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Have you ever thought that the year 2012 was disinfo & the real date is 2008 and what does it mean?

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posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 11:08 AM
OK, let's drop these personal attacks and get back to the topic. No further verbal warnings.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 11:33 AM
Back on what topic? All it consists of is one person quoting from a joke of a website, and everyone else asking questions and him refusing to shed any light!

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 11:58 AM
thanks you intrepid,now back to work.

Aliens have planned world domination for a long, long time. For example, the Anunnaki planned to have the British and Catholics united under a single banner in their drive to achieve world domination. The British-Catholic plan for world domination was a long time in the making. It underwent trial-and-error testing during the reign of the Roman Empire. The British-Catholic conquest of the world was designed to keep the technology stagnant at the level achieved in the eighteenth century.

The Reptilian plan was dangerously close to consummation and final establishment of the New World Order when the Light intervened and assisted in the American Revolution. Had the Light not intervened, the Reptilians would have succeeded in implementing their NWO in the nineteenth century. The Light could not allow that to happen because the Rescue Mission by the Light had not been completed.

Had the British-Catholic conquest succeeded, it would have given the Reptilians control of the world under the framework of the Reptilian Anunnaki Protocols of 1492. However, the American Revolution broke the relentless British colonization of the world and ultimately forced the British to give many of its other colonies some form of independence.

wow so humans defeated aliens using primitive tools!sounds like star wars episode 6 story(ewoks)!

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[edit on 5-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Aaron Burr had been Thomas Jefferson's running mate and was supposed to become the vice-president in 1800. Burr used many underhanded tricks that forced the election to be determined by the House of Representatives. The House voted many times before Jefferson was made president and Burr was made vice president. Had the Reptilian agent Burr been made president instead of Jefferson, the Reptilians would have soon re-taken control of America.

As vice-president, with British support, Burr tried to start a civil war and divide America in twain, half for Burr to be the leader of, and half to return to the British. When Burr was arrested and charged for his conspiracy, his fellow Reptilian agent, John Marshall, presided over the trial and rigged it for Burr to be acquitted.

Jefferson remained president for eight years, and while in that office he sacked all the internal revenue agents, abolished internal taxes and set the nation onto a debt-free path. Another Reptilian agent became the fourth president when James Madison was elected. He promptly sent the new nation into a hopeless war with Britain and re-established national banks to send the country into huge debt.

Its wild but until you read all of the articles you wont believe it
ps:i have emailed the owner of,lets see if they reply.

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[edit on 5-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 01:37 PM

The Anunnaki have been forced to wait beyond their longest expectations for full implementation of their planned One World Government. These delays were again due to the intervention by the Light. The Light's plan is to rescue all of the viable True-Light beings on the Earth; it is not meant to stop the Anunnaki conquest of the planet. After the Rescue Mission by the Light is completed, there will be no further need for intervention as there will not be any viable True-Light beings left on the planet. At that point, it will be evil fighting evil.

The Annunkai have nothing to do with the New World Order at present. The life pushing the NWO are humans. Aliens are not playing any part in trying to establish the system. The Annunkai merely established the system we have, thats it! They completed their own destiny when they established our system (although they weren't aware of this).

The whole idea of aliens controlling us is disinformation. What better way to hide the true culprits than put someone else in the firing line to take the blaim, and even better, have entities that people can't percieve with the normal 5 senses...

The alien "enemy" is no more real than Osama Bin Laden and the "Jihadists". It is merely a play on the truth using clever pieces of leaked information to the public. Osama was real yes, but he was in ties with Bush, he was merely a puppet playing his part on behalf of those pushing the NWO, rather than an anti-western crazy man that most people think he is.

Also, we will not be leaving this planet. If you think the ascension is to another dimension, you are only partly correct. Earth (and the universe) exists on higher levels, but all in the same relative location as it does in the physical universe. We will still be here, the only difference will be our perception of Earth; We will be able to see the world we see now, plus the next vibratory level above us.

Rescue mission from the light? There is no rescue about it. What is happening was always destined to happen.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 10:34 PM
I feel that everyone should try and learn to stop stating their opinions as facts. Manchurian, you should really be more polite, if you are truly interested in teh Light, i feel you shouldnt stoop down to another persons low standards.

Amitakh, i feel, has written her work specifically for beings of the True Light who resonate with it and yearn to go home.

I feel that it doesn't matter who is wrong or right, needing to be right seems to be a mechanism of the EGO. What is important is the TRUTH. Not all people will have the same inner knowing.

That being said, i will reitterate that all beings of the Light should feel inside their hearts and deep inside their beings for what is right. You should try to overcome programmed indoctrination and prejudice in search for the Truth. The TRUTH is WITHIN.

I will also reitterate that beings who have been faithful of the Light should rejoice! The time of returning to our home of complete Love and Goodness, where there is NO evil, is very soon!

[edit on 2-2-2007 by DerekOneSeven17]

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 10:48 PM
MC...How about answering mine and shrunkensimons direct questions, not just cutting and pasting from someoneELSES website?

Surprised the mods allow such flagrant regurgitation of another website without any of his OWN answers to people looking to maybe have their views changed?

In case you forgot Manchurian, I am STILL waiting for you to tell me how a pic of mars polar ice and Saturn, prove your claim of a hollow earth? (asked way back on page 1 or 2)...

DONT cut and paste from that website, tell me your take on it please

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 12:10 AM
arangle4time i have given you enough proof about the hollow earth.
If you don't want to believe it then fine.This thread is not about debating but about awakening the true light beings.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 12:24 AM
oh jeeez I give up... all you did was copy some stuff from a website.. you havent answered the question... first time for using the ignore button, thanks for popping my cherry so to speak. Good luck in your studies fellow human

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 02:40 AM
What i should have said Manchurian, was, i feel you should act more politely if you are interested in attracting True beings.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
arangle4time i have given you enough proof about the hollow earth.
If you don't want to believe it then fine.This thread is not about debating but about awakening the true light beings.


