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The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn

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posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 12:53 PM
It has to be mentioned that the Rosecrucians themselves refuse to mention or comment about this dude. They claim they don't have anything to do with him and that he has nothing to do with their order, which they trace much farther back than the Middle Ages. They claim Jesjuah was a member and most of the rest of the bunch of holy people. The legend about Rozenkreutz (sp?) is infact a fulfillment of the AntiChrist prophecy of the Koran it seems.

It's a Morningstar (Venus) cult. The rose is the cycle of Venus and the cross is the mystical Tau cross from Babylonia, directly connected with Mithra. To believe that the cross is about Jesjuah is pure folly. It's an ancient Ba'al idol symbolising a man.


[Edited on 20-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 04:58 PM

[edit on 15-9-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 06:24 PM
The rose itself is an ancient Venus symbol. It shows the 584-day cycle between the Sun and Venus basically. The cross is also from Babylon, the cross of Mithra. Jesjuah was accused of worshippiung these gods, therefore they killed him the way they did. To keep a cross as a symbol of the Messiah basically means that you support Mithraism. For instance, Constantine the Great was a Mithraist till his death. But the Catholics managed to convince him that Mithra or Sol Invictus which was the name in Rome, was Jesjuah. It wasn't Mithra who was Jesjuah, it was Mithra who killed him. The cross symbolise the Sun-man or Ba'al and the Zodiak while the rose symbolise the planet Venus, or the Queen of Heaven. Identified in the bible as Astarte. In Egypt she was Nut. In Rome and today she was or is Venus. I often refer to that star simply as the Morningstar or the Eveningstar, depending on which end of Heaven it shines from.

All these geometric shapes have deep and profound esoteric meanings. They symbolise ancient fertility gods and were symbols used in Ba'al worship.


[Edited on 20-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 08:59 PM
Interesting indeed.....

But what about Dajjal???

[Edited on 20-2-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu
Interesting indeed.....

But what about Dajjal???

Poor old Dajjal. He is said to be a one eyed prophet who rides a white donkey. Probably just a spiritual description of the pope with his allseeing eye, his trinity and his bulletproof white golf car. Dajjal is said to start his mission in Syria, Damascus more precisely if I remember correctly. He will also seek to enter the town of Mecca and the Kaba, but will not succeed. He will be a pathetic character, and the Koran's prophecy about him seems to fit perfectly with how Daniel describes the AntiChrist (well it is ofcourse Gabriel who describes him, but you get the point). Like a modern Antiokos IV Epifanes. As far as I know, the Allseeing Eye (the eye of Ra) is also central for the rosecross society. It's interresting how both the USA and the Vatican use the Eye of Ra like the symbol of God and their so called Holy Trinity. Eye of Ra translates into Eye of Evil using their own translations. The cunning will fall by their own cunningness.


posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 05:58 PM
Hamilton, is one better off joining the Masons or the Golden dawn? They all seem to teach a lot of the same things.

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 01:44 PM

[edit on 15-9-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 05:02 PM
My petition will go before the Grand Lodge of Georgia this week. If they except me I might be a mason soon.

[Edited on 23-2-2004 by TgSoe]

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 07:22 PM
good luck mate, but dont forget what you already know!

posted on Feb, 25 2004 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Ashlar
good luck mate, but dont forget what you already know!

Thanks, I think. I suppose for some time I will be a rough ashlar.

posted on Feb, 25 2004 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by TgSoe
Hamilton, is one better off joining the Masons or the Golden dawn? They all seem to teach a lot of the same things.

In my opinion, the Golden Dawn movement is just a dream about a gigantic Satanic sex orgy born in the heads of certain dead mystics who mixed all kinds of esoteria and symbology from a variety of mystic schools to make the thing more interresting. Look at the time the movement was born in. There were secret societies on every street corner. Everyone seemed to be some kind of master or apprentice back then. It was the trend and the fasion. It was around then the Egyptian papyri were desciphered and these secret societies were the first to lay their hands on them. The Masons I don't know much about, since they keep their secrets secret. I wouldn't join something I didn't know the full consequences from.


posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 07:52 AM
I looked into the golden dawn once out of curiosity. I went to their website and they sent me a big packet of information. I think it was about $ 150.00 in yearly dues.. not including the lesson guides/books.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by TgSoe
Billybob are you saying that the holy ghost (that I never recieved) in my pentacostal religion is the same spirit as all these other religions?

basically. it's a big can of wyrms, that one is.
i believe there are levels of spiritual resonance. the 'holy' spirit, as opposed to just 'spirit' is being spiritually in sync with the constructive force in the multiverse. we all have spirit, but to reach states of higher awareness and evolution, one must connect with the larger spirit 'body' from which we all came.
just my take. take it or leave it.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 08:15 AM

You mentioned if it's better to join the GD or the Masons.

