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(D) Richard Lamm - How to destroy America

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posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
go look at some of the threads and see what all is being blamed on someone or something else..

Very true. For example - there are still some who connect the Katrina response with racism and yet this article clearly shows that more white people died then black people .. which is exactly opposite from what the race statistics say should have happened. It could almost be said that Katrina was racist .. against whites!

Originally posted by semperfortis
There has been developing an entire culture of the "I'm not responsible for my well being or actions,

Exactly what Gov. Lamm said - the cult of victimology. It is one of his 'how to destroy America' points, and he's right. TRUE victims vs victim industry PERPS. And yes, I used the term perps because it fits. It's a moral crime what they do and it definately harms America and Americans.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:35 AM
For those who think that this moron his right explain to why my multicultural country I spend my childhood in other wise known as Australia isn't a failed state because of multiculturalism.

Even when emigrants come to a country legally and integrate into society they still bring a bit of there culture with them . Thats what made countries like the US and Aust what they are today.

Some facts to take note of.

English is the national language,[27] and is spoken and written in a distinct variety known as Australian English. According to the 2001 census, English is the only language spoken in the home for around 80% of the population. The next most common languages spoken at home are Chinese languages (2.1%), Italian (1.9%) and Greek (1.4%). A considerable proportion of first- and second-generation migrants are bilingual.

. In 2001, the five largest groups of the 23.1% of Australians who were born overseas were from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Italy, Vietnam and China.


You do run into problems if you have open borders but is a seperate issue entirely. It dosnt matter where people come American culture wont perish instead it will be enriched. Most emigrants do embrace the culture of there adopted country as well as maintaing(SP?) there heritage.

As for the other issues he raised they have merit but since he is so far off base multiculturalism I think that he is just stirring the pot rather then looking for ways to improve society.

[edit on 17-3-2007 by xpert11]

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 07:10 AM
Victimization is of course just like anything else..

The more it is presented, the more it is used, the more it is accepted and the public just shrugs it off.....

The Human Being has an incredible propensity for adaptation. Instinctively we adapt to our surroundings and more and more our surroundings are becoming saturated with the Victim Culture.

Now there is even a thread about Americans having problems identifying with victims!!!


The single most GIVING country in the world, in all the worlds history!!!

Still apparently this is not enough for some people.

Some can not stop playing the Victim and identifying themselves with the Victim Culture. Their obvious unstated goal is to obtain as much, unworked for, unstruggled for, as possible from those that have worked for it, struggled for it.

Again, it is all about NOTHING being the Victim Cultures fault....

No decision they made is their responsibility.
No action they took should they ever be held accountable for.

It is all someone else's fault...


posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by xpert11
Even when emigrants come to a country legally and integrate into society they still bring a bit of there culture with them .

'bring a bit of their culture with them'. Of course. And the key is INTEGRATE.

That ‘little bit of culture’ of those who INTEGRATE isn't what he was talking about.

He was NOT talking about people from Italy having spaghetti on Wednesdays.

He was NOT talking about people from Ireland wearing green on St. Patricks day.

He was NOT talking about people having tacos for lunch on May 5th.

He was NOT talking about people who were slaves 'jumping the broom' at a wedding. (or should I say .. who had slaves in their family tree since there haven't been slaves for over 150 years).

That 'bit of culture' is fine and many times eventually become part of the American culture ... such as St. Patricks day.

He was talking about EXTREME multiculturalism. Here’s an example of what I would call extreme multiculturalism – Obama’s ‘church’ where they proclaim - We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.

You can’t serve two masters.
A house divided can’t stand.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
AMERICANS - The single most GIVING country in the world, in all the worlds history!!! Still apparently this is not enough for some people.

It has been over 6 years since 9/11. It has been 2+ years since Katrina. Americans gave and gave and gave for years to those who suffered from these tragedies.

