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Why do non 33 degree masonic members rant about what all the symbolism & secrets mean

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posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 10:05 PM
Why do non 33 degree non-masonic members rant about what all the symbolism & secrets mean, when they don't have a clue about anything, let alone the masonic order?

Because they don't have a life, and they fear anything they don't understand. Perhaps they tried to get into said groups/organizations, and were turned down because they appeared to be Barking Moonbats.

The was a very good one hour show on the History Channel, two weeks ago, all about the Masons, from their beginnings, to people in history, to the symbols on the dollar bills, to their beliefs..... and it pretty much indicated that most all of the hoopla was BS, and the rest is questionable at best.

It would appear that our thread-starter missed it.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Kachina
Why 33 levels?
I have a theory...

There are 33 Degrees (not "levels") in the Scottish Rite ONLY. The Scottish Rite consists of the 4th - 33rd Degrees inclusive and are built upon the three Symbolic (Blue) Lodge Degrees, Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason.

The York Rite consists of 12 (or 14 depending on the jurisdiction) There are also NUMEROUS other Masonic degrees and rites. Many more than 33.

The list goes on and on. Far BEYOND 33.

Raphael, huh? Well, OK then.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Kachina
Why 33 levels?

Lets all stick to the topic at hand. There are other threads that discuss why there are 33 degrees.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 11:57 PM
You know, I can`t for the life of me comprehend why people like this are taken seriously. Why are the Masons on this thread even bothering to respond? That`s a serious question, guys, not rhetorical- no matter what you say to the thread-starter, he`s going to disregard it. He`s convinced himself that his god is the only 'true' god and anyone who thinks differently is a fool or a satanist.

I mean, I`m not trying to be argumentative- I seriously don`t understand. He`s not going to listen, so why even waste the time?

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 12:14 AM
Again, please stick to the topic at hand, there are plenty of other threads for these other topics.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Kachina

Why 33 levels?

I have a theory.


33 is 'ONE' more than 32

Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Now think 'Global Warming'

Fahrenheit is a temperature scale named after the German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686–1736), who proposed it in 1724.

...the origin of the Fahrenheit scale depends on Fahrenheit himself being a Freemason (of which there is no definitive evidence). In Freemasonry, there are 32 degrees of enlightenment, 32 being the highest.

[edit on 9-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 01:54 AM

this post has been scratched due to heresy lol

[edit on 9-8-2006 by masonite]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by masonite

this post has been scratched due to heresy lol

[edit on 9-8-2006 by masonite]

I read it masonite


(Be sure to catch the end)

Deadly serious business is afoot. (12 inches in a foot)

[edit on 9-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by Kachina

Why 33 levels?

I have a theory.


33 is 'ONE' more than 32

Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Now think 'Global Warming'

Fahrenheit is a temperature scale named after the German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686–1736), who proposed it in 1724.

...the origin of the Fahrenheit scale depends on Fahrenheit himself being a Freemason (of which there is no definitive evidence). In Freemasonry, there are 32 degrees of enlightenment, 32 being the highest.

[edit on 9-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

Wait wait wait...that's only the scottish rite...there are 10 degree in York rite and that's called the Knight Templar. Scottish rite is just another branch of masonry, it's not a hierarcy at all. Just because you've gone to a whole weekend of scottish rite and your now a 32* mason doesnt mean you can tell a 3* mason what to do.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by umwolves123

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Wait wait wait... Just because you've gone to a whole weekend of scottish rite and your now a 32* mason doesnt mean you can tell a 3* mason what to do.

Quite clearly, 'YOU' do not understand.

[edit on 9-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by solidgear
well justify the occult link too me, & the ongoing bigotry of protestants in many lodges of northern ireland, come on justify the teachings?

To begin with, since I am an occultist, I see no need to justify my stance with you. Simply put, if you don't like it, too bad.

Concerning the "bigotry of Protestants", I take it you are a Roman Catholic. Perhaps you would like to justify the Holy Inquisition for us?

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by wagnerian21
You know, I can`t for the life of me comprehend why people like this are taken seriously. Why are the Masons on this thread even bothering to respond? That`s a serious question, guys, not rhetorical- no matter what you say to the thread-starter, he`s going to disregard it. He`s convinced himself that his god is the only 'true' god and anyone who thinks differently is a fool or a satanist.

