posted on May, 9 2003 @ 03:00 AM
Ahh, free mason made some very interesting points not mentioned in history.
Europeans DID interfere in the civil war, tho, because of the Russians, not as directly as they would have liked to. European industrialists funded
the north, where they could make more money off the rise of industry there. In the south, European aristocrats had an interest in keeping slavery
alive and well, because it meant a continued flow of cheap cotton and tobbacco. Yes, EUROPE< this bastion of human compasion and benevolence today
anttempted to twart the unions attepts to end slavery and pick apart the colonies for thier OWN interests. So its no wonder America has turned
imperialist today: LOOK AT WHO TAUGHT US!!!!!!!
The indians were as guilty of thier own defeat as we were. To this day many indian tribes still hold gridges against one another for crimes and stuff
committed in the past. Here in Washington, the Yakima and Muckelshoot have little to do with one another because the Yakima until bout 100 years ago
crossed the mountains, raided the Muckelshoot, raped the women and took captives. The Indians were too busy killing each other to unite against the
great white threat.
So we used the nuke first. Your point? The Germans were trying to develop it too, it was a race against one another. They would have shared it with
the japanese, who would have in turn used it on us. It was a descision: drop a couple bombs on Japan to prevent a greater death toll. And i dont hear
the mention of Dresden much, in which British planes slow cooked 400,000 innocent people to death, nor the destruction of berlin by the Russians
invading. The nukes dropped, only 100,000 people died. The death toll in Europe will never be known: estimated at 60 million, but well never be sure.