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Originally posted by Essan
LOL! 3,000,000 foreign troops in the USA? Let me guess, they're all hiding in secret desert bunkers and being provisioned by unmarked aircraft (the same ones being used to lay chemtrails)?
And of course, you believe it because someone said someone else told them it's true. So it must be....
In 1991, Henry Kissinger said, "Today America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
"The USA Government is reportedly employing Mexican, Canadian, Russian, German, Dutch, Cuban, Israeli, troops to guard grass paddocks surrounded by barbed wire in America ! Isn't this a STRANGE thing to do? If need be, why then aren't American's only employed to do this job of guarding their own grass paddocks? Economically thinking, to get tax payers value for money, these prison camps would need to be used SOON, otherwise the lands should be released back to the local government bodies to be utilized for local development projects etc. Alternatively, a large scale attack on American soil would trigger the RED ALERT statues officially creating martial law, opening these camps up for business, so to speak!" (Ret. General Tommy Franks)
Chinese Sailors Preparing for "American Invasion":
Originally posted by FreedomFighterGrL
I have an article somewhere, I'm not sure where I have put it, but I think it was in 2000 that the BBC interviewed some soldiers who said they were in training for the Invasion of America.
The show was supposed to replay the next day but they ran something else and they never brought it up again. When I get a chance I will try and hunt this article up.
Chinese Sailors Preparing for "American Invasion"
Originally posted by semperfoo
I just think a bit to many ppl here are jumping head first to to many conclusions on this subject. This site promotes such thinking. Which in its own way is good. But to some ppl out there I wouldnt take to heart everything you read here on a site like this. Especially a thread like this one. Decide for yourself. Think foryourself. Dont let others think for you. Use your own head.
Originally posted by FreedomFighterGrL
Okay, I have pictures of UN vehicles that are already in the United States. Alot of them are old school buses that have been painted white and had the letters UN printed on the side in black.
school buses being painted from the normal yellow color, to a white color and the words "UN" in black are also being painted on the sides of them. This was taken at a Chevy/Oldsmobile car dealership in Lafayette, Georgia.
When asked why these buses were being painted white, they responded that they were contracted to paint these buses so that United Nation's troops could be transported in America.
United Nations Vehicles On U.S. Soil! These photos are of actual United Nations vehicles on the soil of America. These vehicles are coming into our ports -- namely Port Beaumont, Texas--at a staggering rate.
Originally posted by Cthulwho
I would like to say that I don't believe China is going to invade the US any time soon. For starters China has absolutely no where near the military capacity required for such an act (not yet). Also, China is completely dependant on the US buying it's goods, if there was war, the Chinese economy would collapse.
"Surrounded by the enemy: Red flags indicate Chinese-occupied commercial shipping facilities in North and South America. These facilities, along with Chinese cargo vessels, are considered by Beijing to be military assets".
Originally posted by NotOnMyWatch
Originally posted by Cthulwho
I would like to say that I don't believe China is going to invade the US any time soon. For starters China has absolutely no where near the military capacity required for such an act (not yet). Also, China is completely dependant on the US buying it's goods, if there was war, the Chinese economy would collapse.
I would love to be able to believe you Cthulwho, however... If China has no intention of invading the US any time soon, then why, pray tell, do they have the US surrounded at this moment? They are doing far more than merely 'studying' the US! And I don't know that they are quite so 'dependent' on the US for buying it's goods. See the following pic of where the Chinese are located, they DO have us entirely surrounded:
"Surrounded by the enemy: Red flags indicate Chinese-occupied commercial shipping facilities in North and South America. These facilities, along with Chinese cargo vessels, are considered by Beijing to be military assets".
Wonder why the Chinese would need to have 'military assets' surrounding America in such a way, unless they intend to do something soon? I have a funny feeling it's not for buying anything or for war-games.
[edit on 2/21/2007 by NotOnMyWatch]
Originally posted by NegativeBeef
What about the US surrounding China? We have military bases in Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. Are we invaiding China soon?
DUBAI, UAE, 21 February 2007. (revised 23 Feb 2007). Code named by US military planners as TIRANNT, "Theater Iran Near Term" has identified several thousand targets inside Iran as part of a "Shock and Awe" Blitzkrieg, which is now in the final planning stages.
Revealed last April by William Arkin, a former US intelligence analyst, writing in the Washington Post, TIRANNT was first established in May 2003, following the invasion of Iraq.
The 2003 decision to target Iran under TIRANNT should come as no surprise. It is part of the broader military roadmap. Already during the Clinton administration, US Central Command (USCENTCOM) had formulated in 1995 "in war theater plans" to invade first Iraq and then Iran.
Vigilant Shield 07 War Games
From September through December 2006, the US conducted a New Cold War scenario of all out war directed against Iran and its Cold war era enemies: Entitled Vigilant Shield 07, the war games are not limited to a single Middle East war theater (e.g. Iran), they also include Russia, China and North Korea.
The details of the Vigilant Shield 07 exercise scenario, is contained in a U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) briefing dated August 2006 (revealed by William Arkin in a WP article) .
