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The National Economic Security and Reformation Act was a US act of Congress, that was apparently passed during March 2000, and all officials involved with it's passage are under a strict gagging order, against speaking out publicly. This Act has far reaching consequences, including an overhaul of the US government and financial systems, and since we live in a globalised world there will be changes and benefits directly affecting over 140 countries when this Act is officially ratified.
Beloveds, Germain speaking briefly here today, regards the banking issues and what you are receiving through the Casper, Poof, and Story reports. Story is confused possibly by the endeavors to discredit him. He is a fine soul serving the light at this time, but I am not sure if he knows the whole of why things are not being paid.
There will be no Wanta payment, nor any of the other “payments” until the commercial private banking system is no more as understood today. ALL existing banks associated with the European and other major private, pirating banking, will come under their countries' respective treasury systems, and these countries' treasuries...will be backed by precious metals. No ifs, ands or butts. Only genuine national treasuries will be issuing real money.
This supposed NESARA system in the USA being talked about by misleading individuals is about the wrong side of NESARA. It is about the stealing of the St.Germain trusts and nothing more and nothing less. It matters not, in some ways about the trusts, per se, because my trusts are real, they are in precious metals, and not in any banks not serving the system at this time.
The funds from my trusts will be generated almost entirely off the sales of precious metals to the true treasury banks, and in this little report today, I will not, for security reasons, elicit more on the details. The rising gold prices are not from the national treasuries acquiring gold for the new banking system. This market is totally related to certain ones wishing to acquire a strong back up to their own wealth. When the banking changeover occurs, the buying of precious metals will not be by these nefarious investors, and the price of gold is going to drop substantially and this wealth resource will not serve the ones who are driving up the cost right now.
When funds are released that are referred to as the prosperity funds, they will be released in precious metal backed real, not fiat money. All this being bantered about right now is still about fiat money. I am not going to gift the planet with fiat money. End of story. And the forces of light will win this one, because every single attempt at deception is being countered by my forces. And so be it.
There will be no Wanta payment, nor any of the other “payments” until the commercial private banking system is no more as understood today...
Wanta will not get his monies until the global treasury systems are in place, and neither will a single other person get any sort of delivery. Stop following and giving energy to this that is being played out before your eyes. Again, NO “packies” are coming to anyone, period. Wanta will receive his funds in real precious metal backed money and not in digital Federal Reserve Notes.
User ID: 372818
2/13/2008 2:05 PM
I always thought it was BS, a pipe dream, a disinfo Circus...
But maybe i was wrong all along.
There have been so many meetings of the Big Bosses today, there is definitely something in the works for tomorrow.
I have never heard NESARA used by Colleagues... Until Today!
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 358553
2/13/2008 12:51 AM
Apparently, things are still forging ahead. No more sabotage:
Casper 2-13-08
"If not tonight, tomorrow.
The D.C. pks are on the move."
casper 2-13-08
"I's imagine we'll be getting an update from Story sometime around midnight. Unless he can't......"
I received the following email from two trusted colleagues (Clay and Shawn Pickering) regarding a reliable source informing them that a secret meeting occurred yesterday morning (Feb 12) at the New York office of the United Nations concerning the recent spate of UFO sightings. It appears that a number of nation states are concerned about the impact of increased UFO sightings and wish to be briefed about what is happening.
Their source, who currently works in the diplomatic corps, had to travel for an early morning off the record meeting at the UN. Their source revealed that a secret UFO working group exists that is authorizing the release of such information to the public, in an effort to acclimate others to what is about to unfold. A date of 2013 was given as the time for official disclosure and/or when extraterrestrials show up in an unambiguous way. In the interim there will be acclimation related releases of information. Importantly, the source revealed that the events leading up to official disclosure will involve more ethically oriented extraterrestrials, and they will not pose a military threat to the world.
----- Original Message ----
From: Clayton Pickering
To: Michael Salla
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 9:47:00 AM
Subject: Source at U.N. tells of secret UFO meeting February 12, 2008
Dear Mike,
Shawn and I met with our source who currently works ... [in the Diplomatic Corps]. We had discussed various topics when the Stephenville and O'Hare UFO's cases were brought up. Shawn, actually, brought up the cases--"what's the deal with these incidents? Why is Stephenville getting so much press? "...etc...etc. Our source did not answer the questions immediately and other topics were discussed. About 5 minutes later, our source said to us, "Notice I did not answer your UFO questions."
Shawn stated to him that we felt he wasn't interested in answering. Our source stated, "not at all." He took a breath and responded, "Unfortunately I can't go into it, but getting up tomorrow (February 12) at 6 AM to attend a briefing at the UN at 8AM is highly unusual. I (Clay) asked, "Does the briefing tomorrow have anything to do with these UFO incidents?" Our source said he could neither confirm nor deny, hint, hint. He stated that an 8AM briefing simply did not happen, unless these was a pressing need.
Originally posted by dk3000
I would probably ask if there was universal justice, karma.
Originally posted by ATSGUY
I dont want to be a di%% or doom mongere but lately there has been talk about Russia and nuclear weapons. There seem to be allot of tension between us and Russia now. Also they just announced an new nuclear arms race, and i dunno it just seems like everyone just wants to be trigger happy and make the first move.
Originally posted by kennethmd
A true time traveler is not going tell anyone that they are a time traveler.
Originally posted by raivo
Also about GLP:s NESARA & Wanta threads, they are total bollocks just like those Zetas & galactic federation threads.
saw you mention NESARA in your thread. i came across this website a while back. i thought you might be interested in it. it explains some of what has been going on with this whole nesara stuff.
The real NESARA
i think the real NESARA sounds more interesting than the Candace version.
After many years of personal study, Dr. Barnard developed a new theory of money. His NESARA legislative proposal began as a formal idea in the late 1980s. The current NESARA proposal saw first light in the early 1990s as a proposal for monetary policy reform. Later Dr. Barnard added his proposals for fiscal policy reform.
Shortly after introducing NESARA to the world wide web, certain people latched onto the NESARA idea and began promoting a different version of this story.