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With this one I rest my case. TV fakery at his best.

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posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 03:56 PM
I will be as polite as possible with everyone and I will ask very very nicely to please PLEASE watch those 2 videos...
Its only 5 mins of your life.
First Video its one of the most famous one broad casted in every major media

The plane will come from the right...

After the first video PLEASE watch this one at around 30 second.
Now you can adjust it as much as you want with prospective but still It will come from the left maximum the center check the buildings around.
One of those 2 videos its obviously a fake but they were broad casted almost at the same time (check ABC raw footage).
Yes CGI was involved.

First Video:

second Video at 40 seconds and even more aligned with the above video at 5.25 at 10.15 gets hilarious when they cant find the plane:

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:08 PM
Perspective. Exactly. Both videos are showing the same thing. The vantage point of the camera in video #2 is much further to the left of the camera in video #1. I see nothing "fishy" about this at all.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:16 PM
OK, I've watched your 2 videos in your last post. I still don't know what you are getting at. What do you mean they couldn't find the plane at 10:15 of the 2nd video? They were showing a replay, paused it, CIRCLED the plane, then showed it come in and hit the 2nd tower.

I'm really at a loss to figure out what you are trying to prove here. Can you just tell us what you believe is happening in plain english please?


posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:32 PM
By the way piacenza, did you read my long post at the end of page #1? Did any of that make sense to you at all?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:37 PM
I am trying to say this: (with better videos) The prospective here its almost the same

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
I am trying to say this: (with better videos) The prospective here its almost the same
[See Above Video]

Trying to say WHAT?! Its just another video of a plane hitting the WTC.

Yeah, it is seen first on the right side of the building. In the other video, the plane is on the left a little bit. So what?? The cameras are in different places. This is not conclusive at all. Hell, I'm not even sure I know what you are trying to prove anymore.

[edit on 22-3-2007 by damajikninja]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:42 PM
I mean same day same prospective almost looks the same (I am refering to the ideo above) But again no plane (is this bad compressed video) also the reporter sound at least blind.
Freaking A a 767 its coming your way cant you see it?
Watch the video till the end.
This is not where I wanted to go at first if someone takes time to adjust the prospective of the other videos you will see a more profound evidence.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:45 PM
I so totally see the plane in the above video. What do you mean, "there's no plane"??

EDIT: Just to be clear, I see the plane in the first AND second half of the above video. In the second half, toward the end, you can see the plane come from the same direrction and hit the tower as the reporter-lady is talking. Its not big and obvious because of the distance from which it was shot, and the low resolution and super-dooper compression - but the plane IS visible. Look close, see those pixels moving?? That's your plane.

[edit on 22-3-2007 by damajikninja]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:48 PM
Can you please just stop posting more videos and just come out and say what you are trying to prove in WORDS please? Why is that so hard?

Answer this, yes or no please.

1- Do you believe planes hit the twin towers
2- Do you believe holograms were used
3- Do you believe that ALL the media and ALL the eyewitnesses are in on the conspiracy?
4- If you believe either 2 or 3, what evidence, other than videos with bad bad quality, do you have that makes you believe it?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:52 PM
Have you watched the whole movie?
I don't care who did 911 I don't care what hit the building I don't care about witnesses I care about obvious manipulation of the media.
You guys prove over and over to do not read the thread in its entirely.
You don't watch the videos only a little of them and say hey I know etc...
Go back asleep nothing to be seen in here.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:56 PM
here is another one in case you are still blind:

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
Have you watched the whole movie?
I don't care who did 911 I don't care what hit the building I don't care about witnesses I care about obvious manipulation of the media.
You guys prove over and over to do not read the thread in its entirely.
You don't watch the videos only a little of them and say hey I know etc...
Go back asleep nothing to be seen in here.

I WATCHED EVERY SECOND OF YOUR VIDEOS!!! There IS a plane visible in all of them!!

I have tried very very hard to see your point, evaluate your sources, and encourage you to better communicate. I try to be very openminded with everyone and their viewpoints, and try to maintain a high degree of tolerence. Unfortunatley, I do not believe that I can have rational conversation with you.

I'm sad to say it, but I have to hit my "Ignore" button for the first time ever...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:12 PM
what about all the people on the ground. how do you account for them seeing the 2 planes hit the towers?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:25 PM
Quality aside here is what I see:

Video 1 Shot from a building and will be used as the base reference point.
Video 1 Maintains constant zoom on the buildings.
Video 2 Shot from a news helicopter.
Video 2 Adjusts pans back.
Video 2 Shot from about 5-8 degrees horizontally left of Video 1
Video 2 Shot from about 15-20 degrees vertically above Video 1
Video 2 Shot about twice the distance away from WTC as evidenced by thepan back and the low angle compared to Video 1.
Video 1 Shows a black plane coming in at about a 5-10 degree angle.
Video 2 shows a silver or white plane coming in at about a 20-25 degree angle.

Video 1 plane is black due to being shot below the plane's horizon, Video 2 is silver or white due to being shot from above the plane's horizon.

With these observations in mind, please review Video 2 and see if you can see the silver plane now.

edit to add: In video 2 once you see the plane you can review and see the plane at the very top of the frame and see it change from black to silver as it drops below the helicopter's horizon.

[edit on 22-3-2007 by Ahabstar]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:45 PM
hey Ahabstar can you please adjust the prospective of the planes in the first 2 videos?
More than the no plane theory I am interested in the different angle approach of the plane in the first 2 videos of the thread.

This is an example but the other 2 videos I believe that are more significant in proving manipulation.
Something like this:

Can you make something like this with the prospective ajdusted?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:54 PM
would you be as kind as to answer my question " what about all the peope who saw the planes hit the towers who were in NY that day"

[edit on 22-3-2007 by tombangelta]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:00 PM
What about the many witnesses that reported missiles a bomb and no not a plane hit the building?
Or the many that reported a small aircraft?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:05 PM
How can someone adjust the perspective of the video? It has been recorded. It is a 2D medium. Rerecording or manipulating the video would make it fake.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:19 PM
here are a few witnesses (once you are done watching them please post original, from the scene, witnesses of a boeing hitting the WTC, I gave you a little help with the last witness he is hilarious such a bad actor...)

Ohhhh wait sorry I found a witness for you a ery credible one he saw it perfectly:

[edit on 22-3-2007 by piacenza]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:22 PM
wait a few more witnesses for you they sound so real they even swear

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