The purpose of charity is to help people get over a difficult spot so that they can pick themselves up, dust themselves off. Then they are supposed to go make an effort and become SELF SUFFICIENT again. Just because someone suffered a setback doesn't mean that this country owes them charity for the rest of their life. Some act like they should get a free ride forever just because they had a major setback at some point. It's shameful 'cult of victimology' behavior and you are right Semper ... the behavior of those who think like that make it more difficult for people who really need the help. America sees the misbehavior of those who want a handout for life and then it is tempting to cut off all charity because of the behavior of those who want to shakedown the system for free handouts.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:53 AM
We are all being played for mugs: all of us.

Some of us know it and some even know the identity of the group responsible. Yes, it's the group that considers it holds a monopoly on the Victim Industry.

That group has shanghied the US government via systematic corruption of nonentities who just happened to have the contacts, clout and cash to enter the political arena. Those nonentities had/have massive egos. If they'd been good looking, they would have been movie actors. That was their first choice. But they're homely at best, so they entered politics instead. Anything to get in the public eye; possess power; exercise their egos. And these are the criminals who took the bribes offered by the Monopoly Holders of the Victim Industry.

The Victim Industry monopolizers' agenda is to turn White, Western Nations into mud-coloured chaos. They invest unimaginable money to this ends. They financed the Civil Rights Movement. Look it up. 95% plus of all office-holders, accountants, CEO's and other administrative heirarchy of the Civil Rights Movement and its affiliated groups and off-shoots were Jews. They believed that their victim-stranglehold on the West and particularly on the US would be strengthened if they could create another 'victim class' (the American Negro). Privately, the Jews despised the blacks. They manipulated and exploited them. Encouraged blacks to feel like an underclass. Encouraged blacks to believe they were 'have-nots'. Encouraged and programmed blacks and whites alike to buy into the victim-guilt game. And it worked.

Likewise, the Jews completely re-wrote history and completely overturned anthropology in order to foist massive guilt on white Americans at the same time blacks were being encouraged to hold Whites responsible for their everyday woes. Blacks have actually lost ground and status because of the deliberately contrived 'race issues'.

Jews orchestrated the farce of 'multiculturalism' and Political Correctness. Whites were rendered punch-drunk from assaults launched against white culture from all sides, simultaneously. Whites were suddenly blamed for every imaginable ill. They were programmed to believe they were always 'wrong': 'wrong' to object to unsustainable levels of migration; 'wrong' to prefer their own way of life; 'wrong' for wanting to defend and uphold it: 'wrong' because the often did not like the cultures and mores of those eroding their culture and 'wrong' if they spoke out about the way they felt.

Jews hate the white culture. They are determined to destroy it: worse -- to push the corpse of white culture under the nose of every Westerner.

In order to achieve their goals, they gained a monopoloy within the media. From that point on, they dictated what information would be made available and fed the populace orchestrated, pre-digested 'opinion'. It took folks quite a while before they realised the evening news could no longer be trusted.

Jews infiltrated politics. It was easy: so many politicians fell before carrot or stick. If they couldn't be bought, then they were blackmailed. There are dozens of easily accessible sites providing extensive lists of jews in politics -- in the US and in virtually every nation on earth. It's a fact utterly beyond dispute. Most have changed their surnames. Usually they opt for British 'aristocratic' names.

They have infiltrated academia, again, using assumed names.
They dominate the pharmaceutical industry. They use their media and political clout and associations to push dangerous drugs on a brow-beaten public.

Jews, fronted by 'human rights' groups and organisations under their total control, are air-lifting thousands of black Africans (most of them uneducated, unskilled and suffering a variety of contagious diseases) to the United States, Australia, Scotland, etc.

The curse of 'Political Correctness' (aka: 'we have gagged you and silenced logic') now prevents Westerners from protesting about the introduction of conflicting cultures and religions into predominantly white populations. Most whites are too afraid of being labelled 'rednecks' or 'greedy' or 'uncharitable' to protest.

Whites are being pushed out of work. And are now compelled by their insane governments to sit back and have their lives destroyed while jewish groups (via their government positions and contacts) tear up everything white unions have fought for years to achieve on behalf of their members. All so unskilled migrants can be handed whites' jobs at massive savings for Big Business.

White culture is being systematically eroded. Christianity is under constant assault.

