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finally real pics of NAZI UFOs!

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posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by The Coward

FAKE AND MORE FAKE. like I said before if the Germans had UFOs you would be their slave.

And anyway, UFOs are not just from the Forties and fifties. They span way back since the Cave paintings.

Germans want to be the best at everything. Now they come up with this UfO bull. I'm sorry, I don't buy it kid. And you will waste your time directing your comments at me because I will NEVER believe that BS story. So go and bother someone else. See ya!!

I never said a word about UFO's first off, secondly I never made a claim that these were the ONLY source of sightings and thirdly I'm OLDER then you are KID, so stop posting if you find new information so offensive, I love Kids like you, your so easy to ruffle

BTW I'm Dutch and Swedish and born in North America so that is ANOTHER fallacy you have

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:24 PM
First this:

Originally posted by The Coward
I'm sorry, I don't buy it kid. And you will waste your time directing your comments at me because I will NEVER believe that BS story. So go and bother someone else. See ya!!

Which led to this:

Originally posted by thedigirati
... and thirdly I'm OLDER then you are KID, so stop posting if you find new information so offensive, I love Kids like you, your so easy to ruffle

Results in this:

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Now, back to
finally real pics of NAZI UFOs!

[edit on 17-3-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:43 PM
youtube happens to be where i found those vids and there are websites outside of youtube that have evidence of the german Saucer program just do a google search you get all sorts of websites on this subject but i did find it kind of creepy when some of the photos from the second vid from the batch i posted recently were shown close up and you could clearly see SS markings and other german markings on the discs creepy stuff. I also see this has gotten quite popular. personally i think the saucers shown are real of course this is america and this thread is debatable but based on the evidence presented the fact that the photos don't look altered and the other evidence that has popped up such as the mysterious circular SS badges that have floated around by now makes me think that the germans did have a saucer program using saucers that had advanced propulsion systems. sorry to go off subject for a minute but thank you guys for welcoming me to ATS

[edit on 17-3-2007 by Nightwolf444]

[edit on 17-3-2007 by Nightwolf444]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Nightwolf444...and the other evidence that has popped up ... makes me think that the germans did have a saucer program using saucers that had advanced propulsion systems.

That's the spirit Nightwolf. Just watch out for the tall tales or the # will get so deep you will have to break out the scuba gear.

Truth be told the Germans were looking for new sources of energy to relieve their dependence on foreign oil. And they were looking to channelers for technological and spiritual guidanmce. Sound familiar?

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 10:56 PM
Most of those pictures and film footage by the way have been shown on the History Channel recently.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 11:04 PM
nice videos. I liked to see the old stealth prototypes of the past.

I also wanted to see more Saucers but the ones I did see were definatly real.

I also dont get why people call them UFO's? I'm sure they were identified if they were being tested. People confuse labels with the subjective and objective and this is one example. Call them anti gravity saucers. Not UFO's !

[edit on 3/17/2007 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Now_Then
Don't know bout photo shops, aint looked close yet - but I do know the germans were more advanced in aircraft and rockets than a lot give them credit for. Thanks for posting nightwolf, will look closer later

I agree. I was amazed in the amount of work they put into the Jets for the time period. They were way ahead. Imagine if they had come through on many of those ideas they would have had a big jump in air superiority. Many of those I have seen before but many of the jets I never saw before and some resembled some of the same planes from the 50's, 60's even. The saucers I have seen before except for 1 out of the 4 they showed. Some of them worked like Helicopters with blades spinning in the middle unseen.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by StreetCorner Philosopher
nice videos. I liked to see the old stealth prototypes of the past.

I also wanted to see more Saucers but the ones I did see were definatly real.

I also dont get why people call them UFO's? I'm sure they were identified if they were being tested. People confuse labels with the subjective and objective and this is one example. Call them anti gravity saucers. Not UFO's !

[edit on 3/17/2007 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

Call them Coanda effect vehicles.

That is the most likely energy system that the germans applied to their saucer tech.

Check out this UK DoD video, you will see it being demonstrated.

Just a hunch.

UK Defence Dpt Demo

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:16 AM
Interesting. I also wanted to show you this site. The Searl affect holds strong as far as being the official name for the propulsion.

