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Have you ever thought that the year 2012 was disinfo & the real date is 2008 and what does it mean?

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posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 03:20 AM
I have already said that its up to you whether to believe it or not.If you love to debunk everything then why don't you create your own thread.just like the 2 stories of the pentagon attack and johnmike insulting other users wont help you
you are already under warn.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by InSaneTK

You have gone to far, you shouldn't be posting in this thread. Why are you just destroying everything here. Why are you so confident no one will believe this, you haven't even looked into this. Your just waiting to debunk whatever that is posted that challanges your personal view of reality. What if what's written on Xee-A Twelve IS the truth, what if it is? Your acting like a disinformat. Your trying to steer anyone away from this thread with useless comments like this.

Excuse me? I can post in whatever thread peaks my interest thank you very much.

I am not destroying anything. I merely asked questions, and got no answers. You can only sit back for so long listening to someone preach before you have to demand answers, or at least an explanation in HIS OWN WORDS as to why he believes this to be the truth.

I HAVE looked at everything he's posted. There is nothing to back anything up, its all speculation and guesswork. Whilst overall its not too different from my own line of thinking, i at least have the mental connections to write down how i came to that point.

Don't be excusing me of being a misinfo "agent". All i have done is ask questions and not got any decent answers. At least when i explain my version of the truth to people i give them evidence!!

Your getting awfully defensive over nothing. Post some evidence or writing of your OWN WORDS and we all mite stop "destroying" your thread.

I say your thread, because it is blatently obvious you and MC are the same user.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 10:10 AM
shrunksimon can you do us a favor and post your teachings and beliefs.Its upto you whether to post in a new thread or this thread and lets see what ats users choose? the plane hit the pentagon or a missile hit the pentagon.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
shrunksimon can you do us a favor and post your teachings and beliefs.Its upto you whether to post in a new thread or this thread and lets see what ats users choose? the plane hit the pentagon or a missile hit the pentagon.

In regards to the Pentagon, i see it as similar to the Busbomb on 7/7. It is the wild card from the days events, designed to confuse. However, recent evidence is showing the busbomb to be as most suspect, a staged falseflag propaganda event. IMO debating the Pentagon issue is pointless, there is far better evidence on 9/11 of who the real culprits are.

My beliefs..where do i start?

Basically up until the age of 15/16, i was always a logical thinker, denier of all religion and spiritual practices, firmly entertained by science. I never really understood 9/11 until about that age, when a friend introduced me to the conspiracy ideas. Basically the more i researched, the more i came to conclude it to be true. I then researched the Illuminati, and the NWO, which i knew was true, but didn't know WHY. By this point my entire perception of reality had been changed, i was thinking freely.

Once i discovered the 2012 ideas, thats when things started to fall into place. My question as to why this is all happening was answered. From there i have refined what i believe to be the case about 2012, but also the other important pieces of the puzzle, like Zionism, WW2, WW1, Tesla, then back to Egypt, Mayans, Incas, Shamans etc.

Consciousness is where i am now
I believe 2012 and consciousness are firmly related. The one thing i have always known to be true is that everything we see is based upon wave patterns, and that the idea of matter is merely an illusion set up by science. Everything is merely in oscillation, matter being energy condensed to a slower vibration, as Bill Hicks once said.

Having experimented with various psychedelics, aswell as having lucid dreams etc, i have come to conclude that the NWO is not about enslaving the human race, the reptillian agenda, the greys etc. It is merely a prison for your mind, your consciousness. Unluckily for them, this prison is falling apart as they try hard to initiate their end game plan.

I do not believe for one second that reality is an error, or humans are evil, or that there is no purpose to life. We mite experience what we call "emptiness" or "hopelessness", but this is merely because of duality. We are still living in a state of amnesia, disconnected from who we really are.

2012 marks the end of the physical planes of existence, the ascension of what we call the universe. Consciousness is everything, every star, galaxy, blackhole, humans.. The entire universe is interconnected consciousness, giving life to other consciousness; It wouldn't be too much to say the binding force is love.. But most would call it light/gravity. There is no evil that exists outside of our tormented little planet, it is merely conditioning and society that makes you fear things.