It was that same unscrupulous, White-hating group with the monopoly on the original Victim Industry who orchestrated the demise of censorship. Then they flooded white society with pornography, filth and gore, black groups spouting misogyistic garbage. And drugs. And war.

Yes, we've seen the destruction of White society and culture right before our eyes and it's been remarkably swift.

Victim industry?

Who doesn't feel like a victim? Migrants from Greece or Italy or Lebanon felt inferior, quite often, when they migrated to the US and Australia. They'd come from dirt roads and pony-carts and digging potatoes, to countries where such were regarded as 'peasant' level. It's a short step from feeling inferior to 'playing the victim'.

But then a lot of whites feel inferior too. But for some reason, the jew media chooses NOT to focus on what could arguably be termed a white victim class. No. The jew-dominated-media has programmed populations to BLAME the victim --- when that 'victim' is WHITE ! As in 'trailer trash'.

So .... if you disparage someone with white skin --- it's 'kewl'.

It only becomes 'wrong' when you disparage someone with darker skin.

Now, millions of Mexicans and other darker skinned populations are swarming into the US.

Who benefits .... the residents of the US? How are they benefiting? Is their standard of living going up or down? Are they becoming more or less healthy, thanks to half the third world moving in on top of them?

And what will be the eventual result? A mud-coloured population constantly at war with their neighbours because of conflicting mores, values, standards, religions, etc.?

Yet one particular group intends that to be your fate.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:07 AM
So, this 'victim mentality' did not simply occur by accident.

No. It happened by design.

EVERYONE feels like a victim at some time or other.

And everyone can be encouraged to believe they are a victim, with just a little push.

One group in the midst of our societies is intent of giving that 'push' to those who -- usually -- have darker complexions.

In short, a very powerful group is intent of giving darker-complexioned people the advantage --- at the very same time it seeks to DISadvantage 'whitey'.

It's not hidden. It's out there, easily observed.

SO ..... it now becomes obvious that the PURPOSE of this exercise is to destroy Western/white society: its standards and culture and religions and accomplishments, etc.

The VICTIMS here are Westerners/whites !

And IF or WHEN Western/white society collapses --- god help all those who are currently playing 'victims' of white, Western society !

Because it will be back to the freaking jungle then, for everyone !

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

1 – Turn America officially into a bilingual or multi-lingual or multicultural country.

2 – Invent extreme ‘multiculturalism’.

3 – Celebrate diversity rather than unity.

4 – Encourage immigrants to be unassimilated and to fully keep their own language and culture. Reinforce differences rather than similarities.

5 – Encourage an underclass that is uneducated, unassimilated, and antagonistic towards those who are educated and assimilated.

6 – Establish a cult of victimology. Have all minorities think that their lack of success is due to the ethnic majority. Start a grievance industry that minorities blame all their problems on the ethnic majority.

7 – Encourage dual identities and divided loyalties. (my note here - Obama’s ‘church’ and it’s call to be faithful to their motherland – Africa – came to mind).

8 – Make it culturally taboo to be against diversity.

[edit on 3/16/2007 by FlyersFan]

1) I believe what the govenor was refering to are illegale immigrants who refuse to learn the english language and have to have forms printed in their native language. Such costs, and those costs increase every year. As the government tends to off set those costs in the way of new taxes.
2) See it every day. Go into any major city or city with a high immigrant population. They immigrants tend not to deal with anyone who is not of their own. I know this may sound a bit racists, but it is the truth. In the area that I live there is a large somolie and hispanic community and neither will talk to the other except to get the cops involved when the other is claiming something.
3) Celebrating diversity is good, but in this day and age, we need to be more unified in the stance of the country, and community. I believe the Governor was refering to the protests where the protestors, instead of just walking with the American flag, flew the Mexican flag instead. I am sorry but if you leave your country for another, it is in bad tastes to fly your countries home flag, cause then the question is who do you support?
4) That is true, then how will any beable to get to know anyone beyond their group?
5) The old arguments of the haves and have nots, those who know and understand what is going on versus those who do not. If you study cultures, you will find that if one is not educated, or assimlated into the culture that they live in, social faux pas can lead to crimes or violence as what one may deem as alright, may be an insult to another.
6) Seen that, infact having to help the landlord deal with that right now. Every time the landlord wants to do something and their tentants who are a minority disagree the first words out of the tentants mouth is, you want us to move?
7) Well ya, it will in short divide a house. Consider this, what if we have to move in a military action against say Mexico, how will those from mexico who live in the US react and act, it will force them to either join or take action against the US.
8) That is already going on. In todays society it is frowned on if you are not politically correct. Anything less than that gets a person sued or even in trouble with the law.

