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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by win 52
You could go on to say that srynx the "high" priest.... ha ha I made a the set up guy for on the deck.... who is the set up guy for TD's story and they are going to make a bundle from royalties.

When does it stop?

I came here looking for a younger man talking about a new way of doing things for people here on doom and gloom end. A much better way of living for all people. People would have a choice to make and the majority will chose this new lifestyle, way of living, government. This came to me around the first of July 2005.

I thought it was to do with a new political party where the people would actually have a say in what goes on with government.

All of my life I have had guidance from a voice in my head. Yes I said an audible voice in my head. This voice gives instruction that I may chose to listen to or choice. If I chose to ignore the usually turns out to be not so good for me.

Intuition you say...It is an actual audible voice that I can recognize, much like the voice of a close friend.

I have to work harder for specific answers to specific questions.

It does seem like when I sit and wright on certain topics, this voice will chime in and I can and do write what it tells me to write.

Now say this guy is right off his nut and needs stronger meds.

That is the main reason most people will never open up the way I have. The problem with me is that I have nothing to lose and I have given up being afraid of the unknown.

This voice has never asked me to do anything that is negative in any way and it is usually about making good things happen for people.

The other times it warns me of potential danger. If I act on the warning good things happen. If I ignore the warning...I usually wish that I had listened to this voice. It is 100% accurate.

After being here in ATS I had all kinds of options as to what this voice was caused by.

That is fine and dandy...but, I have also had times when this voice has manifested itself in the form of a spiritual being, has taken me places and shown me things. One of these things I believe is the party TD is talking about and people are exited about the changes that are taking place. I saw people milling around in a very festive setting....and not drunk and disorderly like mardigras.

What can I say.....I can't fight anymore...I've experienced too much for it to be anything but what it is.

If people have a hard time accepting things, it is not my position to force my story on anyone who rejects it. I believe that TD can benefit from my support, at least this is what I have been told.

I no longer have any reservations about wether or not this is for real. I am totally independent of this group, yet I can verify from a different source that this is going to take place just like TD is saying.

It still does take faith at some point, I am told by people who know me that it is the internet. I have not shared the voice thing with many people who know me personally. When I do, they suggest I take stronger meds.

That is what makes this type of disclosure so difficult for most people.

I am glad for the op, this thread and TD. You have my full support.

Boy, it sure pays to save your work....I was going to post without saving this...the voice this work. When I hit post...I got kicked out and lost the post. Like I said...I can't shut it off.
thanks for your support win 52, I am glad you came to say what you have. I agree disclosure is difficult for people including myself at this point. I am simply blown away by you saying you heard what I said from a different intimate source which is a real eye opener for me indeed.

Originally posted by syrinx high priest

on the deck, I fear you are in for a huge disappointment with TD. This smells like a hoax from 1,000 miles.

TD's story is based on memories or dreams from years ago, and from events that occured, by his own admission, while he was smoking pot, right ?

does he still stand by his claim that elvis and jesus will be at a slayer concert together ?

what do I have to gain from being a hoaxer, I am actually doing this stuff at a personal cost and onthedeck is excercising free will and obviosly questioning it in my opinion but more important I know onthedeck agrees with my world view of controllers and blockers, the other stuff is irrelavant concerning your belief of these claims.

not only do I have memories from when I was smoking pot but also I was tripping on acid, but how dare you judge me based on that, that is your "programming" if you ask me, and who and where did these so called "morals" or "rules" come from?? please....

YES, I do stand by my claim of jesus, elvis and a whole bunch of others being at the concert and present on earth and not holograms either, the real deal, proof is in the pudding.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 10:15 PM
enobodyelse, you need to volunteer to do that.

your right it is not important in the future cause there is what I call "communityism" sort of like the star trek thing you describe

Originally posted by ledo4

1) in your PDF book a war is mentioned and you talk about time travelling volunteers being transported somewhere to fight for the freedom of earth people, in a war.
why hasn't this been stated when 1st offering volunteering?

2) why is Hitler to appear alongside Jesus, Saint Germain, the Kennedy bros, Marilyn Monroe and the Holocaust victims(??!!)
what sort of statement will this make,will they be brought from the past to this concert? are some of them clones?

3) were you ever again contacted by 050505 and who was it?

4) can Mel Gibson vouch for you?

5)so unless i'm mistaken you claim he is a time traveller too?

6) and you are the Simon who helped Jesus with the cross?
7) ie you and Mel Gibson are in the bible also?

8) once again, how does the rest of the world apply to this american concert you speak of? as an european citizen will i or those in china or the african people miss out on all of the action and jesus head banging whatnots?

9) also,
in the ebook you mention a civil unrest or a civil war following this big concert...?
care to elaborate?
[edit on 4-3-2007 by ledo4]

1)I think I stated somewhere in this thread it is not all fun and entertainment and I also stated any mission can be refused.
2)not clones, they are there to demonstrate the truth of our universe.
3) no 050505 has not contacted me since 05-05-06, I will look out for him 05-05-07.
4) if you can get to mel gibson, you tell me the answer, I tried to contact him through myspace, no reponses thus far, if anyone can get to him please be my guest and ask him.
5/6/7) yes

8) I am not completely sure, I think there is more than one concert/location, but again not sure.
9) people are going to flip out when they learn the truth, people are gonna be pissed at certain types of leaders on a small and large scale, religion and government.

I will respond more soon!

I edited it cause somehow I messed it up!! that is why I wish I could reply one at a time ,LOL!

[edit on 5-3-2007 by timedrifter]


posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by timedrifter
not only do I have memories from when I was smoking pot but also I was tripping on acid, but how dare you judge me based on that, that is your "programming" if you ask me, and who and where did these so called "morals" or "rules" come from?? please....

i too have had such chemical fun in my days. so, i cant judge you for that one.

however, after you were abducted and missing for several days, did you ever have any objective and professional help? what i mean is a phsyciatrist?

the reason i ask, is, i wonder if you have gone to every length to "know thyself". or have you chosen to exclude certin paths knowing "thyself".

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:27 AM
It's no secret that TD's real name is Renato, and he will be referred to by his real name in this timeline.

All of these events did occur, and there are witnesses to just about every single one of them. Like he said in his post above, if anyone would like to ask Mel Gibson about the veracity of these claims feel free.

However, you should note that the experience with Mel Gibson was during a time travel experience when Renato was abducted in 1992, so it's difficult to pin down how and when these events took place. How the time travel actually worked is intriguing and not easily understood.

The events on the timeline, however, did in fact occur before and after the abduction/time travel experience. These are more likely to be easily verified.

