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I'm Intrepid and I'm appearently a racist.....

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posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:52 PM
Dare I ask, knowing this was not the original question, truthseeka and Ceci, plain and simple, do you believe Intrepid to be racist?

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
It won't go on if members are being discussed.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by TheBandit795]


1. You should take your own advice about calming down.

2. Don't worry about what I meant about an apology. I wasn't talking to you.

3. This guy started this thread on the premise that he is apparently a racist. How is this thread NOT to be about an ATS member?

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Koka
Dare I ask, knowing this was not the original question, truthseeka and Ceci, plain and simple, do you believe Intrepid to be racist?

Koka, I don't think intrepid is racist.

HOWEVER, I DO think he has an agenda and is a con artist, seeing as he won't rescind his position on using my post in the opening post on this thread.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by ceci2006

I would rather see it go on in hopes that a middle ground can be reached.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by ceci2006]

For a middle ground to be reached one has to move. You haven't from the BEGINNING. Your message remains the same. Are you saying that YOU are willing to move?

You know why, intrepid? Because you have returned answers that have attacked the message instead of grasping and wrestling with it.

You asked me to repeat my message over and over. And out of courtesy, I have done so.

Instead of putting the ball in my court, I would find it best that you make yourself clear pertaining to the goals of the thread instead of simply accusing people of color of calling you racist.

What do you truly want to learn from our answers? And how has this thread helped you?

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Koka
Dare I ask, knowing this was not the original question, truthseeka and Ceci, plain and simple, do you believe Intrepid to be racist?

No, I don't, Koka. I have never said that he was racist. I have never accused him of guilt. And I believe that he needs to take responsibility and acknowledge our answers.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by ceci2006]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
3. This guy started this thread on the premise that he is apparently a racist. How is this thread NOT to be about an ATS member?

Then you obviously don't get his point...

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Ceci, I'd like to invite you to view this thread.

I'm inviting you as well, truthseeka.

And if after viewing those threads. You two still continue to discuss member your discussing against, rather than the subject, I will close this thread.

P.S: The O.P. is not the subject of the thread.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by TheBandit795]

TheBandit, I would ask you not to close the thread. That would be punishing everyone for the actions of a few. Instead, the proper response would be to take action against those that do not heed your warnings.

Just my .02

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

Originally posted by truthseeka
3. This guy started this thread on the premise that he is apparently a racist. How is this thread NOT to be about an ATS member?

Then you obviously don't get his point...

I don't give a damn about his point.

I do find it ironic that you tell me to stop talking about "anonymous," even though he opened this thread talking about me.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by ceci2006
You know why, intrepid? Because you have returned answers that have attacked the message instead of grasping and wrestling with it.

You asked me to repeat my message over and over. And out of courtesy, I have done so.

Instead of putting the ball in my court, I would find it best that you make yourself clear pertaining to the goals of the thread instead of simply accusing people of color of calling you racist.

What do you truly want to learn from our answers? And how has this thread helped you?

See the BOLD. That's my point ceci, you aren't willing to listen to what white people think, your agenda means more to you than meeting the "middle ground" that YOU would like to get to.

OK, ball's in my court? We are ALL human, we ALL suffer from the same things, unless you happen to be in the mix, ie: the top .1%. Once there colour doesn't matter, unless it's to use it to keep the other 99.9% fighting amongst themselves. Then it's pretty damn effective.

Racism is a very effective tool of the elite. I cast it off, it's not ANY part of ME. THAT is what I stated in the beginning of this thread. I WON'T own any part of it. But YOU seem to want me to own it because of the colour of my skin. Sorry, not happening.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:17 PM
No, you didn't.

You started this thread on a lie, that I called you racist.

Had you started with your RL story, you would have been much better off. Instead, you took a shot at me, and now you don't like that I called you out on it. Tough.

The way you've talked to ceci CLEARLY lacks any indication of casting off racism. You've been attacking her, but unlike you, she hasn't had a posse to back her up on here. And, quite typically, you claim ceci is attacking you while you are trying to have a discussion...

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Fine. You've taken responsibility. How about taking the responsibility of acknowledging that institutional racism has affected certain groups in society more than others? How about taking the responsibility of acknowledging the gap between certain races in terms of privilege, wealth and social access?

I tend to think that the blanket statement of blaming the elite does nothing to solve the problems existing in society.

Suffice it to say, by just saying that we are all human, ignores and de-races the cultures of all others except for one. Since you are saying that there is one human race, what type of human do you describe embodies these traits, values, social norms, and actions?

And why do the rest of us have to give up our histories, heritage and cultures to satisfy this only one "human race" requirement?

intrepid post

Fine. You've taken responsibility. How about taking the responsibility of acknowledging that institutional racism has affected certain groups in society more than others? How about taking the responsibility of acknowledging the gap between certain races in terms of privilege, wealth and social access?

intrepid post

That is not what I said. I'm asking you to take responsbility and acknowledge not only the theme of this thread but the disparities in treatment that occur between different races in society. And if you don't, you are more part of the problem instead of being the solution.

Mod note: Sorry for the accidental editing.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by TheBandit795]

[edit on 11-2-2007 by ceci2006]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
The way you've talked to ceci CLEARLY lacks any indication of casting off racism. You've been attacking her, but unlike you, she hasn't had a posse to back her up on here. And, quite typically, you claim ceci is attacking you while you are trying to have a discussion...

To the BOLD, yes that's what I'm doing, trying to have a discussion.

BTW, I never accused ceci of attacking me, verbatim or otherwise.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka

I don't give a damn about his point.