The 2012 date itself is not fixed. Consciousness afterall, controls itself. Humanity could easily rise up and take back all our freedom, but the people in power don't want to let go. They themselves are merely brainwashed into believeing the dark philosophy of the Annunkai.

The Annunkai placed the duality on us, to keep us from realising who we really are, too fast, again. I say again because thats what happened in a previous ascension attempt. (Atlantis and Leumaria). This time, there is nothing that can stop it.

Your idea that this reality is evil, or an illusion of evil, is what i disagree with. It is merely misinfo designed to confuse you as the end times roll out at an astonishing speed.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
shrunksimon can you do us a favor and post your teachings and beliefs.Its upto you whether to post in a new thread or this thread and lets see what ats users choose? the plane hit the pentagon or a missile hit the pentagon.

Your idea that this reality is evil, or an illusion of evil, is what i disagree with. It is merely misinfo designed to confuse you as the end times roll out at an astonishing speed.

Fine but ask yourself do you want a life in which you die and born again and die and born again and this process repeats infinite,you eat food to survive,and the products that you use produces waste or racism,over population,use transpaort from getting one place to another,rely on time .Have you ever thought a world without matter,time,astrology,planets,no pain,suffering,death,birth,waste,food,water,air?
the real world doesn't has any thing like this.If you have watched the movie matrix you would understand a lot.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 01:01 PM
In an attempt to bring about some order to this thread, I have been doing some editing.
Please try to remain respectful of other members and feel free to take the advice of any of the following links you feel may pertain to you.

Mod Note: Trim Those Quotes - Please Review this link

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posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
Fine but ask yourself do you want a life in which you die and born again and die and born again and this process repeats infinite,you eat food to survive,and the products that you use produces waste or racism,over population,use transpaort from getting one place to another,rely on time .Have you ever thought a world without matter,time,astrology,planets,no pain,suffering,death,birth,waste,food,water,air?
the real world doesn't has any thing like this.If you have watched the movie matrix you would understand a lot.

Seriously, how old are you?

I have seen all 3 Matrix films numerous times..

The "real world"? What the hell are you on about? And AGAIN, all those things you mentioned are a result of DUALITY.

removed drug use refererence,
Mod Edit: Discussion of illegal activities such as drug use, drug paraphernalia are strictly forbidden.

[edit on 5-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 08:55 PM
This kid is a pesudoscientist.

It makes me sad.

Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 5-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
My beliefs..where do i start?
2012 marks the end of the physical planes of existence, the ascension of what we call the universe. Consciousness is everything, every star, galaxy, blackhole, humans.. The entire universe is interconnected consciousness, giving life to other consciousness; It wouldn't be too much to say the binding force is love.. But most would call it light/gravity. There is no evil that exists outside of our tormented little planet, it is merely conditioning and society that makes you fear things.

I agree with alot of your points but am having difficulty with this point above, how did you come to the conclusion that the "2012" time frame correlates with the end of the physical realm of things? I think it will be a time of enlightenment and change where humanity will be changed forever, but I am quite unclear of what the events will because of all the different theories flying about.

I can "feel" a change occurring and many of my close minded friends have opened up quite abruptly lately as well.. Not sure how to describe it but the word "Quickening" seems to fit with me.

Have some links that would help explain the above idea? I would like to research it..

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 01:15 AM
@ HaTaX

I can also confirm this about people starting to become more openminded. Many of my friends who have denied everything in the "out of the box" area is much, much more openminded and observant of the world now.
It's like a programming force on Earth is weakening.

Amitakh have also explained this in one of her articles at xee-a. That the cause is of the Earth magnetic field is weakening, which is also the source of blocking our mind. Making us ignorant and unthoughtfull. I have never seen so much questioning about what is real and not (ghosts, aliens, etc) on forums in the last years compare to what people only dared to think about long ago. People are breaking out of religion and programmed thoughtpatterns that science, parents(or not), school and media have learned us to think like. People are researching the world with their own hands now. Not blindly believing what the goverment says and so on. This is a big change in human consiousness then it has ever been, and it is extremely important!