The enemies are Irmingham [Iran], Nemazee [North Korea], Ruebek [Russia], Churya [China]
Details and Sequencing:
"• Road to Conflict (RTC): 11 Sep – 15 Oct 06
– Initial Irmingham Enrichment I&W [indications and warning]
– Initial Ruebeki & Irmingham Involvement
– Ruebek I&W, PACFLT [U.S. Pacific Fleet] Sub Deployments
– Initial Nemazee ICBM [intercontinental ballistic missile] I&W
– Initial MHLD [homeland defense?] I&W
– Strategic IO [information operations (cyber warfare)] operations (Ruebek & Churya)
– Ruebek & Irmingham Conduct Joint AD [air defense] Exercise
• Phase 1 / Deployment: 4 – 8 Dec 06
– Rogue LRA [Russian long-range aviation] w/CALCM [conventional air launched cruise missile] Launch
– Continue Monitoring Strategic Situation
– Continue Monitoring Nemazee Situation
• Possible Nuclear Testing
• Probable ICBM Preparation
– Continue Monitoring MHLD Situation
• Five VOIs [vessels of interest]
• Churya Flagged VOI into Dutch Harbor Supports BMDS [ballistic missile defense system] Threat to Ft Greely
– Continue Monitoring IO Activities
– Nemazee Conducts SLV [space launch vehicle] Launch – 8 Dec 06
• Phase 2 Minus 42 Days:
• Additional Nemazee ICBM Shipments to Launch Facilities
• RMOB [Russian main operating bases] Acft Conduct LR Navigation Flights
• AS-15 [nuclear armed cruise missile] Handling at RMOBs
– Minus 41 Days:
• Additional Nemazee ICBM Preps at Launch Pad # 2
– Minus 40 Days:
• Activity at Nemazee Nuclear Test Facilities
– Minus 35 Days:
• DOS [Department of State] Travel Warning
– Minus 30 Days:
• Ruebek LRA Deploys Acft to Anadyr & Vorkuta
• Phase 2 Minus 30 Days:
• Growing International Condemnation of Ruebek
• Ruebek Deploys Submarines
– Minus 20 Days:
• Nemazee Recalls Reservists
– Minus 14 Days:
• DOS Draw-down Sequencing
– Minus 13 Days:
• Ruebek Closes US Embassy in Washington DC
– Minus 11 Days:
• Nemazee Conducts Fueling of Additional ICBMs
• Ruebeki Presidential Statement on Possible US Attack
• Phase 2 Minus 10 Days:
• POTUS Addresses Congress on War Powers Act
– Minus 6 Days:
• Ruebek President Calls “Situation Grave”
– Minus 5 Days:
• CALCM Activity at Anadyr, Vorkuta, and Tiksi
• Ruebeki SS-25 [nuclear armed mobile ICBMs] Conduct out of Garrison Deployments
• Nemazee Assembling ICBM for Probable Launch
– Minus 4 Days:
• Ruebek Closes US Embassy in Washington DC
• Ruebek Acft Conduct Outer ADIZ [air defense identification zone] Pentrations
• Mid-Air Collison w/NORAD Acft During ADIZ Penetration
• Phase 2 Minus 4 Days:
• Nemazee ICBM Launch Azimuth Threatens US
– Minus 3 Days:
• NATO Diplomatic Efforts Fail to Diffuse Crisis
• USAMB to Ruebek Recalled for Consultation
• POTUS Addresses Nation
– Minus 2 Days:
• Nemazee Leadership Movement
– Minus 1 Day:
• Ruebek Expels US Mission
• Phase 2 / Execution: 10 – 14 Dec 06
– Pre-Attack I & W
– Imminent Terrorist Attack on Pentagon Suggests Pentagon COOP [continuity of operations plan]
– Nemazee Conducts 2 x ICBM Combat Launches Against United States
– Ruebek Conducts Limited Strategic Attack on United States
• Wave 1 – 8 x Bear H Defense Suppression w/CALCM
• Wave 2 – Limited ICBM & SLBM Attack
– 2 x ICBM Launched (1 impacts CMOC [Cheyenne Mountain], 1 malfunctions)
– 2 x SLBM Launched Pierside (1 impacts SITE-R ["Raven Rock" bunker on the Maryland-Pennsylvania border], 1 malfunctions)
– 3 x Bear H from Dispersal Bases w/ALCM (Eielson AFB, CANR, Cold Lake)
– US Conducts Limited Retaliatory Attack on Ruebek
• 1 x ICBM C2 Facility
• 1 x ICBM Against ICBM Launch Location
• Phase 2 / Execution:
– Ruebek Prepares Additional Attack on United States
• Wave 3 – Prepares for Additional Strategic Attacks
– 1 x ICBM Movement, NO Launch
– 3 x SLBM PACFLT Pierside Missile Handling Activity (NO Launch)
– 6 x BEAR H (launch & RTB [return to base]) w/6 x ALCM (NO launch)" [source Northern Command and William Arkin]
Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
Great to see someone else jump into this discussion, of what I think is an extremely important topic, which is why I started this thread in the first place. I thought it had run out of steam because no body else was showing that much interest and I got abit disenchanted with it all, but thankyou for waking me up again. Its late here now, but maybe tomorrow I'll begin adding more things to this discussion.
Its now or never folks, fight for your rights or kiss them and your sorry a@#$s goodbye.
Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia
You can see just by the location and the vast number of these camps that they are preparing to detain and extroardinary number of citizens! What could they be possibly planning for that makes them think that they will need the creation of so many camps?
We can all speculate, martial law, civil uprising/civil war, foreing Troops attacking, and the list goes on.
Why is this not being made publicly available through the mass media. Is keeping your job more important than keeping your freedoms? Damn journalists, only chasing the stories that suit them, not the public!