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finally real pics of NAZI UFOs!

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posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 02:31 AM
According to a book called "Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists by Robert Jungk" written just after world War 2, The Germans had developed those "Flying Disks" that everyone attributes to "aliens". As the story goes, the Technology was highly developed by the end of the war.

The book is about the race to Nuclear Weapons during WW2, and the saucer bit is but of a foot note.

The scientists involved with this development were named Schriever Habermohl and Miethe Belluzo and Victor Schauberger. Habermohl was also involved in publishing some papers in 1938 in Germany and elsewhere on the release of energy from heavy water palladium reactors. Nowadays known as "Cold Fusion".

Some say (and I looking for evidence to support this) that Habermohl was Fleschmann's old Physics Lecturer in Vienna. Martin Fleischmann, if you recall, went public with the Cold Fusion theory in 1989.

Google Video Link

EDIT: Video Google is undergoing maintenance, the video feed should be up shortly.

[edit on 29-3-2007 by crisko]

[edit: fixed embedded video code]

[edit on 21-8-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by StellarX

Unless these noted historians can explain HOW Germany took the SU by surprise i am not buying ( at least not at this advanced age) and wont be convinced because many of them say it's so.

Here's another source:


Hitler began planning an attack on the Soviet Union in mid-1940 and signed the directive for Operation Barbarossa in December. Stalin, refusing to believe the worst, disregarded copious messages from his intelligence services about an impending aggression. When Germany finally invaded, on June 22, 1941, it came as a tactical surprise and caught the Red Army, already weakened by Stalin’s purges, at a terrible disadvantage.

Something else mentioned, that I had forgotten to include in Hitler's success ratio was the fact that Stalin was starving out the people to inflict terror.
This had a profound affect on the ability to fight. The Wermacht was facing a weakened enemy, and had it not been for the Russian Winter, they would probably have toppled the SU.

[edit on 3/29/2007 by bothered]

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by Long Lance
it does not prove anything, because my available sources are **** therefore most of what they report is either totally exaggerated or downright invented or, even more likely, a combination of both.

Which is why i don't use that stuff as source material.
I am trying to stick what we do know about war and physics in general so that we may at least consider these interesting craft without some dismissing it on the 'evidence' that the Germans did not win the war.
I would not have responded at all if your claims did assume things contrary to those fundamentals but obviously it does not prove much either way as the massive NAZI UFO fleet ( with cool ray guns) may have just decided to retreat to Mars where they sculpted the face on Mars and started building cities.

what gives, anti grav tech exists, whether the nazis had it or not. technology is probably the most censored and disinfo-ridden field in history.

This statement i can easily agree with even if i think the disinformation is not as complex as in some other cases...


posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 06:01 AM
I'll give the fact that the Germans tried high tech, Ultrasound disrupters, and high energy light beams. But UFO's capable of maintaining suitable flight patterns. No.

This is becoming a European phenomenon, lead distinctly by the Am. charge of "we did it". The French are better at this, by the way.

Can't wait to see what the Japanese come up with.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by bothered
But UFO's capable of maintaining suitable flight patterns. No.

You are correct, to a degree. Based on what I have read so far, and I am not presenting this as fact - nor something that I concur with, but based on what I have read so far, these "vtols" (as I prefer to call them) where not produced in significant numbers nor implemented in the German warmachine as they could only turn at 45, 90, 180, and 360 angles.

Imagine trying to track a P-40 in that situation.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 07:14 AM

The Robertson Panel cited foo fighter reports, noting that their behavior did not appear to be threatening. Interestingly, the Robertson Panel's report noted that many Foo Fighters were described as metallic and disc shaped, and suggested that "If the term "flying saucers" had been popular in 1943-1945, these objects would have been so labeled." [3]

The above sourcing has a real picture of a Foo Fighter, WWII's name for UFO's. The reference in this thread is not substantiated by documentation. Nor is it remotely believable. There were attempts at disc floating (hovercraft), but it was mostly by the Allies. And, altitudes higher than 500 ft. were rare. At least if a crash was not desired.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 02:20 PM

Some more information about the Germans saucers and other types of crafts at , post “Canada/NAZI Germany/USAF and USSR saucer projects”, with some insights in the NASA advanced propulsion project “Breakthrough Propulsion Physics”, and hypothetical relation to “The Bell”.

Thanks 7Ayreon about the link, the brief information about Antarctica allowed me to search for these ones:
. New Swabia expedition -
. Operation Hig Jump -
. Operation Argus -

But the nuclear bombing in Antarctica is surrounding with secrecy and some disinformation, and could be related to a saucer base form the Germans and the trips after the war of U-Boats from Germany to Antarctica and later to Argentina.

Thanks StellarX about the U-boat info, the type XXI was superb, and inspired the USA and USSR nuclear subs.

