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Have you ever thought that the year 2012 was disinfo & the real date is 2008 and what does it mean?

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posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 07:06 AM
the annunaki are the creation by darkness,they are there henchmen.and bout infinite regression there wont be any infinite regression once the time is not restarted in 2008 and not the atu waa article.when it is not restarted stars will start to burst,planets would start to wobble and be sucked in,matter itself would be destroyed.Its like the big crunch of the universe.

but the most imp question of all "how did the real world came into first place" can only be told when to go there.

[edit on 25-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
lmao porngrpahy.i assure you that this website is 100% clean.and if you still dont believe in hollow earth then these pics might help

100% clean or not, the filter at my workplace says otherwise *shrug* mars saturn earth

Ok so you have shown me(in order)
1. A pic of the Polar Ice on mars.
2. A storm showing in the clouds of Saturn's pole
3. A pic of something that appears to be a moon crater not a pic of earth.

Please enlighten me how this proves to me your hollow earth comment?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:20 AM
thats all i could do to enlighten you,if you have decided that you dont want to believe then not even god can change your mind.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:52 AM
Seriously, I am not trying to be belligerent in any way, I just can't see how a picture of polar ice on mars proves a hollow earth theory, as well as the other two pics you linked.

Parts of some of your posts I have a leaning towards such as the annunaki stories of old(just not how you see it is all)

My main question still is how do these 3 pics show me a hollow earth theorem?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by manchurian_candidate
The greatest thing that makes an individual different from another is his views.So your view is yours and mine view is mine and no one can force you to change your view,only the individual can.
btw how did you get your info?just curious

the annunaki are the creation by darkness,they are there henchmen.and bout infinite regression there wont be any infinite regression once the time is not restarted in 2008 and not the atu waa article.when it is not restarted stars will start to burst,planets would start to wobble and be sucked in,matter itself would be destroyed.Its like the big crunch of the universe.

but the most imp question of all "how did the real world came into first place" can only be told when to go there.

I got my information from following my line of research, starting with 9/11 which i picked out because of the sheer amount of evidence (thanks to the internet and more awareness), which then moved onto the Illuminati and the New World Order. I then realised that the NWO isn't "going" to arrive, it already has done.

We have been in a World Order for hundreds of years, it is just that in this century peoples awareness has slowly increased to realise they are being held back from something greater. So what is the NEW world order? If they already have control, then why this? It should be apparent this has nothing to do with getting control of us, they already have done so, but instead to prevent the ascension process of mankind (and Gaia) and keep us held back. We have been ready to ascend for almost 100 years. This NWO is not a prison for the body or mind, it is a prison to prevent your connection to spirit.

The two World Wars were manufactured events to install fear and create Israel/Palestine polarization, in order to stage the "end game" scenario, where the world stands on the edge of nuclear apocalypse due to a crisis in the Middle East between Israel and "the enemy".

By creating this fear, it prevents 99% of people from ascending naturally. You can not ascend until you have faced ALL your fears from your entire conscious existence (this life and the ones before). Fear is what holds back mankind, fear of facing up to our masters. However, making terror is not enough to stop the current ascension process, it CAN NOT BE STOPPED. The vibrational energies of the ascension process are so strong now and to far along, as you can see by the number of free thinking people braking away from the system and others exposing this darkness. Anyone can ascend, but before the year 2000AD approx, this would take years/decades of training, now it can take very little time at all, because ultimately we will ALL be forced to either ascend or if you are too fearfull, reincarnate on another 3D world to try again.

The Annunkai are not a creation of darkness. The Annunkai are simply another race who came to Earth to fulfill their own spiritual destiny, although to them they thought they were conquering Earth (as was their nature to conquer), but they were really just installing the power systems we have around us today..

Why? Because after two failed ascension attempts (Atlantis and Leumaria), an adjustment was needed to make sure that; a) Humans would not remember there connection to the spirit until they are ready. b) There would be sufficient duality (more duality, more potential/energy) in order for the ascension process to finally reach completion no matter what.

