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Have you ever thought that the year 2012 was disinfo & the real date is 2008 and what does it mean?

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posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 11:16 AM
AN update.
my post

is disinfo.I tried to del it but the mods didn't do it.

I thought that site was disinfo as it praised gods like rama,krishan,buddha but i was attracted to the light.It was mixed.

her latest post explains this ans also state that the anti christ has been defeated

i expect 2 more promenade to complete her 12 symbol.
one thing which baffles me is that why the soo called ron paul revolution now?.It dosent make sense.And to Mrgreen,i am sorry you dont believe it but it is the truth and the end has began.

[edit on 19-9-2008 by greenjuice]

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by greenjuice
And to Mrgreen,i am sorry you dont believe it but it is the truth and the end has began.

[edit on 19-9-2008 by greenjuice]

No Im sorry I think this is all too much, I just cant believe a word of it. The end has begun? What do you mean the end has begun?

I can not follow this so called future, 2008 is nearly over and I have felt none of these so called events. All I have felt is love.

What is your take on Jan 2009?

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Its all about Love that is accurate .
I will speak that all and any 2012 messages that are stating its doomsday or the end of the world are not getting accurate information to the Public.
It is all in the end just the ending of the old ways and limitations 2012 is about Human Transformation of the Body Mind and Soul to the next level called the Christ Consciousness or the Frequency of Love .

Blessings and Peace,

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

plz dont spread disinfo.This thread is about awakening light beings.I see you still want ascension and 2012 new age stuff.I am sorry to say that this time it wont happen.THe universe will start to fracture from 2008.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Cmdraleon
Its all about Love that is accurate .
I will speak that all and any 2012 messages that are stating its doomsday or the end of the world are not getting accurate information to the Public.
It is all in the end just the ending of the old ways and limitations 2012 is about Human Transformation of the Body Mind and Soul to the next level called the Christ Consciousness or the Frequency of Love .

Blessings and Peace,

I could not have put it better myself!

Human Transformation of the Body Mind and Soul to the next level called the Christ Consciousness or the Frequency of Love .

The frequency of love is exactly what this is about. Love must now be seen as a frequency and not an emotion. It is an energy so pure and does indeed have a frequency.

I am very concerned that 2012 is being turned into a doomsday scenario, I even heard Hollywood are to make a film about it. I dont think much air time will be given to love, more to space race empire attacks and red planets colliding into Earth. This is indeed the totally wrong message to give to the public.

love and light always,

Miss Green

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 12:28 AM
you guys just dont get it.there is no ascension.Its OVER.
the game is up.
the universe will cease to exist

2012 is 2008.the recent economic events prove this.Oh well since you have decided to give your will to darkness then no one can save you.your life would be a pointless cycle in the astral world when it crashes and all true light beings would be in the divine realm.

I feels so sad that many beings like you have been lost to darkness,most of them by misdirection.The coming days will prove that this author and the website was right.Her latest posts states that the anti Christ has been defeated and the rescue is in the final last stages.I dont know whether i will be raptured spiritually or physically or from the astral world but i know that amitakh is right and i am happy it ends.

i will quote a sentence

Darkness (a.k.a. "Satan" or "the Devil") created the universe (this includes the higher dimensions, too). He is holding all of us captive inside of it. The true creator of existence lives in a different realm--the True Realm. The universe is indeed a crude pseudo-creation; everything in it is based upon programming (i.e. DNA). There is no programming in the True Realm, because it is not a virtual reality, it is simply reality. In the True Realm, crude concepts such as time, biological life, and physics do not exist. Only Darkness (a pseudo creator) would create a realm based on such things. Anything that is "technical" or governed by rules/restrictions (which is everything in the universe) is crude. The True Creator does not need to rely on any rules. That is why the universe is the Matrix--it has rules. It is a virtual reality, as opposed to reality.

