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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 10:29 PM
dear cracker:

your a hater. i dont like haters, if u do not like what these people are saying/writing or w/e for example otd and td and win 52 why not just leave them alone? huh is it really that hard i mean omg why not just forget all about these post's and #ing go sumwher else to make fun of peeps sheesh well goodbye im bored of you. (edit) if u dont beleive td/renato's story u dont have to tell anyone u know this right. i mean everyone else is enjoying all the info and etc hes giving us but you have to come here and tell us that since ur skeptic about what hes saying that noone can beleive him im not saying everything td is saying is true ( i beleive it though so dont get mad lol) but most people beleive him and now u shouldnt talk back cus youll never win ill keep on arguing on how ur wrong and how ur making this forum a waste of time bcus ur puting useless stuff about how were all lying and etc. have fun saying more people are lying _javascript:icon('

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 06:11 AM
Onthedeck, the issue I have is claiming a story to be true when your stated facts don't pan out. The IRS building is an issue because it is a lie in your stated facts. There's no point trying to spin that issue in any manner. You or he made it up and got caught. It opens the rest of your story up as potentially filled with lies. If everything is true, if his name, his schools, his friends and all of these events are true, why make up a story about delivering laptops to an IRS office that doesn't exist? What would that lie do to serve this greater truth?

Schmidty, from that long post of mostly incoherent gibberish I gleaned very little but I am not a hater. I don't like being lied to and I don't like the current m.o. of these groups of people that seem to come here with no reason other than to perpetrate a hoax. If that is being a hater, so be it. I'm surprised I haven't been called psyops, cointelpro, NWO agent or some other moronic claim but I'm sure it's forthcoming.

I would love to find out these kind of stories are true but when one guy starts posting here by asking what if questions and then, out of the blue, here comes someone who has actually done the what if, my b.s. alarms start ringing. The set up is old and obvious. When you then get someone corroborating the outlandish claims thanks to conversations with god, well, now you've got lunacy at it's finest.

Still awaiting the IRS address and, by the way, I should point out that, in my fifteen or so years of dealing with the IRS, I think I saw one laptop. Not saying they don't have them (I'm sure they do) but, to quote an agent himself "our computers come from Bob's Bait and Computer Shack."

I'm also awaiting a response from Mel Gibson's agent who is friends with a friend of mine. Paris Hilton already responded to my request for verification of her being a witness to one of these events.

She said "that's so hot."

I guess it's real.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
4th Avenue NY? Cross street might help for location

IRS facility in Montauk? He worked there? Last I checked, the IRS had offices in Holtsville and that was it for Long Island. If there are offices in Montauk, I'd love to know about them as it would make things easier for me when I'm out east and not wanting to head back towards the city for audits.
hey crakuer, so does this mean you worked at the IRS too?
the place I went to was not open to the public, it was admin buildings only and it was in mantauk, exit 52 I believe off the L.I.E., but, DID YOU WORK AT THE IRS?????

I did not notice the paris hilton thing, that is hot indeed!!

who cares what who said about IRS computers, they are compaq's and up to date with XP, the gov initialized keeping up with private sector.

lunacy at its finest?? look at where you are, you are here joined in with the lunacy if you did not notice, now get off your high horse, lets see what mel says, cant wait for that.

PS, thank paris for me, tell her I said: she's hot.

[edit on 7-3-2007 by timedrifter]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 10:55 AM
For the record....I do not subscribe to or follow any of the popular religious trends out there. The suggestion about starting my own group, well that would put me in the same boat as the rest of them. No, what I have to offer is free of charge as my needs are being met, thank you very much.

My belief is in a Creator whether that is one being or a group of beings. I will spare you the details unless you ask. People have been murdered by religious groups throughout history. This includes many of the popular ones we have today. Plus, the fact that their source for accountability could have been manipulated along the way is another big question mark.

I have studied with many of the popular religions, but they don't like the questions that I ask (Given to me by my helper to ask). At times I am totally surprised to re-read what I have written down. I, if I have a hard time swallowing this information, it must be three times as hard for the rest of you.