The Annunkai came to Earth to manifest those conditions, thats all.

Your "truths" are nothing more than half truths packaged as truth. In other words, you have been sold alot of misinformation to confuse you and in order to keep you in fear ultimately. The only truth is Love and Light. There is no such thing as "evil". Evil is merely a product of duality, but ultimately there is no right and wrong, God has no judgement. We are merely taking part in the universal game of creation

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 01:55 PM
Shrunkensimon(like your handle btw)

I am in almost total agreement with what you have posted. I am pretty much leaning towards this 2012 thing( or 2011 depending on how you do the math) as follows: Its not the end of the world, rather it is a time when we will break free and move onward spiritually as was intended for us. I just hope enough of us still around wont be in denial of the truth or we will basically flunk and repeat this grade again.

Great post!

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Arkangel4time
Shrunkensimon(like your handle btw)

I am in almost total agreement with what you have posted. I am pretty much leaning towards this 2012 thing( or 2011 depending on how you do the math) as follows: Its not the end of the world, rather it is a time when we will break free and move onward spiritually as was intended for us. I just hope enough of us still around wont be in denial of the truth or we will basically flunk and repeat this grade again.

Great post!

I try to be as complete and honest as possible, and i really appreciate it when someone thinks my writing is good!

The 2012 date itself is something i ponder upon alot. I think i've come to realise that the date itself is merely a marker, and we can manifest the "golden age" (ascension) faster if we want too, although evidently it will come about really close to the end date, 2012.

Once the human level of awareness reaches a certain point as a collective i think we will see the changes beginning; IMHO i believe we have finally reached this point. Looking at the Earths weather and Sun activity of late, it seems to me that the changes are accelerating.

Most say that many people will die in the end times, that it will be a true apocalypse. I would like to think this is not true, although i can see the possibility of WW3 breaking out. I think there are 2 outcomes really; WW3 breaks out from the Iran/Israel confrontation, Americas economy goes and the US becomes a real hell on earth. =or= The war doesn't happen, and there is some kind of intervention or revealing of truth, the system goes, and is replaced not by the NWO, but a true, honest, peaceful system.

In recent times i feel as if consciousness has been raised on a global level. People are becoming more aware, although there are still many who deny this change inside and are manifesting negativity as a result.

All people need to know if only one thing in the end times is, don't fear, niether yourself or each other. Understand that reality is just an illusion, and we are destined for greater things. If 2012 happens, everyone will be taken, not just Christians or any other group who believe they are "the ones". I can't even see 2012 not happening, there is so much pointing towards it. I just pray that everyone remains calm and doesn't get more fearful and give their rights away to the governments.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 12:12 PM
Just a thought: what happened to Manchurian candidate? I still wanted him to explain how those pics he originally posted of mars and saturn proved his hollow earth theory he was adamant about?

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:18 AM
i am ignoring other user posts who see that this is all wrong or who dont believe.I believe in everything that amitakh stanford has said

The ruling elite is trying to hold things together on the physical level so they can maintain the appearance of normality. However, they know very well that the systems they set up are rapidly failing.

The climate is heating up as the glacial ice melts away. The ruling elite are employing misdirection to divert people's attention from the truth. Even many of those who are sincerely working to expose global warming are stuck in the ruling elite's trap of examining the greenhouse gas effects and arguing for the Kyoto protocols instead of going deeper into the issue. The Antarctic Peninsula is melting away, but the condition of the Ross Ice Shelf is much more serious. The ruling elite want the public to focus their attention on the Antarctic Peninsula instead of the Ross Ice Shelf.

The inner Earth is collapsing and the beings inside the Earth are experiencing extreme difficulties. The cube-shaped suns within the Earth are spinning faster and producing tremendous instability and catastrophic occurrences in the inner Earth.

The above are but a few obvious examples of the current trend as the planet deteriorates on all levels as all systems are in various stages of failure. Some more esoteric examples will follow later. In totality, the situation is catastrophic. The ruling elite are trying to hide the bleak status to hold onto their power on the planet for as long as they can. Contrary to popular belief, the ruling elite are not in full control of the planet; they are being programmed by their masters - the Anunnaki - to maintain the illusion that things on Earth are "normal" for as long as it is possible. Of course, many of the ruling elite on Earth are Anunnaki Remnants.

