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(D) Richard Lamm - How to destroy America

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posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
there is a legitimate amount of pride to be had in your culture, but it's only good in moderation.

Pride in culture and heritage is fantastic. However, there comes a point when a person is soooo busy looking backwards at where he/she came from - that they don't look forward to where they should be going. They end up blindly walking off a cliff.

This touches on the points in Lamm's speech ....

2 – Invent extreme ‘multiculturalism’.

4 – Encourage immigrants to be unassimilated and to fully keep their own language and culture. Reinforce differences rather than similarities.

7 – Encourage dual identities and divided loyalties.

According to Lamm, these will help destroy America. Extreme multi-culturalism .. immigrants fully keeping their own language and culture.

These cause dual identities and divided loyalties. Case in point that I gave - Obama's church where they proclaim - We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.

You can’t serve two masters.
A house divided can’t stand.

edited once

[edit on 3/17/2007 by FlyersFan]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Guess the TRUTH of what he said must scare you.

The lies this guy is pushing are not scary. What's scary is the mindset of people who lap up what this guy is pushing. What's scarier STILL is that this guy is pushing people away from the real issues bringing down America.

But, like I said, you don't care about the decline of America. It's more fun for you to be like "keep America white" instead.:shk::shk:

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
It's more fun for you to be like "keep America white" instead.

yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiight. That's why I married a man who is part Mexican and I adopted a little brown baby from Boliva ... with darker skin then many of the black people in my neighborhood.

You are entertaining .. I'll give you that.

Still waiting on that truthseeka authored thread about the 'real issues' that are destroying America. I have great anticipation. Can't wait to see it.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 03:29 PM
Ok. We'll try it this way: this guy is LYING.

For one, he's basing his white nationalist rant on the premise that America had one culture at some point. This is a LIE; America has NEVER consisted of one culture. Even when Native Americans were the only ones here, it was multicultural. Next.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 04:50 PM
Dock6 I use to live in Australia.
Emigrants just like any other group of people there are always those who give the rest a bad name.
Dock6 do think that the Australia will become a failed state because of the multicultural society ?
Im not a fan of people who make no attempted to learn English either.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
...However, there comes a point when a person is soooo busy looking backwards at where he/she came from - that they don't look forward to where they should be going....

Amen to that FF. Where they should be going, or even where they ARE. When you decide to go to another country, you're committing to a lot of conformism at once. Learn the language, abide by their laws, integrate with the people, and embrace their culture. After all, your own culture always remains back in your country of origin- although with McDonalds everywhere these days, I wonder sometimes.

The world's habitable territories are pretty much set and taken. With each territory goes an associated culture, heritage, and history. There is a degree of conformism that is expected from the traveller. Problem is, many of those travellers want to bring their country with them. Sorry, we got one of those already.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Ok. We'll try it this way: this guy is LYING.

For one, he's basing his white nationalist rant on the premise that America had one culture at some point. This is a LIE; America has NEVER consisted of one culture. Even when Native Americans were the only ones here, it was multicultural. Next.

IOU: 1 way above (i'm out for this month)

that is incredibly true. just look at america today, even amoung natural born citizens that trace their heritage back to the civil war it is multicultural. the south is culturally different from the north. from state to state there are huge differences. we've always had and will always have multiculturalism, learn to live with it.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
The world's habitable territories are pretty much set and taken. With each territory goes an associated culture, heritage, and history. There is a degree of conformism that is expected from the traveller. Problem is, many of those travellers want to bring their country with them. Sorry, we got one of those already.

america has never had a culture. it has a loose amalgamation of integrated IMMIGRANT cultures.

we eat hamburgers, hotdogs, and apple pie, which we got because germans wouldn't let go of their food. (well, hotdogs are also partly because of polish influences)

and is there anything more american than apple pie?

we eat food from all of the cultures that are integrated into our metling pot

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:05 PM
The U.S. needs to learn how to preserve itself and stop allowing bureaucracy infiltirate every aspect of our's killing us from within. We should make english the official language and stop giving leniency to inferior cultures that go against our laws and regulations. Send them back to wherever they came from if they don't wish to assimilate to the U.S.A.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:32 PM
NOW THAT deserves a WATS....

You get my first one next month...

EXCELLENT and well worded...


posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:53 PM
I'm glad to see this discussion. The points made by the original poster have been talked about by many people for a long time. I graduated from high school in 1984, and because of the Orwellian connection...much of what has been said here was said by me and my classmates back then. If there's any real conspiracy taking place in our midst, this would be it.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by laiguanaWe should make english the official language and stop giving leniency to inferior cultures that go against our laws and regulations. Send them back to wherever they came from if they don't wish to assimilate to the U.S.A.

Well...there you have it.

I KNEW I was right about this thread. Inferior cultures...that pretty much says it all. Wow...:shk::shk:

I could have predicted that semp would be with this post...word for word.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 12:27 AM

Could you elaborate more on that?

How do you equate "1984" with Richard Lamm?

I am only mildly familiar with 1984....



posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka

Originally posted by laiguanaWe should make english the official language and stop giving leniency to inferior cultures that go against our laws and regulations. Send them back to wherever they came from if they don't wish to assimilate to the U.S.A.