I would certainly hope you are ..."not"... one of the people who will put lead in their heads and that you will be at the concert, so we can all have a laugh about this. You are definitely a tormented being and I am glad there is some hope in this thread, which could be why you keep coming back.

I have gone through many of the same feelings you demonstrate here, trying to rationalize what is happening to me. There is no rational way to take this kind of information. Not that you can find, even in much of the popular religious dogma. I feel that if I was in the dark ages, I would be burned at the stake for my beliefs.

It is just what it is, nothing more or less.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 11:21 AM
I was thumbing through the topics. It is time for a full disclosure. We all know that, and I believe it is tolate for small adjustments.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by timedrifter

IRS facility in Montauk? He worked there? Last I checked, the IRS had offices in Holtsville and that was it for Long Island. If there are offices in Montauk, I'd love to know about them as it would make things easier for me when I'm out east and not wanting to head back towards the city for audits.
hey crakuer, so does this mean you worked at the IRS too?
the place I went to was not open to the public, it was admin buildings only and it was in mantauk, exit 52 I believe off the L.I.E., but, DID YOU WORK AT THE IRS?????

I don't work with the IRS, I work for the other team. Montauk can be reached via the LIE but not exit 52. not exit 62 either. One hell of a detour to get to an imaginary office.

Originally posted by timedrifter
who cares what who said about IRS computers, they are compaq's and up to date with XP, the gov initialized keeping up with private sector.

really? then how come Bill Gate's accountants can prepare his returns and the IRS computers can't handle them?

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:21 PM
Unfortunately, you're the only person here incapable of seeing the forest for the trees.

Are you so stuck on this one item that the ocean of verifiable incidents and witnesses will not persuade you that what is happening is real? If so, it's your loss.

You've just called TD a liar. What foundation do you have to make this assertion? Is he a liar because he's not providing you with an address?

It's possible that he has decided not to, simply at your whim, do the research and dig up this address.

If you had initially been respectful, or polite about your requests they may have been honored, but you have placed yourself in the position you are now in.

Like I said before, are you familiar with every building and every business in Montauk? If you're so intimate with Montauk, I'd also like to ask if you are a disinformant, or just an irritant?

I haven't spoken with TD about this, but if it were me, I would not be providing you an address to an I.R.S. facility in Montauk, or any other item you deem necessary to satisfy Crakeur. Your self-important and insulting posts don't warrant any effort on our behalf to provide you with anything.

You've taken yourself too seriously, and your insulting requests come off more as demands. You're entitled to your opinion, but nothing more from myself or TD.

Taunting posts such as this (below) are not going to draw TD or myself into an argument, or prompt either of us to respond to your demands for information. Not because it is not available, but because this thread was not created to answer every one of Crakeur's demands, it was simply to allow people to post questions to someone who believes they have time traveled.

The IRS building is an issue because it is a lie in your stated facts. There's no point trying to spin that issue in any manner. You or he made it up and got caught.

Sorry, no one was caught in a lie, and your vehement protestations are not proof of a lie, but only further evidence as to why you are not being given a courteous and hasty response to your requests.

This isn't about whether or not TD is lying, because none of these posts were ever made to debate the reality of his experiences, much of which are just too hard to prove.

How do you prove that you and a friend experienced something together ten years ago? Not that proving what he knows he's experienced has become a priority, but TD has recorded conversations with these friends, who you are free to believe are fictitious, or are lying about these experiences, in phone conversations he's posted on his website.

Would this make any difference to you? I would suggest not. Everything that doesn't fit your view of reality is a lie unless it meets your particular standards, and precisely how you demand it fit.

Hopefully someday you may be able to loosen that vice-like grip on what you presume to be reality and let some "real" reality in.

And I believe what you're saying about not being a hater, but your treatment of people whose beliefs don't fall in line with your own is a perfect example of the self-righteousness with which the religious fundamentalists attack those outside of that group you so aptly pointed out in your earlier post.

You said,

I would love to find out these kind of stories are true but when one guy starts posting here by asking what if questions and then, out of the blue, here comes someone who has actually done the what if, my b.s. alarms start ringing.