Because there is a lot of info, I'm going to have to post the timeline in separate posts here. This timeline is what we've thrown together from his memories thus far, but we will be adding not only new memories and events, but also adding to existing experiences.

That more complete and current timeline will be made available at Renato's website. Primarily because he wishes to make a personal log as the days go on. We are only placing this here at ATS to give further background on Renato.

Thanks and happy reading!!

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:54 AM
Born 1973

1975/1976 Renato is two or three years old. He and his family are driving near 4th Avenue in New York when another car smashes into them Renato says an older version of himself appeared and instructed the paramedics to assist him and his family at the scene and not to take them to the hospital. Renato thinks this may have been an attempt on his life.
WITNESSES: Renato's mother, father, and brother Rick

1978/1979 Renato is five or six years old. He is at Wolf's Pond Park in Staten Island, NY with his mother. Renato nearly drowns and is saved by an older version of himself. This older Renato chastises Renato’s mother for not keeping an eye on him.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's mother

1978/1979 Renato and his parents are at his babysitters house on New Year’s Eve. An older version of Renato (in his 20's) finds Renato's mother and talks with her in front of his babysitter's house. They call young Renato out to look at the older Renato's pinky finger, which is identical to young Renato's finger (Renato smashed his pinky finger in a car door when he was very young.). The older Renato tries to tell his mom and dad about their futures. Renato's parents are disbelieving.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's mother and father

1978/1979 Renato and his family go to a roller skating rink in Brooklyn where there is a private function going on. Renato and his family are pulled out of line and brought inside where Renato is treated as the guest of honor. Renato meets his future self, as well as several women who tell Renato about his future, and that they are his future wives.
WITNESSES: Renato's family, skating public

1981/1982 Renato is seven or eight years old. He learns that there is a young man in the hospital who claims to be Renato’s mother’s son. Renato and his mother travel to the hospital to meet this person. Renato’s mother does not believe this person’s claims that he is her son, and instead believes the individual may have poor mental health. (Renato now recalls (2007) that he remembers being both the younger Renato and the older Renato in the hospital.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's mother, Renato, hospital staff

1982/1983 An older Renato approaches a young Renato in Manhatten near Renato's mother's doctor while Renato was waiting in the car for his mom. Renato says that after a brief exchange, that the older Renato goes up to see his mother.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's mother, Renato's mother's doctor

1984/1985 Renato is nine or ten years old. Renato is riding bikes at a place he and his oldest brother called the "8 Track". An older guy, who looks like Renato in his 20's, approaches the group of kids and watches Renato go over a jump on his bike. The older Renato tells the young Renato not to take the second jump, but Renato does anyway and wrecks.
WITNESSES: Renato, his friends

1987/1988 Renato is around fourteen years old. An older Renato visits Tottenville Highscool on Staten Island when Renato and his friends are skateboarding. The older Renato says he is a photographer from a magazine, and that he wants to take pictures of skaters. Eventually, the older Renato addresses Renato and his friends as if he knows them and shares information about Renato’s future, including an important concert event that will come to pass.
WITNESSES: Renato and his friends

1987/1988 An older Renato shows up at Renato's High School (Richmondtown Prep) and talks to Renato and Renato's teacher. The older Renato tells the young Renato about his future. The older Renato hands a piece of paper with several future events written on it to a woman who patrolled the halls of the school. Renato later learns that these predictions came true.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's teacher, School staff member

1988 An older Renato just appears and is shooting photos of Renato as he skates with friends at a junior high school, I.S. 75.
WITNESSES: Renato and his friends

1988 A group of people who are dressed very anachronistically, like Beatniks, appear in Manhatten on Water Street take photos of Renato and friends skating, and then interview Renato.
WITNESSES: Renato and his friends

1989-1992 Renato was between sixteen and nineteen. Renato has many encounters with a vagrant named Frank, who Renato first met outside his father's store when his father first opened it. Frank knew Renato's father and was in fact waiting outside Renato's father's store waiting for the two of them. Frank greeted Renato as if he'd been waiting for this moment. Frank knew a lot about every culture, and made many predictions, including about the Internet. Frank also said many things about Renato, including that he and Renato had both met Jesus. At the time, Frank was an unemployed drug user, so Renato paid little heed.
WITNESSES: Frank, Renato, Renato's father

1989/1990 Renato and a couple of his friends are invited into a club in New York called the Limelight. They are ushered past people waiting in line and are given the VIP treatment. Renato and his friends saw and experienced many things at this club, including time travel. Renato said, again, he was treated as a guest of honor, and many people were lining up to take photos with him, told him things about his future, and that he was a time traveler. One of Renato's friends disappears for about fifteen minutes and returns telling Renato and his other friend that he was stone cold sober, and that he had walked through a time portal at this location to a time in the future and spent two weeks there. Much happens at the Limelight.
WITNESSES: Renato, Ritchie, Corey, and Todd

1990/1991 (First of three encounters with police). Renato is pulled over in his father’s van with a couple of friends. A white and a black officer give a bogus reason for pulling them over and give Renato a hard time. A stranger, who looks like Renato, appears and confronts the officers. In short, this individual sends Renato and his friends off and deals with the officers.
WITNESSES: Renato, Brian, another friend


posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:55 AM
1990/1991 (Second of three encounters with police) Renato, again, is pulled over in his father’s van with his older brother and friend Brian. Again, this is a white and a black officer. The officers have Renato step out of the car. They are aggressive with him and seem to find amusement in harassing him. Again, an older version of Renato pulls up behind the two cops and waves them over. This stranger is clearly angry with these cops, who let Renato go before they go back to speak with this stranger. Renato calls the police station to complain the next day and says whoever he spoke with seemed more than a little nervous, and also seemed to anticipate the phone call.
WITNESSES: Renato and his friends

1991 (First script event at work) Renato is at work at his father's perfume store with a coworker named Jabeen. Frank enters with a guy who looks like Renato. This guy hands Jabeen a piece of paper that she and Renato soon learn has a conversation written down that they just had, verbatim. The stranger tells Renato and Jabeen a lot about their future, and ends up talking to Jabeen alone in her own language. Jabeen is startled by what was divulged to her and thinks Frank is setting her up.
WITNESSES: Renato, Jabeen, Frank

1992Renato is about eighteen years old. He had been dating a girl on and off named Sarah for a couple of years. Sarah brought up time travel in the beginning when they met. After they broke up, Sara told Renato that there was a bartender at a club that looked exactly like him. Renato believes Sarah perhaps knew he was a time traveler.
WITNESSES: Renato, Sarah

1991/1992 Renato and his friend Zeav were riding bikes on a bike path or road and came across these two guys who called them over to what Renato said was a disk shaped craft in some woods. These two guys called Renato and Zeav by their names, and when they met them, Renato said these two guys looked like Renato and Zeav. The strangers said they were Renato and Zeav's brothers. Renato believes that this meeting was part of a process to prepare him and his friend for the fuure.
WITNESSES: Renato, Zeav

1992/1993Renato was taking pictures of everyone, his friends, coworkers, etc. when Sarah appears on Renato's street with a guy that looked just like Renato, with long hair and a beard. Renato said sarah looked much older than she was. At the time she was seventeen, but she looked like she was twenty-seven. Sara would not let Renato take a picture of her. Renato had a brief exchange with his older self, but doesn't remember the content.
WITNESSES: Renato, Sara, Renato's friend Rick

1992(October) Six day missing time/abduction experience. This is where Renato was introduced to the time portal technology at eighteen years old.
WITNESSES: Renato's family, friends, New York Police Dept.

