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Scrutiny of Anti-Freemasons

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posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 05:32 PM
Look this is based on many of the Anti-masonic videos I've been finding here...and I must admit.

I never listened to them before but I'm fairly bored.

Now - these guys to me seem to be the most ignorant fools not only about Masonry that's less important but they are actually denegrating Christianity in the process.

I just heard a guy saying that Egypt was "depravity and incest" or some such thing - denegrating history ... is this the ignorance anti-masons have the best to offer?


posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 05:42 PM
I think there is more ignorence in Freemasons who post on the internet and think they have any political power or insider knowledge about Freemasonry, when infact they are part of the less enlightened outer circle.

You Freemasons out there, remember when you were given that form to fill in upon membership with difficult questions on it? You probably do, why would they let a person who would not kill another person be part of the inner circle?

[edit on 21-1-2007 by adc]

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 05:50 PM
Can you with even a shred of evidence give any substantial proof of the existence of an aparatus where-by the resources of Freemasonry are under the authority of a higher less well-known institution or body of governance?

If not I would see no further reason for discussion and dismiss your case from this honorable court.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by adc
I think there is more ignorence in Freemasons who post on the internet and think they have any [snip] insider knowledge about Freemasonry
[edit on 21-1-2007 by adc]

Yeah, you're right. That would be as crazy as believing that a baker has insider knowledge of baking, or a candlestick maker having insider knowledge of candlestick making.

We should, instead, listen to the guys who are making millions from their books and tapes about how the world is run by reptiloid shapeshifters. I mean, they're the ones who are convinced that the "inner portico" of Freemasonry is a political cabal of handwringing, cackling tycoons of dark esoterica...


*slow clap*

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 06:11 PM
Roark it is so common though for people to have unexperienced opinions. The other day a friend of my good friend told him he's playing the piano poorly by "sight reading". She can't even play mary had a little lamb on the piano.

He told me I can play better (than her) and I said "Yeah that's why I wouldn't presume to say your playing is poor it's far better than mine".

This has been a lesson from life.


posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:28 PM
Bakers and candlestick makers don't have to literally sign their life away when starting their jobs, neither do they have to swear to commit suicide if the secret is ever let out...neither do they and their families happen to be of political superpower.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by adc
Bakers and candlestick makers don't have to literally sign their life away when starting their jobs, neither do they have to swear to commit suicide if the secret is ever let out...neither do they and their families happen to be of political superpower.

And all this pertains to exactly?

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by adc
You Freemasons out there, remember when you were given that form to fill in upon membership with difficult questions on it?

Well, I remeber filling out a petition for admission, but the questions did not seem all that difficult to me. I mean, nothing about how there is a directly proportional relationship between two masses, and that the force of gravity can be calculated by considering that along with how there is an inversely proportional relationship between the square of the distance between them, and stuff of that nature. It was more like name, address, that sort of thing.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:48 PM
It's funnt how someone with no experience or background thinks they can speak on a subject with authority and wisdom when in fact they are clueless.

Don't you realize how silly it is to go into an argument with no facts to back yourself us?

It's like me trying to speak about the Black Panthers or the Girl scouts for that matter when I'm a white Male.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by adc
I think there is more ignorence in Freemasons who post on the internet and think they have any political power or insider knowledge about Freemasonry, when infact they are part of the less enlightened outer circle.

You Freemasons out there, remember when you were given that form to fill in upon membership with difficult questions on it? You probably do, why would they let a person who would not kill another person be part of the inner circle?

[edit on 21-1-2007 by adc]

And why would ANY thinking person take YOU and your pathetic attack on ACTUAL Freemasons...those who've ACTUALLY been made MEMBERS of the Fraternity of Freemasons seriously when you refer to a Freemasons' ignorence [sic] and you a: can't even SPELL "ignorance" and you're b: too lazy to use spell-checker.

Talk about being part of the less enlightened outer circle. YOU and your ilk don't even HAVE a circle...let alone an enlightened one. Sheesh!

Thanks for playing though. You and them-there uther ignernt folks...well, you'uns sure does make thishere sight lotsa fun fer us'n ignernt Masons...perticulrly fur us 33rd Degree ignaramousessesse.

...and again I say...


[edit on 21-1-2007 by Appak]

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by adc

You Freemasons out there, remember when you were given that form to fill in upon membership with difficult questions on it? You probably do, why would they let a person who would not kill another person be part of the inner circle?

[edit on 21-1-2007 by adc]

I have a petition and it doesn't seem all that difficult to me. I really like the part which says ,"... The essential purpose of Freemasonry is the further development of the individual Mason as an honest, ethical, moral, sincere, caring and charitable man, learning more about his own potential as a human being and developing his intellectual and spiritual character." In short, making good men better. I'm not even a member yet but I can sure sympathize with their philosophy. I would even venture to say that they have already taken an active interest in helping me improve upon my imperfections.