Really, you're so "attuned" to truth that you can spot a lie without being presented any evidence? Amazing!

Your whole statement is a presumption. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reason with someone who is not dealing with facts, but is dealing with matters of belief, and by extension, presumption.

I presume you know everything there is to know, so there is no need for further edification. You're right, TD wasn't abducted, he, his family, friends and coworkers have never met anyone claiming to be TD from the future, and everything TD said is a lie.

Thank you for clearing that up. I was having such a hard time propogating this hoax. What a weight has been lifted. LOL

I don't mean to be facetious, but your come here like a bull in a china shop with preconceptions and an impenetrable belief system and start spouting insults. Exactly what sector of the "reason" movement are you representing? From where I sit, you should have a stone at the ready to throw at myself and TD.

You've conducted yourself indecorously, and have not offered a reasonable response as to why TD's accounts may on the whole be untrue - aside from simply stating that you see it as impossible, or the fact that TD has declined to offer you an address you demand he provide.

You offer more observations you're passing off as evidence, or facts,

Still awaiting the IRS address and, by the way, I should point out that, in my fifteen or so years of dealing with the IRS, I think I saw one laptop. Not saying they don't have them (I'm sure they do) but, to quote an agent himself "our computers come from Bob's Bait and Computer Shack."

You've painted us into a corner. There's nowhere to go but to hop on a comet out of here. You'll be waiting forever for this IRS stuff. You'll get it "the day after never".

You said,

I'm also awaiting a response from Mel Gibson's agent who is friends with a friend of mine. Paris Hilton already responded to my request for verification of her being a witness to one of these events.

She said "that's so hot."

I guess it's real.

As an aside, I actually am curious what Mel Gibson would say about this. My initial thought is, do you really think Mel is going to say "Yes, this happened?" If you're the reasonable person you would like us to think you are, you will say this is unlikely.

But you'll have to prove your friend knows Mel Gibson to us somehow. I want an address. Kidding.

I could turn this around and say, you're lying about knowing Mel Gibson, but I'm not an absolute pr**k.

And if your friend comes back and says Mel doesn't know anything about this I guess TD's entire story comes apart? Nope. Sorry. I won't debate about the details of these experiences, except to say Mel is not the be all and end all of this story. TD's encounter with Mel was during his abduction experience, which puts that experience in a gray area (pun not intended).

He has a lifetime, in the meantime, of very real experiences. If you choose to ignore all of these other verifiable events, and cherry pick to your liking, then again, you are doing yourself a disservice.

The Paris Hilton experience, however, was after the abduction experience and actually occurred within the last few years, so that would be easier to verify than the Mel episode.

I would be curious what you offer up as Mel Gibson's response, but I would be disinclined to take whatever you offer up on its face, because of your attitude in this thread. However, I don't hold it against you personally. I understand that there are reasons you are the way you are. I mean that in all sincerity.

Like win 52 said, I hope that the positive comes to pass as TD sees it, and that yes, you are able to see these things come to pass and celebrate them with all of us. That's sincere.

[edit on 7-3-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:46 PM
oh, please. he has no verifiable facts that matter. his eye witnesses are either friends and family or people who cannot be contacted. It makes every aspect of his story suspect. the fact that there is a blatant mistake in his story (Montauk) that he could easily clarify by providing the addess yet he refuses to do so further shows the lack of truth.

one lie (yes I said lie because he has yet to say he meant otherwise) in a story without any verifiable proof makes the whole story suspect.

you know I don't expect Mel Gibson to even respond to the request (I am assuming my friend never even bothered trying to contact his friend as nobody would take it seriously).

If you can prove that the IRS had or has an office in Montauk I'll let the rest of your fiction rest. You can't. Hell, your buddy didn't even think to check the location before spouting that he took exit 52 off the long island expressway to get there. He was only off by about 20 exits.

edited to add:

I knew it was only a matter of time before someone who actually challenged the story was called a disinfo agent. Even after I said it would happen, you went and said it. Very impressive.