Bothered, I have some info on the Japanese’s planes of WWII (I could post here if that is of interest to someone), but they had no saucers (to my knowledge). They exchange some projects and information with de Germans, but mainly jet technology.

Has anyone information about the nuclear bombings in Antarctica?


posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by crisko
The book is about the race to Nuclear Weapons during WW2, and the saucer bit is but of a foot note.

Always interesting how the Americans only managed their first nuclear test two months after the war in Europe ended? What's the odds of that happening.... What i have read suggest to me that the Americans captured more than just a few rockets and rocket scientist.

The scientists involved with this development were named Schriever Habermohl and Miethe Belluzo and Victor Schauberger. Habermohl was also involved in publishing some papers in 1938 in Germany and elsewhere on the release of energy from heavy water palladium reactors. Nowadays known as "Cold Fusion".

Just like extraction of energy from the vacuum cold fusion is old news but you surprised me by saying that it was quite THAT old.

Some say (and I looking for evidence to support this) that Habermohl was Fleschmann's old Physics Lecturer in Vienna. Martin Fleischmann, if you recall, went public with the Cold Fusion theory in 1989.

Google Video Link

Very interesting stuff!


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by bothered

Hitler began planning an attack on the Soviet Union in mid-1940 and signed the directive for Operation Barbarossa in December. Stalin, refusing to believe the worst, disregarded copious messages from his intelligence services about an impending aggression.

On who's authority do we base such claims? Who really believes that Stalin ( the realist and ever skeptic) could and was deceived by the crude German ways? Stalin NEW the attack was coming but the speed of it all ( and that he might have understood what such a early attack entailed for his forces) apparently caught him by surprise. Maybe this sounds like semantics ( or denial to) to you but i believe the change in emphasis makes ever difference in the world for those who are attempting to learn from history.

The German attack was not against a unsuspecting defenseless enemy but one who knew that a war was coming and doing it's best to prepare for it by staging it's own offensive for which it's equipment and tactics were well suited. In attack the Soviet forces always seemed more sure of themselves and were generally more effective in it's conduct; not something that comes naturally to any 'defense force'.

When Germany finally invaded, on June 22, 1941, it came as a tactical surprise and caught the Red Army, already weakened by Stalin’s purges, at a terrible disadvantage


I can agree with the general intent of his statement even if some information is left out. It came as such a surprise to the Soviet forces because they were expecting a German attack later and the strategic disadvantage stemmed mostly from their own forces that were concentrated for attack and not defense.

Something else mentioned, that I had forgotten to include in Hitler's success ratio was the fact that Stalin was starving out the people to inflict terror.

If Soviet troops starved during the invasion it was because their supply lines were cut by German spearheads and not due to anything of Stalins direct doing.

This had a profound affect on the ability to fight. The Wermacht was facing a weakened enemy,

They faced a very strong enemy that was caught with it's pants down and guns facing the wrong way. By the disasters in France and in the rest of Europe the collapse of the Soviet armed forces had little to do with it's quality and most everything to do with the quality of German armed forces. To suggest that they faced a 'weak' enemy is disrespecting the reality that relatively far better trained and equipped armed forces fell before the German onslaught as fast or faster. One can in fact argue that considering the human material the SU had to work with ( and i am talking about education and societal structures not genetics or such nonsense) they fared quite well in terrain where retreat was even more impossible than in the west.

and had it not been for the Russian Winter, they would probably have toppled the SU.

The could have won the war before the Russian winter set in and it was almost exclusively Hitlers interference that lost 'him' the war as soon as he did.


posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 09:13 AM
hey guys,

just take care,
neo-Nazi groups are using those myths to spread their ideology.
just look at youTube

be aware

Staff edit to remove personal info.

[edit on 8/21/2007 by Djarums]

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by anti72
neo-Nazi groups are using those myths to spread their ideology.

I know about the myth part, but it would be difficult to use the platform to spread their ideology in today's society. I say it is a distraction, a trick played upon the minds of the masses, diverting our collective consciousness away from what is hidden in plain sight, and that is the fact we are the myth makers.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 03:33 PM
No film will give any clues to any saucer not even the Foo which
Henry Stevens found in answer to Phoo in FOIAR.
He also had newspaper clippings.
Perhaps no bigger than a VW Bug, how the sparky flier defied
momentum and gravity is still a mystery.
Thus how could any thing bigger be available.
If all the saucer scientist went to New Mexico, then US
sighting were made in the US, nothing transported from
Germany except drawings and men to hide the saucer.
Bill Lyne has labeled Alamogordo, NM as the home of the
German saucer pilots to train the US rookies.
The "UFO Hunters" might want to scour around NM to see
what the MIB have to hide.

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