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Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role

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posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:42 AM
Why are people saying he was tortured into a confession?? The scum bag admitted he did it years ago!

As far as "hiding evidence". WHY?? The are happy with what they did. This man is PROUD at what he accomplished. If this man ever faces justice and is executed, he will die a hero in the eyes of the Islamic extremists.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 07:46 AM
I can see the right/left wing flames burning already. I think that some people on ATS really need to learn the difference between "Left wing" and "Communist".

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

And thus, another person exposes themselves as someone who does not have the first clue. Try reading some FACTS not internet conspiracy site BS.

I would really love to see some of these FACTS you speak of. I'm not sure if anything reprinted from a US Government Press Release can be considered evidence.

State-controlled media is notorious throughout the world for its propaganda and omitting of facts or context (China and North Korea just to name two). While the US Media system is not state controlled, it is a corporate media system, which is fueled and made financially viable because of profit and cost-cutting. How can you say something is factual when it has simply been told to you by a news agency, that was told it by the government, with little or no independent investigation?

I put it to you that State-Controlled Media is much like Corporate-Controlled Media. Where the state-media will say what it is told because it has to, the Corporate-Media will say what it is told because its cheaper and more cost-effective to do so.

Can you really say that you have seen any evidence or facts?

Now, onto the topic at hand.

I do not agree with the sentiments that this man did not do it. I do though, not agree with the sentiments that he did. I do not know. Does anyone really know except for him? I am however, somewhat skeptical of the circumstances under which his new confession has been extracted.

Has he been tortured? Has he been Interrogated? Was he refused medical treatment with painkillers? I don't need to get too heavily into the various documented forms of abuse at Guantanamo Bay...

Forms of ill treatment during captivity that do not involve physical pain—such as psychological manipulation, deprivation, humiliation and forced stress positions—appear to cause as much mental distress and traumatic stress as physical torture, according to a report in the March issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. (From Google News Search)

Call it what you want, it is torture. If it was not, then he would have been interrogated on U.S. Soil, in a U.S. Prison in a more legally transparent manner.

The argument that he is not a soldier, but an enemy combatant is flawed. From a legal standpoint it is clear that he is covered by the Geneva Convention and its intended use of the word "Soldier". Anyone with an once of humanity that looks at the Geneva Conventions and thinks for one second about the reasons they were created will realize the terrible path we are endeavoring on. Who are we to spread our principles around the world in the name of 'peace and justice' when we do not even uphold those most intrinsic to the concepts.

If they have all this bulletproof evidence then why will they not now try him in a U.S. Court with a Jury of U.S. Citizens? Why must we deny the families of 9/11 Victims and History a conviction in a just manner?

Today, Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer stated in regards to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed "I'm delighted that he is in Guantanamo Bay, he is truly evil. I'm delighted that he's facing justice".

This to me highlights the sentiments shared by many in support of Guantanamo Bay. It is however in my opinion, an incredibly inhumane view to take. I would not wish the conditions or treatment of Guantanamo bay nor simple presence there upon my worst enemy. To say that he is receiving justice there is a sick joke. Nobody that is denied Basic Human Rights or Basic Legal Rights can be receiving Justice, in any sense of the word. This is Revenge.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by colourinthemeaning]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 07:58 AM

What is going on in Guantanamo Bay is not Justice. It's Just Ice. (Sorry, I couldn't help myself)

It is because of the horrific crimes that this man has allegedly committed that I believe it is more important than ever he face true justice in a U.S. Court with a Jury.

Why do we consider his crimes so wrong? It is not because it is against the law to murder, it is because of a deep-rooted human feeling [among most of us at least] that killing and murdering is wrong. This is why we have laws against Murder, just as it is why we have laws against torture, unfair treatment and arbitrary imprisonment. Those too are congenially human beliefs.

Edit: Typo

[edit on 15-3-2007 by colourinthemeaning]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:26 AM
I am more than a little suspicious about this "confession".

First of all, we have KSM in custody, evidently with enough evidence to hold him....ooops I forgot, as an enemy combatant we don't need evidence. I this suppose to throw off the dogs that are pursuing the investigation into 9/11?

Listen, KSM knows he will never see the outside of a prison cell again and if convicted of war crimes he's a dead man...why not confess to everything on the "to do" list? This endears himself as a myrtar for radical Islam and makes himself look like a bigger criminal than he already is. I'm just surprised they didn't thrown in "assassinated JFK and Robert for my first gig".

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
...I'm just surprised they didn't thrown in "assassinated JFK and Robert for my first gig".

Well, inside sources said they had to shorten his original list. They kept the presidential assassination attempts, the Pope assassiniation attempt, Richard Reid, etc. but chose to omit his confession to making the Alien Autopsy film, the Phoenix Lights, the Tsunami, Bhopal, the Anthrax scare, Global Warming and the fact that he's the real father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby. The government just thought these last points, though entirely valid and fully vetted, are just too much for the American people to accept.


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Why are people saying he was tortured into a confession?? The scum bag admitted he did it years ago!

As far as "hiding evidence". WHY?? The are happy with what they did. This man is PROUD at what he accomplished. If this man ever faces justice and is executed, he will die a hero in the eyes of the Islamic extremists.

Why didn't he just turn himelf in on 9/12 then if he's so so proud? Why remain a free man until Uncle Same decides to have him snagged, then make sure there's no hope of freedom by incriminating himself then? It just seems inconsistent is all. The data may have been planted to bolster the case, even if true.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic

Why didn't he just turn himelf in on 9/12 then if he's so so proud? Why remain a free man until Uncle Same decides to have him snagged, then make sure there's no hope of freedom by incriminating himself then? It just seems inconsistent is all. The data may have been planted to bolster the case, even if true.