[edit on 7-3-2007 by Crakeur]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:16 PM
Your incredulity is in part because,

his eye witnesses are either friends and family or people who cannot be contacted.

Who, in your estimation, is worth having as a witness? Is no experience authentic unless a clerk of the court is present? Can you see the lack of reason in this position?

You are stuck on the Montauk thing,

the fact that there is a blatant mistake in his story (Montauk) that he could easily clarify by providing the addess yet he refuses to do so further shows the lack of truth.

I still say you can probably ask nine ways to Sunday and still not get this information. Why are you worth proving anything to? Does this whole train stop until Crakeur is ultimately satisfied? Nope.

I agree with what you said here to some extent,

one lie (yes I said lie because he has yet to say he meant otherwise) in a story without any verifiable proof makes the whole story suspect.

A lie is a lie. There are no two ways about it, and at the same time, there is no room for lies in TD's story.

You said,

you know I don't expect Mel Gibson to even respond to the request (I am assuming my friend never even bothered trying to contact his friend as nobody would take it seriously).

If this happens, and you can verify somehow this was really requested of Mel, then it would be interesting, but wouldn't have much bearing on TD's story as a whole. We have a lot more going on outside of the abduction experience that needs researching.

Your mercifully offered,

If you can prove that the IRS had or has an office in Montauk I'll let the rest of your fiction rest.

The sun really does rise and set doesn't it? LOL It's OK if you don't believe this story. Really. Neither TD nor I will lose sleep if you don't. It may be hard at first, yes, but by working through it he and I will survive. We're strong. We're survivors.

You also graced us with,

Hell, your buddy didn't even think to check the location before spouting that he took exit 52 off the long island expressway to get there. He was only off by about 20 exits.

How do you know how many exits he was off if you don't even know the location of the building he is referring to?

Again, you may go to your grave carrying this unanswered Montauk issue. However, when this concert does come to pass, maybe you'll consider letting the Montauk thing go...Maybe not.

You stated the obvious,

I knew it was only a matter of time before someone who actually challenged the story was called a disinfo agent.

Your posts serve to create more confusion and agitation here than someone sincerely seeking to know more about this story. I honestly didn't think you were a disinformant, but your posts appear driven by the same motivations, and net essentially the same results. There ends up being little difference.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck

Who, in your estimation, is worth having as a witness? Is no experience authentic unless a clerk of the court is present? Can you see the lack of reason in this position?

I don't know, anyone who can be interviewed and who can be proven to not be his friend and family? If I told you the reason I was so adamant about his fabricating the whole story was because I was a time traveller, sent back from 2191 and I can prove it by offering up my sister, mother, father, uncle and a best friend as my witnesses, would you accept that as gold?

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
A lie is a lie. There are no two ways about it, and at the same time, there is no room for lies in TD's story.

no room for lies, other than the whole IRS in Montauk thing, which makes the ufo aspect sketchy and so on.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
How do you know how many exits he was off if you don't even know the location of the building he is referring to?

Because you take exit 52 to get to the Huntington area and it would take 2 hours of driving from 52 to Montauk, maybe three on a good day if you stayed on the LIE but, getting off at exit 52 and heading east could easily add another hour or two to the drive. Oh, and because he said he got off at 52 to get there which is ludicrous, given the distance between exit 52 and Montauk (100 miles? maybe more)

I'm sorry if I harp on the obvious, glaring mistakes in your tale. It's these little things that tend to bring down the best of all tales. See Serpo as a reference for that.

is this simply E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N-M-E-N-T??

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 03:12 PM
You're being more than a little unreasonable.

I don't know, anyone who can be interviewed and who can be proven to not be his friend and family?

To suggest that TD's entire family is lying to perpetrate a story of ET abduction and time travel experiences is patently absurd. There is no other way to view your objection.

I understand incredulity, and believe me, TD's story is far out. But to refuse to acknowledge the testimony of friends and family is ridiculous. Did Travis Walton lie about his experiences? Did Whitley Streiber? The only other witnesses to these stories are friends and family.

