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Radical Baptists from Kansas Say They will Picket Amish Funerals in PA

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posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:49 PM
I for one am very happy they decided against persuing that idea. The backlash may have become bloody.

As I was watching that video (the soundtrack really was NOT necessary) I was hoping that a big 18 wheeler would stop and park right in front of them. I applaud the bikers for their part. If my bike affiliation were there we may not have been so courteous.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:07 PM
they have to breaking a law somewhere, disturbing the peace or something, come thing's for sure, I bet a group of us wouldn't get away with trying to do something like this to next ex president who dies!! if they can protect a former president burial from being hounded like this, they should be able to do something so the greiving families and be in peace while they bury their dead.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
if they can protect a former president burial from being hounded like this, they should be able to do something so the greiving families and be in peace while they bury their dead.

But you cannot protect even an expresident from protests.

Regans funeral was marred with protests by Activists

Regans Grand Funderal Marked with protests

What we need are laws in place to prevent them, that is what we need.

Edit to note in the above protests I linked to They made them stay away several blocks however since then a KY Judge blocked a Kentucky law that was enacted to stop them

A federal judge in Frankfort has temporarily barred Kentucky from enforcing a law that bans protests at military and other funerals, saying it appears to go too far in limiting free speech.

U.S. District Judge Karen K. Caldwell issued the order yesterday, saying parts of the law passed by the General Assembly this year limit "substantially more speech than is necessary" by banning any demonstration within 300 feet of a funeral and restricting comments and protest signs.

The law is aimed at a group from a Kansas church that travels around the country picketing military funerals -- claiming that soldiers' deaths are God's retribution for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality.


[edit on 10/4/2006 by shots]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:24 PM
I watched the video and it made me want to oil my Sniper Rifle.



[edit on 10/4/2006 by semperfortis]


posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
I watched the video and it made me want to oil my Sniper Rifle.

I know what you mean!

What i can't understand though, is how these sick people are still alive? I am very surprised nobody has'nt inflicted some serious harm on these idiots yet. A few well placed rounds would save a lot of people a whole world of grief!

Please don't anyone say thats harsh either or stooping to thier level, as in this instance i would'nt give a damn!!!

For some strange reason, i don't think Fred Phelps will die a peacefull death in his sleep.


[edit on 4/10/06 by CX]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:43 PM
I'm afraid if someone was to protest my little girl's funeral like that I would have to spend a few days in jail for assault. I'm glad they are not going to PA, the Amish families there have suffered enough. Makes me want to cry when I think about what those girls went through in that school house, and then to think these radicals want to futher inflict pain on these families is disgusting. They may say they are not going to PA because they got air time, but I think they got wind that the people of Lancaster, PA wouldn't stand for it. I hope everyone in Dallas will call that radio station and protest those radicals being allowed to spew their garbage on the radio.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:47 PM
and people complain islam is a religion of violence...

when will the world realize that it is not religion but rather sick and twisted individuals that spawn these evils

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:51 PM
I saw her appearance on Hannity and Colmes on TV. It's strange how watching this woman rant makes you so angry.

Has anyone noticed that it seems only Fox gives her any air time? Normally CNN would jump on something like this. Lazurus could be on to something.

We know Fox is generally a GOP propoganda machine, so on the surface it seems strange that they would continually have this woman on air since she has the ability to put religion in such a bad light.

None of what these people do makes sense, but I really don't see the sense in protesting an Amish funeral. I'd really have to think hard if I'm looking a reason to protest any Amish.

Generally, I don't look for conspiracy in this kind of thing, but the only alternative is that this woman's insane, which I doubt due to her recognizing the Hell's Angels threat and standing down.

and people complain islam is a religion of violence...

I could post examples of the millions of Muslims calling for death to everything, or suicide bombers, but rather than make this a religious debate, let's just say this group is the al-Quada of Christianity, in more ways than one.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by Astygia]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:04 PM
These people claim that all other christian religions are false, and theirs is the only true Christianity...

In other words, they refuse to accept that they worship the same God.

If they dont worship the Christian god of Christian churches...
then what god do they worship?

let me think...
they expouse hate
they wrap it in deceit and lies
they claim that god is an angry and malicious god
They claim that their god is killing good god fearing amish people, due to America accepting gays...

Sounds like they worship satan to me...
but the funny thing is... satanists would think these people were toothless, inbred, moronic, scum also...

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong

let me think...
they expouse hate
they wrap it in deceit and lies
they claim that god is an angry and malicious god
They claim that their god is killing good god fearing amish people, due to America accepting gays...

Sounds like they worship satan to me...
but the funny thing is... satanists would think these people were toothless, inbred, moronic, scum also...

Is that not what the Old Testament does? This group's method of worship is based on the Old Testament. They are sick in my opinion.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 4-10-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:15 PM
hmmm they thank god for ied's, yet no one has bothered to deliver one to them? too bad really

but as far as protecting funerals...since they seem to always give a 'heads up' that they are going to protest at someones funeral, the members of the family 'could' get restraining orders. wouldtn take much to convince the cops taht they feel threatened by phelps's crew. that would give them 150 meters or so of buffering.

but waht i found interesting in the link to wiki about them...they rag on islam a lot. why doesnt someone with a favorite islamic site send a link to freds site? hell they called for a death mark on salmon rushdie for his book...maybe our enemy might have some interesting solutions for us on this matter?

of course i was kidding in all NEVER suggest or incite viollence against a group of morons like WBC...