1992 Renato is home the day he returns from his abduction experience, and is approached by an older Renato. The older Renato tells Renato that the young Renato is a time traveler, and tells Renato there are two guys that are going to show up. A strange, black or dark-colored car appears and the older Renato moves to hide nearby. Two middle-aged men step out of the car. The driver asks Renato to tell him what happened. Renato doesn't remember anything. The driver threatens Renato not to tell anyone about anything and they depart.

1992 Same day of return from abduction. One of Renato's friends finds a fresh scar and a bump on Renato's upper body. They push on the scar and a small metal ball pops out of the wound. The ball looks like a peeled orange with every other slice taken out. Renato keeps this item, but loses it years later.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's friends

1993 (third of three incidents with police) Renato was a security guard watching someone's house as it was being built. A police officer pulled Renato over because of a faulty tail light and is unnecessarily aggressive. When the cop went back to his own car to write a ticket, another unmarked car pulls up behind the cop, and the same biker-type, flashes his headlights and waves to the cop to come back to his car. After the cop has an exchange with the guy in the unmarked car he returns to Renato and say "someone must really like you" and lets Renato go with a warning to fix his light.

1994/1995 Renato has encounter with the lead singer of the music group Incubus, Brandon Boyd, at Renato's band practice. Brandon was talking to Renato as if he knew a lot about Renato, and was trying to confirm some stuff. Brandon showed Renato his book of lyrics, and said he was looking for band members because he was fired from his label. Renato wrote in the lead singer's book "Remember me".
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's wife, Renato's wife's cousin, Renato's friends, Brandon Boyd

1996 Renato has an encounter with his older self at a pantera show at Roseland ballroom in Manhatten.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's wife

1997Renato's memories of his abduction five years earlier and much more begin to surface. For almost the next ten years Renato will try to block these things from surfacing by drinking and smoking pot.


posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:56 AM
1997 Renato is contacted by Frank, who Renato first met in the late 1980's at Renato's father's store. Frank tells Renato that he has a business proposition and asks Renato to meet him in the city. After an hour or so of socializing, Renato asks Frank about the business proposition. Frank then confesses to Renato that Renato is a time traveler, and that Renato's future self helped Frank out of a bad situation, and Frank wanted to share this with Renato and to thank him. Renato thinks Frank is fooling and departs Frank's apartment. Out on the street, Renato runs into a guy that looks just like him, but older, and who tells Renato he is a time traveler, as well as some things about his future. Renato thinks he is being set up again, and after a brief conversation, departs.
WITNESSES: Renato, Frank

1997 Renato has an encounter with the lead singer of the music group Life of Agony at their show, and lead singer of Type O Negative, Pete Steel, at this same show. The guitarist for Anthrax was present, whom Renato had not met, but who acted like he new Renato. The lead singer for Type O Negative, Pete Steel, talks to Renato and asks Renato a bunch of questions, as if to confirm something, then asks Renato if he's a time traveler. It seems Pete gave Renato the impression that he would soon receive proof of this.
WITNESSES: Renato, Pete Steel, guitarist for Anthrax, Pete Steel, leavd singer Life of Agony, Renato's wife

1997 Renato is on the sidewalk with friends in New York when a flat bed truck parks nearby. There are a bunch of people on the back of the truck wearing what look like orange or colored robes. They all call Renato by name and wave him over to the truck. Renato soon discovers that along with two older version of himself, at least one individual who he's met on mesage boards was also present. Renato was given a lot of information about himself and his future, but at the end of this meeting they flashed with a device that erased his memory.
WITNESSES: Renato and his friends

1997 Renato was in Manhattan working at Prudential as a computer contractor when he ran into Jabeen, who he had worked at years earlier at his father's store. After some brief catching up, Jabeen asked Renato if he remembered the "time traveler" with "long hair" that visited them in 1991. Jabeen was looking around as she was talking about this incident as if paranoid. After this exchange, it was clear that Jabeen is waiting to see what happens to Renato. Renato thinks Jabeen and others who witness these events are being prepared for the future.
WITNESSES: Renato, Jabeen

2001 (Before Sept. 11) Renato was skating with his friend Scott after not seeing him for a while. After they had caught up on things, Scott asks Renato if he is a time traveler. Scott kind of smirks, and either says or implies something like "You'll see".
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's friend Scott

2001 Renato is in downtown New York when he sees some guy who looks like him standing off to the side. Renato then turns and sees Mayor Rudy Giuliani walking down the sidewalk. Renato says the mayor sees him, and when he does, the mayor gets a look on his face of surprise, or amusement, and then continues walking to meet the guy who looks like Renato.
WITNESSES: Renato, Rudy Giuliani

2003 Renato upgraded a guy's computer while working at the IRS. A year or so later Renato returned to this location and bumps into the same guy, who is Egyptian. The guy was really happy to see Renato and asks Renato to read a word on the cover of a book about Egypt. Renato pronounced the word correctly, which was in English. The guy responds as if this was some sort of confirmation and knew Renato was going to be able to pronounce the word. The guy gave Renato the book. The guy was sort of telling Renato that the thought Renato had some Egyptian heritage. Renato sees this as another sign.
WITNESSES: Egyptian coworker

2003 Renato had an encounter when he was on the side of the stage watching a Clutch concert at the Tradewinds in NJ and the band (mostly guitarist) took pictures of him, and this took place while the band was performing. Later they all made posed with Renato for a picture
WITNESSES: Renato, maybe Rick