When one dies, then goes on to the astral world (the fourth dimension), they are still inside of Darkness's universe. The only way to get out of the universe and into the True Realm is for the universe to be destroyed.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by greenjuice]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by greenjuice
you guys just dont get it.there is no ascension.Its OVER.
the game is up.
the universe will cease to exist

I feels so sad that many beings like you have been lost to darkness,most of them by misdirection.
i will quote a sentence

Darkness (a.k.a. "Satan" or "the Devil") created the universe (this includes the higher dimensions, too). He is holding all of us captive inside of it. The true creator of existence lives in a different realm--the True Realm. The universe is indeed a crude pseudo-creation; everything in it is based upon programming (i.e. DNA). There is no programming in the True Realm, because it is not a virtual reality, it is simply reality. In the True Realm, crude concepts such as time, biological life, and physics do not exist. Only Darkness (a pseudo creator) would create a realm based on such things. Anything that is "technical" or governed by rules/restrictions (which is everything in the universe) is crude. The True Creator does not need to rely on any rules. That is why the universe is the Matrix--it has rules. It is a virtual reality, as opposed to reality.

When one dies, then goes on to the astral world (the fourth dimension), they are still inside of Darkness's universe. The only way to get out of the universe and into the True Realm is for the universe to be destroyed.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by greenjuice]

green juice, I feel great love from your last post. This shows me you are of a good heart.
I agree with you, the 4th dimension is still of this Universe, it is not where we reside with the creator, how can it be its just another dimension among many. However if the Universe were to be ended as you say to remove the matrix we are all in, what else is there. If satan created the universe, then he created us because we are also of the Universe. Its love and energy flows through all of us, we are all from one source, I am just as much a part of YOU as you are of ME.

I cant accept that satan created us. Does he even exist. Some say the light is all one, it just has a spectrum from light down to dark, but it is still one light.

Yes maybe we are all trapped as you say, but I have felt the light. It has been shown to me, it was so loving and beautiful, I never wanted it to leave. It was sent to me through my crown chakra, my connection to the Universe. The Universe you say that was created by satan. The love and light I felt was not of satan. I know some can create a false light, but this was pure light.

The true realm as you say, the one where the true creator lives, this is within us all. Its not virtual, its within our very being.

What is ascension anyway? You say its not going to happen. I feel it is. Not in the way of rising above the clouds, but slowly realizing our inner spiritual self through the many dimensions. Which one we go to next is entirely up to us, how we progress spiritually now while on Earth. Some will go to the 4th, some to the 5th and beyond. However this the physical 3D realm however hellish it may appear at times, is one of the most important ones. It is here that we feel the pain of life in these bodies we choose to trap our souls in.
The pain and suffering we endure here is what allows our souls to progress so. Believe it or not, many even on the 4th dimension look down and wish they could return their soul back to a body, to suffer more so they can go up to the 5th dimension.

Once in the 4th dimension and above, it becomes so much harder to spiritually progress because less is placed on the physical body and more on the soul. The soul now finds it has less tools with which to spiritually progress with.

Where is this true reality you speak off? Outside the dimensions of the universe? A parallel universe maybe? I know we dont need reality to exist in our true form, but in order for our true form to have meaning it needs a reality.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:26 AM
no one knows what the divine realm looks like,we are all nauseated by this merry go have to read all the articles.
majority of beings are artificial consciousness,civilian true light beings have been raptured and only light warriors remain.

about how did we came here,simple=trapped.we got attaracted to gliter and became trapped and the only way to get out is for the boundry walls(universe) to be destroyed

here is the explanation
Contrary to some beliefs, Light does not need Darkness to balance Itself. Nor does Light need Darkness to co-exist. However, Darkness does need Light to sustain It. In fact, Darkness is a vampiric energy that sucks the "life" out of True Light beings in order to survive. Darkness has only been able to do this by erecting an elaborate house of horrors known as the Virtual Reality. Any True Light beings who enter this house of horrors are immediately preyed upon by agents of Darkness and "assassination" attempts commence as rapidly as possible. This is what the war between Good and Evil is all about. The Light is about to rescue Its own from the clutches of Darkness, whilst Darkness fights to hold onto every one of Its "prisoners".

