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Radical Baptists from Kansas Say They will Picket Amish Funerals in PA

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posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 07:29 AM
Who does these people think they are? Do they actually READ the Bible? I watched the news vid and their signs say 'God Hates America'. What about the Bible saying God loves everybody? To me they aren't real christians, they just say they are.

Matthew 25: 41-45
"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

GOD didn't kill those little kids, it was a sick man that did. I suppose they say God caused that tsunami a few years back as well. S*** happens, get over it.

[edit on 5/10/06 by jimboman]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 07:36 AM
Oh boy, I just read the entry about WBC on Wiki.

They're anti-jewish as well as anti-anyone outside the WBC (even other christians).

They just don't get it. This is a fallen world and we (christians) have to bring people back to God. Stuff like this just pushes people away and gives us all a bad name. To me they're no better than Islamofascists.

They're going to get a bit of shock when Jesus comes back, aren't they!

[edit on 5/10/06 by jimboman]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by ShadowEyes
Perhaps if FlyersFan can make it to the funeral s/he should take a video recorder too, just in case.

I'm a she. Girl. Female. (I know .. I have a 'guy' sounding name here)


The group is now not going to the funeral.

They get an hour of free airtime instead.

No one will listen anyways.

But this will embolden them to blackmail for free airtime again.

The police will be closing the roads to any traffic other than the amish buggies.

I wouldn't be able to get through but now that the bad guys aren't showing up, I don't have to go

MY PREDICTON - The hate group will probably get death threats from their radio show. If any of their kind are killed .. will they protest their own funeral and say that God hated THEM????

[edit on 10/5/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 08:14 AM
One of the 'leaders' of this stupid little cult is often on Howard Sterns show. She's brought her children on, and let me just say, it's beyond disgusting what these little children say.

Anyways, she was on his show this morning, and her and her 'gang' are in NY, but will NOT be attending the funeral.

Howard and Co. really laid into her today. I agree with them and you guys, these people are disgusting.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 09:15 AM
I saw a similar exchange between Hannity and this woman last night. Same result.

What I find interesting is how Hannity in the past obsessed about Rosie ODonnell's statements concerning "radical" Christians...and yet last night, when actually confronted with one, he had no problem calling the woman a "religious nut".

I guess it took the real deal for him to believe they exist.

[edit on 5-10-2006 by loam]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

You made my point for me. You also caused my prediction to come true.

Bad people do bad things. They often pretend to be people of faith but they are not. For anyone to lump us all together with these bad people is bigotry defined. Direct your anger at the individuals who do the evil things and then you will be intellectually honest with yourself and others. You will then have the backing and support of real Christians and genuine practicing members of other faiths as well. We are taught to turn the other cheek as an example and to establish our true identities. We are not taught to be idiots and allow ourselves to be steamrolled by those who hate us for our beliefs. The word "meek" in the Bible is a mistranslation. The word it came from actually meant "Blessed is he who is so low he has no where to turn but to God". We are opposed to war and violence, but we are not opposed to defending ourselves or our countries from bad people. Our churches are full of fake Christians and we abide them but we do not condone their actions. Many Christians are not even in churches and there is no requirement that we attend the weekly fashion shows with the phonies who have hidden amongst us. It sounds as if you have been suckered into believing the Lie's.

Many Christians are not even in churches and there is no requirement that we attend the weekly fashion shows with the phonies who have hidden amongst us.

I completely agree with that statement.

It sounds as if you have been suckered into believing the Lie's.

I haven't been "suckered" into anything. I know the history of the church and it's not a very pretty one. I can list a host of violent actions the church has committed from the crusades to the killing of the "heretics". So please do not accuse me of being "suckered" into anything when I am quite aware of what is really going on.

Good day, sir/mam.

[edit on 5-10-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 5-10-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 09:40 AM
... and no need to pass judgement. The pure irony of this situation is that the God that they claim to represent lacks tolerance for such heinous acts against their fellow man. In fact, God sent His only Son to Earth to teach us this lesson and then die for us so that we may be freed from original sin and enter into His Kingdom. These people do NOT represent anything Christian. In fact, they are truly Anti-Christian in that their acts spit in the face of everything that Jesus taught us.

