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With this one I rest my case. TV fakery at his best.

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posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:24 PM
There was a report of small aircraft, and that is a corridor that is used by many private planes and enthusiasts, sight seers, etc. Of course there were other planes in the area, and some of them reported the plane impact.

2. THere was one report that it may have been an RPG shot from a nearby building that morning and was never confirmed. This was a theory of what may have happened. It was supposedly shot from the Woolworth Building.

3. There were Hundreds of eyewitnesses.

The media may control alot, but it did not control that day. Go to and you can bring it all up.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:29 PM
this guy at least saw the plane hitting the building and I believe him do you?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Terrorist brought the towers down and hit the pentagon. I am the most opend minded person on the planet Earth, but this whole CT on 911 to me is a waste of time. I cant believe a small percentage of Americans buy into this. Our Government may be guilty of alot of things, this is not one.
No matter how hard some ppl try to make our country seem like Soviet Russia, under a stalinist regime its not.
Although i do applaud your effort.
i do not agree.


posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:49 PM
Again please show me just a few of those hundreds of witnesses of that morning (recorded on that morning) witnessing a large commercial airliner going inside the building.
I gave you 2 witnesses as a head start did you watch them.
Sorry 3 with the group hysteria.

I will be waiting...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:54 PM
Here is a link to a few firefighters and you can hear the jet overhead...


THe VP of CNN at the time in NY also saw it.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Why do you keep ignoring people's questions? Every time someone asks you a question you just respond by posting that crappy video again lol

It doesn't do much for your side of the argument tbh, and please don't create any more threads based on that same video, they got boring a good while ago, especially when you won't even answer people's questions.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:57 PM

You can look for a hundred in there also...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:58 PM
I did not ask for sound thank you so much just a few credible witnesses out of the many hundreds.
Hey I wont post any crap (witnesses videos) but please show me the once you have.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:58 PM

Here is some audio...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:10 PM
Sorry would you be so kind to point out the actual interviews?
Thank you in advance.
It will be obviously much easier to find ppl that saw it since it happened correct?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:22 PM
In the 2nd part of this video from the footage taken onboard the chopper, where is the plane?
Am I getting the perspective wrong because I'm expecting a plane to come in from the right but I see nothing until the explosion, even the newcaster is at a loss as to what caused the explosion.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:24 PM
Ooo bit hostile in here.

Is it beyond most peoples imaginations that fail safe devices could be fitted within a broadcasting station to take over the broadcast and transmit whatever was required? Live tv is not live tv afterall, there is always a delay of some seconds.

Good post piacenza, way above from me.

Dont let them grind you down.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:25 PM
mclarenmp4 you are at loss sorry.
There were hundreds and thousands of witnesses of the big jumbo plane hitting.
To bad we cant find any first evidence of reliable witnesses.
But dont despair our good friends up here are in full force trying to find out a few witnesses to a big huge freaking 767 hitting the building...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by mclarenmp4
In the 2nd part of this video from the footage taken onboard the chopper, where is the plane?
Am I getting the perspective wrong because I'm expecting a plane to come in from the right but I see nothing until the explosion, even the newcaster is at a loss as to what caused the explosion.

Right side about halfway down. That pixelated black speck is the plane. You can clearly see it come into the frame, then it goes behind the building and there's the impact.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:27 PM
ok so, on 9-11-01 i got woken up by frantic calls from my gf telling me that a plane hit the wtc, i wake up and turn on cnn. im watching and talking to my team leader as to whether or not we're on alert or if i can continue to just chill and watch whats happening.

the, on LIVE tv i see a plane come out of no where and fly behind the wtc and suddenly theres a big fireball blowing out the nearside (the side i could see)

so, are you trying to imply that

im stupid and didtn really see what i saw?
that there was really a tape delay on the "live" broadcast and that they did a really fast cheap cgi to what was being broadcast?
it was a hologram?
it was a real plane but the plane vanished into a wormhole on the far side of the tower and the explosion was preplaced demo charges?
im asleep in a pod somewhere and my whole lifes a simulation a la the matrix?

what are you trying (but failing) to say?

i saw the plane hit the tower with millions of other people on live tv.

am i wrong on that?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:30 PM
Yes your wrong when you understand live tv is never actually live.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:32 PM
By the way they are saying that the plane is a few pixel around (watch it closely) sorry its not that big by hey video compression or whatever else...
Looks more like a small missile more than BIG I mean BIG 767.
Still waiting for the witnesses of the jumbo jet against those poor buildings..

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58

Originally posted by mclarenmp4
In the 2nd part of this video from the footage taken onboard the chopper, where is the plane?
Am I getting the perspective wrong because I'm expecting a plane to come in from the right but I see nothing until the explosion, even the newcaster is at a loss as to what caused the explosion.

Right side about halfway down. That pixelated black speck is the plane. You can clearly see it come into the frame, then it goes behind the building and there's the impact.

I see it now after closer inspection.
It took me a while to see it but I see it now, youtube is a bad place to get this footage as it's far too pixelated.

I wouldn't mind seeing that footage again but in better quality, the plane appears to be coming in at a different angle from the 1st part of the video.

In the 1st part of the video it looks as if the plane is coming into the towers banking at an angle, but following the trajectory of the 2nd part it looks as if it's going in a straight line into the building.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:39 PM
I really suggest that if you're going to talk about the planes, you learn what you are talking about. A 767 is NOT a big plane. A 747 is a BIG plane. Here are the specifications for a 767:

- -

159 ft 2 in
48.51 m

156 ft 1 in
47.57 m

52 ft 0 in
15.85 m

Max. takeoff weight
395,000 lb
179,170 kg

181 - 274

73,281 lb
33,240 kg

Cruise speed
461 mph
854 km/h

6,670 nm
12,352 km

Pratt & Whitney PW4000 - 52-63,000 lb / kN
General Electric CF6-80C2B7F - 62,020 lb / kN

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Rotator
Yes your wrong when you understand live tv is never actually live.

well gee, thanks for clearing that up, i guess i forgot to specify the 6 second delay in case someone drops the F-bomb.

do you think honestly it was delayed long enough to have some super genious edit in a cgi plane?


lets not get hooked up over semantics unless it has a real impact on the actual discussion.

or are u just that bored?

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