape scene and was clearly not visible to the photographer when it was taken. An official CSETI Ambassador to the Universe publicly claimed this smudge was a quantum energy state craft.

People are being decieved, plain and simple.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by millerman
Instead of providing EVIDENCE that he is actively, purposely ripping people off, all you ever do is provide an argument - "Greer can't prove he can vector UFOs so therefore he is a fraud". But where is your EVIDENCE that he is actively ripping people off? Where are the hoardes of dissatisfied customers loudly and visibly proclaiming that Greer ripped them off and demanding their $$$ back and burying CSETI with lawsuits?

Greer claims to levitate and vector in UFOs. He also recently posted pictures of the vectored UFOs on his website.

He can not levitate, as he has not proven it. He can not vector in UFOs, as he has not proven it. His pictures were not of UFOs, they were moths.

He's a fraud. Perhaps, with the aid of a professional publicist, his name can be dragged out of the gutter.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Greer does have serious credibility problems. Read the threads in this forum about Greer. He has plenty of detractors in a UFO forum! If he was genuine and interested in true disclosure, then he would have the vast majority of us UFO believers with him.

I am sorry that you think that Dr Greer has credibility problems. Thanks for sharing your opinion about this.

The only other detractors I can find are yourself and Kroms! Just because you go into every other post and try to start a Greer war doesn't mean there are many other detractors!

It's just you 2!

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 10:08 AM
It is naive for you to assume that because tezzajw and kroms33 are the only ones debating this point that they are the only detractors here.

Since you are willing to assume there are only 2 detractors here based on the fact that you only see 2 in this thread I will assume that there are many more than are seen in this thread but are simply silent.

I also question Greers credibility regarding some of his more fantastic claims. I pity the people (his witnesses) who trusted him enough to come out of the dark with hidden testimony to align themselves with someone who will eventually by proxy bring their credibility into question as well.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Lost_Mind
It is naive for you to assume that because tezzajw and kroms33 are the only ones debating this point that they are the only detractors here.

Since you are willing to assume there are only 2 detractors here based on the fact that you only see 2 in this thread I will assume that there are many more than are seen in this thread but are simply silent.

No, because I was responding to his comment about 'other detractors on other threads' that you could go read.

If there are silent detractors on other threads, which I don't doubt that there are, you can't read them, because they wouldn't have posted, because of their silence.

There is an unwritten rule at ATS that if you don't post then no one is going to read the post.

That also makes it very difficult to tabulate the silent detractors, or supporters for that matter.

I don't doubt that there are detractors.

You seem to be one, so there are now 3 non silent detractors.

It's very naive of you to assert that a silent poster could be reviewed....

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by c3hamby
It's very naive of you to assert that a silent poster could be reviewed....

I dont believe that I was asserting anything, I was assuming. There is a distinct difference.

Assuming has a certain amount of naivete' built into it and by assuming I admit my naivete'. Assertion robs a statement of hefty amount of naivete' by making it one of confidence, assuredness.

[speculation]Semantics aside, to further my position about Greer I wonder if its possible that Greer has been asked or coerced to take the direction he is on by powers unimaginably greater than he? Maybe there is a larger plan afoot he was in the process of disrupting and was convinced to fall into lockstep with the rest of the UFO community to prevent a socialogical/financial global catastrophe. Maybe there is a a predictable pace necessary for disclosure to happen to prevent wrecking this world as we know it.

He has done just about a 180' turn form his early 2K days as far as his public image and overall presentation to a community that really needs a solid dose of professionalism and credibility. He was a breath of fresh air in the early days and now people are starting to choke on what he has become or is becoming i.e. just like the rest of them.[/speculation]

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Lost_Mind

[speculation]Semantics aside, to further my position about Greer I wonder if its possible that Greer has been asked or coerced to take the direction he is on by powers unimaginably greater than he? Maybe there is a larger plan afoot he was in the process of disrupting and was convinced to fall into lockstep with the rest of the UFO community to prevent a socialogical/financial global catastrophe. Maybe there is a a predictable pace necessary for disclosure to happen to prevent wrecking this world as we know it.

If his book 'Hidden' is to believed then yes he has been approached many times and in many different ways to join the 'dark side'.

He was also approached by the 'dark side' to align his disclosure event with their timetable, something he refused to do.

As far as any cooperation with the 'dark side', again, I am relying on 'Hidden', he is getting cooperation from them, as far as the information he is relaying. I feel he has had influence on them.

He states that many in the black projects want him to get this out, and he estimates that about 1/2 are committed to getting disclosure accomplished.

I don't believe he is their undisclosed spokesman. He knows they are giving him info.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:02 PM

"SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When the aliens finally invade Earth, you may wish you had listened to Travis Taylor and Bob Boan.

And if the invasion follows the plot of a typical Hollywood blockbuster, they might also be the guys called in at the last minute to save the day.

After all, they have written "An Introduction to Planetary Defense", a primer on how humanity can defend itself if little green men wielding death rays show up at our cosmic doorstep."

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