Well...there you have it.

I KNEW I was right about this thread. Inferior cultures...that pretty much says it all. Wow...:shk::shk:

I could have predicted that semp would be with this post...word for word.

So in your opinion, cultures that stand by crime, terrorism, honor killings, anti-semitism...cultures that thrive in violence and ignorance... are equal to all other cultures? Sorry, but no. These are INFERIOR cultures...very INFERIOR indeed. And these cultures want to freely practice their crimes in the USA? Not on my watch, pal.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:20 AM
The divide-and-conquer strategies identified inside the trojan horse that has become extreme mutli-culturalism are not new. Politicians have been using tactics like it since the beginning of recorded time. At its most basic level, lip service is paid to the greatness of a societies constituent peoples...except for "those guys." Leaders throughout the ages have found it to be expendient to single out one or moer groups of peole to use as scapegoats. It's only natural to assume that the tactic would evolve over time.

America's contemporary political and social elites have long since recognized the "value" of a divided society. While many of today's younger people have not read the works of Aldus Huxley, George Orwell, or even Adolf can bet that the people in power have. It's not unusual to find that the most ambitious leaders are also some of the most devoted students of history and literature.

As a professional author, I know that I can give you a history lesson if I wrap it in the comfortable blanket of a story. I can present you with a political arguement if I am careful to keep it in the context of my story. As long as it's a page-turner, I can make my case you...and you might not even know it.

Writers like Orwell had some pretty harsh things to say about what they saw coming in our near future. Orwell was a smart guy. He could've written a policy piece that might've been worthy of any university that dares to publish it. He understood that his real audience was the common man, so he made his point in a story. I don't mind saying that i did the same thing because I was inspired by what he did.

The whole point of centralized power is...centralized power. Politicians of any era would be happy to shine you on with any number of cultural superiority scams that you might be willing to believe. In the modern world, the intellectual arguement of cultural superiority is looked down upon and used as an accusation to label the narrow-minded.

We can identify the political trends that allow for the centralization of power. We can also identify some of the social mechanisms thatwill be used to enslave us. It's all about control. Once you know that, you can see multi-cultural tactcs for what they are.

As Americans, we understand that everybody brings something to the table when it comes to cultural diversity. Our economic prosperity is predicted on the idea that it takes a strong back to peform manual labor, and a great mind to think up ways to use that labor. We run in to problems when we get in to politics, and the expression of power. Social contract philosophies like those espoused by Russeau, Hobbs, and Locke all interfere with political power. Doesn't matter what society you live in, some small group of well-off persons will always being to trying to gain total control.

This is what Orwell understood. If you read Animal Farm you'll get the lesson and a good story at the same time. As mentally stimulating as all this is, it goes over the heads of many. To some, AF is just a good story. They miss the warning. So, whaddya gonna do?

Orwell writes "1984" for the same reason I published my own work. The specifics of just how the social and political elites will achieve total power might bore you to tears. so, George painted a picture with words that would show the reader what the future could look like...if the power-mongers got their way.

We can expound as much as we like in this thread about just how bad a divided society is for the future of our nation, but too many people will get side-tracked by the esoterica that either fascinates or appeals to their sense of righteousness. What we should be doing is talking about what this dark future of ours will look like...if the bad guys get their way. The people in power who want more authority to carry out their agenda assume that you haven't read any of these books, and they're willing to gamble that you won't think about what it could all mean for you...if they get their way.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:31 AM

I also understood the actual intent of Animal Farm and the subtle references contained within. I also agree with you on the aspect of a divided people are far easier to control than a united one.

If we had been a divided people in the 1700's we would still be British...

I also concur that the most elementary method of the control of a population is the propagation of antagonism between cultures. (Religion aside, as it fundamentally does not apply in a religious free environment)
Keep the masses fighting among themselves and the power players may move whatever chess pieces they desire....

I am going to check out your other sources and respond back to you....

Fascinating ....


posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 03:12 AM
How can someone assimilate to the USA? Speak English (which a lot in the US don't speak so good)?
What is the 'official' culture of the USA that those with different cultures should adopt? There is no one, official culture of the USA because it's a large (very large) and relatively not so-old country that has been immigrated to by many different people from many different nationalities.

The effort to 'preserve culture' is merely an attempt to maintain the status-quo for a lot of people who've lost stability in their lives when they immigrated.

And I feel the effort to enhance the 'cultural diversity' are just people trying to form a self identity if they feel rejected.

Not a conspiracy.

BTW, 1984 shows an image of people united in hate, not divided by it.

[edit on 18-3-2007 by HAL the bot]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 10:01 AM
This calls to mind a situation currently being suffered by a friend, Jan.

Jan lives in a large house which actually belongs to her aged parents. It's a once-beautiful dwelling, situated near the harbour and city-centre.

Jan's in her 50s. Her children are in their 20s. Her parents are in their 90s and live in a separate dwelling, attended by professional carers.