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:49 PM
Oh my gawd! It's my favorite " hate-mongering radical extremist religious fanatic terrorist group" back in the news again! Looks like it's time for the old Westboro Baptist Church flyer to be posted again...

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Is that not what the Old Testament does? This group's method of worship is based on the Old Testament.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

No it does not. Most of the Old Testament stories are examples of what not to do and the negative consequences of doing the wrong things. You need only do two things to be Christian. Love God and love your fellow man. For anyone to condemn all Christians based on the actions of a few fake Christians is ludicrous. That is the same as blaming all the Muslims for the actions of the fake Muslims we call Terrorists. To do either just means a person is a Bigot. A person may as well join the KKK as there is no difference in the mindset. Hate is hate. This hate is the true cause of wars and violence. Everything else is an extension of that type of hate.

To the freedom of speech at all costs crowd. A group of crazed radicals yelling on megaphones to disrupt a funeral is a violation of free speech is it not. Their intent is to interfere with the mourners right to free speech. Or is it that only violent extremists have the right to free speech and ordinary law abiding people do not. Is that not what you are really saying? Why aren't you throwing a fit over these lunatics trying to take away the mourners right to free speech without persecution or harassment. That's what this really is. Purposeful, planned and organized harassment.

Have we finally reached the point in this country where only crazed radicals and violent groups have rights? That is in effect what many are saying. This country was founded by people trying to escape religious persecution. Persecution of Christians on this board has become the rule rather than the exception. It has become a very hostile place for us. What this fake church is doing is exactly the same. If many here meant what they say about protecting constitutional rights they would also demand that people of faith have the same protection from persecution that is the reason this nation was formed in the first place. Proof of this is the fact that instead of attacking individuals for their actions, many attack the Christian faith as a whole. Why do the concepts of honesty, integrity, family and moral values scare you so much? What exactly is wrong with caring about your fellow man and treating them with respect. What is it about us that terrifies you? Is it that we don't run around making fools of ourselves and spewing hate to get on the evening news? Is it that we don't participate in violent protests and try and shove our opinions down your throat?

Some of you who hate us the most will now dredge up the histories of fake Christians and evil men who falsely claimed to be Christians to justify an attack. You will wrongly blame real Christians for the actions of the fake ones. Why? Because hate is your religion.

Edited for an error.

[edit on 10/4/2006 by Blaine91555]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:02 PM
These guys have been around for several years now. This is not a first. They have gone to dozens of Iraqi/Afghani veterans funerals and protested.

For those of you saying they are not Christians, well they are, but this is THEIR interpretation of the bible. Its not for anyone to pick and choose who may represent their religion. They believe they are Christians and they believe they are spreading Gods word. Just as some of you here do.

Making laws specifically for people like this that would affect everyone would be a terrible thing. The only thing you could hope for is that people like this come to their senses and stop this themselves. Maybe when one of their own dies and they have 1000 people out there with signs saying they are going to burn in hell or some horrible saying, will they realize how disprespectful it is to do this to good innocent people.

To threaten to shoot them with a sniper rifle or beat them up is hardly the Christian thing to say or do.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:04 PM
LOL! God hates fags.
I guess the pastor of this bunch has never read the Bible.....the part where it talks about, God loves the sinner, He just hates the sin. Or love thy neighbor as you do yourself? These people give Christians a really bad name. It's been my experience that the most intense fag haters are usually closet cases, or hate themselves because of their repressed latent homosexual desires. Aside from that I've landed on some baptist sites on the net and am appalled at their hatred of the Pope and the Catholic Church. If your church breeds hatred (not saying they all do) and violence it's a bad thing. And if you're a Christian, you have to ask yourself would Jesus have pulled the stunt the group of idiots wanted to? Don't think so.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by mirror2U]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by banditboo13
Heard it on my way in that Mike Gallagher on Dallas KSKY would trade an hour of them running his radio show to stop the protests.

Talk about throwing yourself on a grenade. I think Mr. Gallagher deserves our thanks. There was a plan in the works to intercept these people on the way to that funeral............something about a Claymore mine on the PA Turnpike. I'm just kidding about the mine. I think that it was going to be a traffic stop every mile while they were in the State or something like that. Not all cops are bad.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:12 PM

[edit on 4-10-2006 by mirror2U]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:15 PM
If there is a place called hell, it was designed for subhuman evil scumbags such as these turds.

They are all gonna burn in hell, if they ever bothered reading past leviticus.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:18 PM

This hate is the true cause of wars and violence. Everything else is an extension of that type of hate.

While I certainly do not agree with this particular mindset, there are those who would argue that religion in general is the cause of wars and violence, and,yes, even hate.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:30 PM
While the funeral of those Amish children is being protested on Earth, their souls are being greeted into Heaven with open arms and rejoicing. The evils of this world can't touch them anymore.

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