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#1 Reason To Believe...

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posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
You've got it all wrong.
Reason #1 is that it simply makes no damn sense why a collection of rich and powerful people would pull off a completely pointless act of mass murder. There is not one single motive that I've heard that justifies the complicated and risky undertaking of such a hideous plan. Not one.

Did you just say there is no MOTIVE?!?!?!!?!?!?!? WOW! You people suprize me every day.... where do I even start.. oh well thats easy..

Operation Iraqi Liberation

OIL is 1. If you were president, wouldn't you want to be responsible for securing one of the largest economical advantages in the world?

Originally said by PRESIDENT BUSH
America is addicted to oil.

WAR is 2. Oh yeah, if you became president, wouldn't you want to be responsible for capturing and defeating one of the most lawless dictators and countrys in the enitre world? Would that make the next motive that much easy to accomplish?

NWO is 3. New World Order, calls for a massive decrease in Earths population. NWO was very very supported by Bush Senior, and now being carried out by his son. In order to get a one world government, the lawless countrys would have to become controlled alies. How? War...

If a nutcase were to truly believe that the outcome of these motives are absultly needed. They would sacrifice ANYTHING for it. Even a few thousand innocent people.

Originally posted by Essedarius
Please, Connected, reach deep into your well of wisdom and cleverness to shed light on me. Give me a decent motive...just one.

I gave three good ones, and there are about 20 more. I still can't believe you say there is no motive... omg thats just insane.

Originally posted by Essedarius
(Reason #2, for the record, is that a completely nebulous group of thousands, with no traceable leadership heirarchy, could never pull off such a precise and intricate operation. The odds of failure would be too great and professionals would never assume that level of risk for virtually no payoff. )

Yeah but somehow 21 random guys slipped past one of the most intelligent and prepared and scaryest countrys in the world, and did it? Give me a break..

Its WAY easyer for a government with unlimited access to everything to pull this off, than it is for 21 random guys.

No payoff? SUUUUUUUUUREEE keep lying to yourself..

[edit on 16-3-2007 by Connected]

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Connected
NWO is 3. New World Order, calls for a massive decrease in Earths population. NWO was very very supported by Bush Senior, and now being carried out by his son. In order to get a one world government, the lawless countrys would have to become controlled alies. How? War...

Okay. I've been avoiding commenting on this when you bring it up because I know you're gonna lose it again, but it's gotta be said.

There's no NWO. Really. It doesn't exist.

Its WAY easyer for a government with unlimited access to everything to pull this off, than it is for 21 random guys.

So... It would be harder for a few guys who know how to fly planes to get control of those planes and fly them into stuff than...

Dozens and dozens of people planting explosives (or thermite) in an EXTREMELY busy building without anybody noticing, get someone (or something) to fly occupied planes into those buildings as a destraction, blow up those buildings, hide all the evidence and pay everyone off.

I don't think so.

[edit on 16-3-2007 by whiterabbit]

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by whiterabbit

It's like I said, who WOULDN'T want to be the guy to win a Nobel prize for blowing the lid off the biggest conspiracy ever? Fame, fortune, anything you want for the rest of your life.

Who WOULDN'T want to be the guy responsible for saving Americas economic future by securing the oil? I'm pretty sure the world elites are happy about that!

Who wouldn't want to be a part of the biggest "judgement day" for all the terrorists in the world? You don't think Bush is getting a "kick" out of being the president that got revenge on "the terrorists that killed 1000's"?

It's kinda like this... a guy see's a sexy woman get out of her car and go into a store. The guy sabotages her car so that it wont start, and waits for the woman to return. When her car doesn't start, guess who is there to save the day?!?!? Bush.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Connected
Who WOULDN'T want to be the guy responsible for saving Americas economic future by securing the oil? I'm pretty sure the world elites are happy about that!

Then why do the governments of almost all of Europe hate us right now?

Who wouldn't want to be a part of the biggest "judgement day" for all the terrorists in the world?

Except we haven't done that either.

