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This crazy plane today its a mistery now its a freak of nature..

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posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 05:48 PM
So do you as well see it or not?
I was never a hologram believer but thats not a 737.
So do you see what I was referring as well or not?

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Yes as I said in my first post, I see what you are talking about but I think that it's just an optical illusion. It's just a f**k up in the video because it's such bad quality.

Again; do you think a plane hit the tower or not?

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 06:10 PM
Its physically impossible that a 737 would have pierced through the building and explode as it did at exist. (and not the engine but the fuselage).
The missing wings videos are way to much as well.

To pierce the way it did needs to be
A) a bunker missile
B) a missile with a depleted uranium war head

A plane cant to what this guy did.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
I was never a hologram believer but thats not a 737.

Correct. Rumor has it that the WTC aircraft were 767 models.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:13 PM
Picanza, a 737 did not hit the WTC, 767's did which are significantly larger aircraft.

What background engineering/mechanical work do you have on military hardware to be able to state what you did that only uranium depleted and cruise missiles can do that form of damage? Do you even know what uranium depleted rounds are used for mostly? They're used to pierce dense tank armor. Such as the Uranium Depleted armor on M1 Abrams.

Thousands upon thousands of people saw it first hand; a 767 airliner crashed into the that tower.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 09:48 PM
does anyone else see the silvery thing to the right just as it nears the tower
it appears and dissapears

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
ok guys 3 videos showing incredible missing wings 2 videos with no plane in site a video with an object that looks much more like a missile than a plane now this freak...
Guys you are out in force excellent brain washing my hats off.

K... Last comment to you EVER...

ever heard of Geometry? did every camera film from the same location? I know I watched every news channels coverage, and not one shows the impacts from the EXACT Same ANGLES... sooo think before you post.... If I was filming from the opposite side of the building would you see a plane hit, or would you see what looked like an explosion... Don't let your eyes play tricks on you...


P.S. basically I'm saying there are probably 40 different films of the 9-11 Terrorist attacks, and of those 40 probably 15-20 of them show the buildings just blowing up... BECAUSE THEY WERE ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE IMPACT POINT TO THE BUILDING....

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 01:43 AM

What exactly is the point of this thread? Are we seriously debating that two planes DID NOT hit the Twin Towers, and we were all duped (including the EYE WITNESSES who were there)?

Is the author speculating that it was infact a missle that was somehow, with some super secret crazy alien future tech made to look like an airplane? And that this super secret crazy alien future tech fooled everyone on the ground, all the cameras, and all the videos taken on that fateful day?

If not, then what exactly is the point of the whole wing tip thing?

If so, well lets talk about super secret crazy alien future tech then

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 03:45 AM

Even if 9/11 was some form of "conspiracy" seems like it would be alot easier to hijack a plane and fly it into a building, or fly one remotely into a building..... then edit live footage somehow, somehow fool hundreds of eyewitnesses with some hologram unknown technilogy or w/e.... and so on... I mean come on... are people still really trying to push the idea that planes didn't hit these towers? That just doesn't even make sense from the "bad guys" point of view.

Why use all these elaborate crazy methods and non-existant technologies and risk it failing or thousands of people noticing its not really a plane.. when you can just fly a real plane into the building? Makes no sense to me... It certainly doesn't sound cheaper or easier to somehow hijack all the media and edit live footage and footage captured by amatuers, create some grand illusion that can fool the naked eye of hundreds of witnesses and son on.... then it is to just take a real plane and fly it into an unmoving target.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 09:23 PM
you just got my way above vote

that is one of the most sensible things ive heard on the 9/11 subject full stop not just in this thread

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:05 PM
this video still bugs me
This is an excellent closeup check this time also on the second building its always in the front right?
or is it in the back?

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:08 PM
the tip of the plane should never have gone through the building, thats my take. it should have been crushed by the middle of the building.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:14 PM
I was there, it was a 767.. if it wasnt a 767 then it was something very similiar looking to a 767. If it was a hologram then i give up on life.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:18 PM
It probably wasn't Hihix! Don't give up on life! This is just some silliness...

And I'm sorry you had to see that yourself. Too close for anyone to be. I had a friend saw it acros the river is closest I got...

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by zeeon
Is the author speculating that it was infact a missle that was somehow, with some super secret crazy alien future tech made to look like an airplane? And that this super secret crazy alien future tech fooled everyone on the ground, all the cameras, and all the videos taken on that fateful day?

Not saying I buy the no airplane theory, even though it does look suspicious, the tech is out there....

Airborn Holographic Projector

The Zebra Difference

In contrast, Zebra Imaging's holographic images can be used much like physical prototypes allowing the viewer to see the image at full size, in monochrome or in full color, full parallax, and viewable from any angle without the need for goggles, projectors, or anything other than a simple light source.


Not so crazy alien future tech after all, huh? And remember the military is far ahead of the private sector.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:30 PM
And check this video out which actually its an embarrassment

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
And check this video out which actually its an embarrassment

Hmmm yeah that is odd, can't see how you can explain that wing tip seeming to disapear behind that building with compression and or light colour etc. Very odd.

And the way it enters the tower doesn't look right either. Like it's going into butter rather than a steel and aluminum facade, and then explodes on the inside???

[edit on 20/3/2007 by ANOK]

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Yeah that video shows even more anomalies.
What we might have seen might have been a little odd to say the least

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 09:27 PM
And here is another angle of the building eating the plane

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 11:02 PM

The wing that is repeated in that video going over the building is created by 'depth perception', your looking at a 2 dimensional film and trying to match everything to 3 dimensions. That is why people are fooled with the wing and the building but it is fine.

You see you have to ask yourself, if these were fake films, then what the heck did all of N.Y see that day? Millions of people of New York saw the explosions, many people saw the planes.

It doesn't make sense to start saying the films were faked etc. If anything it hurts the search for TRUTH because it focuses on issues that are very outlandish.

If the Truth movment became a bunch of people believing in Cartoon films and No planes, you would quickly see the number of the TRUTH movment become very, very small.

There is a lot of disinformation out there, and people have to be careful.

Just use logic. People that day saw the planes. People that day were in the Towers saw the planes. Different people filmed it. Things might look odd, but that doesn't mean we jump to conclusions.

The film as a I mentioned earlier is fine, it had to do with where YOU Expected the Wing, forgetting that it is 2 dimensional and your DEPTH perception is off.

You really should be talking to professional film makers and magicians. I have friends who are into film and know a lot more then most, and have looked at most of this stuff and said there is nothing there.

Things happen when you deal with 'depth' 'reflections' 'light' 'shadow', distance.

Now isn't it interesting magicians use these very things for a lot of their illusions! You see when you film an event from so many angles things happen, when you have so many films with compression, things happen.

There is a difference between an Illusion and what so people think.

For example, if I am driving down the highway and I think I see a lake of water on the road ahead, does that mean someone faked it?

NO! Of course not! Its an illusion by itself, no-one had to fake it. So remember with Film there is Illusion.

Now in regard to the Plane entering the building and the explosion I have no answer simply because I don't know what it is *SUPPOSED* to look like. I know it happened.

Now ask yourself this. If you and other people expected more of an *EXPLOSION* and damage when the plane going in, then if someone was FAKING this, don't you think they would have made it properly??

The answer is because it happened that way and we have to accept it. Now you can question it, but can you find film of a plane going into a STEEL STRUCTURE at that speed so we can compare it?

In other words we need to compare it, because the speed of the plane must be taken into account.

Its like when a Karate Expert breaks ICE or WOOD using Speed and force, yet his hand is fine.

[edit on 21-3-2007 by talisman]

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