2002/2003 Renato worked for the IRS and was delivering laptop computers to the Montauk IRS facility in Long Island. While he was unloading laptops from a company van, which took him about fifteen minutes to load, he finishes and discovers that an hour has gone by. He also recounts an exchange, possibly about ufos, with two short gentlemen who were dressed in 70's clothing. As he and his female coworker were leaving, Renato turned and saw a disc shaped object on the property and believes it to be a saucer craft. He believes there is an underground base there.
WITNESSES: Renato, female coworker

2003 Renato is at a friend's house in New York where Paris Hilton and her sister, Nikki, show up. Renato has a conversation with Paris, when she asks him if he's seen the movie "Back to the Future". Paris tells Renato that it may sound crazy, but there is a guy she wants him to meet, who says he is Renato from the future. Renato is apprehensive about this and refuses to go with her to meet this person.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's NY friend, Paris and Nikki Hilton

2005 Renato received letters with lottery numbers from his future self for the following year (2006) in the mail. This is not the first occasion. Renato, previously threw these letters away, thinking they were a joke. These lottos numbers were sometimes handwritten, or in this (2005) case, printed out. Renato said one of the pages with numbers he received had written in his own handwriting, "These are the numbers asshole." Renato put these papers in his closet, but they ended up somehow being thrown away.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's wife

2005 (second script event) Renato was working at mortgage company and about to lose his job. One day, the older Renato shows up and gives a piece of paper to one of Renato's coworkers. The older Renato also gives one of Renato's female coworkers a printout of Renato's personal future emails, which includes dates. This female coworker was told not to give these emails to Renato. Renato returns to his office from lunch and finds his coworkers are all smiles and waiting for him. They all have an exchange, and Renato's coworker looks at the piece of paper and finds their extemporaneous conversation was written down verbatim on the piece of paper. The guy who was given the scripted conversation was not considered as being "friendly" with Renato, but was intrigued by what was occurring. He asked Renato if Renato had any family in the area, digging for answers, and said the guy who handed him this paper looked just like Renato, but younger and with long hair.
WITNESSES: Renato, Renato's coworkers

2005/2006 Renato begins researching his memories and begins posting questions, and some of his experiences on message boards.
November 17, 2006 Renato creates a personal website to share his experiences, and to post a book he's written on his experiences.
2006 Renato has a daylight ufo sighting while on break at work.

2007 Renato interviews two other abductees and gets confirmation from both about a concert event he remembers not only attending, but organizing. One of his interviewees is attacked psychically the night of this interview. The next morning, Renato experiences some minor signs he might have been attacked as well.
2007 Renato has a second ufo sighting in a period of a few weeks. This time at night.

2007 Renato receives another confirmation from two other people posting on message boards. One of these people claims to see the same concert event coming to pass.


posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 10:15 AM
4th Avenue NY? Cross street might help for location

IRS facility in Montauk? He worked there? Last I checked, the IRS had offices in Holtsville and that was it for Long Island. If there are offices in Montauk, I'd love to know about them as it would make things easier for me when I'm out east and not wanting to head back towards the city for audits.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 10:20 AM
I was trying to make some sense about why there is a need for disclosure by God, ET, and others giving people a heads up on some of the important issues.

Lets take the USD/China thing that I was on the other day. If some people did take this warning for what it was and prepared for that exact thing, would that not change the outcome slightly and result in a lesser blow to the economy?

I was told that it would be almost impossible for things to not change, if people heeded these warnings of what things could be like. This is the main reason for the warnings.

I was also asked to compare things in my life when I listened to the warnings that I have been given during my life. The bottom line is that if I listened and acted to change things, my life was much better off because of the changes I made. If I didn't listen to the warning it was always a desaster for me and what I was doing. This has been 100% accurate people.

I was told that in TD's story, there is hope for humanity. The things that he will bring out will help us during the changes. They will make us aware of what is going on and give us glimpses of what the future has in store for us. All of this will soften the blow when the time comes.

After reading about people being rounded up and shipped off to camps, I was told just the fact that this is out there now, will ease the serverity of what that reality could have been like.

This is why God gives a warning to people, so we can change our actions and make a differen't reality than what could have been without the changes.

I really have a desire to go East. I have been given other information that The Monks in Tibet are the only group of people who really understand what God is about. They knew when Jesus was born and travelled a great distance to honor him at his birth. At this point I feel a strong kinship with these people and what they are keeping for humanity.

They have preserved a lot of the things that were thought to have been destroyed or lost, like original manuscripts etc. They also are masters of remote viewing and can see into the future, which has helped them preserve the original documents, as they were directed to do, by the will of God.

This also confirms what TD is saying.

Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.

According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.
Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.
In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.

And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.
Scientific interpretation of the monks, statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction.
When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China, the monks smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all. Mankind cannot and will not be allowed to alter the future to that great extent.
Every human being though their current acts in life called "Karma can alter the future lives to some extent, but changing the destiny in that large extent will not be allowed to that great an extent.

Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, out technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of "God.

I know some of you will roll your eyes because it is Rense, but remember it is the Monks that are doing this not some writer. It is a well known fact that they do this with accuracy.

The story is about 2/3 of the way down the page on the right. There might be some other stories in here that will wake a few of you up.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 01:14 PM
Crakeur, how can one take your posts seriously?

I'm chuckling at this,

4th Avenue NY? Cross street might help for location

Does the veracity of TD's accounts hang in the balance on a cross street for you? Pick one. It was a car crash. The city's not even important here...

You also said,

IRS facility in Montauk? He worked there? Last I checked, the IRS had offices in Holtsville and that was it for Long Island. If there are offices in Montauk, I'd love to know about them as it would make things easier for me when I'm out east and not wanting to head back towards the city for audits.

This is the information TD gave to me. Why would he be honest about all of his other experiences, and then just lie and make this part up? If he feels like responding he will...Your sarcasm is duly noted.

I will say, Crakeur, that you're not alone in your incredulity with regard to TD's story. But I don't see anyone posting substanceless, sarcastic posts here instead of asking sincere questions.

You do know you can ask specific questions about these experiences. Of course, you are also free to continue making the same posts you're making.

At some point I hope you will see that there is actually something happening here. If you don't though, it's all right; many people are plagued by impenetrable skepticism.

win 52, thank you for your post. You said,

I was told that it would be almost impossible for things to not change, if people heeded these warnings of what things could be like. This is the main reason for the warnings.

In this case, there are no more warnings for the majority of people on this planet. There is just information. Lots and lots of information. Information is our most powerful weapon. The truth shall set you free - and it will.