You don't think Bush is getting a "kick" out of being the president that got revenge on "the terrorists that killed 1000's"?

Maybe at first, but he's one of the most hated presidents in decades.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Okay. I've been avoiding commenting on this when you bring it up because I know you're gonna lose it again, but it's gotta be said.

There's no NWO. Really. It doesn't exist.

You are truly a lost soul. Your telling me the UN doesn't exist. LOL. You telling me the NWO that Bush senior has been dreaming of for years, the NWO Bush senior was advertising on newspapers, and the NWO that Pres. Bush is trying to fullfill right in front of your eyes doesn't exist??!?!?

You are truly living on another planet. NWO is no secret.

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Dozens and dozens of people planting explosives (or thermite) in an EXTREMELY busy building without anybody noticing, get someone (or something) to fly occupied planes into those buildings as a destraction, blow up those buildings, hide all the evidence and pay everyone off.

I don't think so.

Just because you don't think so, doesn't mean its not possible.. B.T.W. the buildings are busy during the day, but at night they are very quiet. Especialy when Bush's brother is in charge of security!!!! Wow what another coincidence that a Bush family member was head of securty at the WTC's. Mind boggling.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:19 PM
Its not a secret. there is nothing secret about it! If it were secret we wouldnt know about.

All that there is is a bunch of arrogant, nationalistic cult members that refuse to believe the facts in front of their face.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:19 PM
Hey CF or whiterabbit or any debunkers I am awaiting for some impossible aswers to some simple questions:

CF Actually the proof are against you guys.
You need scientific proof to sustain your INCREDIBLE CLAIMS.
Start by showing me the pictures of the Shanksville plane later on show me where they identified the plane by their serial number.
Explain me how did they compare the DNA and positively identified the bodies?
Later on start to explain me that little meteorite that reached temperature as high as the sun (paper? jet fuel)
I wont even touch the hole at the pentagon the demolition the bombs etc...
The meteorite is what I am really interested CF.
Ohhh sorry no explanation no answer correct.
Ohh couple more questions:
How may cameras are at the pentagon?
what are the odds of 3 Raytheon employees in 3 different flights? (Its a big big number).
lol CF no answers right?
AHAHHAH the GOVT conspiracy its just plain funny.
Unfortunately 3K ppl died that day.
How can you live with that and spread your incredible conspiracy theories?
Shame on you. Honestly

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Connected
Your telling me the UN doesn't exist.

Obviously, the UN exists. You're putting words in my mouth.

You telling me the NWO that Bush senior has been dreaming of for years, the NWO Bush senior was advertising on newspapers, and the NWO that Pres. Bush is trying to fullfill right in front of your eyes doesn't exist??!?!?

That's right. It doesn't exist. It's not real.

Just because you don't think so, doesn't mean its not possible..

Oh, it's possible.

It's just so highly, HIGHLY improbably and unrealistic that the only place it could actually happen is a movie.

Especialy when Bush's brother is in charge of security!!!! Wow what another coincidence that a Bush family member was head of securty at the WTC's. Mind boggling.

Wrong. Bush's brother was not in charge of security during 9/11.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Then why do the governments of almost all of Europe hate us right now?

Key words "right now". Also, they don't hate, they just disagree. Choose your words wisely.

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Except we haven't done that either.

Saddam was concidered a terrorists to many. So where a few other people we killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. What world do you live in???

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Maybe at first, but he's one of the most hated presidents in decades.

Yes but so very loved by the elites in the world, for secruing oil, starting a forward momentum on the NWO, and finaly doing a favor for Silverstein and demolishing the buildings that Silverstien has been wanting to rebuild for decades but couldn't because of asbestos, and taking over Iraq in order to please Isreal and other elites, and the list goes on and on and on..

Hated only by the poor. "Oh well" he will say.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by whiterabbit

Originally posted by Connected
Your telling me the UN doesn't exist.

Obviously, the UN exists. You're putting words in my mouth.