You have given no proof of anything you have stated, you have merely copied and pasted portions from that website, or re-written in it in your own words.

Your not awakening anyone with this thread, because no one is going to believe it unless you give them some proof or at least a very good explanation as to why you think what you have is truth.

And light beings? Lmao..i suppose you consider yourself one right?

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 09:23 AM
What? Lies? There are plenty of examples of a necessary escape velocity and nuclear fusion that's readily available.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 12:41 AM
more about the soo called end times
The recent Indian Ocean tsunami has devastated many lives, homes, lands, animals and plants. Journalists have tried to find comparable happenings to this horrific event, but there are none. Yet, the cataclysmic Indian Ocean tsunami pales in comparison to what lies ahead in the second MAJOR cataclysmic event that will hit the Earth.

Before the second of the three MAJOR cataclysmic events strikes, there could be smaller ones around the globe. However, these "smaller" ones may seem catastrophic to those who suffer them.

After the second MAJOR cataclysmic event has struck the Earth, only about 1/3 of the world's population will remain. When the third one comes, only a few will survive it. But, eventually, all things will pass away.

Many think that the cataclysmic events are signs of the coming of big changes for the Earth due to the shift of the axis and the elevation of the Earth to a higher dimension. This is not so. Nor is it a cleansing for the Earth. This is the end of the evil creation, and all things composed of matter will soon perish. Nothing will remain except the spirits of the Good/Light/Divine, which will continue in the True Creation.

This will also coincide with the separation of beings of True Light and beings of False Light. The separation process can be painful and seem horrendous, but it is necessary for the eradication of Evil

The Attas will all be leaving the Earth shortly before or just shortly after the second MAJOR cataclysmic event. At that point, there will be very little Light left on the planet.

In one sense this makes the ruling elites' New World Order plans irrelevant, along with all their underground survival bunkers. However, the storing of food and water is reasonable for the transitional period to alleviate the suffering from thirst and hunger. Reasonably comfortable temporary survival is helpful because those who are relatively comfortable in the physical will have a much easier time of transition than others. And, those in the astral, for various reasons, will have a much more difficult time than any in the physical.

The aliens at Tsunkri-leelatwoa know that the time is very short for the planet. Further, they know that their dimension is being affected by the deterioration of the Earth. By the way, the Earth is hollow, as are the other planets in the solar system. There are civilizations living on the surface of the inner Earth. Those on the surface of the inner Earth are already suffering greatly from the deterioration of the Earth. Some of them are dying and many are trying to crawl to the Earth's surface at this time. They are willing to risk the dangerous climb because their world is collapsing and they have nothing to lose.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 04:10 AM
mods, why is this allowed?

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Frakkerface
mods, why is this allowed?

if you don't like it then don't post it or better yet create your own thread about what do you think about your believes eg a thread about plane hitting the pentagon and another thread about a plane not hitting the pentagon.The fact that my thread defy's,obliterates,owns every single topic in ats history is the reason ats mods and admins are watching over it
this thread is an awakening message to the true light beings who believe in jesus

[edit on 4-2-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
thread is an awakening message to the true light beings who believe in jesus
[edit on 4-2-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

I knew it. I was waiting for the Jesus line to pop up, and now you've blown it.

And this thread hardly owns anything, that website is a joke.


posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
Many think that the cataclysmic events are signs of the coming of big changes for the Earth due to the shift of the axis and the elevation of the Earth to a higher dimension. This is not so. Nor is it a cleansing for the Earth. This is the end of the evil creation, and all things composed of matter will soon perish. Nothing will remain except the spirits of the Good/Light/Divine, which will continue in the True Creation.

Yes yes, the end of evil. Evil shall be swiped from the Earth, just like the flood and Noah surviving with his ark.. only those who are true believers in jesus and the lord will be saved..


Humans are part of creation. The idea that we are evil in some way just shows the authors insecurity about reality. It is nothing more than a newage christianity ideology, where life is judged to be worthy, or not.

Let me ask you, do you believe you will be saved? Do you think preaching this dribble has earned you the right to survive?

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 05:24 PM
So, Mr. Manchuria, you like to spew a lot of crap and sound like a sensationalist nitwit. But I'll accept it, when you show a shred of evidence.

In other words, keep your mouth shut unless you're willing to present some evidence supporting your insane claims.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
thread is an awakening message to the true light beings who believe in jesus
[edit on 4-2-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

I knew it. I was waiting for the Jesus line to pop up, and now you've blown it.

And this thread hardly owns anything, that website is a joke.


You have gone to far, you shouldn't be posting in this thread. Why are you just destroying everything here. Why are you so confident no one will believe this, you haven't even looked into this. Your just waiting to debunk whatever that is posted that challanges your personal view of reality. What if what's written on Xee-A Twelve IS the truth, what if it is? Your acting like a disinformat. Your trying to steer anyone away from this thread with useless comments like this.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:02 AM
I am sure shrunkensimon can speak for himself, HOWEVER...

before you go off on him, read the entire thread and you will see how things evolved to this point...

I know Shrunkensimon and myself both originally asked him to clarify some things and Manchurian Candidate just went on and on cutting and pasting from a website or two without even trying to back up his posts with his OWN thoughts and proofs of what he claimed... I believe we were both respectful and wanting to be open, but Manchurian Candidate took it to this level, not to mention its nowhere even close to his original thread subject. He just kept vomiting someone elses work without any of his thoughts at all and getting belligerent when asked for some kind of verification of his original claims.

I placed him on ignore a bit back, but curiosity got the better of me lol

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