Then give me a reason why you are in this thread?

I do find it ironic that you tell me to stop talking about "anonymous," even though he opened this thread talking about me.

Note that he was talking about the post, not the person. Understand that.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Note that he was talking about the post, not the person. Understand that.


When he uses MY post as a building point on why people think he's racist, that's an attack on ME. ESPECIALLY when I didn't say a THING about him prior to his creation of this thread. Makes more sense than him feeling I was talking about him in my post. Understand THAT.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:36 PM
It took long enough but my point is proven, thanks ceci.

Originally posted by ceci2006
Suffice it to say, by just saying that we are all human, ignores and de-races the cultures of all others except for one. Since you are saying that there is one human race, what type of human do you describe embodies these traits, values, social norms, and actions?

And why do the rest of us have to give our histories, heritage and cultures to satisfy this only one "human race" requirement?

What "one" race? The human one? And who asked you to give up ANYTHING?

Fine. You've taken responsibility. How about taking the responsibility of acknowledging that institutional racism has affected certain groups in society more than others? How about taking the responsibility of the gap between certain races in terms of privilege, wealth and social access?

Sorry, that's BS, we ALL have to deal with that, if you want to use race to make it easier for you to get through the day, sorry but that's a cop out.

That is not what I said. I'm asking you to take responsbility and acknowledge not only the theme of this thread but the disparities in treatment that occur between different races in society. And if you don't, you are more part of the problem instead of being the solution.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by ceci2006]

You're asking me to take responsibility? For what? Reread the original post. I DON'T take responsibility for what I didn't do. It took long enough but we finally got to the bottom line. NO ceci, I'm not going to buy the "sins of the father BS".

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
When he uses MY post as a building point on why people think he's racist, that's an attack on ME. ESPECIALLY when I didn't say a THING about him prior to his creation of this thread. Makes more sense than him feeling I was talking about him in my post. Understand THAT.

That is definately not an attack on you. Don't take that so personal. He used your post as an example for a point that he was trying to make. That's all. Don't read more into it than what's posted there.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:52 PM
And then I'm going to make an extremely DUMB mistake by clicking on edit instead of quote.

Go ahead Ceci, you can spank my butt on this one. Sorry for that.

Anyway.. I've tried to fix your post as close to it's original state as I can.

And here's my reply here:

Move on. Move beyond that. It has happened. Fine I choose to not be bothered by it and find my own way out. Those that have chosen not to be bothered by focusing on the gap between certain races have had a better chance to live a more satisfying life IMHO. Trying to get people to feel guilty (which means you're holding a grudge against them) hasn't helped yet. Those who hold the biggest grudges are the least satisfied IMHO. Forgiveness is key to having a better relationship with other people (although they must understand where you are coming from of course). If they don't... Ignore them and move on.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by TheBandit795]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
When he uses MY post

Just FYI from the T&C:

3) Content Copyright: By posting on this message board, you relinquish all exclusive copyright privileges to the material you post and you grant The Owners non-exclusive rights to publish your posts in perpetuity in all forms protected under our ATS Creative Commons License. LLP has the authority to decide to display your postings or not, and modify your posts to remove offensive material, vulgar comments, insults or any other content deemed inappropriate, at our discretion.

Emphasis added.

So, actually, once you post on ATS, I believe it's theirs, not yours.

I'm just saying...

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
What "one" race? The human one? And who asked you to give up ANYTHING?

By simply stating the same bland "color-blind" rhetoric that is always used in these threads on ATS.

By simply advocating in the WHM thread that no one ought to have an historical month.

That, in essence, forces one to believe that they have to give up their culture to appease one race. And I had posted sources there to prove it.

Sorry, that's BS, we ALL have to deal with that, if you want to use race to make it easier for you to get through the day, sorry but that's a cop out.

Who said I was "using my race" to make it easier? You? Frankly, I would suggest you stop with the accusations against me and focus on the meat of the question.

Or else, what you are saying is pure bromide and tripe only meant to incite and not educate anyone.

But at least, you partially acknowledged that we all have to deal with inequities in the system. It's a start.

You're asking me to take responsibility?

Yes, for the false pretenses of your thread. Or was it payback to people of color instead?

For what?

Accusing people of color of calling you racist. It was not done and you need to own up to that fact.

Reread the original post.

Thank you for suggesting, but I have many times now.

I DON'T take responsibility for what I didn't do.

Well, you at least admit that. So you're okay with inciting other people's prejudices to get to this point in the thread. And I suppose you are also okay with supporting some of the hurtful rhetoric against people of color made in this thread (which had nothing to do with the sins of the father, btw).

Now, take responsibility in noting that neither HH, truthseeka and myself have called you anything remotely to having guilt or being a racist. In fact, our comments disprove this thread's premise. And most relevantly, none of us blamed you for anything towards those areas--not even for the sins of your poor, begotten fore-fathers.

Please admit that before you go on.

It took long enough but we finally got to the bottom line.

Not really. You can't even bring yourself to admit your faults in stirring up this hornet's nest in order to discuss this issue.

NO ceci, I'm not going to buy the "sins of the father BS".

Neither do I. But I will not cease in making people remember the acts afforded to history so they have the knowledge not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

[edit on 12-2-2007 by ceci2006]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
That is definately not an attack on you. Don't take that so personal. He used your post as an example for a point that he was trying to make. That's all. Don't read more into it than what's posted there.

Don't patronize me.

"Don't read too much into it. You're being too sensitive. Don't take it the wrong way."

Boy, am I learning a lot in these threads. WAY more than I learned being in classes with mostly white people for as long as I can remember.

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