You telling me the NWO that Bush senior has been dreaming of for years, the NWO Bush senior was advertising on newspapers, and the NWO that Pres. Bush is trying to fullfill right in front of your eyes doesn't exist??!?!?

That's right. It doesn't exist. It's not real.

You do understand that the United Nations is what the NWO will be run by right?

So this is not real?

You MUST stop saying that the New Word Order agenda does not exist. Thats like saying President Bush does not exist. It really is such a riot seeing you say that.. NWO is not a conspiracy, its actually an agenda MANY PEOPLE WANT. Its world known, its printed on our dollar bill and has been planned since 1776.

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Oh, it's possible.

It's just so highly, HIGHLY improbably and unrealistic that the only place it could actually happen is a movie.

That is how they brainwashed you. They did something so outragouse that people can't believe it. They knew the majority of people in the world wouldn't even consider it.. Thats how they got away with it..

Shock and Awe. With my time in the military, I have learned that the best way to trick someone, the best way to catch them of guard, is to do exactly what the enemy would concider to be "improbable". Do exactly what they wouldn't expect.

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Wrong. Bush's brother was not in charge of security during 9/11.

Who says he had to be in charge during 911? How do you know the building hasn't been rigged since he was in charge? Please, tell me why he would have to be in charge during 911? Please tell me how that would compromise his friendships with everyone that still works there? Wouldn't it be 100% easyer to rig a building with explosives if you knew EVERYTHING about the security???

Also, you don't find that even the slightest bit odd that Bush bro was in charge of WTC security? Even a little bit slightly out of the ordinary?? ANYTHING? Do you have a mind that can think that complex?

[edit on 16-3-2007 by Connected]

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Connected
Key words "right now". Also, they don't hate, they just disagree. Choose your words wisely.

No, I think hate is the operative word for a few of them anyway. Chirac was doing everything he could to stick it to us for a while there, for example.

Saddam was concidered a terrorists to many. So where a few other people we killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. What world do you live in???

I'm not denying we killed terrorists. You just made it sound like we gave this big spanking to terrorism in the world. We didn't. We made a dent in Al Qaeda and deposed a dictator in a country that wasn't really doing much of anything. On a global scale, we didn't do that much.

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Yes but so very loved by the elites in the world,


taking over Iraq in order to please Isreal

Consider the Palestinians, Fatah, Hamas, and Hizballah are Israel's major problem and not Iraq, how does that even work?

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Connected
You do understand that the United Nations is what the NWO will be run by right?

Nope. It might be if the NWO were real, but it ain't.

So this is not real?

Oh, he said that. But if you think he was talking about a literal New World Order where 1/3 of the people get killed off, you're mistaken.

You MUST stop saying that the New Word Order agenda does not exist.

Sorry. It doesn't exist.

NWO is not a conspiracy, its actually an agenda MANY PEOPLE WANT.

Oh, lots of people would like to see the whole world united.

But NWO like you're talking about? It doesn't exist.

Its world known, its printed on our dollar bill and has been planned since 1776.

No. It hasn't.

That is how they brainwashed you. They did something so outragouse that people can't believe it. They knew the majority of people in the world wouldn't even consider it.. Thats how they got away with it..

Uh, I don't disbelieve in it because it's "outrageous." I disbelieve in it because it would be so utterly difficult and hard that they could never pull it off--like one in a million chance of success.

Who says he had to be in charge during 911? How do you know the building hasn't been rigged since he was in charge? Please, tell me why he would have to be in charge during 911? Please tell me how that would compromise his friendships with everyone that still works there? Wouldn't it be 100% easyer to rig a building with explosives if you knew EVERYTHING about the security???

They handled electronic security. That wouldn't make tearing up the walls all over the building and planting explosives any less obvious.

Also, you don't find that even the slightest bit odd that Bush bro was in charge of WTC security? Even a little bit slightly out of the ordinary??

I find it a coincidence.

Do you have a mind that can think that complex?

Just can't go one post without lobbing a personal attack, can you?

