I think questioning your nation's motives and policies is healthy for a democracy, it has been done since our inception.
The problem now-a-days is, that liberals (generalizing for easiness sake, actually they are the "oppressed minority") do not agree with what our
nation has been doing and such, but rather than debating it healthily, they act all desperate-like and claw the eyes out of any supporters.
I think it is because they ARE such a minority, that this happens. But we see it everywhere, because of the emmense grouping that is able to be done
by these minorities.
They don't all agree on everything like everyone else, but they are minorities in some way (gay, communist, environmentalist, teenager) so on...but
they all share a common belief of supporting Iraq, and giving Saddam a box of chocolates.
This makes the supporters of blowing saddams "small" head off (and I don't mean the one he thinks with either
) the minority.
So now we have a bunch of people, desperate for different reasons, being a fairly large group of people (technically they aren't the majority because
about 50% of Americans don't give a crap about most anything), and so consequently we have a lot of eye gougers out there, who rather than rationally
debate...just want to stab you with anything you happen to say to support it. And this verbal abuse is getting annoying.
I saw a website that was devoted to teaching people out there (targeting kids) how to properly bring up the Iraq issue at Thanksgiving, and then how
to spout out endless drivel that can "look" like facts, if no one bothers to research it out.
Such as the 1.5 million Iraqis death, it claims it is our fault, no it is Saddams fault for not building the required infrastructure to help his
people, instead he builds war machines.
AND AT THANKSGIVING!!! This has led me to forever vow, that at MY thanksgivings, the only thing said will be family stuff, and jokes and the only
prayer said will be George Washington's Speech on Thanks Giving....and NOTHING ELSE!
I'll be damned if my kids become a bunch of heathens who would rather surrender than save their democracy.
Ugh I think today is my rambling day, probably because I have more pressing things on my mind, and am trying to do this on the side
or maybe it was
the fact I was nearly blown off a mountain by 100+ mph winds.
Man...the whole valley of reno was a dust storm, and now, an icy rain has commeth
Ahh i love the power of nature. I'm still picking sand out of
my teeth, ears, and eyes
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[Edited on 15-12-2002 by FreeMason]