I hope and pray that God forgives them and finds mercy on their souls - and someday He might. However, I fear that they will spend their afterlife paying a very heavy price for their actions while here on Earth. It is for God to determine.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:05 AM
Iam a Christain and everytime I hear about this group I just want to hang my head and cry. I hope a large number of you guys are smart enough to know these guys dont represent Christianity or at least the type I was taught. I saw a woman on tv being interviewed on why they do that. She went so far off on a tangent that they ended the interview. Jesus himself said many are called few are chosen, I dont want to judge but we are told we will know them by thier fruit and that looks like rotten apples to me.

Not to get too far off topic but did they ever detemine why that man did that? I heard rumors of a 20 year old grudge....

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Jeremy032180
One of the 'leaders' of this stupid little cult is often on Howard Sterns show. She's brought her children on, and let me just say, it's beyond disgusting what these little children say.


Uh... man, that's a shocker. Of all the venues to get on ... wowser.

On the other hand, maybe it's the only one that will talk to her.

Anyways, she was on his show this morning, and her and her 'gang' are in NY, but will NOT be attending the funeral.

Howard and Co. really laid into her today. I agree with them and you guys, these people are disgusting.

It's a pity he didn't send her off crying and in hysterics. What an ugly little cult. The problem is that the more press they get, the happier they are. And sadly, there are a few whack-jobs out there who will join them because they think that this group has a "truth."

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:22 AM
Obviously she is a loony and has no respect for other people feelings, but when you listen to her madness it would appear that she is simply trying to get across the message that God is making all these bad things happen as a form of punishment.

She's basically looked around her and seen all the troubles in the world right now and the combination of her religious teachings/education and sense of logic has told her that the world is so messed up right now it can only be God punishing everybody. it's all that makes sense to her with her religious inclinations.

In fact, it makes so much sense to her that she's mobilised against society in a very agressive way to get media attention because she feels her message is so important and she seems frustrated that most people don't see it.

I personally do not believe in any sort of God myself and I do try to take other peoples spiritual beliefs into consideration but I must admit it's getting harder every day when I look at what's going on around the world.

The exchange on FOX news actually was quite gripping to watch. Both the people were clearly religious and were essentially arguing over religious interpretation.

If there is indeed a God then surely he/she/it must be at least in some way responsible for the current state of the world? No?

Before anybody just launches off at me here please bear in mind that I am genuinely writing from an impartial viewpoint as I have no religious beliefs myself. I am simply trying to point out that from watching this and doing a little bit of research it seems to me that this group are simply trying to get across the point that if there is a God he does seem to be foresaking his flock at the moment wouldn't you say?

Usually i find religious discussions boring but this one is quite fascinating. I'd just like to point out again that I find the protests at the funarals absolutely disgusting behaviour, I know what I'd do if they turned up at a funeral I was attending. I'm just trying to point out that if you take their message from a logical view and disassociate from it their media stunts it all does actually make sense.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Jeremy032180
She's brought her children on, and let me just say, it's beyond disgusting what these little children say.

I wonder if the authorities are keeping an eye on what is happening in regards to the children. In my eyes it's child abuse. But I wonder what it is in the eyes of the law. I also wonder if those children were removed from that situation if they would ever be able to fully recover. They'd definately need A LOT of psychological help ... and even then i'd wonder if it would regurgitate in later years.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:28 AM
This is the risk you run when you bring a child up with religious beliefs. It is possible for parents to have religious beliefs and not indoctrinate children, but let the children make up their own minds about things at a later age. If you tell a child a cow is a big dog and everybody else is a liar every day for their entire childhood, the adult will believe a cow is a big dog and everybody else is lying.

In my opinion, bringing a child up with religious beliefs is one of the most dangerous things you can do and it should be outlawed throughout the world.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by HooHaa

Not to get too far off topic but did they ever detemine why that man did that? I heard rumors of a 20 year old grudge....