In TD's case, however, there are also coworkers, famous musicians (Type O Negative, Anthrax, Life of Agony, Incubus, etc.), and celebrities (Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson).

TD has just come out about his experiences, and has started compiling information and possible witnesses. Fortunately for TD, he does have a huge number of potential witnesses, so it should be a matter of time before more of these experiences are corroborated.

TD could have come forward and said he was the only one present, but he didn't. He's provided cities, schools, specific locations, dates, and real names. If he's lying, he's seriously put himself and his story at risk.

I'm not concerned and neither is he. He's being completely honest, and I sincerely believe this.

Let us know if you hear back from Mel Gibson.


posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
To suggest that TD's entire family is lying to perpetrate a story of ET abduction and time travel experiences is patently absurd. There is no other way to view your objection.

no, the story of time travel and et abduction is absurd and my objection to is simply rational thinking. I'm sorry if I don't take his "witnesses" as proof positive. Would you take my family as witness in my claim that I am actually a time traveller and that is why I know he is lying? I'm sure I can get my friends and family to play along with my ruse.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck

right back atcha!

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 03:39 PM
I was also drawing comparisons between religious zealots and crakeur. It is quite funny how people were responding to Jesus's message...I mean the educated scholars. I can see many of the same attitudes shown right here as were talked about surrounding the message Jesus had.

I believe that there was a reason for TD to actually go see Jesus in person. Is it just blind luck? What is your take on this TD?

I know most of you people can't figure out what my motivation for being here is. I don't fit in to any slot that makes sense to you, other that I am a decoy.

FYI...I am only here because the answers found in TD's story are for me personally. It has nothing to do with proving whether it is true or not to any of you, but rather as a sign to me that what I know to be the truth is taking place as my information has told me about. I felt that there could be a measure of support for TD, by my disclosure. That is only me looking for justification...once more.

Have you seen me support any other E/T abduction story on these boards? There are lots of variations to chose from and some of them I find to be believable.

Why did I pick this one? It says the same things that I have been told about what to watch for. This is my reality of what is in store for Earth and humans.

Again, if you don't have your answer by now crakeur, you may never get one on the IRS thing. As stated earlier and confirmed by yourself several times, you believe the whole thing is a hoax. That is one of the most popular theories used by most people since the dawn of time regarding anything to do with creation, God, Jesus, the flood, where we go when we die, what are we here for, etc. This type of disclosure takes a bit of faith or physical proof.

How much physical proof is enough? In all cases brought up in prophetic writings, there never is enough proof, even when there was a lot of actual physical proof. I have read the stories and I know the way people act in general. As I said, you need to take these things with a measure of faith. Anything less and you are wasting your and others time.

If neither proof or faith are available to you at this time, I guess it is time to move on. I would like to keep working on the important things, not wasting post space on this type of bickering and I will say no more about this for now.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 03:44 PM
win, I didn't ask for physical proof, I asked for an address. It's really rather simple.

here's the address for the IRS on long island

1040 waverly ave
holtsville, NY

I'm the farthest thing from a religous zealot that you will ever find.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 05:55 PM
You, Crakeur, have made it abundantly clear that do not believe this story. How many times do you need to make that statement before you believe it will sink in with either TD, myself, or everyone reading those words?

This is a simple question, but after making it known that you don't believe this story, which is a proclamation that few make when they come across something obviously false, or a hoax - why are you still here?

You've not only spent time telling everyone you think this story is a hoax, but further, engaged the proverbial "man on the corner" to argue with him as to why he is, in a sense, insane.

You're arguing with a crazy man, a hoaxer, and a liar - to what end? To have them admit they're a liar? If that's it, you won't find satisfaction in this thread.

You're so absolutely convinced you're in the right, but I'm telling you you're looking something very real in the face and you still can't accept the possibility.

Are you still here as I said before, to save everyone from falling into the "Jesus at a Slayer concert" ruse? You realize that this story has a way of either standing on its own, or of being perceived as so ridiculous that no one will come within miles of it. You realize this is obvious to me, TD, and everyone reading this.