I mean, I`m not trying to be argumentative- I seriously don`t understand. He`s not going to listen, so why even waste the time?

I think some of us just enjoy controversy, as well as arguing.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 03:12 PM
humans just lack cohesion...every thing is opinionated, debated...and sometimes people would disagree just so they can believe to win an arguement....common human flaws.

This thread gives me a headache.

[edit on 8/9/2006 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:02 PM
Quite clearly, 'YOU' do not understand.

[edit on 9-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

Wait a second i am a Masonic Knight Templar, and your telling me that I dont understand? ok enlighten me then how you so well know the masonic side of life when you yourself are not even a freemason?

That's like telling me that i dont know how the united states marine corps works after i've been a Marine for 8 years. it's like wipen' before ya poop, it just dont make sense.

[edit on 9-8-2006 by umwolves123]

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 01:04 AM
Actually I'm a protestant, but there you go, not actually answering the question about Northern irish lodge members & there bigotry. Perhaps you can't, they are part of your bunch after all & dare one party of the same condemn the brotherhood!!!!!!!!!

You folks r real good at side stepping issues by throwing in counter curve remarks. But then again that is secrecy right?

Oh Ian Paisley is wonderful, AS IF? bigoted & emperialistic, so antiquainted in absolute so called line of david bull.

It's actually amazing to see just how gulable people are, Zionistic fundamentals with self serving desires, bringing children into the world full of hate for other denominations, Don't tell me masonry is all about mankind being all lovy dovy & holding hands for the good of each other. That is complete drivle.

I love the way I get catagorised as a catholic, priceless,

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 01:16 AM

There are those who claim some Masonic writers teach the "heresy of universalism." Universalism is the doctrine that all men and women are ultimately saved. Masonry does not teach universalism nor any other doctrine of salvation. Again, doctrines of salvation are the province of a church, not a fraternity. In point of fact, one has to look rather hard to find those "many Masonry writers" who supposedly teach universalism, but even if you could find one, he's writing a statement of personal opinion. It's important to remember that any Masonic author writes for himself alone, not as an official of the Masonic Fraternity. Masonry simply does not have a position, official or otherwise, on salvation. Since men of all faiths are welcome in Freemasonry, Masons are careful not to offend the faith of any. Possibly, that may seem to be universalism to some critics. Masons call it common courtesy.

Well now, opinions are derived from education & information, just what information is passed on to such masonic writers who come to this point of understanding in there doctrine? you see folks, certain members could well be so called "enlightened through your order" in deep doctrines of masonry beliefe systems, that not all masons will be allowed to reach? So how can you completely state that masonry doesn't hold any universal belief system, How do you know that? you may not have been selected to be enlightened in such a system of deep doctrinal belief, because of your on going faithfulness to another religion. Masonry is full of levels of enlightenment after all.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by solidgear
Actually I'm a protestant, but there you go, not actually answering the question about Northern irish lodge members & there bigotry.

What about your bigotry toward the Northern Ireland Protestants and Masons? Seems like I remember somebody somewhere once talking about removing the beam in your own eye before attempting to remove a splinter from the eyes of others.

Priceless indeed.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Appak

I am a devout, Trinitarian Christian. I was raised in the Presbyterian Church and converted to Catholicism a number of years ago (there's another thread that mentions my Catholic faith and the fact that I am a Freemason) I attend Mass *almost* daily except when work will not permit. I am EXTREMELY active in my church and in the church school (K-8 grades)

Please define Trinitarian Christian
Please define Presbyterian Church
Please define Catholic Faith
Please define Freemason

Appak you must be aware only Judeao, Christian, Islamic people believe in your Satan.
Satan exists only as a character within your religion born of Mesopotamian Myth.

I am glad you are active in your probably requires some house cleaning...(sorry)
I only step into churches for funerals and weddings, I have never been baptised...