The ruling elite are fighting a losing battle. The illusions they hide behind are collapsing.

Some of the aliens now know that the Atu-waa is failing. Hence they have given up hope that time will be re-started. As this information filters through the alien communities, the aliens will restrain themselves less and less. Conflicts will erupt amongst the aliens; humans will be caught in the middle as the aliens begin expressing their desperation.

For a long, long time, human life on Earth has been manipulated by unseen dark alien forces. This façade will drop as the aliens become more and more desperate.

The Anunnaki are the most powerful aliens on Earth. Humans are so hopelessly ignorant in comparison to aliens - especially to the Anunnaki aliens - and so prolific in breeding that the aliens view humans as pests and an infestation of the Earth. That is why the aliens will exterminate humans just as humans would exterminate termites or cull herds.

Not only is the universe and all its systems breaking down, time is also breaking down. One of the critical illusions for time to appear to exist is for there to appear to be a chronological order. In the True Realm, there is no time as we know it in the physical dimensions. Predictably, in certain parts of the astral world, Darkness has mimicked the Timeless Realms. Beings, including the sincere guides from the astral, are deceived into believing that they have reached the true timeless realm when they have only reached the pseudo timelessness, which is another trap by Darkness to keep beings ignorant. This goes to show the extent of falsehood and deception used to keep beings from awakening.

As all the systems in the physical universe and the astral world falter, Darkness will attempt to mesmerize the population with a multitude of new illusions. Thus, many people are going to be more confused. It is important for everyone to centre themselves in order to alleviate the suffering caused by insecurity and mental confusion due to the general state of decay

[edit on 29-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 01:53 AM

This is my account of the story of Nibiru and the Anunnaki:

In recent years, there have been many speculative writings about Planet X, which is also known as Planet Nibiru. Most of these writings are based somewhat on Zacharia Sitchin's book, The Twelfth Planet. Sitchin, like Velikovsky and Darwin, used his own theories to support his claims. A question arises: Is Nibiru real? The answer to that is a resounding "Yes".

There are those who believe that the Anunnaki of Nibiru are coming back to Earth soon. They believe that Planet X is going to pass by Earth, in May or June of 2003, on its 3,600 year orbit around our sun. Such believers are terrified of the consequences that a close pass by Nibiru might bring. They fear this will cause earthquakes, tidal waves, severe flooding, food shortages due to climatic conditions, diseases, meteor fire storms, volcanic eruptions and the like. They are afraid that it will result in a great catastrophic infliction of loss of life on Earth.

Planet Nibiru (Ne.Bi.Ru) is known by many names, such as: Planet X, The Twelfth Planet, Marduk, Paradise, "Heaven" and the "Kingdom of the Heavens" and etc. in various cultures. Although Nibiru has been called The Twelfth Planet, technically it is not a planet of our solar system. In fact, it is a planet from another solar system and the star that was the sun of its solar system has been extinguished. Nibiru was never visible from the Earth but the star which was the centre of Nibiru's solar system was visible in the skies from Earth. The orbiting pattern of Nibiru gave the Anunnaki the advantage of having a mobile observatory from which they could observe and investigate many other planets near its orbit.

The early people named Planet X as Nibiru in Sumerian, and Marduk in Babylonian. It has been said that the ancient Mesopotamians believed that Nibiru was the twelfth planet in our solar system and that it was "heaven" where their gods resided and came from.

Nibirians, the people of Nibiru, are often referred to as Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim (plural for god), and Mardukians. I shall refer to them as Anunnaki as this is what the general population was known as by the Sumerians and by those at the present time. The word "Anunnaki" literally means "those who came from heaven to earth". In the Old Testament these "heavenly" visitors are called "Anakim".

Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race and governed by elite aristocracy known as the "Nefilim" in Hebrew, which means "they who have come down from the heavens to earth". The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) "ZAOS".

The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic. They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave.

Due to a great collision, the Earth and the planets and moons of our solar system were severely affected. Nibiru too suffered great damage as a result of this celestial collision. This caused the Anunnaki to come to Earth in search of a permanent home. They did not come to search for physical gold, as Sitchin hypothesizes. Oddly, gold is not a native mineral to Earth, so the Anunnaki would not be expecting it on Earth. Nor did they come to Earth to mine for gold to make a shield to protect their ailing atmospheric conditions on Nibiru (If they did, they did not succeed in saving their planet, because their planet was destroyed). What appears in space is really the shadow of Nibiru, many light years away

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 11:34 AM
Pretty convenient of you that when someone asks you to clarify something and asks how what you claim is proof of one of your statements, you decide, you will ignore all who do not say "hey you are right".

Have a backbone and defend your statements or don't make them at all *shrug*

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:03 PM
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
—Arthur Schopenhauer

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Still waiting with an open mind...not ridiculing, nor violently opposing your last post of someone elses quote seems to infer...

In case you forgot, I simply asked"HOW the pics you linked to of Mars polar ice and Saturn, proved your claim of a hollow earth???"

How hard is that to discuss with me, if this is truly what you believe?

[edit on 29-1-2007 by Arkangel4time]

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 12:16 PM

i am ignoring other user posts who see that this is all wrong or who dont believe.I believe in everything that amitakh stanford has said

No offense, but your a fool if you believe his writings.

As with most misinfo, he does state some truths (the system is collapsing, earth changes), but he is leading you in completely the wrong direction from the way you want to go. If the writing invokes fear, more often than not, it is misinformation. That doesn't mean its all wrong, but portions will be. Its designed to be truthful enough to convince you, then it will carefully mold your thinking without you even realising it.

Firstly, Global warming; The Earth is not heating up. This is unsubstantiated science that has infected our media and politicians minds (not that they put up a fight obviously). If anything, the Earth is going to get cooler.

Inner Earth: This is absolute crap. The Earth is not hollow. The tectonic activity which is appearing to be more frequent and increasing in strength is due to the Suns increasing activity.

Annunkai: They are not controlling us. This (and the greys) are the biggest false conspiracies there are. The Annunkai DID set up the power systems we have on Earth, but they left a long, long time ago i assure you. We are merely being controlled by other humans at this point in time, and saying its aliens is a rather convienient excuse for us not to blame our leaders, wouldnt u say?

Also, they mite be technologically advanced, but only because thats the way they were designed to be. They lacked a true functioning chakra system, which is more potent than ANY technology, because it is the wheelwork of reality itself!

Im trying to help you here. You need to realise that you are very close to the truth, but you've been misled on the final hurdle. Seriously, use your logic, do you really think the truth is going to be laid down on a single webpage with bright colours for backgrounds?

The truth is very simple, which is why we are being fed lots of information in order to try and confuse us. T

the only truth you ever need, "all you need is love". Fear is merely the result of confusion applied to ones own ego.

posted on Jan, 29 2007 @ 06:30 PM
All beings of the Light should feel in their hearts and themselves for what is right. When reading, and in search for truth, try to overcome any ingrained prejudices or programming you may have. The Truth is WITHIN.

All beings of Light who have been faithful to goodness will be rescued from this degrading hell, and returned to their home of Light, unconditional Love, Purity, Truth, and Goodeness, where there is NO exploitation, suffering, or evil.

For beings of the True Light, her words are meant to be a message of Liberation and TRUE Justice.

[edit on 29-1-2007 by DerekOneSeven17]

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by DerekOneSeven17
All beings of Light who have been faithful to goodness will be rescued from this degrading hell

Sounds eerily familiar, where have i heard that before?...Oh yes..."Praise the Lord, and you will be save-da! The Lord all mighty..yada yada yada".

It has nothing to do with being "faithful" or "good".