In fact, if someone buys into this, they are either very open-minded, in which case there is no harm in reading these words and feeling hopeful, or they are easily drawn into ruses, and were thereby already a danger to themselves and others before logging on. LOL

I understand that this story is far out. Why would anyone unwittingly buy into this? It takes a really open mind to accept the possibility of the reality of this story.

There is nothing here that will damage anyone, or cause physical harm. These words will not jump off of the page and attack anyone. Everyone is free to decide for themselves and move on.

Nothing is for sale. All information is free, and even the guys giving it away aren't bad guys (OK that's up for you to decide).

Personally, Crakeur, when I skim the Alien/UFO threads on ATS there are many thread titles that catch my eye. If a title catches my eye, I will immediately go into that thread and see if the story is worth pursuing.

What I often do is go to the first post AFTER the OP's post to see what response has been made to the original post/subject matter. If I decide, in any event, that the story is weak, or not worth pursuing, I will simply close the thread.

You haven't done that. I suspect it's because you're enjoying yourself. LOL You want proof of this story. Whether anything beyond what TD and I feel like posting constitutes "proof", then you're in luck.

Otherwise, you might have to wait until the concert. And it's unbelievable that TD and myself recognize what an "out there" story this is, but offer up not only all of the information we do, but also name at least one confirmation event that will come to pass between now and 2009 to confirm this story.

Now, if that's too long for you, then hopefully we'll release something that will satisfy your taste for taking people's honest revelations and throwing it back in their face (OK, a little uncalled for).

win 52 said it well in his post. In fact, there was a post that Prote posted regarding photo evidence and its worth in proving the reality of ufos. The idea is that, when it comes to hardened skeptics, no proof is good enough.

I stand by that statement. Proof and evidence are very interesting things. I argued this in Prote's thread. But when a lawyer presents a case and evidence to a jury, the burden is still on that lawyer to try to present "a certain version of reality" to the jurors and hope they buy it.

The other attorney will respond by presenting his version of reality. In other words, painting a picture of what happened to the jurors in a way that they are convinced "beyond a reasonable doubt" as to the veracity of the claims being made.

In your case, you are the jury. But you are very demanding of evidence; you only want specific evidence, and you ignore the other evidence provided. This easily can be likened to a court case.

If you have a predilection toward a certain version of things, you are less likely to believe evidence to the contrary, as is the case with your easy dismissal of all other evidence save for the Montauk address and testimony of TD's friends and family.

This is a convenient position to take, and it is how people reinforce their own belief systems. You are reinforcing the wall of your belief system by accepting certain things, and not others.

You have forced TD and his story to follow certain protocols, or you will dismiss it. If you could see the obviousness of this you might open yourself to some things that have been dying to get into that head of yours. LOL

If everyone really understood the importance of this they would get a better idea how effective, or ineffective evidence can be with regard to belief systems.

You say yourself,

I'm sorry if I don't take his "witnesses" as proof positive.

Your witnesses are better, because your belief system won't allow for any deviation from your current structure. I'm not just pulling this out of thin air. If you could see the reality of this you would truly benefit from it.

You said,

Would you take my family as witness in my claim that I am actually a time traveller and that is why I know he is lying? I'm sure I can get my friends and family to play along with my ruse.

Unlike yourself, yes, to me it would lend a lot of credibility to your story.

Proof and evidence require something in the person receiving them; in the recipient. This is why O.J. Simpson bled all over everything, and yet the jurors were confused.

There is always an element of belief - a predilection, or a tendency, either toward the viewpoint being asserted, or the subject matter at hand, then viewing evidence and making a judgment on it.

Now, some evidence, admittedly, is very persuasive; but I would ask to whom, and to what degree?

As soon as I saw the Disclosure Project, I knew these were credible people and we have been and are being visited by ETs, and that our government not only knows about it, but they are actively involved with ETs. Actually, I admit that I knew this before the Disclosure Project, but that is a good example of strong evidence.

Needless to say, for some people it is not enough. Belief systems are not only extremely powerful, but because the person under the influence of their own powerful belief systems usually can't see them until they engage in serious and diligent self-reflection, the effect is much more powerful.