I was raised not as a follower of Christ nor was I told not to believe in him.
I was allowed to sit on the fence and observe.
Now I see you are a very proud man, it comes through in your post...proud of your many accomplishments.
What does your Bible say about pride?
I know why your Lord suggests pride is the first sin...with all you have invested in your life...your time invested in your savior, you seem quite prepared to defend your position which is an investment of your real time and your imaginary time...those conversations going on in your head right now...thinking how you will respond to my post is why pride slays us...our egos have us thinking when we should be listening and feeling with our hearts.
Yes I am sure your beliefs have armed you well, to deal with the blasphemy coming at you from all directions.
Have faith you are chosen.

I was raised __________.
Yup a blank slate.
Maybe that is why I can see past the religious rhetoric so clearly.
Maybe that is why I can ‘see’ and am aware.
Maybe that is why I see science and religion as twins, in support of each other and not divided.
Read my posts, I discuss often the Mother Earth that your beloved Bible treats as an abomination ... but please resist the urge to buy into another belief ... your dance card is full.
I believe the first Cult we must separate ourselves the cult of family.
This is called becoming autonomous.
You have a lot of deprogramming to do Appak.
Please Wow me with some 33-degree insight, please show me a sign you are worthy of my valuable time.
Seems to me...most Masons are well read but there is one thing you cannot be taught simply by reading books...turning on the intuition...intuition belonged to the sacred feminine, the deposed Goddess that your ancient brothers, the Masons helped bury by building Solomon's Temple atop HERStory.
But how could you possibly know about HERStory, something that took place more than 5000 years ago when HIStory is only 5000 years old?

Here is a question for ALL of the enlightened 33 degree Masons.
Please explain the REAL significance of the 3 geometric shapes triangle, square and circle…I mean the real significance.

Class dismissed…homework due only if truly enlightened.



posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Kachina
Please define Trinitarian Christian
Please define Presbyterian Church
Please define Catholic Faith
Please define Freemason

Why? Don't you know what the Trinity is? Have you never heard of the Calvinist movement and the Presbyterian Church? Ever heard of the Church of Rome? The Pope? I KNOW you've heard of Freemasons. For some silly reason practically everyone on this list wants to talk about them, instead of conspiracies.

Surely you know that the above things are. If not even a quick Google search will wield much information about them, so there's no need for me to spend time "defining" is there? Although you did say "please" and I appreciate that.

Appak you must be aware only Judeao, Christian, Islamic people believe in your Satan.
Satan exists only as a character within your religion born of Mesopotamian Myth.

I am indeed aware of this.

I am glad you are active in your probably requires some house cleaning...(sorry)

Daily, believe me.
Fortunately I live in a large enough community that the Mass is celebrated daily.

Now I see you are a very proud man, it comes through in your post...proud of your many accomplishments.
What does your Bible say about pride?

No. None of that was posted for "pride" and I don't appreciate the implication. That was posted to set the record straight as to the accusation regarding Masons and particularly Scottish Rite Masons. That's it.

And I am keenly aware what the Bible says about pride.

You have a lot of deprogramming to do Appak.

You don't KNOW me and have no right to say that, but if that's what you want to think, well as my young daughter says "whatever" [shrug]

Please Wow me with some 33-degree insight, please show me a sign you are worthy of my valuable time.

What a snotty remark. What makes you think YOU worthy of MY valuable time?

Seems to me...[snip]

Seems to YOU. Uhm-hm.

Here is a question for ALL of the enlightened 33 degree Masons.
Please explain the REAL significance of the 3 geometric shapes triangle, square and circle…I mean the real significance.

In what context? Are you purporting to have some "secret Masonic" knowledge of them? They appear in MANY degrees (with varying explanation). Why do YOU, oh enlightened one, explain them for us. I'd be very interested (well, not really, I'm just being polite)

Class dismissed…homework due only if truly enlightened.

This is a conspiracy forum, not a classroom and you certainly aren't MY teacher (I can't speak for others on this list) And quite frankly your pseud-intellectual ramblings don't really impress much, but then I don't impress easily.

If you're truly interested in what you've posted, it's easy to research if you're willing to put legitimate time into it. But I MUST warn you, it will involve getting away from your keyboard. And it will be time-consuming.

Let us know when you're finished

Pax Vobiscum

[edit on 10-8-2006 by Appak]

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 01:39 PM
Still more sidestepping of issues, I love how it just continually occurs.

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