There you go, will post more later.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:45 AM
That was a good read. Not sure if this has been brought up yet. But anyone think that a different style of government may be better for immigration, cultural differences, etc.? Wouldn't a country with less Federal government, more states rights, and hence more flexibility be better suited than a large unpersonal Federal government?

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 09:59 AM
As for the claims made by Xper11 --- well, I must be living in a different Australia to the one he lives in.

English is spoken in 80% of Aussie homes --- supposedly claimed by the 2001 census !

Mmmm. Ok. Well, via marriage, we have Italians in our family. They migrated to Australia in 1952. They settled twice: once in Northern Queensland, and later in Sydney NSW. In Queensland, they lived in a community comprised virtually exclusively of other Italians. Not just ANY Italians, but Italians from their home region: Abruzzi.

Again, when they moved to Sydney, they moved to a suburb populated very heavily by fellow Abruzzis.

They socialised exclusively with their own. They married their own. They patronised their own, be that butcher, grocer, pharmacist, doctor, etc.

At home (and in the homes of their fellow Abruzzis) they speak Italian: ALWAYS -- for over 50 years !

They claimed to despise ANYthing Australian. " Australia RUBBISH ! " was their stock-standard response to anything about Australia. According to these Italians, Australians are stupid, lazy, corrupt. Australian girls and women are described as 'sluts'.

I met them when they'd been living in Australia for over 40 years. Yet they STILL refused to speak English.

Over the years, they sponsored numerous men from their home village in Italy, so that those men could migrate to Australia. Those men lived in the Australian-Italians' homes. Usually for five years. When the five years was completed, those men RETURNED to Italy, because NOW they were entitled to claim the Australian aged-pension !

The Australian tax-payer is paying for hundreds, possibly thousands of Italians to live in comfort in ITALY on Australian pensions gained via nothing more arduous than five year residency in Australia.

Other Italians pioneered the now notorious Aussie workers-compensation rort. They deliberately chipped off the end of a finger at work. Gained 'compo'. Built a five bedroomed house with white-painted lion-statues on the gate posts, with the proceeds. And laughed at the 'mug Aussie government' who made it Sooooo easy to build a bigger house than the one owned by their brother in law down the street. Thanks to all these money-grubbing migrants with their two-year education and dirt-floor history, the Australian standard of living went down the tubes.

The rot began when the compassionate doors of Australia were opened to previously non-desirable migrants from southern-europe, after WW2.

It also happens that I was very well acquainted with numerous Lebanese families some years ago. Dirt poor peasants from F'Zhaab: Marionite Christians: hill dwellers. They exceeded the Italians in ignorance and refusal to assimilate. Once again, it was standard for Lebanese mothers, father, uncles, older siblings, etc. to insist to the younger family members that ALL Australian women and girls are 'Sluts'.

Now, the majority of the women and girls disparagingly described as ' Sluts' were/are in fact females of the highest morals. Many are virgins.

So WHY do these dirt-poor migrants describe them as 'Sluts' ?

Answer: Jealousy. Spite. General wish to disparage the Australian community generally. AND in order to poison the Lebanese YOUNGER generations (male and female) AGAINST Australians: to stop younger Lebanese from forming attachments with Australians: to 'Save' Lebanese girls and boys for OTHER Lebanese girls and boys'. In short -- to put an immovable barrier against assimilation; integration; intermarriage.

The Lebanese parents didn't bother to learn English. They weren't interested in conversing with Australians.

As far as these migrants were concerned, they had NO loyalty or gratitude towards Australia and didn't intend to EVER have any.

The Italians and Lebanese families I knew behaved as if they had been kidnapped by the wicked Australians and taken to Australia against their will.