Mod Note: Trim Those Quotes - Please Review this link

[edit on 7-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:07 AM
@ InSaneTK

After whats happened id appreaciate it if you didn't just steer my ideas back in the direction of that website!! As i have said, IT IS MISINFO.

People are becoming open minded, yes. But saying the Earths magnetic field is responsible for our ignorance is not true.

I see the cosmos as interconnected life. The Earth recieves life from the Sun, and in turn, the Sun from the supermassive blackhole at the Milkyway center. So if you think about the Magnetic field weakening, really it is just letting through more solar information/energy.

Your website makes out that what is happening is to smite evil, "It's like a programming force on Earth is weakening", when really it is just a natural cycle of the cosmos, one full circle.

People are becoming more openminded because they are being openned to more energy, which comes through the chakra system, which is connected to Gaia (Earth), the Sun and so on.

The energy is so high right now, that more people can open their minds with relatively little effort. We will get to a point where it will happen to those who deny it all aswell.

This ascension can not be stopped. We will all move through, although better to go with the flow, than be dragged kicking and screaming.

Mod Note: Trim Those Quotes - Please Review this link

[edit on 7-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:58 AM
Only the coming years will tell who is right.
ascension vs breaking out of this virtual reality known as the universe.
I choose the latter.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:33 PM
Amitakh, i feel, has written her work specifically for beings of the True Light who resonate with it and yearn to go home.

I feel that it doesn't matter who is wrong or right, needing to be right seems to be a mechanism of the EGO. What is important is the TRUTH. Not all people will have the same inner knowing.

That being said, i will reitterate that all beings of the Light should feel inside their hearts and deep inside their beings for what is right. You should try to overcome programmed indoctrination and prejudice in search for the Truth. The TRUTH is WITHIN.

I will also reitterate that beings who have been faithful of the Light should rejoice! The time of returning to our home of complete Love and Goodness, where there is NO evil, is very soon!

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:26 AM
hello a friend told me to add some more stuff.

END of death

It is undeniable that everything is a slave to motion. Without motion, everything stops, including the processes known as physical life and physical death. Death is so obvious in this world that everyone has encountered it one way or another. Many fear it, some shun it, whilst others even deny its existence, but it continues inexorably to punish and chase us all. Everyone's life is spent on avoiding death and delaying the encounter. Those who deny that death exists are seen as abnormal or as having some form of psychological disorder that causes them to deny death. Since ancient times, people of all cultures and religions have ardently pursued a cure for physical death in the name of physical immortality. They are driven on this quest at the deepest level of their existence because they fear death.

Ironically, the deity responsible for death is the being most fearful of death - of its own demise and annihilation. The deity has embedded and programmed this fear into everything that "lives" in this world of illusions.

Many humans who have explored the fear of death have concluded that all living things have a survival instinct. What has been referred to as a survival instinct is really the programmed fear of death that infects all living things, including plants, animals and humans. This programming is deeply embedded into every particle of Matter because every particle of Matter has a thought form from Darkness that contains Darkness' fear of death. (See The Twelve Universes Are Pentagons).

Darkness is so frightened of Its own demise that even the smallest building blocks of the physical universes (Matter) are thoroughly saturated with the instinctive fear of death. The fear of death is a morbid disease. It was created by a putrid, demented Mind. It is this fear that will eventually topple the entire physical universe.

People pursue immortality even though almost everyone knows at the deepest level that the concept is absolutely absurd. Everyone knows that physical bodies ultimately decay and die. Yet the absurd quest for immortality continues. It continues because the deity responsible for this Virtual Reality is insanely hoping against hope to find a cure for death, not to abolish it, but to use it to benefit Itself. The deity is afraid that one day It will die. It wants immortality. It pretends to be god but it is not eternal and It seeks eternal life. The contradiction here is that when death is conquered, the True-Light's Rescue Mission will be completed and the malevolent deity's entire empire will collapse.