It is about whether you care about yourself more than you care about others, and if you still have the ingrained fear triggers society plants within us. If UFO's started landing tomorrow, some people would probably go into shock, others would simply except it as truth.

All you need is love. The only thing you must not do is fear change.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 01:14 AM
When i first read on Xee-A Twelve and Truthism/ i didn't have any denying thoughts about it... This have never happend before. To me it makes so much sense about everything, why things are going like it is on Earth etc. On the other hand, everything that is happening on Earth is going as it's predicted, more war and more controll. New World Order is getting very visible at this time for those who are aware of it.

I believe in the fact that we recognize when we are presented with it, and i do in this stuff, it's like i have known it before. When you look at the other ideas and stuff written about what the world is coming to in 2012, they do not give any deep and understandable explaination that makes us understand fully how it is. Xee-A is the only site i have read where the deepest principle of how things work are, it's even told what the smalest building structure of the world looks like, which some very smart people (mathematics) on Earth have just got close to discover.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe whats said about whats going to happen, but the root of our spirituality Amitakh teach us couldn't be more presice. People need to connect to there creator (which is very simple!) by wanting to do so, there is no complicated magic to do this. Your thoughts are your spirits are spirits greatest strength. May the Light be with you all!

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 02:18 AM
thanks insanetk for backing me up.
now let me post more about this cube fact(not theory)
Metaphysically speaking, cubes have hard angles that cause strife, war, confusion, belligerence, opposition, resistance etc. These cubes also form invisible "prisons" for many trapped True-Light beings and separate them from one another.

As I mentioned elsewhere, the being called "Time" is encased in a tetrahedron that is spinning so rapidly on its centre-point axis that it appears to be a sphere. Darkness also uses other symmetrical solids that It created as prisons. These include the known symmetrical solids that Pythagoras investigated: sphere, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. Symmetrical solids have an interesting property in that there is a centre point in each of them that acts as the axis on which the object spins.

There are other symmetrical solids that are unknown in this dimension that are also used by Darkness as prisons to maintain Its empire. The six known symmetrical solids are the primary traps used by Darkness to imprison beings, whether the prisoners are of the True-Light or the False-Light. It is only the upper echelon of Darkness that is not in these unseen prisons. However, they too have restrictions imposed upon them by their ultimate master, the evil Usurper. There is a rigid hierarchy of Darkness with the Usurper at the top of the hierarchy.

Metaphysically speaking, cubes have the hardest properties (right angles). However, even the shapes with "softer" properties, such as the tetrahedron that employs interconnected 60-degree angles, are still harsh prisons. They only appear softer relative to the cubes and other more harsh models.

On Earth, by analogy, the models of these prisons have been imitated by the ruling elite in producing maximum-security prisons (more like the cubes) and less restrictive ones (more like the tetrahedrons). Other models of the Usurper are also mirrored on Earth to a lesser degree

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 02:40 AM

Sounds eerily familiar, where have i heard that before?...Oh yes..."Praise the Lord, and you will be save-da! The Lord all mighty..yada yada yada".

It has nothing to do with being "faithful" or "good".

What Amitakh writes and fortells, I feel, has little to do with Christianiaty and worship of the demiurge (the evil creator of the physical universe). My phrase about being "faithful to goodness," i feel, was not confusing, and i did not mean to imply anything about the Christian religion.

I will reitterate again simply, that - All beings of the Light should feel in their hearts and themselves for what is right. When reading, and in search for truth, try to overcome any ingrained prejudices or programming you may have. The Truth is WITHIN.

All beings of Light who have been faithful to goodness will be rescued from this degrading hell, and returned to their home of Light, unconditional Love, Purity, Truth, and Goodeness, where there is NO exploitation, suffering, or evil.

For beings of the True Light, her words are meant to be a message of Liberation and TRUE Justice."

The Truth is still the Truth whether anybody believes it or not.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:40 AM
i believe that Hinduism is the worship of the demuirge esp the trinity(the fake gods who created this virtual reality and who rebelled against the true creator viz the creator:bhrama,the preserver:vishnu and the destructor:shiva.

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