I don't think it was a "grudge". From what I can gather his conscience finally caught up to him for molesting two younger girls in his family. He couldn't deal with it.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:27 PM
I know that they have a right to free speech, but to express it like this??? The very same group of people came here to West Virginia to protest the memorial for the Sago Miners. Let's just say the Patriot Riders, the Upshur County Sherriff, Buckhannon Police, and the W.V.S.P. were waiting on them. It was a non - violent protest, thank God, they got fed up with the local law men and the bikers and tucked tail and ran back to Kansas.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Eddie Peoples
In my opinion, bringing a child up with religious beliefs is one of the most dangerous things you can do and it should be outlawed throughout the world.

Depends on the religious beliefs. Those Amish people have all had religious beliefs taught to them from their childhood, and they are among the most gentle, peace-loving people in the world. Their religious beliefs have been a blessing to them.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay

Originally posted by Eddie Peoples
In my opinion, bringing a child up with religious beliefs is one of the most dangerous things you can do and it should be outlawed throughout the world.

Depends on the religious beliefs. Those Amish people have all had religious beliefs taught to them from their childhood, and they are among the most gentle, peace-loving people in the world. Their religious beliefs have been a blessing to them.

I don't think Eddie Peoples was necesarily referring to the Amish. I think he was referring to the Westboro Baptist group. I may be wrong but that is what I took from his post.

By the way, you are absolutely right about the Amish, Skyway.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

I haven't been "suckered" into anything. I know the history of the church and it's not a very pretty one. I can list a host of violent actions the church has committed from the crusades to the killing of the "heretics". So please do not accuse me of being "suckered" into anything when I am quite aware of what is really going on.

Good day, sir

[edit on 5-10-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 5-10-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

Not a single real Christian participated in these atrocities you speak of. So, why are you blaming us for it? Do you also blame us for what this group of nuts being discussed on this thread are doing? If so, how do you justify that? That is the same thing as saying a Milkman killed these girls, therefore all Milkmen are child killing pedophiles. It does not hold up to the smell test. That kind of anger will only hurt you in the long run. It is the irrational hatred of people different than them which cause these horrors in the first place. That is the same logic used by terrorists to justify their actions. There is no difference. Religion aside - Hate is Hate. It is most strange that anyone would pick a group of peaceful loving people to direct their hatred towards. This whole thread is about how wrong it is for these sickos to take out their anger on these peaceful Amish in their time of sorrow. There is a name for this. It's called persecution. It is wrong and it is evil.

I wish you well and I hope your heart and your intellect can some day come together to bring you peace.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Not a single real Christian participated in these atrocities you speak of. So, why are you blaming us for it?

I'm through. Good luck to ya. God bless. I am a Christian, but I don't let my beliefs blind me so much that I don't see fault with my religion.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by SkyWay

Originally posted by Eddie Peoples
In my opinion, bringing a child up with religious beliefs is one of the most dangerous things you can do and it should be outlawed throughout the world.

Depends on the religious beliefs. Those Amish people have all had religious beliefs taught to them from their childhood, and they are among the most gentle, peace-loving people in the world. Their religious beliefs have been a blessing to them.

I don't think Eddie Peoples was necesarily referring to the Amish. I think he was referring to the Westboro Baptist group. I may be wrong but that is what I took from his post.

By the way, you are absolutely right about the Amish, Skyway.

It just seemed as though he was being overly general about religious beliefs. If he had specified THEIR (Westboro Baptist Group) religious beliefs, then it would indicate a very small number of religious people, but the way he worded it indicates religious beliefs in general which is unfair and untrue. Some people tend to oversimplify their views of religion which is why many of them think all Christians are like Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell.

Yeah. The Amish are a beautiful example of the Christian values of humility and gentleness.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay
Yeah. The Amish are a beautiful example of the Christian values of humility and gentleness.

Very true. A real Christian is a good person indeed. Blaine, did mention something that I am keeping a watchful eye for. He mentioned how groups like the Westboro is going to sway public opinion against all Christians. I think that will lead to something that, truthfully, none of us really want to see happen. We need to be vigilant and protect those that require protection.

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