Ironically, death is the very tool Darkness invented and imposed on everything in Its domain - the Virtual Reality - to control and enslave Its creation and all that are trapped in it. Death, amongst other things, wipes out memories to make it almost impossible for anyone to see through the lies and illusions of this Virtual Reality through the process of reincarnation.

to all the new agers tell me do you want to ascend and still follow this painfull life cycle of life and death or believe in this article?

In the True Divine Creation there is no motion, there is no vibration in the way we know it here, there is no physical movement as we know it here. Darkness invented motion - that was Its first illusion.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:29 AM
her latest post is very scary

The share market is heading towards a total collapse. When it falls, it will be an unprecedented crash.
In the past, certain financial analysts were able to reasonably predict the movements of the markets. But, soon, their diagnostic skills will fail them. When this happens, most investors will no longer respond to market stimuli like they used to - they will no longer trust in "expert" advice or predictions.

Darkness controls what goes on in the Virtual Reality that I have called the Universal Dodecahedron. The entire Virtual Reality is fracturing and the Universal Dodecahedron is also fracturing. Darkness is losing control of all of Its systems in the Virtual Reality, including Its monetary system, which up to now has been maintained by the money entities.

Money entities perform many tasks, including the construction and maintenance of money systems, financial markets, societal wealth or poverty, control of distribution of worldly goods and services, power and other things. The money entities are enslaved by Darkness and are forced to labour under the direction of the Financial Being that has been appointed by the Dark Hierarchy.

Whilst things are fracturing in the Virtual Reality, the money entities are also affected by the changing times. The money entities have had a taste of worldly power at the same time they have been subjected to absolute abuse and slavery in the Artificial Reality run by Darkness. As the Financial Being begins to fracture and lose control of its minions, the money entities will no longer be regimented like they used to be.

On the micro scale, Matter is fracturing. As Matter fractures, so too will all the atoms. As the atoms weaken, they will begin to express unpredictably. On the macro scale, the Universal Dodecahedron is fracturing, and all things contained therein are also breaking down.

The fracturing will cause all life forms to generally deteriorate, change their behaviours and go awry. This will not only affect "living" things, but inert things and even principles, such as: gravity, laws of attraction and bonding etc. Thus, some of the laws of physics as we know them will be affected.

Physical bodies and biological systems will be greatly affected by the breakdown of Matter. Health problems will be exacerbated and increase in new and diverse ways at unprecedented rates. Almost everyone will be affected by experiencing a degree of ill health or vulnerability to disease, trauma and adverse reactions to many things that never affected them before. These could include extreme reactions to food, water, air, and the energies of others. In short, atoms will be reacting to one another in new and unpredictable ways, resulting in health, mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and other problems.

What I am explaining here is that Darkness is fracturing, and all of Its systems are entering a state of radical change for the worse. Darkness has kept a tight lid on Its prison up until now, but It is losing control. Its prison walls are falling down. The order of things will break down. This will include order in human affairs along with order of celestial bodies, among many other things that are subjected to the dictates of Darkness.

As the Virtual Reality collapses, money will cease to be a source of power. Chaos will result from the shift of power away from money.
As Matter breaks down, there is friction on the sub-atomic level in ways never before experienced. Some people can already sense extreme bursts of heat in their bodies that come from no apparent physical stimuli, and are unrelated to any of their energy centres. These heat bursts are all around, and they affect the weather, the oceanic temperatures, and even the emotional reactions of people as seen in things like road rage, schoolyard bullying, political in-fighting etc.

wow the universe has started to decay

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 10:50 AM
well someone reply.The latest article says that the earth is fracturing,matter itself is fracturing and the universe is fracturing.can you believe this!.the soo called time restarter should be restarted by next year otherwise the universe aka the multiverse(virtual reality) would be destroyed.

I personally dont want to see the fracture as it would be totally horrific.

so what do you guys think of this stuff.I hope our gods accept to be corrected and we peacefully go the the real world.
who dosen't want that.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:11 AM
Is it just me or does the guy that is claiming all of this sound like the leader of a cult?

