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Radical Baptists from Kansas Say They will Picket Amish Funerals in PA

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posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:15 PM
In fact, by definition, they are satanists...
since they claim to NOT worship the same God that all other Christian churches do.
(IMHO This group is a artificial construct, by the NWO to try to influence a change of the first amendment...

the people in it are real... but very ignorant and gullable

and they are NOT a church, anymore than the flea market down the street is....
they are a hate group, that is hiding behind religion to justify their hate...

in short...
they make us all think alot harder about what freedom is, and what it takes to keep it.
they make skin heads look like boyscouts...

They also picket at almost all tragedys, with signs that say "thanks to god, for punishing this evil country, and killing americans".

and victims of AIDS funerals, with a "thank you god, for killing gays"

What i wonder, is why our government hasn't offered them a one way ticket to another country... perhaps one that they would like more..
they obviously aren't happy here, the rest of the country doesn't want them, or like them... so why stay?
because nowhere else in the world would tolerate them long enough to plant flowers... they would be burned out, before a week passed...

personally, If I ever see them picket the funeral of anyone I know......
well...lets just say...
"temporary emotional based insanity" comes to mind...

I totally support the right to free speech...
but i also support the freedom of jurys to pardon emotional reactions, caused from these abused rights.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Griff
FlyersFan, if you do join the "block" be careful to be lawful while doing it....I don't know if I could...I'd have to punch old Fred in the face.

VERY tempting to smack him ... you are right.

I'm still looking into it. I'm only 45 minutes away. I heard on the local news that the folks in the area are going to make a ring of silence around the funerals. A nice, deep, QUIET ring so that the good Amish folks could have their funerals without having to deal with the whackos.

If I find out anything .. I'll post it here ... for anyone else who is interested in being part of the 'ring of peace'. (my term - I haven't heard anyone else use one yet)

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:21 PM
The crime scene. Discription from the coroner.

For crying out loud .. these people have SUFFERED .. and those whacks want to go scream at the funerals of their children.

From the article -

Both Amish and non-Amish "English" residents of Lancaster County vowed to not let any protester get anywhere near the funeral services.

[edit on 10/4/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:21 PM
My question is what will Gov. Ed Rendell do about this threat? Obviously this is a personal attack on him. Does he plan on attending the service? If he does, maybe the WBC will say something threatening so the lot can be tossed in jail for terrorism.

I just finished reading the flyer for the protest, makes my blood boil.

I am sorry, I just can't seem to let this go.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:22 PM
double post. sorry

[edit on 10/4/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by shadow watcher
My question is what will Gov. Ed Rendell do about this threat? Obviously this is a personal attack on him. Does he plan on attending the service? If he does, maybe the WBC will say something threatening so the lot can be tossed in jail for terrorism.

I am willing to bet you can be sure he will be there, but still wonder if there is anything he could do in view of the Kentucky Judge who suspended a law which allowed them to protest in KY.


Perhaps he could convince a PA Judge to impose some kind of injunction that would state where they can protest and that should be 5 miles or more from the actual grave sites and funeral homes.

being a small community perhaps they could call an emergency town meeting pass some short ordinance that would prohibit the protests and make it law immediately. Yes I understand they might contest it but by then it would be too late for the protesters to get a federal judge to overrule the law as unlawful. Then after it is all said and done all states should take a close look at laws and write some that will prevent actions like this in the future.

I wish I lived in the area you can bet if I did I would be there, but more then likely feeling the way I do, I would end up in Jail after punching at least one of them out.

[edit on 10/4/2006 by shots]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:57 PM
Here's a nice vid where their chanting and protests is countered by Bikers :p

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:04 PM
Forgive me because I haven't read this entire thread. It was pretty ironic because at the exact moment I began reading the title of this thread, Fox News was playing in the background and the reporter began to introduce the segment covering this same story.

Anyway, according to Michael Reagan who was a guest on the show for this story, he has confirmed that this group has just decided NOT to protest the funerals. He had one of the members of this disgusting group on his radio program where he went as far as to offer her money or one hour's time on his radio show to get her message out there, in exchange for not protesting at these funerals. This was in response to the woman's statement that they were doing this in an attempt to get their message out. He offered her alternative means of getting her message out just so she would agree not to protest at the funerals. I'm not entirely sure if this had anything to do with their decision to not protest, but I certainly respect this man for doing everything in his power to prevent this group from showing up at these funerals. I'm not a neocon or a listener to Michael's programs, and I don't subscribe to all of his views, but I have new-found respect for him after this.

It's sick enough that this group protests at soldiers' funerals, with signs thanking God for their death, etc, etc. It's exponentially more sickening that this group would even consider protesting the funerals of innocent 5 and 6-year-old girls' funerals, with signs calling them "whores", etc., etc. as they allegedly originally planned to do. How can anyone in their right minds who has studied the Bible and read the teachings of Jesus and G-d, ever come close to justifying their actions? If our L-rd is the L-rd that I have faith that he is, then these people will be held accountable for their actions in the next world. Hopefully he/she throws the book at these sick, pathetic morons!