Basically, Jan regards her position as that of caretaker: she lives in and maintains the house and believed she would pass it down from the generation before her to the next generation.

Jan is highly intelligent and employed in a demanding, prestigious position. She's worked hard to achieve what she has today.

Jan is also very compassionate and generous. When a friend suffered a downturn in circumstances and asked if she could live at Jan's place for a while, Jan agreed. That was several years ago.

When Jan's brother in law lost everything due to divorce and bankruptcy and asked Jan if he could live in one of the spare rooms for a while, Jan agreed. That was also several years ago.

When Jan's step-son divorced and wanted to move in, Jan agreed. That was almost three years ago.

When Jan's daughter's ex-boyfriend needed somewhere to live, he of course moved in with Jan. He's still there. So is his new girlfriend and their baby son.

It's a seven bedroom house. It still has an aura of prosperity about it. It's a prestigious address. Jan is a dynamo: highly disciplined and capable with always an air of positive cheer. No wonder people want to be around her. Her home is very conveniently located. No wonder they're reluctant to move on.

Guess who's moving out? Yes, Jan is.

Why? I mean she loves that home: she was born and raised there.

But she doesn't 'feel at home' in her own home any more.

As she explained it: she's not a difficult person to live with; she accepts people warts and all; she shares what she has with those who are --- or at least were less fortunate and/or going through a tough patch.

She doesn't expect a great deal of those who've moved into her home -- merely that they respect it and contribute.

But they don't, apparently. Her brother in law has been out of work for over six months and shows no real interest in earning a living. He claims he'll reimburse Jan later, but in the meantime, he contributes nothing AND is seemingly unconcerned about the strain he imposes on Jan's resources.

The female friend who was initially so grateful to be provided a home is behaving increasingly resentfully towards Jan, to the point Jan now tip-toes as if through a minefield in her own home for fear of further unpleasantness from this woman.

People in the house seem to believe they're living in a cost-free hotel and are now treating Jan as if she were an unpaid housemaid. Their demands are constant, yet they deny responsibility. " It's your house, your problem." they say, when Jan attempts to discuss the expense that will be incurred by roofing contractors, plumbers, pest controllers, etc.

When Jan returns home, she's confronted by a large, untidy house and often hostile glares. When she's not cleaning kitchen and bathrooms, she spends most of her time in her room. She feels like an unwelcome stranger in her own home. Her newly married daughter and son in law are now hinting they'd like to move in so they can save for a place of their own.

Parties are held without prior consultation with her. Her unpaying 'guests' are now dictating terms. Drugs have entered the house. There are arguments at night in rooms down the hall. A party grew out of control and when Jan arrived home from dinner one night she was greeted by the sight of a police-car in her driveway. Standards have dropped. When Jan attempts to discuss the situation, she's informed she's 'picking on' others in the house and trying to impose her 'outdated' standards on everyone else.

It seems to Jan that these days, she is made to feel 'in the wrong' no matter what she says or does. People come and go all the time: the place feels like Central Station. Gone is her sense of enjoyment and peace of mind. She is always vigilant, anxious, depressed. The bills have mounted until they're a nightmare. The house seems dirty, crowded, alien. Her childhood memories are all she has left. The place bears no resemblance to the way it was for so many happy years. She's working harder than she ever has, yet she has nothing to show for it apart from never-ending work and worry.

So Jan has decided to leave. She's moving to a much smaller place of her own. She wants her life back. I don't blame her. She should have done it years ago: should have tossed that bunch of arrogant freeloaders out.

Jan's spoken with her parents and their solicitors. The house is to be sold. After holding hungry developers at bay for many years, Jan is resigned to the fact the house will now be demolished. In 18 months or less, an expensive apartment block will replace it. The house's current occupants will be forced to move out and on.

Jan was generous and compassionate. She was understanding and a friend in need. She was tolerant of others' differences, standards, habits, etc. She adjusted and adapted to those who moved in on top of her. She did more than her share. She lead by example and trusted her 'house guests' would try to adopt her standards, seeing they were living in her home. She was patient. She was taken for a ride and exploited. Now she's burnt out and wiser.

Jan has lost her home through generously opening it to others. Now she wishes she'd protected and guarded that home and kept its doors closed. Because when it falls, as it soon will, it will be gone for good. It has stood for a long time and served its owners well. It deserved a better fate than this. And so did Jan.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
This calls to mind a situation currently being suffered by a friend, Jan.

Jan has lost her home through generously opening it to others. Now she wishes she'd protected and guarded that home and kept its doors closed. Because when it falls, as it soon will, it will be gone for good. It has stood for a long time and served its owners well. It deserved a better fate than this. And so did Jan.

okay, if this story is supposed to illustrate what's happening in America right now (the house) who's Jan?

Which portion of the population should guard the house from 'others'?
And just who are those said others?


posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by HAL the bot
How can someone assimilate to the USA? Speak English (which a lot in the US don't speak so good)?

My grandparents did it and they didn't speak English too well.

What is the 'official' culture of the USA that those with different cultures should adopt?

Following our immigrations laws would be a good place to start adopting American culture. Not expecting special treatment for one nationality would be another.

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