[edit on 22-9-2008 by greenjuice]

[edit on 22-9-2008 by greenjuice]

[edit on 22-9-2008 by greenjuice]

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by greenjuice
no one knows what the divine realm looks like,we are all nauseated by this merry go have to read all the articles.
majority of beings are artificial consciousness,civilian true light beings have been raptured and only light warriors remain.

about how did we came here,simple=trapped.we got attaracted to gliter and became trapped and the only way to get out is for the boundry walls(universe) to be destroyed

[edit on 22-9-2008 by greenjuice]

[edit on 22-9-2008 by greenjuice]

[edit on 22-9-2008 by greenjuice]

Your link speaks of all must die in this Universe, and all fear this. I do not think we ever die, only our energy is changed, altered to another form. I do not fear what is after death.

I love the idea of light warriors coming to save the trapped light beings who are consumed by the glitter and rapture of the dark. I would love to meet one of these light warriors they sound fantastic.
I hope I may meet one, one day they sound like saviours.

If one had been raptured how would we know? How would we tell? Sounds like this rapture is too much for most to handle whilst on Earth, how can we turn away from such glitter? We are only human, what are we to do in the face of such power?

Im afraid all I can do is hope, trust my heart and pray the creator looks after me. I hope the divine being will grant me life in 2009.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

i will not post again and again.I am not recruiting people here,just waking the sleepers.It seems that posting so much about your new age stuff you dont know anything.Unless you read all the articles and the posts here then you would understand.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 10:55 AM
mr green you need to check out the articles.everything is already posted.rapture already happened back in 1999,only the light warriors remain and they would also be rescued before the second cataclysm hits earth.(first one was tsunami and in the next one 2\3 will die).The second horseman of the apocalypse will ride very soon and then the third and final happens then no or very little life would be in this planet and after that the stars would start to explode,matter would dissipate and the virtual reality would cease to exist.

[edit on 28-9-2008 by greenjuice]

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by greenjuice
mr green you need to check our the articles.everything is already posted.rapture already happened back in 1999,only the light warriors remain and they would also be rescued before the second cataclysm hits earth.(first one was tsunami and in the next one 2\3 will die).The second horseman of the apocalypse will ride very soon and thwn the third and final happens then no or very little life would be in this planet and after that the stars would start to explode,matter would dissipate and the virtual reality would cease to exist.

Oh dear this doesnt look good does it.
All sounds very dramatic doesnt it, the second horseman of the apocalypse riding out leaving all stars and planets in an explosion of the end of days. Its not very uplifting this thread is it .

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

why be scared,it liberating for me,the evil game would soon be over and the best thing is that you can also join the divine if you reject evil,hope that you haven't given your will to darkness.

i see from your posts that you are a false light being

here is about false light beings

Beings of Darkness are attracted to the False Light and are nurtured by It, while beings of Light, even if they are being programmed to respond or be attracted to the False Light, are not nurtured by the False Light. Instead, they are being exploited by the False Light and become pockets of energy that nurture Darkness.

Beings of Darkness are not comfortable in the presence of True Light. They feel a sense of gloom and doom. They can never recognize nor accept the True Light and Its "Messengers". They can never truly feel at home nor can they truly be committed to the Work sponsored by the True Light. Such ones will always feel that they are still searching for their way home, even if they encounter True Light and Its Messengers. This is true since their real home goes back to the Shoot of Darkness and not to the Branch of Light or the Source.

On the other hand, beings of Light can never totally feel committed or comfortable with the False Light. The True-Light beings who are nourished by the True Light grow in Purity, while the False-Light beings who are nurtured by the False Light grow more and more evil. However, beings for either side will ultimately know which side they belong to.

The True Light carries an inner sound, an inner "vibration", a blueprint which the False Light cannot reproduce even though the False Light can imitate the appearance of the True Light. This is where the awakened beings of Light will be able to discriminate the True-Light beings from the False-Light beings AFTER the final stages of the separation of Light from Darkness commence. There is the Pulse, the inner Sound, the inner Vibration that individual beings of True Light can inwardly access to recognize the True Light.