[edit on 3/18/2007 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:30 AM
this pic seems to me the most believable, dunno the propulsion but here is the pic

found this in another thread

[edit on 18-3-2007 by thedigirati]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by StreetCorner Philosopher
Interesting. I also wanted to show you this site. The Searl affect holds strong as far as being the official name for the propulsion.

[edit on 3/18/2007 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

I did not know that, thanks for the link.

Because of the Low tech fan application, to an advanced scientific principal such as the Coanda effect, I still see that as being the most likely propulsion system for the original Vril.

The electro magnetic principles refered to in the Searl effect could have been what the Nazis where playing with in the Bell and Rhine Valley experimental units.

Your right the label attached to the Vehicles does tend to detract from their credibility. I've never been a fan of the "Nazi UFO" label.

I favour Vrils which was after all their Luftwaffe designation.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by thedigirati
this pic seems to me the most believable, dunno the propulsion but here is the pic

Yeh thats the motherload pic thedigirati.

I agree it is the most convincing. There has been a lot of debate about this pics authenticity in the past.

I think theres a good chance it's real, and was one of the machines taken away during the "Paperclip" round-up.


posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 02:39 AM
The video's reminds me of American War Machine today.

Easy to see where USAF got their inspiration from.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 02:53 AM
Insipiration? Not sure if that is the appropiate word.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 04:39 AM
Everyone's fawning over German development of prototypes into the jet era. You do know, of course, this development was drawn up in a sense that while facing there inevitable defeat, they hoped to "lull" the Allies into a "we didn't really mean it". Then while everyone wasn't paying attention again, they would develop a rapid strike force to re-emphasis their Blitzkrieg tactic. To be unleashed after about a decade of quietly building up, again.

Does anyone know the current strength of the Luftwaffe, I mean German Air Force.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 06:16 AM
there a lot of photshop experts out there.........or is there?

Sea Peoples (Haunebu in Egyptian)

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by The Coward
Fist off, all I see is a bunch of planes, bad music and half as photoshop flyind disk. They in no way, compare to what people seen back then. Disinformation comes with a load of crapy planes and very #e music.

Disinformation can do that but the truth is not always presented in way that makes it easy to discern.

P.S. if Germany really did have UfOs you would have been their biatches. That is a fact. No one makes planes of that capacity to hide them durring one of the most important wars of the century.

Well the problem is simply that even the Jet planes that were deployed were far too few in number to achieve anything at that late date. They were very effective and destructive when on the attack but the slightest damage could and did send them to the ground ( hundred of thousands of .50 bullets whizzing around says you must be able to sustain some damage). The fact that it took expert pilots to simply get off the ground in one piece ( to say absolutely nothing of what pigs they were to land) and to effective engage enemy bombers ( to say nothing of nimble fighters that could always simply turn and survive) suggest very strongly that any small number of anti grav or whatever UFOs with a few machine guns or cannons/rockets would have changed absolutely nothing and they could still have been destroyed as they landed to refuel and rearm just like large numbers of jet fighters were.

A few dozen anti grav UFOs with particle beam weapons would not have saved Germany in 1945 as the bomber campaign were the least of German worries by mid-1944 with divisions being lost by the dozen on the East front.

My opinion on this. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE and don't bother me with it anymore.

These might be ( and i have not even the slightest interest in watching them ) but I'm not sure what exactly that could possible prove about the reality of German Foo fighters ( as per the strategic bomber campaign after war summary) during the second world war.

Originally posted by The Coward
I swear to God. These videos are such bull. If you can get some lame pics of them. Why not anymore of being inside a UfO. What a load of...

I wonder why you are getting so excited if there is so little truth to these claims.

You guys could believe whatever you want.

We will, thanks for your permission btw.

But NoNe of those supposed flying disk could withstand a 90 degree turn. They would evaporate in mid air. Not only that, but where are the videos of them in flight?

Why must there be videos of them in flight available on the Internet? Do we have videos of all the people who were involved in the savings in loan scandal of them withdrawing cash at AT M's or filling in documents? The judge said that that particular crime consisted of 'thousands of conspiracies' but you have such a problem dealing with just this one?

Why would a 90 degree turn destroy the craft when it's mass have been reduced to almost nothing buy the anti gravity technology we understand so well?