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:05 PM
How would it be curtailing their freedom of speech, they can stand and declaim their views on the other side of town, in another town or another state, they do not need to do this within hearing distance of those greiving families. They have the right of freedom of speech at anytime but your first ammendment should not become such a sacred cow that their rights to freedom of speech enroach on that families right to mark the tragic passing of a deeply loved child with dignity, respect and peace.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:13 PM
The only reason these scumbags protest funerals is to get news coverage. If the media would refuse to cover these protests, then they would have to find other venues.

In fact, this would be a classic case of operant conditioning. If the media would only cover protests that take place, say, at truck stops, then of course, being the media hounds they are, they would start protesting at truck stops.

I somehow think that truckers might not be so vulnerable as grieving families. There must be a gay truck driver somewhere.

Fork Lift Truck Driver

Gay Truckers

[edit on 2006/10/4 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:23 PM
I thought that disrespecting the flag was finally made against the law...

I think blowing your nose in it qualifies...

these people better not be drawing tax breaks for any of this travel...
I think someone needs to have the IRS investigate their tax status... and BTW...
the IRS gives financial rewards for reporting violators such as these...
Anyone need a little extra scratch?

Just show these protests, with a copy of their claimed tax status, and its that easy.

Did anyone else catch that these people are largely related?
one big inbred circle of ignorant morons, that waste the air we all breathe...

If you didn't see the clip, it is worth watching...
You have never seen so many people with so few teeth

[edit on 4-10-2006 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:30 PM
how do religious people go crazy and turn fanatic???

they contradict themselves on every level its amazing.

and that goes for every religious fanatic of every religion...

do you think Mohammed would condone suicide bombers?

do you think Jesus would condone a group that 'hates fags' and are 'racist'?

i don't understand how fanatics read their respectful 'bibles' and totally contort and manipulate to the point where the message because hate and death.

religion has undoubtedly contributed for the vast majority of wars and genocide crimes. it makes me sick and that's why i will never ever follow organized religion. it's all a crock of shyte to make money and turn people into sheeps.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:37 PM

They have cancelled because they received an hour of radio time to espout their views. (in order words...blackmail)

These are a very disturbed group of people and I hope there is a special place in hell for individuals like this (if there is a hell).

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:38 PM
i say freedom of speech, and freedom of expression works both ways. but in this case i think groups of people sohuld just get red paint to honour our fallen troops and dowes them at their little protest whenever they hold one oftheir protests

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:50 PM
I live in the south where there's tons of Baptists and I can assure these bunch of losers aren't Baptists.

In fact, by calling themselves Baptists, they're putting all members in a sterotyping situation.

I can assure you, while most Baptists are conservatives, they're not fanatical losers like this bunch of idiots.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by ferretman2
They have cancelled because they received an hour of radio time to espout their views. (in order words...blackmail)

So it's a good news/bad news thing? The good news is they will leave the funerals alone. The bad news is that we still have these vile 'things' to deal with in the future.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:32 PM
Heard it on my way in that Mike Gallagher on Dallas KSKY would trade an hour of them running his radio show to stop the protests. These people are the lowest of the low and I am so suprised with all of the distraught soldiers families, that someone hasn't taken the law in their own hands.

excerpt from website:
The Westboro Baptist Church plans to protest the funerals of the Amish school children. Shirley Phelps-Roper and Mike have agreed that the church will not protest at the funeral in exchange for an hour of airtime on the Mike Gallagher Show. Will they abide by theri agreement? Stay tuned.

link to show: they will be on


posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by thematrix
Check this:

These WBC folks are sick bastards.

This is one Fox reporter that has my respect (and thats hard for me to give to anyone linked to FoX)

Yeah,I actually saw that segment when it aired. The reporter gave that woman a tongue lashing and a half. I loved it!!

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:40 PM
Sometimes I actually wonder if the Westboro Baptist Church is actually being serious, because it escapes me that anyone considering themselves Christian could say such things and act in such ways. Actually, it amazes me that ANYONE could act in such ways and say such things; and actually believe what they're saying, that is.

I'm all for freedom of speech but at this point it just seems like this group is just trying to be stupid.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
In fact, by definition, they are satanists...
since they claim to NOT worship the same God that all other Christian churches do.
(IMHO This group is a artificial construct, by the NWO to try to influence a change of the first amendment...

the people in it are real... but very ignorant and gullable

and they are NOT a church, anymore than the flea market down the street is....
they are a hate group, that is hiding behind religion to justify their hate...

in short...
they make us all think alot harder about what freedom is, and what it takes to keep it.
they make skin heads look like boyscouts...

They also picket at almost all tragedys, with signs that say "thanks to god, for punishing this evil country, and killing americans".

and victims of AIDS funerals, with a "thank you god, for killing gays"

What i wonder, is why our government hasn't offered them a one way ticket to another country... perhaps one that they would like more..
they obviously aren't happy here, the rest of the country doesn't want them, or like them... so why stay?
because nowhere else in the world would tolerate them long enough to plant flowers... they would be burned out, before a week passed...

personally, If I ever see them picket the funeral of anyone I know......
well...lets just say...
"temporary emotional based insanity" comes to mind...

I totally support the right to free speech...
but i also support the freedom of jurys to pardon emotional reactions, caused from these abused rights.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by LazarusTheLong]

I agree with everything you just said except:

In fact, by definition, they are satanists...
since they claim to NOT worship the same God that all other Christian churches do.

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