The separation of the True Light and False Light is now in progress

here is a quote,its a amazing article about sleep and dreams

The following words will give a glimpse of what is to befall this small part of the Virtual Reality that we occupy:

A blanket of darkness is about to be dropped on Earth. Between 2008 and 2009, the illusory Earth will commence fracturing.

The time will come when:

Rains will wash
Fires will burn
North America
A lesson will learn

The tower will toll
The clock will strike
The birds in power
Will take their flight

A crevice, big and deep and wide
Will sever the continent
Bombs will burst
Blood will flow

The Lone Star State of Texas will cry out in pain

In contrast to what will befall the illusory Earth:

In 2008 those of the Light will celebrate
Fireworks, laughter and exaltation
In 2008, True-Light beings will celebrate

[edit on 28-9-2008 by greenjuice]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by greenjuice
reply to post by Mr Green

why be scared,it liberating for me,the evil game would soon be over and the best thing is that you can also join the divine if you reject evil,hope that you haven't given your will to darkness.

i see from your posts that you are a false light being

LOL oh greenjuice who are you to call me a false light being. You sound like some divine being who can decide the spiritual future of people!
No one is a false light being, we are ALL light beings. All of us are divine .

You know what...I am SICK of all this. What with this and the chakra thread attacking me for my belief in love and light, and now you saying Im a false light being!! I do not need this and will not be posting on here again. I tell you what I'll Jan 2009 I will search out this thread and say HI
I will say hello to all my fellow" false light beings" out there.

False light, true light, its all the same greenjuice. All this stuff your posting about will not happen. When ascension happens it will not be as you say , you could give people nightmares!!! Good job I am of the light isnt it! I feel the light in you too but you need to just relax a bit more, live your life, stop planning your rescue from the dark light.

So thanks for the info and I'll see you in Jan 2009 when I post and say hi!

Much love and light to you greenjuice.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 12:39 PM
first time would end in 2008 and not the world,read the articles.after 2008 the universe would wind down into a natural death..this could take years but the end would being from 2008 but life on earth is very short.

also about false light.i can identity beings form their still hold on to the false premise that all are true light beings.

the answer is NO.majority of beings are false light and artificial beings and very few are true light beings,now with the rescue operation almost complete very very few remain.

you are holding on your beliefs.
the current economic crashes is the result of the financial being loosing control of the system.

its over however if you have will left then you can join the light.the light always forgives.if only the demiurge asked for forgiveness the winding down wont be soon painful and i am promoting love not fear,only those fear who realize deep inside that they are not from the source.if you read other users posts they say that it riveted with their heart when they read the articles

[edit on 29-9-2008 by greenjuice]

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 05:29 PM
Oh no, please god say it isnt so. Why, Why, WHY WHY WHY. Im too young to die. Were all doomed I tell you Doomed Doomed. The headless horseman is comming.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by SixthDream
Oh no, please god say it isnt so. Why, Why, WHY WHY WHY. Im too young to die. Were all doomed I tell you Doomed Doomed. The headless horseman is coming.

No please dont worry my friend. The headless horse man is not coming, that was just in that film Sleepy Hollow. Im afraid Johnny Depp whont save us this time but just try to remain calm Sixthdream, thats all you can do. Your fear has made me post 3 months early!! Your not false are you? Are you a false light being too? Apparently you may be........

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 06:04 PM
Thank you miss green for your kind gracious words of comfort. I will stay strong and show the little ones that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. If the world must end then there is nothing we can do put pray to johnny depp to save us.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by SixthDream
Thank you miss green for your kind gracious words of comfort. I will stay strong and show the little ones that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. If the world must end then there is nothing we can do put pray to johnny depp to save us.

My god thats it, Johnny depp for President! Yes only he can save us...oh but hang on isnt he almost French these days..... oh it doesnt matter...hes our Saviour! He saved Sleepy Hollow...he can save us Sixthdream

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by SixthDream

it will happen,man i am also young and i love that it is coming to an end.

no amout of praying will avert this.

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