Their homes were shrines to the countries they had left. They said they longed to return. But they haven't, of course.

They were/are mean-spirited; ungrateful. And they blame Australia for any misfortunes that have befallen them. They give no credit to the country that provided them comfort and ease. No, all they do is whine about the country they left.

They didn't 'leave' their country of origin, really. They live in enclaves of their fellow countrymen and continue as if they STILL lived in Italy or Lebanon.

What did Australia gain from all this? Nothing as far as I can see.

What did Australia lose? Plenty, imo. These uneducated, ignorant, backwards migrants have to be coaxed into lifting their standards: standards of hygiene, morals, ethics, abilities, education, community awareness, etc. etc. And Australia has to PAY them, every step of the way.

My current immediate neighbour is Chinese. Several nearby neighbours are also Chinese. I was open minded. Had never lived closely with Chinese before, so was interested to see how it would be.

Now, six years later, I don't like my Chinese neighbours and this is why:

My Chinese neighbour speaks fluent English. Yet she pretends to others that she cannot speak English at all.

She spits in the street. Sure, she's a size 6, with long, glossy hair and sweet smile. But she hawks and spits phlegm like a sailor on shore leave.

She screams in Chinese into her mobile phone at 2 in the morning.

She works full time and lives with a Chinese man. At the same time, she claims a full single-parents' allowance (considerable) as well as claiming rent-allowance on an apartment in another suburb -- which she then sub-lets (for several hundred dollars a week) to Chinese migrants. All up, she's pocketing at least $500 per week from the government, illegally. The Aussie tax-payer foots that bill.

She's dirty and lazy, never cleans or tidies the garden. She and the other Chinese around here all seem to believe that spitting in the street and slamming doors and screaming into mobiles in the early hours are acceptable behaviour.

What have Australians gained from these people?

Frankly, I'd prefer to have non-spitting, non-screaming, house-proud neighbours who don't rip off the system.

If there are any victims in this situation, it's my family: my tax-paying, considerate, decent, honest, clean family.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 11:09 AM
Ah. Just like I thought.

Like this guy, most of you in this thread don't want to talk about what's REALLY bad for America. But, I can't say I'm surprised that y'all share this guy's mindset.

Look's like we have a different brand of "victim mindset" here, where white people blame non-whites for the destruction of America. Again, can't say I'm surprised...hats off to showing your true colors.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka
most of you in this thread don't want to talk about what's REALLY bad for America.

The subject of this thread is (D) Richard Lamm's speech he gave on how to destroy America. If you wish to discuss some other subject that is outside of his speech parameters, then by all means go start yourself a thread and chatter away.

Have fun with that.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Look's like we have a different brand of "victim mindset" here, where white people blame non-whites for the destruction of America. Again, can't say I'm surprised...hats off to showing your true colors.

Actually my very first thought after reading the speech was. "This guy sounds racist..."
I just didn't bring it up.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by df1
We can see the results of multiculturalism all over the Mideast where a slight difference in culture results in wanting to kill your neighbor.

that's a gross simplification of the complexities of the middle east. it isn't about culture there, it's about HISTORY

We are seeing it in LA where blacks are being driven out of neighborhoods by Latino gangs because the blacks do not share their culture.

that's them not celebrating that which unites them

How many more examples do you need? I have many more if you require further convincing.

i could do with 1 good example

Diversity of thought is good, diversity of culture is divisive. Again the Mideast & LA are my examples.

so LA is a giant orgy or culturally fueled violence?
the middle east, yeah that's about culture, sure...

Speak as many languages as you like, I speak three. However restrict all government business and laws exclusively to written & spoken English. Congress has a hard enough time trying to make sensible laws in one language.

well, i think establishing 2 official languages would have an education benefit in this country. i think this specific topic kind of deserves it's own thread.

I see victimhood temples built all over ATS, don't you?

ATS isn't exactly a good sample for seeing stuff in america. especially when it's an international forum.