Part of this information comes in the form of leaks about prison camps (Haliburton "playgrounds", FEMA concentration camps, etc.), government psychological experiments and operations (Project Bluebook, CIA mind control operations, HAARP, etc.), governmental lies and propoganda (9-11, WACO, Ed Brown, NASA ufo video, BBC leaked news footage "WTC7 'falls'" announced 23 minutes before the building fell?, etc.), the unusual personal behavior of our officials (Bohemian Grove, the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the Biderberg Group, the Freemasons, etc.), the "problem/reaction/solution" equation of governmental control (see 9-11 and Afghanistan, the Iraq war, and soon to be Iran, etc.), the congressional pedophelia and the unconscionable "turn a blind eye" attitude about this behavior, and the destruction of our freedoms and liberties by a patently anti-American, anti-Democratic, and inhumane dictatorship. The list does go on, and it's painted such a deviant and terrifying picture of our government that the damage is irreperable. It is irreparable.

What is left after this? Honestly. There are so many lies uncovered on a daily basis that it is almost too horrible to watch, and so outraging it boggles the mind. WHAT IS LEFT?! WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON?!

There are no more warnings necessary for the majority of people on this planet. This information will continue to be revealed in a steady stream, and it will happen in spite of our impotent "news media" - yes, I had to put that in quotes, because the term no longer applies to those meretricious celebrities we used to call journalists.

They may have been journalists at one time, but they now prance about opining about Anna Nicole Smith's death, or mislead the public by acting as a mouthpiece for the administration, while not a word escapes about our own government destroying our Constitutional rights, or the incendiary BBC report from 9-11. While these critical stories bubble to the surface and fade away, only to be seen on the Internet, our national news is busy spending hour upon hour on a piece of celebrity tripe.

This information will also continue to reach the rest of us in a steady flow despite those elements in and above our government whose last wish is to get this information out. And this provides me endless pleasure.

No, the only warnings that will be made from here on out go to those few who are calling the shots; to the news media, and to the governments of the world. And that warning is that you've been bad, bad people, and there is a price to pay for the playing you've done at the rest of our expense.

To the rest of us, the only warnings there will be are to be prepared. Prepare yourselves for big changes; but these changes will be for everyone. Things are about to get much, much better.

As part of this last thought, you said,

I was told that in TD's story, there is hope for humanity. The things that he will bring out will help us during the changes. They will make us aware of what is going on and give us glimpses of what the future has in store for us. All of this will soften the blow when the time comes.

Yes it will. Even for those who refuse to believe what they are hearing and reading. By simply having this information introduced to them they are a step ahead.

You also said,

After reading about people being rounded up and shipped off to camps, I was told just the fact that this is out there now, will ease the serverity of what that reality could have been like.

This is no longer a concern, so do not treat it as such. However, everyone can and should be made aware that this is going on. Whatever twisted future those behind the scenes have painted for themselves WILL NOT COME TO PASS.

Unfortunately for these controllers, they will be subjected to the horrors that they had intended for others. And this reality has been brought on by their own beliefs and actions.

I had read about the remote viewers. I know from my research that the Tibetan monks and lamas engage in remote viewing, out of body travel, divination and a lot more. I find that report very credible.

The bottom line is that these last ditch efforts by those in control behind the scenes are desperate attempts to make a final play to stop what is inevitably going to occur very soon. The very fact that all of this is now in the public domain, that they have become sloppy and unconcerned with secrecy, is one sign that they are in the death throws. They do not realize this, and instead are so out of touch that they believe their utopia of control is upon us, when in fact it's the exact opposite.

The wars that have been perpetrated by criminals both big and small will no longer be tolerated. Do your research. Those in the military, from the foot soldier to the general are speaking their minds and are leaving this fight.

Do not let fear lead you. Let joy, freedom, and love lead you, because it will be in abundance in our very near future. tick tock...

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Crakeur, how can one take your posts seriously?
I'm chuckling at this,

4th Avenue NY? Cross street might help for location

Does the veracity of TD's accounts hang in the balance on a cross street for you? Pick one. It was a car crash. The city's not even important here...

It does if the city he decides to claim 4th Avenue exists in doesn't have a 4th Avenue.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck

IRS facility in Montauk? He worked there? Last I checked, the IRS had offices in Holtsville and that was it for Long Island. If there are offices in Montauk, I'd love to know about them as it would make things easier for me when I'm out east and not wanting to head back towards the city for audits.

This is the information TD gave to me. Why would he be honest about all of his other experiences, and then just lie and make this part up? If he feels like responding he will...Your sarcasm is duly noted.

Thank you for pointing out my point. I don't believe a word of his story and the fact that he told you he went to an IRS facility in Montauk when, as far as I can tell, there isn't one, means he's lying about that point, along with the rest of his tale. I do get a real kick out of his eyewitnesses who he claims can back up his story. Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, The guitarist from Anthrax. Quite comical indeed.

I'm the messiah. Call the Pope and ask him. He will verify it. If you can't reach him, it doesn't mean I'm lying, it means you were simply unable to verify my claim so it is still true.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
At some point I hope you will see that there is actually something happening here. If you don't though, it's all right; many people are plagued by impenetrable skepticism.

There is something happening here. One to three people, working in conjunction with eachother, are attempting to perpetrate a hoax and I think it damages the boards and, as such, I will point out the mistakes and inane claims for what they are.

Now, the the three of you, or two of you, or one of you, can go and get me the address of the IRS offices in Montauk and the next time I am out east (end of April), I will head to the address and verify your claim or you can simply say it was a mistake and he meant to say Holtsville but let's be honest, that isn't the case. Montauk has a strange history of mysterious happenings, ufo's, military etc and you were planning on tying your imaginary time traveller into the Montauk lore.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 02:41 PM
First, New York does have a Fourth Avenue. There's a metro station that stops at Fourth Avenue and Ninth Street for example.

You stated,

I don't believe a word of his story...

So you're crusading for reason, on behalf of people who are easily swayed by stories about Jesus being at a Slayer concert. I hear you, the sophisticated form of manipulation being perpetrated by TD is difficult to resist. LOL

Look, TD is up front that his accounts are "out there". He beat you to it. Believe it, or don't believe it. But simply placing insulting posts serves no purpose at all.

You said,

I do get a real kick out of his eyewitnesses who he claims can back up his story. Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, The guitarist from Anthrax. Quite comical indeed....

I'm the messiah. Call the Pope and ask him. He will verify it. If you can't reach him, it doesn't mean I'm lying, it means you were simply unable to verify my claim so it is still true.

These are all your words. They're spiteful words, but yours nonetheless. Look, TD is an easy target - and he's made himself an easy target by coming out with this information. How do you feel taking shots at an easy target? Good?