Thanks for stating your opinion in such clear terms.

Germans would be your masters right now if they had UFOs.

Not unless they also built a few thousand more tiger/panther tanks had a few million more men with automatic weapons, abundant supplies and a means to produce massive quantities of strategic resources as well as fuels to keep such a war machine going... As i said unless those 10000000 UFOs ( kidding but anyways) had weapons that could interdict the the advance of the allies or SU they meant nothing and could change nothing.

Originally posted by The Coward
FAKE AND MORE FAKE. like I said before if the Germans had UFOs you would be their slave.

As above i don't see the logic ( it's absent ) in that argument.

And anyway, UFOs are not just from the Forties and fifties. They span way back since the Cave paintings. So basically what you know is nonsense. Sorry but that is the way it is.

Glad we have found something to agree on. UFOs goes back much further than the second world war but it does not in my opinion explain why they suddenly started appearing in good numbers in European skies in 1944....

Germans were barely making rocket technology how the F@#$ are they gonna make antigravity?

What do you mean they were barely making rocket technology? I am getting the impression that you should study some more before commenting again ... Why is there in your opinion such a large difference between making a functioning rocket and making a device that could reduce gravity? What i told you i could prove it's easier to reduce the mass of a object than it is to get a rocket to the moon?

That is more unbelievable than saying that they are alien.

Well we might all be 'allien' by that definition and the bible does contain choice words about the daughters of man having children by the 'gods'.

Germans want to be the best at everything. Now they come up with this UfO bull.

So this is a German conspiracy?

I'm sorry, I don't buy it kid.

"Kid?" So now ATS is a primary school playground?

And you will waste your time directing your comments at me because I will NEVER believe that BS story.

As if i could care less than i do!

So go and bother someone else. See ya!!

I share that sentiment and i hope you could find something better to do than insult the contributors to this thread...


posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 06:22 AM
I did manage to source an image from Do I reckon it's real? Well, I'm not too sure. People of our generation are quite gifted at making fake stuff. Anyway, to the picture:

Some sort of UFO diagram:

Ok, it might not be the most thrilling discovery or anything, but oh well. I thought it might be of some help to someone.

Edit: Ok, I just realised someone linked directly to the page of every image from that site. Although a lot of them are clearly fake, I believe the diagrams are kinda feasible.

[edit on 18-3-2007 by All Seeing Guy]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
I agree. I was amazed in the amount of work they put into the Jets for the time period.

They were not alone btw and the British could probably have introduced jets not much later than they did given some prioritizing...

They were way ahead. Imagine if they had come through on many of those ideas they would have had a big jump in air superiority.

Without Hitlers intervention and the general mess that Udet caused the Luftwaffe ( he was not alone but given his post after the VERY unfortunate death of Wever the luftwaffe desperately need to counteract the inflluence of Jeschonnek) they could have been operating Jet aircraft in mid-late 1943 in numbers enough to result in a suspension of the Allied bomber campaign. That WOULD have changed the war for sure even if in my opinion it would still have resulted in a German defeat some years later than it did.

Many of those I have seen before but many of the jets I never saw before and some resembled some of the same planes from the 50's, 60's even. The saucers I have seen before except for 1 out of the 4 they showed. Some of them worked like Helicopters with blades spinning in the middle unseen.

I have not really investigated the issue in depth to be very specific but i can confidently state that Jet aircraft were not the pinnacle of German aviation technology in 1944...


[edit on 18-3-2007 by StellarX]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 08:39 AM
I think and earlier poster hit it on the head when they said that there are an awful lot of photos of known German experimental Aircraft from WW2 in the clips.

The problems come with the ones that look like "saucers", not least because those photos have never been proved to be what they claim to be and didn't appear anywhere - as far as I am aware - in the intervening period between the mid 40's and the 1990's

I have to say that some of the pictures appear to be renderings, and/or paintings that have been photographed again.

What the video's prove is that the Nazi's were ahead of the game, but I can't see how it proves "Nazi UFO's" at all, certainly to an aviation historian they show nothing new at all.

Anyone interested in the subject should visit

Luft '46

Which is probably the most respected site on the subject, and shows designs, blueprints, information and some rather good renderings of what these aircraft might have looked like

[edit on 18/0307/07 by neformore]

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