What kind of beliefs would lead a person to kill another human being without provocation? People can have beliefs reinforced through cults, organized religion, or other psychological manipulation; and this can be television commercials, or any other sort of deliberate or indeliberate programming. Most of it is done by ourselves.

Although you seem a person who is vigilant against accepting anything at face value, you have somewhat gone to the extreme and rendered yourself incapable of accepting something you consider seemingly implausible, let alone having a civil discussion.

I can assure you that simply by talking about these things in a civil and exploratory manner doesn't necessarily mean you believe in them. I know you wish to save face and not appear someone who easily buys into ridiculous theories, but it's OK to talk about this stuff you know?

I want to point out again a comment of yours,

no, the story of time travel and et abduction is absurd and my objection to is simply rational thinking.

What does the fact that you consider it absurd have to do with whether or not it exists? Also, how does rational thinking contradict time travel? Science has proven it not only a possibility, but an inevitability. Think about it.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 07:10 PM
blah blah blah blah blah

so I won't be getting the IRS address in Montauk?

Fair enough.

For the record, I believe in many things. I do not believe in time travel nor do I believe that we should accept everything we are told as truth. Especially when the things we are being told would draw flies on a hot day.

I'll check in periodically in case Time Drifter decides to give up the address of this top secret IRS facility in Montauk. Wait, maybe win can ask god for the address. that would suffice as well.

Happy Trails. See you last month.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 09:26 PM
"the place I went to was not open to the public, it was admin buildings only and it was in mantauk, exit 52 I believe off the L.I.E., but, DID YOU WORK AT THE IRS????? "

I have family in Montauk, and lived on LI for 12 years. The LIE ends well before Montauk. As in about a 45 minute drive before. Exit 52 is about 2 hours before Montauk.

You could not have simply gotten this wrong, it is proof you've never been there

[edit on 7-3-2007 by syrinx high priest]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 09:29 PM
Cracker once again im repeating myself.
if your gonna be a we todd and just annoy the # out of everybody do it sumwhere else and im sorry my "giberous" or w/e the # it was, was annoying simply expressing my feelings towards you.
cant you just leave this place and make us all happy?

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 09:33 PM
"I'm going to go even further out on a limb and tell you more of what you can expect to see at this concert. This event is going to be a combination contact event, science exposition and concert.

There will be displays of future technology, which will include something like nanotechnology that can reverse age and otherwise alter your physical appearance. Some of the technology that will be on display has the ability to create "warm spots" that can be placed at any location, and manipulated and customized. This concert event is going to take place during a colder month when people are wearing jackets, but people in these "artificial" warm spots will be dressed in summer clothes.

There will be a holographic tower that will be projecting holograms that can be seen for miles. There will also be time portals that "guides" will be stationed at that people can use to time travel.

There will be current music acts, which will be projected on giant screens. Certain people attending the concert will have their real lives shown on these screens. This is not a candid camera episode, but just as some abductees report seeing their lives played out on a view screen, so will many others here. They will get to relive their childhood, growing up - their entire life.

TD has also said matter-of-factly that yes, also in attendance will be Jesus, as well as many others who we would have thought dead. We will see Hitler, Jesus, John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. We will see Holocaust victims, victims of 9-11 and more. I can't remember the list, but we are compiling all of this information as we speak.

This concert event is going to take place by this next winter, or by 2008/2009. What TD is sure about is the weather at the time of the concert, the details of the concert, and that it is proceeded by the mass landing event that is to take place by 2013. After watching the Sgt. Clifford Stone interview at Project Camelot, it looks like he gives a do or die date of 2016, which is when a mysterious 21 mile wide(?) "ship" makes a close pass by the earth. "

make sure you include a dead icon for every demographic, you'll sell more tee shirts that way

I still think TD's myspace page is a dead give-away. He's just having fun.

I bet if you look at all th elinks he references on his website, you piece together his "story"

a little serpo here, a litte titor there, some billy meier thrown in.....

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 09:36 PM
i found a picture on the internet i thought you would enjoy here u go

i hope that will work for u

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