He has offered other witnesses that are amongst his friends and family; some of whom have already come forward to confirm some of these events. You can ignore those if you wish. It's all being offered for your and everyone else's edification. You can become malicious toward TD if you want. He has opened himself to that.

You said,

There is something happening here. One to three people, working in conjunction with eachother, are attempting to perpetrate a hoax and I think it damages the boards and, as such, I will point out the mistakes and inane claims for what they are.

This is your opinion. You simply disagree with the possibility on its face and attack the messenger. That's fine.

You said,

Now, the the three of you, or two of you, or one of you, can go and get me the address of the IRS offices in Montauk and the next time I am out east (end of April), I will head to the address and verify your claim or you can simply say it was a mistake and he meant to say Holtsville but let's be honest, that isn't the case. Montauk has a strange history of mysterious happenings, ufo's, military etc and you were planning on tying your imaginary time traveller into the Montauk lore.

I hope you don't feel that I'm going after you personally, or just for disliking your post because its contrary. But I feel your own falacious reasoning should be pointed out, and to ask that you at least read and research a little more of TD's accounts and story before you dismiss it outright.

Are you confident that you know the location of every I.R.S. building in the United States and abroad? TD can offer the address if he wishes, but I assume he won't indulge you. He was supplying laptops to a location in Montauk that he confirmed yesterday was an I.R.S. location. He was very clear and I believe him. So I suggest you do some research, and remember that absence of evidence does not equate to evidence of absence.

Give him a break, and don't be so quick to judge. That's all I ask. You are, of course, entitled to your "opinion".

As much as you apparently would enjoy it, neither myself nor TD will be drawn into a personal exchange. If you don't believe any of this, no harm no foul.

[edit on 6-3-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 02:54 PM
well, since I am 50/50 as to whether you are one and the same, I would expect nothing less than for you to tell me that he/you won't provide me with the IRS address in Montauk. It doesn't exist. You can believe your lies all you want but it doesn't make it true. If you were to produce an address that checked out I'd admit I was wrong and that would be a big plus for your story but you prefer to tell me that your alter ego isn't going to do such an easy thing as provide the address for the IRS in Montauk.

I asked about the 4th avenue cross street because the bulk of your stories from your youth seem to revolve around Staten Island which I don't think has a 4th Avenue (I could be wrong) and you did say NY which, as a city resident, I automatically assume to mean Manhattan (NYC snobbery in effect) and that is such a short strip of a street that it barely registers on the map so I was curious as to the locale. I know it is somewhat pompous and obnoxious of me to actually consider your story to be fake and the audacity of me trying to poke holes in the story is totally inappropriate, what with Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton, the Guitaris from Anthrax and God backing you up

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 03:18 PM
First, I am not Renato. My name is Bart, screenname OnTheDeck. It just so happens I have more time to type LOL than Renato. But we are two different people. If you had visited his site you would know this, because I'm the person interviewing/conversing with him in audio files he's posted on his site since last December (2006).

There are no holes to poke. TD has even provided the names of his schools for crying out loud. LOL

How or why someone would lie, and then provide so many specific physical locations, thereby opening themselves to almost instantaneous debunking would be foolish. Either you think TD is a complete moron, or completely insane - and I can assure you he is neither. He's being honest.

He's giving everything up. And if you live in this area, then you can definitely confirm TD's geographical claims. He did indeed grow up in Manhattan, and Staten Island, etc.

You and TD can probably talk for a long time about locations there, because he is very clear where he grew up and where he spent his time. He can remenisce. Lemme tell ya. He's done so a lot in recounting these events.

He even confirmed one of the events on his timeline in an interview with a friend recently, and has posted a Google Maps screenshot of the location on his website, as well as an audio file of this telephone conversation.

You've just admitted to know being sure about the presence of a Fourth Avenue in New York (I admit to not knowing the difference between Manhattan and Staten Island, as I'm from out of state and haven't spent much time there). Why would you use this as the crux of your argument when it is so easy to prove that there is a Fourth Avenue?

TD can talk you up on New York LOL He's a real person, who really did grow up there. And maybe just for you he will provide the address to the I.R.S. building in Montauk. If you're just asking for a cross street and an address to give TD some credibility maybe he'll offer as much. I looked for an I.R.S. location in Montauk just now and wasn't able to find one.

That doesn't mean there isn't a building there. How many other companies have buildings the locations of which are not for public consumption...I'm sure someone somewhere can find an address LOL TY, the company that made Beanie Baby stuffed toys had a location that was also near impossible to find. There was such a craze that they kept the address secret...Although it may be common knowledge now...Just an example...

Ah, you're a NY snob too LOL That's all right. I wish I could feel snobbish about Virginia, but few locations have warranted even marginally pleasant feelings from me. I guess I haven't felt at home anywhere...

You said,

I know it is somewhat pompous and obnoxious of me to actually consider your story to be fake and the audacity of me trying to poke holes in the story is totally inappropriate, what with Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton, the Guitaris from Anthrax and God backing you up

That's right! *getting Mel on the phone* OK, TD has already said that he's throwing all of it out there. If he honestly believes that he's had these experiences, all of them, why would he keep certain information from everyone?

I might consider keeping the more outrageous things from surfacing because I'd want my story to appear credible, but he's asking about these things as much as we are. He threw caution to the wind and said what the hell, let's get it all out.

He's taken a chance that he will be laughed off of these boards. Oddly enough, it hasn't been done to the extent that he was expecting it, and I credit that to the somewhat open minds we have on these boards.

But your take on the Mel Gibson, Anthrax, Jesus thing is totally understandable. At least maybe feel "quietly" satisfied that you are right and he's insane. By divulging things like this he has made himself a sitting duck and he knows it.

You don't know TD or me from Adam, so I understand your reluctance. All I can say is that he and I are both sincere. If you've seen his website you'll know he's a guy trying to get his story out. He's gone to great lengths to do that. Unfortunately, people project self-interested motivations onto people making these sort of revelations, and there's nothing he can do about that but press on.

Peace, Crakeur.

(grammer grammar grammer)

[edit on 6-3-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 6-3-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 6-3-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by JSR

Originally posted by timedrifter
not only do I have memories from when I was smoking pot but also I was tripping on acid, but how dare you judge me based on that, that is your "programming" if you ask me, and who and where did these so called "morals" or "rules" come from?? please....

i too have had such chemical fun in my days. so, i cant judge you for that one.

however, after you were abducted and missing for several days, did you ever have any objective and professional help? what i mean is a phsyciatrist?

the reason i ask, is, i wonder if you have gone to every length to "know thyself". or have you chosen to exclude certin paths knowing "thyself".
not to skip other posts but, are you serious??, you think I need to go to a psychiatrist to "know thyself"?? who says that is "a path to know thyself", please...........your presence at this message board speaks volumes about you as well JSR, perhaps you should consider that, considering the thread your posting on here. please.............

dont get condescending with me, are you man enough to admit to your own faults??, if that is the proper way to describe it anyway.