So he could do something similar again? C'mon, that is not good logic.

People don't murder because they want to get caught. They murder because they want to, and think they WONT get caught (At least in premeditated cases).

Wanting to commit a crime, and wanting to be caught for it are two totally different things.

(I know my last entries were pretty much highlighting some of the inconsistencies -- but this is really an argument full of holes IMO)

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
What? and force the lefties to admit they were wrong? #, hell is more likely to freeze over before that. They dont even take responsibility for all the vietnamese deaths they caused by allowing the communist takeover.

Tisk tisk...with comments like this, its no wonder the republicans lost the last election, and the next, and the next....

Your kind is a dying breed. One out of every three of us - if you are lucky.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:46 AM
From Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, all of these secret societies have people across the world in positions of power. The UN was created by these guys, one heads the world bank, 3 us presidents, tony blair, the list goes on and on. These people are forcing their views and ideas on the rest of the world and have remarkable control of the media.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:56 AM
Some of you are missing the point. If you look at my first post, you will realise that the document is not a confession, nor a statement, nor a transcript. It is a substitution for any of those, written in the third person, with a little bit of 'written by sheikh' at the end. I would also add that it is poorly constructed and rambling.

It is not even a series of quotes, it is a series of points with which (we are expected to believe) Sheikh agreed.

It reminds me of the
'confession' which Guy Fawkes signed after he 'attempted' to blow up the parliament, an action which, whether succesful or not, could only have benefitted the ruling Prodestants.

Roll up, roll up, get your false flags here!

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:56 AM
Nobody tortured Osama bin Laden into admitting his participation in 9/11.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Nobody tortured Osama bin Laden into admitting his participation in 9/11.

When was that? I must have missed it.

I hope you are not referring to the video released three days before the US election. Or was it two days?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by colourinthemeaning
I hope you are not referring to the video released three days before the US election. Or was it two days?

Yup. He spoke about the attacks and claimed responsibility.

Couldn't be that al-Qaeda let the video leak right before the election to try and influence it, could it?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

damn it only took 4 years of turtouring to admit it!!! thats effiecency!

You must have missed the Al Jazeera interview with KSM (before we captured him) in which he discussed how he planned 9/11...........

You must have missed that interview I did with entertainment tonight on how I confessed to being the real father of Anna Nicoles baby! See how that works, I confessed on t.v. that the I mean baby is mine! Therefore it must be true!!

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:47 AM
This is great!
Did they get him to 'confess' how he completely demolished three, steel-framed, skyscrapers using commercial aircraft? Because I really want to know how he did that.
Also, id like to know how they were able to penetrate three rings of concrete-steel reinforced walls, one of the most heavily constructed bunkers in the world, with an aluminum-skinned aircraft.

I can't wait for the answers.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
I bet at that point he would have confessed to dropping a house on the Wicked Witch of the East.

LOL I know I would. I can take physical pain, but I couldn't take knowing that I was just going to slowly waste away the rest of my life in a (crap)hole like that, being sprayed naked with cold water and forced into a metal cage cuffed with a fan blowing hard against my back, and all the crap like that. No family, friends, food, good shelter, ever. Well, that's what the media hears about it, anyway.
A few days of that and I'd be ready for assisted suicide, not to mention all the stuff I'd be confessing to. Only thing that might stop me is spite just because of the disgust I'd have for the guys doing it.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by whiterabbit

Originally posted by colourinthemeaning
I hope you are not referring to the video released three days before the US election. Or was it two days?

Yup. He spoke about the attacks and claimed responsibility.

Couldn't be that al-Qaeda let the video leak right before the election to try and influence it, could it?

whiterabbit, are you being facetious? I have to assume so. But in the extremely unlikley possibility that you truly believe the OBL 'confession' is real I suggest you check into (at least) these two links:


Prof. Bruce Lawrence

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 11:01 AM
Bin Laden said in one video that he expected only the top part of the towers to collapse down to where the planes struck. He said the towers collapsing completely was totally unexpected.

So, I guess we can't blame you guys too much for still doubting it if even the guy who planned it was taken by surprise.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by jtma508

Prof. Bruce Lawrence

The 2nd link is straightforward enough in its addressing the video, but the first one implies it by the FBI apparently ignoring that earliy video to say that, nonetheless, there is no evidence connecting OBL to 9/11.

It would be hard for the FBI to just "forget" such a tape when making such an important statement to the public. The whole agency exists to perform criminal investigations; its literally all of their jobs. One would imagine they had good reason to discount the tape. If the footage itself isn't suspect enough, look into its translation, and it becomes even more suspect, and even more clear as to why the FBI would say that it has no good evidence on OBL.

Faking crap-quality videos is one of the easiest things in the world, guys. All you need is (1) a cheap camera, (2) somebody that looks like the guy you're framing, (3) somebody that'll buy it, hook, line and sinker. After 9/11, most every American bought it, hook, line and sinker, myself included.

Getting false confessions and other such isn't really that hard, either. You want to discuss major conspiracies, black ops, like the whole operation of 9/11 being an inside job, well this stuff is kid's play by comparison. The DoD can whip these out as they need them.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by whiterabbit
Bin Laden said in one video that he expected only the top part of the towers to collapse down to where the planes struck. He said the towers collapsing completely was totally unexpected.

So, I guess we can't blame you guys too much for still doubting it if even the guy who planned it was taken by surprise.

That doesn't mean he planned it. He admitted foreknowledge, to what extent we don't know. Is that evil? Of course it is, but if someone had told me of the Plan, I doubt the buildings collapsing would have crossed my mind.

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