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Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role

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posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 07:08 PM
And this release came how many days after the BBC fiasco?

(CNN)-WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks on the United States, has admitted responsibility for those and other major al Qaeda operations, according to the transcript of a hearing at Guantanamo Bay released on Wednesday.

I was responsible for the 9/11 Operation, from A to Z," Mohammed, speaking through a personal representative, said, according to the transcript of the hearing on Saturday at the U.S. military prison camp in Cuba released by the Pentagon.

"I was the operational director for Sheikh Usama [Osama] Bin Laden for the organizing, planning, follow-up, and execution of the 9/11 operation," he said through his representative, a member of the U.S. military.

Full story here

[edit on 14-3-2007 by Black_Fox]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 07:12 PM
I bet at that point he would have confessed to dropping a house on the Wicked Witch of the East. Look at the dude:

He looks beat down and exhausted.

Good work guys

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
I bet at that point he would have confessed to dropping a house on the Wicked Witch of the East. Look at the dude:

He looks beat down and exhausted.

Good work guys

This guy just admitted that he killed 3000 of your fellow citizens, and you want to drum up sympathy for him? Unbelievable.

BTW: that was a photo from 2003 in Pakistan-- not that reading or research is your forte'

Face it people-- Terrorists killed all of those people on 9/11

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 07:46 PM
damn it only took 4 years of turtouring to admit it!!! thats effiecency!

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:27 PM
How convenient. Alberto who?

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by GwionX

This guy just admitted that he killed 3000 of your fellow citizens, and you want to drum up sympathy for him? Unbelievable.

BTW: that was a photo from 2003 in Pakistan-- not that reading or research is your forte'

Face it people-- Terrorists killed all of those people on 9/11

What? and force the lefties to admit they were wrong? #, hell is more likely to freeze over before that. They dont even take responsibility for all the vietnamese deaths they caused by allowing the communist takeover.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by hikix
damn it only took 4 years of turtouring to admit it!!! thats effiecency!

Good point.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:31 PM

damn it only took 4 years of turtouring to admit it!!! thats effiecency!

You must have missed the Al Jazeera interview with KSM (before we captured him) in which he discussed how he planned 9/11...........

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

damn it only took 4 years of turtouring to admit it!!! thats effiecency!

You must have missed the Al Jazeera interview with KSM (before we captured him) in which he discussed how he planned 9/11...........

That guy looks like a genius, i wonder how he got norad to stand down, and how he found a pilot who could crash into the pentagon without even scratching the ground. Or how he found pilots who could figure out the controls of 757 after learning on suv sized planes. Im tellin ya, those guys livin in caves sure know how to plan an attack!

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:50 PM

That guy looks like a genius, i wonder how he got norad to stand down, and how he found a pilot who could crash into the pentagon without even scratching the ground. Or how he found pilots who could figure out the controls of 757 after learning on suv sized planes. Im tellin ya, those guys livin in caves sure know how to plan an attack!

And thus, another person exposes themselves as someone who does not have the first clue. Try reading some FACTS not internet conspiracy site BS.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:07 PM
i read my facts when my gf's father and best friends dad died in the wtc.. and i was there in nyc when u were god knows where... im sorry, i dont believe one snippit of the offical story.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:24 PM
dittint they say O cia ben laden fess up to this all ready...nobody believed it then so they bring out thier trump after 4 years or so in GITMO..he decided that the offers of dounts and coffe are worth the 'fessing' up to a lie....this fessing up is worth about as much as the official 911 investigation.
i wonder how this is being looked at in the ..outside amerika press??
will the flock sway to the sheppard???

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:49 PM
Man O Man, I knew something like this would happen.

I guess this wraps it up the 911 conspiracy, we can all go home now.

And only two days after gathering 911 links and one week on the
911 conspiracy.

Guess I went on too many boards with the awful truth.

I was a waiting for this to be posted, guess he was denied the internet
or he would know to sue for internet fraud.

Back to media news where everything is hunky dory.

I will just have to drop all the good internet 911 conspiracy that was
wrapping up quite nicely. The flights never existed, fake evidence of which
some is photo like that worked for the lunar landing and Roswell, small
missile like the V1 did all three buildings, no plane crash in PA, WTC sub
basement collapse, top down squib explosions, FEMA helicopters observing,
blaming Al-Queda with pictures of people still alive today, shaped charges,
thermite, thermate and lack of government finding the true terrorists.

One week of wasted effort.
Or is Roswell, the lunar landing and WTC all connected by the people
that shoved Truman and Eisenhower around down to Kennedy and
now Bush. Will Bush set the record straight.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 12:10 AM
The way he said It I don't think he said it just because he was tortured.

Let us hope all the stupid 9/11 conspiracies end right here.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 12:22 AM
Testimony 'substitution'

On Page 1 and 2

None of the attourneys for either the prosecution or the defense have been allowed access to Sheikh Mohammed, who is not available to testify in person or by video for national security reasons. However, the lawyers have been given numerous written summaries of Sheikh Mohammed's oral statements made in response to direct questioning.

Listed below are some of the statements Sheikh Mohammed made in response to questioning. You should assume that if Sheikh Mohammed was avaiable to testify in this courtroom under oath and subject to perjury he would have said what is contained in these statements

On page 55. Point 111.

Sheikh mohammed wrote the following:

I know that the materialistic Wetern mind cannot grasp the idea, and it is difficult for them to believe that the high officials in Al Queda do not know about operations carried out by its operatives, but this is how it works. We do not submit written reports to our higher ups. I conducted the September 11 atacks by submitting only oral reports. I would travel for a day-and-a-half to reach Bin Ladin, and I inform him what was happening. Sometimes I scratched down my notes on a small piece of paper about 10cm long. This is unacceptable in operations administered by the West. We sent meaningless letters of few lines. We spoke nonsense on the telephone with the operatives and the go-between people like Ramzi Bin al-Shibh. but in the end the operation was a success. I know that running an operation in the West requires specific administrative work. Yet, you must believe that the operation could be run successfuly with simple primitive means.