Cyanide pills anyone?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 02:38 AM
I see manchurian_candidate has been banned. I wonder if he still reads replies. He seems extremley obsessed with this notion that the whole universe is based on an evil experiment. I'm not trying to say he's wrong about what "could" happen. Never the less I read many of his posts and he seems desperate to hold onto his ego. Not only is he afraid of death, he's afraid he will just keep repeating the same thing over and over again. Which leads me to see he's probably had an extremley painful life, thus the overwhelming obsession with an evil universe and fear of repeating his life experience. Personally, I had lots of fun and lots of love in my life. Just because my loved ones and I might die, or be tortured or what ever does NOT negate the fact that there was a time when we were happy and great things were happening. If the end of the world is coming, prepare if you wish but remember to not forget about fun, happiness and love. If you forget about that when your end comes for what ever reason you will have only horror and destruction too look back on.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 07:37 AM
pretty out of the blue stuff op.I notice that the op has been banned,I visited the website and some of the posts are making sense like increase in earthquakes,volcanoes and other natural disasters.

i find it hard to believe in this

Volcanoes are caused by imprisoned gaseous beings who are trapped between the outer Earth surface and the inner Earth surface. Geologists loosely call this area the crust of the Earth. For purposes of this discussion, I will refer to this area as the “shell of the Earth” or simply as the “shell”.

These gaseous beings have been imprisoned in the shell since the formation of the planet. They were at one time physical beings from different realms of the Virtual Reality who were transformed into gaseous beings and imprisoned in the Earth’s shell. This gaseous state is very frustrating and aggravating for these beings. They are a mixture of True-Light particles and False-Light particles, and they express emotions similar to those with emotional bodies. The gaseous beings express these emotions a little differently than humans, but suffice it to say that they are in a deep state of despair. The conditions that these beings are placed into are most pitiful.

From time to time, Darkness will pacify the gaseous beings to keep them “quiet”. Some of them are put into a state of “deep sleep” until their “medication” wears off, so to speak. In this semi-inactive state, they often quietly release gas, ash and even lava. It is in the active state, when they are clashing with one another, that they can manifest as a volcanic eruption.

Darkness sometimes pushes these beings to extreme conditions to encourage emotional eruptions, which manifest as a force moving within the shell and towards one or both of the surfaces of the Earth’s shell. When these beings are pushed to extremes, they sometimes revolt and break out in an uproar. These are the very violent volcanic eruptions.

As Darkness loses control more and more, the gaseous beings will revolt more and more as they clash with one another and as their “medication” wears off. When more dormant ones become active, there will be more volcanic activities. This will result in volcanic eruptions around the globe, even in places where they are unheard of.

Earthquakes are caused by different beings who are somewhat related to the gaseous ones, but they are in a more solidified form. These beings also live in the shell of the Earth. When these beings express in anger or frustration, their energy is usually disbursed horizontally, and a violent episode can even split the ground on either surface of the shell.

The “solid” earthquake beings, like the gaseous volcano counter-parts, congregate in “communities”. When there is friction in the “communities”, there can be violent expressions and revolts. There will also be increases in frequency and intensity of earthquakes as Darkness loses more control of the planet; there will be earthquakes in diverse and unusual places.

So-called “natural” eruptions of volcanoes and “naturally” occurring earthquakes are thus the results of emotional outbursts of the imprisoned beings who have been put in the Earth’s shell as punishment, or have been trapped and enslaved in the planet. Gaseous, liquid and solid beings have all been imprisoned in the Virtual Reality. The whole Virtual Reality works on imprisonment at various levels. Some of the astral beings who have never incarnated in a physical form are thrown into the shell of the Earth as punishment. Some of these beings are from physical dimensions and planets.

These beings have emotions which express. When they are really angered, there can be eruptions. These beings are now so frustrated that their energies are accumulating in pockets and becoming powerful “bombs”. Expressions of emotional outbursts from these beings will become more frequent and intense as the Virtual Reality continues its fracturing.


posted on May, 13 2008 @ 07:38 AM
Can anyone of you amitakh stanford followers tell me more about these stuff?.

i really dont want to read soo much just summarize it up for me.

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