I will get to the prior posts tonight, rock on people!!

you people need to listen to my ambassador onthedeck, one of the wisest men here I believe!!

your name should be "rockon-thedeck"!!!! cause you rock!


posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by timedrifter
......are you serious??, you think I need to go to a psychiatrist to "know thyself"?? who says that is "a path to know thyself", please...........

no, thats not what i said.
maybe i wasnt as articulate as i should have been. i only whanted to know if you had indeed sought professional help after your abduction.

i take your reply as a no.

you (apparently) assume i want to make you look a certin way. i dont. i have wondered that question, from the first time i heard of your story.

dont get condescending with me, are you man enough to admit to your own faults??,....

yes i am, however, i dont know what you are refering to.
what faults?

your presence at this message board speaks volumes about you as well JSR, perhaps you should consider that.....

still have no idea what your talking about.
who is condisending to who here?

and, as you like to say"....please....." is it really such a stupid question, considering your claims?

[edit on 6-3-2007 by JSR]

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
because I'm the person interviewing/conversing with him in audio files he's posted on his site since last December (2006).

so if I tell you I'm interviewing an alien from the planet bogus and I have audio files, that automatically proves that what I am saying is true. good to know.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
There are no holes to poke. TD has even provided the names of his schools for crying out loud. LOL

Oh, that's right, he provided the names of his schools. That's amazingly honest of him. What with school names being so top secret and all. Public or private, schools tend to be hard to name. A little google, a little research a name or two.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
How or why someone would lie, and then provide so many specific physical locations, thereby opening themselves to almost instantaneous debunking would be foolish. Either you think TD is a complete moron, or completely insane - and I can assure you he is neither. He's being honest.

you mean like claiming to have had some kind of encounter after visiting the IRS building in Montauk and then finding out...oops...that building doesn't exist? Whether he's a moron or insane isn't my issue. it's the fact that these kinds of science fiction tales tend to bring down the integrity of the site and, while it isn't my site, I am a member and I take offense to the claims. Personally, I'd be thrilled if they would simply set up a new area for science fiction true? false? and then let you guys, sleeper and titor have a wild alien orgy with jesus and elvis at the slayer concert.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
He even confirmed one of the events on his timeline in an interview with a friend recently, and has posted a Google Maps screenshot of the location on his website, as well as an audio file of this telephone conversation.

hang on, I'm going to locate a spot on google maps, take a screen shot and then have a friend corroborate that jesus and I picked up chicks at that bar. I'll record the conversation so that it will be deemed truth.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
I looked for an I.R.S. location in Montauk just now and wasn't able to find one.

You won't find one. It was a mistake on his/your part to use Montauk as the IRS location. Should've said Holtsville. That's where they are.

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
That doesn't mean there isn't a building there.

As I said, I'd be thrilled to learn of the existence of another IRS office as it might cut down on travel time for me in the summer. I do spend a few days each summer in Montauk and the only building I can imagine it being in is the 55 story office complex in the heart of town. Ask him if that was the building. Otherwise I'm going to have to go check the register in the building for all 55 floors

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
If you've seen his website you'll know he's a guy trying to get his story out. He's gone to great lengths to do that. Unfortunately, people project self-interested motivations onto people making these sort of revelations, and there's nothing he can do about that but press on.

I'm guessing there's a book or two for sale on said website or some other pay as you go deal. Does time travel volunteering cost money?

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 05:32 PM
I can honestly say that I have no conection to OTD and TD. I have never met either of them.

I started ATS to try and find someone who was talking about things that I have seen and been told about, which are very real to me. Since last Dec., this is the first and only site like this that I have been involved in. I have only had a computer since Dec 05.

I know that people were going to resist what I had to say, and there are plenty of those types in here. It is quite safe to say that people will, for the most part, not respond to anything that is brought up in the way of warnings or guidance.

The fact is that for those who do see this as being the reality about what will take place, are the people this information is for. All the negative people can continue to be negative as they wish.

You say making a bundle off royalties.....what happened to Icke. I think he was hoodwinked by a very greedy person. Those greedy types will never accept what this reality speaks to. They will never admit they are wrong for trampling on people.

I think Cracker or what ever the name is, is one person who will stand to loose a lot of what he/she has put his/her faith in. These types of people will never admit they were wrong. I would like to think they will gladly put a bullet in their own head, rather than admit to their being wrong.

The tone people take make it easy to identify who they are. I hope these people will have an attitude adjustment, so we can live in harmony and peace on this planet.

It also makes one come to full realization that the changes, however drastic, will be just what is needed. Anything short of this will not result in the desired effect of bringing peace and harmony back to this troubled world.

It is the types, like some posters in these threads, that we need to purge ourselves from. I think you people already know who you are and that is why you have the mindset that is demonstrated. It is because of people like some demonstrate in here, that this world is on the brink of chaos.

When will enough be enough? I feel that for some of you the answer is never.

Don't stop what you have started TD. It would be a pleasure to finally meet you and OTD at some point.

Part B, Government employees have caused me to loose in excess of $300,000.00, my marriage, my life and you wonder if I am bitter? The answer is yes, but my health is such that I can't challenge it. One of the prime wittnesses who is a Govt. employee and my friend has been threatened with his job/pension if he says anything (they do know that they were wrong for what was done).

My only hope is that at some point it will no longer be an issue and I can forget about the whole thing. This story is only one of millions just like it that have been done to honest, hard working people, in the name of greed. Oh yes, greed was the motivation and I will be glad to show you.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by win 52
I think Cracker or what ever the name is, is one person who will stand to loose a lot of what he/she has put his/her faith in. These types of people will never admit they were wrong. I would like to think they will gladly put a bullet in their own head, rather than admit to their being wrong.

It's Crakeur and I doubt I will lose any of what I have put my faith in as I put my faith in myself, my family and reality. Suggesting I might put a bullet in my head rather than admit to being wrong is somewhat odd as I have said in one of my posts above that I would gladly admit my error in any of this were there facts proving I was wrong. Again, give me the IRS address and I will check it out and then admit to being wrong about it.

I can say that I firmly believe that a majority of the world's problems are a result of religion and that much of the world's ills could be resolved if people stopped putting their faith into the people that corrupt the various faiths. The charlitans who claim they speak with god, or speak on his or her behalf cause more damage to this world than all the other troublemakers combined.