You really need to control yourself.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:50 PM
I havent read the other posts yet so im probably just repeating stuff but heres what i have to say

first of all, our government couldnt even cover up watergate or clintons blow job. yet they can easily cover up the most horrible terrorist attack in known history?and how many people would they have to pay off to keep quiet? you know the people who planted the bombs and such. Even with the possibility of jail i know i wouldnt help out with the demolition of the towers for free. not even for 10 million dollars would i aide in the killing of 3000 people and i'm sure there are other people who feel the same way. how much money would it take for you to help with that? multiply that with the amount of people needed to pull this off...we couldn't afford it. how is it ultra easy to silence any word that gets out when we have Loose Change out there and its crusade? if there were bombs in the towers like people claim it WOULD take 100+ people to do it. if all the evidence at the pentagon was planted it would take way more than 100 people. If it was Americans that hijacked those planes then why were there members of Al Qeada on the planes?? Or were those just arabs that worked for the government?

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
Hey CF or whiterabbit or any debunkers I am awaiting for some impossible aswers to some simple questions:

CF Actually the proof are against you guys.
You need scientific proof to sustain your INCREDIBLE CLAIMS.

Start by showing me the pictures of the Shanksville plane later on show me where they identified the plane by their serial number.

By serial number? So, I dont have access to serial numbers..that means a plane didn't crash...after SEVERAL people witnessed the plane JUST prior to the crash? (i can get the witness statements if you would like them)

Explain me how did they compare the DNA and positively identified the bodies?

Are we still in shanksville? The medical examiner explained in detail what his job was and what he discovered...and if you know ANYTHING about don't need a lot of it to make a positive identification.

Later on start to explain me that little meteorite that reached temperature as high as the sun (paper? jet fuel)
I honestly do not know what your talking about... but give me some time to look into it. Thanks

I wont even touch the hole at the pentagon the demolition the bombs etc...

Smart move since you have ZERO evidence to back it up with.

The meteorite is what I am really interested CF.
Ohhh sorry no explanation no answer correct.
Ohh couple more questions:
How may cameras are at the pentagon?

I dunno... do you? Do we know for a fact that ANY of them actually caught the plane impacting the Pentagon? Do i know why they would withhold them? No... and frankly...of all the witness statements I have read..not one said anything but an airplane flew into that building. (Even the witnesses on the Pentcon video)

what are the odds of 3 Raytheon employees in 3 different flights? (Its a big big number).

Yes there were Raytheon employees on flights... like any other day but get your FACTS STRAIGHT!
Four Raytheon employees traveling on company business died in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001:

American Airlines Flight 11
Peter Gay, 54, VP of Electronic Systems on special assignment at the El Segundo, CA division office.
Kenneth Waldie, 46, Senior Quality Control for Electronic Systems.
David Kovalcin, 42, Senior Mechanical Engineer for Electronic Systems.
American Airlines Flight 77
Stanley Hall, 68, Director of Electronic warfare program management.

... do you also know there were 9 TJX employees killed that day ? on two planes TJX company is TJ Max and related to the GAP. Yes a discount clothing company. I smell a MASSIVE conspriacy there.

lol CF no answers right?


AHAHHAH the GOVT conspiracy its just plain funny.
Unfortunately 3K ppl died that day.
How can you live with that and spread your incredible conspiracy theories?
Shame on you. Honestly

note sure what you mean here...once again...lots of fluff without facts.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Connected
OIL is 1. If you were president, wouldn't you want to be responsible for securing one of the largest economical advantages in the world?

Okay sure. That’s why I would invade Venezuela, whose estimated oil reserves DWARF Iraq. They are also closer and come complete with an evil dictatorial leader that I could overthrow to the joy of all.

WAR is 2. Oh yeah, if you became president, wouldn't you want to be responsible for capturing and defeating one of the most lawless dictators and countrys in the enitre world?