I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

p.s. I'm not a massive contributor, but I'm already totally sick of people who ruin a thread relating to a new story with pointless, poorly constructed, closed-minded, unneccesary posts. Why bother? You aren't contributing, you're diluting. Only a fool speaks when they have nothing to say. Don't reply to this either, go read something.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by Giordano Bruno]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by clearmind
dittint they say O cia ben laden fess up to this all ready...nobody believed it then so they bring out thier trump after 4 years or so in GITMO..he decided that the offers of dounts and coffe are worth the 'fessing' up to a lie....this fessing up is worth about as much as the official 911 investigation.
i wonder how this is being looked at in the ..outside amerika press??
will the flock sway to the sheppard???

He confessed years ago about it. This is just a new presentation that was part of the trial to see if he would be treated as an enemy combatant. But he openly confessed to it in April 2002. And this was before he was even captured in September 2002.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Man O Man, I knew something like this would happen.

I guess this wraps it up the 911 conspiracy, we can all go home now.

And only two days after gathering 911 links and one week on the
911 conspiracy.

Guess I went on too many boards with the awful truth.

I was a waiting for this to be posted, guess he was denied the internet
or he would know to sue for internet fraud.

Back to media news where everything is hunky dory.

I will just have to drop all the good internet 911 conspiracy that was
wrapping up quite nicely. The flights never existed, fake evidence of which
some is photo like that worked for the lunar landing and Roswell, small
missile like the V1 did all three buildings, no plane crash in PA, WTC sub
basement collapse, top down squib explosions, FEMA helicopters observing,
blaming Al-Queda with pictures of people still alive today, shaped charges,
thermite, thermate and lack of government finding the true terrorists.

One week of wasted effort.
Or is Roswell, the lunar landing and WTC all connected by the people
that shoved Truman and Eisenhower around down to Kennedy and
now Bush. Will Bush set the record straight.

i agree with you, those 2 days i spent reading those internet articles that 9-11
was a conspiracy were such a waste. I cant believe i spent those 4 hours reseaching something, when this one peice of evidence proves the official story right. Well im glad i watched fox news for the past 6 years and absorbed all that information! Now i can get back on with my life fearing people that live in caves 6000 miles away.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:32 AM
Yeah everyone in the middle east must live in caves. I can see Osama at parties:

"Geez, I make one video in a cave while hiding and they won't let it go".

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 03:54 AM
GB! Exellent post! I didn't look into it much yet, didn't even realize 'til now this was a breaking news story (he's been called the mastermind for years and I thot already admitted)

Originally posted by Giordano Bruno

I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

p.s. I'm not a massive contributor, but I'm already totally sick of people who ruin a thread relating to a new story with pointless, poorly constructed, closed-minded, unneccesary posts. Why bother? You aren't contributing, you're diluting. Only a fool speaks when they have nothing to say. Don't reply to this either, go read something.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by Giordano Bruno]

Yep. One new thing I can add:
Consider this simple, paper trail-free primitive method of keeping tabs on the ops beneath oneself, as you found:

Sheikh mohammed wrote the following:

I know that the materialistic Wetern mind cannot grasp the idea, and it is difficult for them to believe that the high officials in Al Queda do not know about operations carried out by its operatives, but this is how it works. We do not submit written reports to our higher ups. I conducted the September 11 atacks by submitting only oral reports. I would travel for a day-and-a-half to reach Bin Ladin, and I inform him what was happening. Sometimes I scratched down my notes on a small piece of paper about 10cm long. This is unacceptable in operations administered by the West. We sent meaningless letters of few lines. We spoke nonsense on the telephone with the operatives and the go-between people like Ramzi Bin al-Shibh. but in the end the operation was a success. I know that running an operation in the West requires specific administrative work. Yet, you must believe that the operation could be run successfuly with simple primitive means.

Yet in the doc (page5) it notes as evidence:

"Paragraph d. A computer hard drive seized during the capture of detainee contained information about the four planes hijacked on 11 September 2001 including code names, airline company, flight number, target, pilot name and background information, and names of the hijackers.
Paragraph e. A computer hard drive seized during the capture of the detainee contained photographs of 19 individuals identified as the 11 September 2001 hijackers."

He had the whole plot sitting on his hard drive with all photos, in March 2003? No time or money to swap out drives and hide evidence, huh?

Similar with late 1994 "Operation Bojinka" - the plan that preceded the recent liquid bombs scare with 11 planes to blow up simultaneously over the Pacific - Ramzi Yousef escaped, but his buddy AbdulMurad was arrested. A bomb went off early, they fled, ooops, left behind Yousef's portable laptop with all the flight numbers, code names, etc. so investigators could uncover and foil Bojinka. this was also a KSM operation, he visited their room often before the incident and even gave an interview to Time mag I believe with the pseudonym "Kahlid sheikh" at the scene just as his buddies were arrested.

In Bruno style, draw your own conclusions from all this.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by GwionX

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
I bet at that point he would have confessed to dropping a house on the Wicked Witch of the East. Look at the dude:

He looks beat down and exhausted.

Good work guys

This guy just admitted that he killed 3000 of your fellow citizens, and you want to drum up sympathy for him? Unbelievable.

BTW: that was a photo from 2003 in Pakistan-- not that reading or research is your forte'

Face it people-- Terrorists killed all of those people on 9/11

GwionX, I bet you would confess to planning 9/11 if you were put through Gitmo for 4 years. Tortured confessions are nothing to go by.

[edit on 15/3/2007 by malganis]

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