The two are so far apart and seperated that maybe you could do some more research.

The GD is a magical/spiritual Order, prepare for a university degree education and experience beyond imagination. Also why would you want to join? What is the motivation? Only serious students of good character and are genuine seekers will be admitted and you WILL be checked out.

Follow this link to the GD:

This is Chic and Tabi's page.

Their is another site that charges money and is frowned upon for that in the GD community but it does have some very good people.

As for the Masons,

It's mostly an old boys club where people trade business tips these days so you'd have to be one of the boys to start with (and yes men only too) and it's rather a shadow of it's former idealogical self. Very few have any idea what the symbology means let alone have spiritual aspirations. Some think of it as almost a sort of mafia these days. Too bad there was once something good their and youd be better off joining the elks or moose lodge excepting material aspirations.

So the choice,

Magical/Spiritual idealists and students to share philosophy with or a bunch of material minded jerks.
I apologise to any Masons I may have offended, I know their are some good people involved too and it varies from masonic body to masonic body.

Best Wishes in LVX,


posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 07:30 AM
Suuuuuureee Masons are just good ol' friends who come together to have a cup of coffee.


Happy cheers from grandson of Hussein Hejazi.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 08:03 AM
You can become a member, you can get the information, it's All there...
YOU decide your path....
The end results are all the same....
you can decide the path of service and Unity....
or the path of earthly posessions and seperateness....
"Heaven on Earth" is when you see the Beauty/God in everything...
Just because you don't see it that way, dosen't mean others don't......

Nikola Tesla had every curve you can imagine thrown at him, and he woke up happy to be alive everyday so he could invent something. Weather he had money or not, he was happy just to have that day.
True Seekers of Light ... check out.....B O T A

The Holy Roman Church would have destroyed any and all knowledge of Hermes if it hadn't gone underground.
Not every aspirant has good intentions.....
But it isn't too secret anymore.

There is Good and Evil in everything......

Crowley took the darker path.......

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Frater

As for the Masons,

It's mostly an old boys club where people trade business tips these days

Just a reminder: the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded exlusively by Masons, who were also members of the Societias Rosicruciana In Anglia (Masonic Rosicrucian Society).
The Order of G.'.D.'., while not Masonic per se, neverthless owes its existence to Freemasonry.

There are now many occult fraternities calling themselves "Golden Dawn", although few, if any, have any actual historical ties to the original Order.
Newer organizations based on the original Golden Dawn were founded by former G.'.D.'. members. These include the Society of the Inner Light (founded by Dion Fortune), Builders of the Adytum (founded by Paul Foster Case), and Astrum Argentitum (founded by Aleister Crowley).

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Someone might also like to check up on Hermes, since he played an important part in this deal LOL.

The GD was an organisation that sought to assist with spitiual development through magical training. Crowley is largely an irrelevance, or worse a red herring as far as the GD goes.

I find it confusing that Crowley is rated so highly. Anyone interested in the esoterics and western mystery tradition would do better to consult:

The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie
Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon
The Practice of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon

And above all learn to AP!


posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 11:25 AM
I don't think we can count Crowley out just yet. After all, the books you yourself recommended can be traced to Crowley, at least indirectly.
Dr. Regardie began his Hermetic career as a student of Crowley's, and even worked as Crowley's personal secretary. Regardie was expelled from Italy along with Crowley by an edict issued directly from Mussolini himself.
Franz Bardon, although not as closely linked to Crowley as Regardie, was nevertheless a high ranking member of O.T.O.
Either for good or for ill, Aleister Crowley has had a profound effect on the Western Hermetic Tradition. His voluminous writings have made Magick a household word, and his philosophy of individualism and personal liberty have deeply affected notable intellectuals and artists. Crowley's body of work has been praised by Jim Morrison, John Lennon, Jimmy Page, Sting, David Bowie, Salvador Dali, and many others.
Regardless of his personal shortcomings (which were many), Crowley nevertheless was a breath of fresh air concerning occult scholarship. His wit and sense of humor was albeit bizarre, but often refreshing when compared to more stodgy and uptight occult authors like Levi, Agrippa, Blavatsky, and Waite. For the first time, Crowley made occult philosophy not only enlightening, but entertaining as well.

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Frater

You mentioned if it's better to join the GD or the Masons.

The two are so far apart and seperated that maybe you could do some more research.

The GD is a magical/spiritual Order, prepare for a university degree education and experience beyond imagination. Also why would you want to join? What is the motivation? Only serious students of good character and are genuine seekers will be admitted and you WILL be checked out.

Thanks for the reply. Why would I join? Because Epluribusunim said its better to seek the light now than to have it forced upon you.
Actually I just find the whole subject extremely facinating. I have always said I will try anything once, what concerns me is, if I change my mind later can I get out?

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