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This crazy plane today its a mistery now its a freak of nature..

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posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
And check this video out which actually its an embarrassment

ok that video is a bit of a geezer, but I still don't believe that holograms flew into the tower on that day.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 07:02 AM
hey Talisman you are right I am no video expert but would you mind showing me a few videos with planes with so many incredible anomalies?
Since almost one out of 2 video (to say the least) of the 2nd plane are at least odd?
I watched many videos but hardly found any of those effects...
Check the white plane at the pentagon video I found it quite natural.
By the way this is a conspiracy forum isn't it?
And yes this is a conspiracy and its ATS Above Top Secret forum.
What best top secret than an incredible hologram?

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 09:35 AM
The fact is that it would be stupidly hard and pointless to pull that off when they could just fly an actual plane into the building instead

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by malganis

Originally posted by piacenza
And check this video out which actually its an embarrassment

ok that video is a bit of a geezer, but I still don't believe that holograms flew into the tower on that day.

I have seen this clip so many times but not quite like this, i saw the stabilized version too but the guy has forward and reversed it a few times making the anomaly with the left wing tip so much more obvious. Well perhaps its the format of the video or something but that is really quite odd. Nice find.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:43 AM
Well now please explain this one:

Why would alter their own video?

This is without a doubt a doctored video why in hell did they do it if there is nothing to hide?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
Well now please explain this one:

Why would alter their own video?

This is without a doubt a doctored video why in hell did they do it if there is nothing to hide?

Very conviently the guy who did this clip didnt bothered to use his omgwtfzoom on the webfootage. But if I look hard and try to ignore that annoying CNN sign at the bottom I can still see the so-called missile...
I the blue sky you can see a redish/pink distortion doing the same path as the live footage.

I don't buy that they faked it...

[edit on 22/3/07 by flice]

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by flice

Originally posted by piacenza
Well now please explain this one:

Why would alter their own video?

This is without a doubt a doctored video why in hell did they do it if there is nothing to hide?

..his omgwtfzoom ...

Yeah anyway missile my ass, it's called debris ffs

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
Well now please explain this one:

Why would alter their own video?

This is without a doubt a doctored video why in hell did they do it if there is nothing to hide?

A live broadcast will not have 'doctored' images in it. Even with the 6 second loop, you cant edit video on the fly like that. Not to mention that the networks were SUPER busy and wouldn't have had the resources to do something like that. When all this went down, the news networks were busting ass to get cameras in place, and production crews were trying to make sense of everything. There is no way that the live footage from 9/11 is altered.

Now, maybe some video was altered after the fact. But anyone could do that - not just the networks. Besides, its too easy to debunk since we all saw the live broadcasts that day. For example, if a video from CNN shows up on YouTube with some crazy anomaly in it (like missing plane) we can easily say its crap, cuz we all saw the live footage of a plane hitting the building. Also, dont forget about the hundreds upon hundreds of people that witnessed it all happening from the streets.

So, in the end - these videos are inconclusive to say the least.

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