Kindest Regards


posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:42 PM
You see, secret societies have this system, where whatever they say, they mean the exact opposite of. Of course someone of the 33rd degree will have no trouble making me look stupid though.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by adc
You see, secret societies have this system, where whatever they say, they mean the exact opposite of. Of course someone of the 33rd degree will have no trouble making me look stupid though.

I get it so you men APPAK is actually a very nice guy?


posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 08:57 PM
I don't know about that but one thing i've noticed is that it's not just 6s, they have an obsession with 3s aswell, things coming in sets of 13, group of 30 or 300 (I don't remember) members at the top of the Illuminati, 32nd & 33rd degrees in Freemasonry. I'd say what a bunch of obsessive compulsives, but I know them at the top are much worse than that.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by adc
I don't know about that but one thing i've noticed is that it's not just 6s, they have an obsession with 3s aswell, things coming in sets of 13, group of 30 or 300 (I don't remember) members at the top of the Illuminati, 32nd & 33rd degrees in Freemasonry. I'd say what a bunch of obsessive compulsives, but I know them at the top are much worse than that.

Actually, it's you guys, not us, that's obsessed with those things. You all like to talk about the 33rd Degree as if it's supposed to be right next to God or something, then come up with all this complex numerology trying to intepret world events through supposed "Masonic" symbolism that's never even been used in Freemasonry to begin with. It's actually quite funny at times.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by lucum per lucerna

Originally posted by adc
You see, secret societies have this system, where whatever they say, they mean the exact opposite of. Of course someone of the 33rd degree will have no trouble making me look stupid though.

I get it so you men APPAK is actually a very nice guy?

Yeah. Appak is a pretty nice guy. A guy who's sick of being told that he's too $&#$-ing stupid to know what his own fraternity is REALLY about.

Wouldn't YOU be? Do you like to have YOUR intelligence insulted? (Particularly by people who've never even met you?

Give me a break lucum. Don't like my posts...just hit "ignore" K?

[edit on 21-1-2007 by Appak]

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by adc
I think there is more ignorence in Freemasons who post on the internet and think they have any political power or insider knowledge about Freemasonry, when infact they are part of the less enlightened outer circle.

You Freemasons out there, remember when you were given that form to fill in upon membership with difficult questions on it? You probably do, why would they let a person who would not kill another person be part of the inner circle?

[edit on 21-1-2007 by adc]

Are you a member of this 'select inner circle', a high ranking Freemason or do you know someone in the 'inner circle'? Or do you base your opinions on the mass of anti-Masonic material cluttering the Internet? I can't really talk about Freemasonry (as my grandfather is the closest person I know who was a Freemason, and I think he left them years ago) but my theory is that you are displaying the very 'ignorance' that you accuse the 'lower ranking' Freemasons of. I think that the 'secret Masonic cabal' theory is up their with Jews, homosexuals etc plotting to 'destroy the Western way of life'...


posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:46 PM
I just follow information. It's beyond dout now that there is clearly something majorly wrong with the world.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by adc
I think there is more ignorence in Freemasons who post on the internet and think they have any political power or insider knowledge about Freemasonry, when infact they are part of the less enlightened outer circle.

You Freemasons out there, remember when you were given that form to fill in upon membership with difficult questions on it? You probably do, why would they let a person who would not kill another person be part of the inner circle?

[edit on 21-1-2007 by adc]

Difficult questions ? Like my name ? My address ? My phone number ?
These may be difficult for YOU but not for most funtionally literate adult males.

posted on Jan, 21 2007 @ 09:53 PM
i agree with adc

my great grandfather was a mason, and in doing research on it i discovered some very disturbing things, but it all boils down to this:

all secret societies are evil.

masons claim that they are for the brotherhood of man, and equality of all.
this is the biggest load of horse poop ever dropped on planet earth.
what brothers keep secrets from each other?
if we are all equals, why do some get "illumination" while keeping others in the dark.
knowledge is power and secrets are a device for manipulation of the ones who do not know the secrets. using knowledge to suppress those who are not in your circle.

i dont care how many "charity fundraisers" the masons and all the other secret societies do, it is just the icing on a giant maggot infested cowpie.

to those on the bottom levels of masonry think open mindedly:
what brothers keep secrets? equals by nature must have the same amount of knowledge...masonry is hypocritical then. carefully observe everything in the symbols. they are not just pretty pictures.

and to those truly illuminated ones at the top:
you know what god you serve. keep praying to the east. i hope the earthly benefits of your "craft" are worth it. eternity lasts a long time.

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