Originally posted by win 52
The tone people take make it easy to identify who they are. I hope these people will have an attitude adjustment, so we can live in harmony and peace on this planet.

Peace and harmony will come when people stop using the bible, the koran or any other corrupt version of religion as their guidance.

Originally posted by win 52
It is the types, like some posters in these threads, that we need to purge ourselves from. I think you people already know who you are and that is why you have the mindset that is demonstrated. It is because of people like some demonstrate in here, that this world is on the brink of chaos.

The world is in chaos because the various faiths out there can't all coexist, If you could get any and all faiths to stop fighting eachother for whatever the various reasons, you'd solve the bulk of the world's problems.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:21 PM
First, to JSR,

what faults?

LOL I know, we're all perfect. I wanted to say I read your post about therapy somewhat the way I think you meant it, which was not in a facetious manner. TD may have read your inquiry with a different set of eyes...

Anyway, I think I understood what you meant. It's clear to me that the period from 1997 - 2004 or so, when TD was having the most trouble dealing with these thoughts and experiences, would have been the most productive time to pursue something like that.

Now I see him as having gotten past that. Of course, the things he believes may lead others to believe he should seek help, but that's a matter of belief and not necessarily mental health.

win 52, I first wanted to say that I had typed a response to Crakeur that without a doubt was deliberately wiped by "someone", as I had hit post at probably the exact same second you hit it. Your supportive post made it. My "buck stops here" post did not. I think there was something at work there.

I wanted to thank you for your posts. You are adding positively to the conversation - and I don't mean simply by supporting what me and TD are saying, but your message is a positive one.

You said,

Don't stop what you have started TD. It would be a pleasure to finally meet you and OTD at some point.

Thank you, win 52. We really can't. TD's story has been made public, and now everyone in here is a part of it. He has only come out about it over the last few months and already he's received corroboration from several "new" sources; people who I find have equally credible stories.

OK, Crakeur. The truth is, behind your sarcastic posts is some sort of motivation. I had to read your last post about religion to start to get a feel for where your random, critical, vituperative posts were coming from.

You said,

I can say that I firmly believe that a majority of the world's problems are a result of religion and that much of the world's ills could be resolved if people stopped putting their faith into the people that corrupt the various faiths. The charlitans who claim they speak with god, or speak on his or her behalf cause more damage to this world than all the other troublemakers combined.

OK, I'm not a psychologist, but it doesn't take one to see where your contempt for who you perceive TD to be comes from.

I've already told you I understand your incredulity. You have probably got enough rancor stored up for pages and pages of posts. Please don't spend it here unless you can positively and meaningfully contribute to this thread.

TD and I are saying the exact same thing you are,

Peace and harmony will come when people stop using the bible, the koran or any other corrupt version of religion as their guidance.

How is it that we can have the same viewpoint on the destructive force of institutionalized, separatist religions, and of a government who manipulates, controls and exploits its citizens, but be at each other's throat at the same time?

We're on the same side. We aren't posting here to argue TD's story. This is a very simple post.

You also said,

The world is in chaos because the various faiths out there can't all coexist, If you could get any and all faiths to stop fighting eachother for whatever the various reasons, you'd solve the bulk of the world's problems.

This is a great source of problems, but at the heart of this plight is ignorance, period. Ignorance is a lack of understanding; a lack of understanding about yourself, and by extension, the people you are fighting.

I would ask you why you are attacking TD - I WOULD, but I'm not going to.

You're making posts such as these below,

so if I tell you I'm interviewing an alien from the planet bogus and I have audio files, that automatically proves that what I am saying is true. good to know... mean like claiming to have had some kind of encounter after visiting the IRS building in Montauk and then finding out...oops...that building doesn't exist?

Personally, I'd be thrilled if they would simply set up a new area for science fiction true? false? and then let you guys, sleeper and titor have a wild alien orgy with jesus and elvis at the slayer concert.

hang on, I'm going to locate a spot on google maps, take a screen shot and then have a friend corroborate that jesus and I picked up chicks at that bar. I'll record the conversation so that it will be deemed truth.

How are these posts supposed to be taken? They're simply insulting.

I can see you don't tolerate charlatans. But it would better serve your purpose to attack people who are really doing damage, and not someone who has come out with experiences that are obviously going to put him at risk; who has given you his life story, full name, almost every school he's attended, the cities he's lived in, and his friends real names just so people will know he's on the level and very serious?

You came onto a paranormal/ufo message board, found the "speculative" section and have taken aim at an easy target. I'll say it again, why have you navigated all the way here to take aim at someone who is posting something that is clearly very far out, albeit with very sincere intentions?

If you're fully satisfied with your I.R.S./Montauk revelation, and your Fourth Avenue discovery (both of which I deny), then why are you still here? Is it to save the people from another "Jesus at a Slayer concert" ruse? I do realize how easy it is for people to fall into this trap, but this one's for real! I promise! OK, that was a bit of livelihood on my part.

You said,

so if I tell you I'm interviewing an alien from the planet bogus and I have audio files, that automatically proves that what I am saying is true. good to know.

Your super-sleuthing has done us in. Our house of cards has fallen. Kidding. It's pointless to debate that TD and I are two different people. If you're in doubt, ask the admins. They'll clear that right up.

This is perceptive,

Oh, that's right, he provided the names of his schools. That's amazingly honest of him. What with school names being so top secret and all. Public or private, schools tend to be hard to name. A little google, a little research a name or two.

If you felt like doing any research at all you could find TD's full name (I'll make you work for it) and check school records. By giving you his full name, and the names of his schools he has given you the tools you need to check the veracity of his story. The obviousness of this is startling.

This is insightful,

you mean like claiming to have had some kind of encounter after visiting the IRS building in Montauk and then finding out...oops...that building doesn't exist?

I didn't know you knew every business and every building at Montauk. Is there a trivia board game on this subject? At this point, providing you with any information wouldn't serve any of us.

TD is putting his story out there no strings attached. It's not his intention necessarily to provide proof of his experiences. Although that is an intention of mine for my own reasons. If TD wishes to do so I'm sure he will.

He certainly won't be insulted by someone with an axe to grind, and then yield up proof like a dog fetching a bone, so you might loose your grip on the Montauk thing and find another post to scratch your a** against, so to speak.

The book he's written on his experiences is free. You can read it at There, I've done a heap of research and provided the website (which is also available in TD's signature for those resourceful enough).

The book is free. The concert is free. The information is free. The time travel is free. And the love is free. Please pass it on!!

[edit on 6-3-2007 by OnTheDeck]

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