No American citizen should be deprived of an education.

no HUMAN BEING should be deprived of an education

Globalism is a greater evil.

firstly, you didn't support that point that globalism is an evil
secondly, i don't want globalism. i want universalism. we are all humans, screw our borders. we are all born, we all suffer, we all die. that should be enough to unite us.

It sure keeps people looking over their shoulder.

or maybe it keeps people considering the well being of others

I learned Italian & Spanish just fine without the government officially adopting either language.

i never said the government should adopt all native langauges.

Our current laws for granting citizenship are just fine and they should not be relaxed.

no, they are actually broken. i'm an immigrant that now holds dual maltese and american citizenships. it's a mess to get citizenship. it's even more of a mess to get into this country. the only easy way to get citizenship is to be a cuban refugee, and even then it's difficult.

On saint patrick's day everyone is Irish.

but that's not how it was before. people embraced something that was a diversity and turned it into something that unites us all. thus proving my point to a degree

In the context of this thread I would think it refers to a Hispanic organizaion that envisions a forming a country that takes over several western states including Califorinia . It is referred to as "República del norte" .

uh huh...
i don't see anyone calling for that either

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by truthseeka
most of you in this thread don't want to talk about what's REALLY bad for America.

The subject of this thread is (D) Richard Lamm's speech he gave on how to destroy America. If you wish to discuss some other subject that is outside of his speech parameters, then by all means go start yourself a thread and chatter away.

Have fun with that.

Ok. I get it.

This speech is a smokescreen for members to get on this thread and rant about how non-white people are ruining the country. This thread is for these members to blow off some steam from their gripes with said people. This thread is for these members to say "keep America white," pat each other on the backs, and band together against the evils of "multiculturalism," which is code word for non-whites.

Y'ALL have fun with that. Meanwhile, the REAL things bringing America down will cause the country to continue to spiral towards the center of the crapper, as y'all blame non-white people, er, multiculturalism.


posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Ok. I get it.

No .. you don't. But go ahead and think that you do. Whatever.

the REAL things bringing America down ..

As I said .. this thread is a discussion on the 'How to destroy America' speech by Gov. Richard Lamm. If you wish to discuss other things that are outside the speech .. go start a thread and discuss them.


yeah, riiiiiiiiiight. Again - Go start a thread on your version of 'real things bringing America down' . Have fun. bu-bye.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

Originally posted by df1
We can see the results of multiculturalism all over the Mideast where a slight difference in culture results in wanting to kill your neighbor.

that's a gross simplification of the complexities of the middle east. it isn't about culture there, it's about HISTORY

Actually, it is about culture. Sorry to bust your bubble. Or more to the point, what religous sect or tribe your from.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Actually, it is about culture. Sorry to bust your bubble. Or more to the point, what religous sect or tribe your from.

again, that's a gross simplification. it isn't just about religion. like in iraq, sunnis and shiites are fighting not just about religion. they're fighting because the smaller group (sunnis) had control under saddam and they feel that power is threatened.

culture becomes a problem when PRIDE becomes a problem. there is a legitimate amount of pride to be had in your culture, but it's only good in moderation.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 02:08 PM
Funny...I thought the title was about how to destroy America.

But, I do understand the real premise of this thread. Enjoy this white nationalist-sounding rant against multiculturalism, FF; I can GUARANTEE you this doesn't even come CLOSE to ruining America.

Madness, I think you're wasting your time. Posters in this thread don't care about REAL issues detrimental to America.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
Funny...I thought the title was about how to destroy America.

The title is - (D) Richard Lamm - How to destroy America.
I know you can see it sitting up there .... open your eyes.
Oh .. and perhaps you should re-read the opening statement.
It clearly states this is about HIM and the points in his SPEECH.

Enjoy this ...

blah blah blah

Posters in this thread don't care about REAL issues detrimental to America.

Still trying to change the topic, eh? Guess the TRUTH of what he said must scare you. BOOOOOOO! Big bad ol' truthseeka is scared of the truth of Lamm's statement.

So if the others are wasting their time as you claim ... that means you are too. And yet you keep coming back to try to change the subject. Oh truthseeka ... are so drawn to us that you just can't go start your own thread about what is 'really imporant'???

I'm just so flattered!

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