Sure. Why is murdering 3,000 civilians a precursor to that? I’d just get up and give a great speech along the lines of “There’s another Hitler on the loose and I won’t sit idly by and blah blah blah…”

NWO is 3. New World Order, calls for a massive decrease in Earths population. NWO was very very supported by Bush Senior, and now being carried out by his son. In order to get a one world government, the lawless countrys would have to become controlled alies. How? War...

The NWO. God bless it. It’s like the fortress of solitude for conspiracy dorks. It’s so safe and always available. The bottom line is that if 9/11 was to be used in any way to establish the NWO then Bush would have made a greater attempt to do so in October of 2001. Hell, he could have instigated marshal law in the U.S. with probably very little resistance during that time. But he didn’t…

Are you telling me that it makes MORE sense that he would wait until the environment was FAR LESS fertile for change, then make his move?

If a nutcase were to truly believe that the outcome of these motives are absolutely needed. They would sacrifice ANYTHING for it. Even a few thousand innocent people.

But if there was a way to achieve your motives without sticking your neck out and indirectly partaking in a mass murder, I think you'd choose the easy way.

I still can't believe you say there is no motive... omg thats just insane.

What’s insane is implying that a president who has NEVER CARED about popular opinion would suddenly decide that he needs the greatest act of presidential treachery in history to justify his actions.

That’s idiocy.

George Bush does whatever the hell he wants, whenever the hell he wants. That’s why he’s so infuriating, and that’s why all the “he NEEDED a 9/11 to go to war” motives are complete bunk.

Yeah but somehow 21 random guys slipped past one of the most intelligent and prepared and scaryest countrys in the world, and did it? Give me a break..

Yeah…sick luck, huh?

Its WAY easyer for a government with unlimited access to everything to pull this off, than it is for 21 random guys.

21 men with a united vision and goal versus 1,000 government employees with diversified payoffs and understandings of a complex and secretive operation.

Odds are on the 21 men, however unlikely that may seem.

No payoff? SUUUUUUUUUREEE keep lying to yourself..

Okay I think I’ve addressed your points.

This is where you put me on IGNORE, right?

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by lizziex3
why were there members of Al Qeada on the planes?? Or were those just arabs that worked for the government?

See thats your problem with your belief system. You still can't prove there WAS members on the planes, yet you 100% believe in it. You just got spoon fed information, and you believed it all.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Connected
See thats your problem with your belief system. You still can't prove there WAS members on the planes, yet you 100% believe in it. You just got spoon fed information, and you believed it all.

So then why do you believe in thermite, even though no evidence of thermite was ever found? You can't prove it, but you seem to 100% believe in it.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Connected

Originally posted by lizziex3
why were there members of Al Qeada on the planes?? Or were those just arabs that worked for the government?

See thats your problem with your belief system. You still can't prove there WAS members on the planes, yet you 100% believe in it. You just got spoon fed information, and you believed it all.

...have you looked at the passenger lists? There were 19 arabs on those planes, most of them in first class next to the where they government workers or what?

oh, and you have less proof for your theories than I have for mine so stop making that argument.

[edit on 16-3-2007 by lizziex3]

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Lots of people would go to war and fight and kill. VERY few would say, "Sure, I'll participate in mass murder on an unimaginable scale."

The Nazis come to mind.

#1 Reason to Believe the Official Story: it seems credible on the surface; it is only when you dig do the flaws become apparent. How many people have the time, or can be bothered to spend the time to look? Not many. They trust their Government overall, and so few ask questions. Those that are asking questions though, aren't liking the official story.

[edit on 16-3-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
#1 Reason to Believe the Official Story: it seems credible on the surface; it is only when you dig do the flaws become apparent. How many people have the time, or can be bothered to spend the time to look? Not many. They trust their Government overall, and so few ask questions. Those that are asking questions though, aren't liking the official story.

Yeah, that's right. All of us that disbelieve in controlled demolition are just a bunch of sheep who never question our government and believe everything they tell us.

What a bunch of baloney.

I've read more about the 9/11 conspiracy than I ever cared to. If there's a conspiracy, I WANT to know.

And I have yet to see any credible evidence whatsoever.

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