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What is the soul/awareness?

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posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS

Originally posted by dnero6911

I agree - we are like everything else, and it's all 'one' and individual. I think I covered that a while back with someone. And along with that, you have culture, they 'person' themselves and the way the think - alot of factors bring into play change allot of things - but I do believe in absolute truth. So some things will not change, regardless of all factors conserning the person or persons thinking about the truth and makeing a decision within themselves as to it's validity. We can lie to ourselves and grass is orange, but no matter what we beleive or why - the grass is green (or brown). lol But in regards to perseption - deffinaly, perception is a word that means what the person is aware of - therefor the word perception and it's definition won't change, but the meaning of it (the awareness of the persons your talking to) will change.

But who said there really WAS grass, and who said there actually was green... as luminous beings we control everything around us, it would take me numerous pages to elaborate, and thank goodness someone has already done it for me..

"And your body learned that we are luminous beings. You have not yet assessed correctly that monumental event in your life. Genaro demonstrated for you with tremendous force and clarity that we are a feeling, and that what we call our body is a cluster of luminous fibers that have awareness.

IMO We all here on ATS are still operating on REASON and REWARD, even right down to our posts... we need to learn that there are things that just don't have a reason or reward and more than that an explanation.. there is much in this place that is unknowable

He stood up and picked up a bundle of firewood. He placed some dry sticks on the earth stove. The flames cast a yellowish glow on the ground. He then turned off the lantern, and squatted in front of his hat which was covering the drawing he had made in the ashes.

"We are perceivers," he proceeded. "The world that we perceive, though, is an illusion. It was created by a description that was told to us since the moment we were born.

and I apologize for the length of the post and the quotes, but I cannot write this better to explain it.

"Where was my body while all that was happening to me, don Juan?" I asked and he broke into a belly laugh.

"This is the last of the sorcerers' tricks," he said. "Let's say that what I'm going to reveal to you is the last bit of the sorcerers' explanation. Up to this point your reason has haphazardly followed my doings. Your reason is willing to admit that the world is not as the description portrays it; that there is much more to it than what meets the eye.

"Your reason is almost willing and ready to admit that your perception went up and down that cliff, or that something in you, or even all of you, leaped to the bottom of the gorge and examined with the eyes of the tonal what was there, as if you had descended bodily with a rope and ladder.

"That act of examining the bottom of the gorge was the crown of all these years of training. You did it well. Genaro saw the cubic centimeter of chance when he threw a rock at the you that was at the bottom of the ravine. You saw everything, Genaro and I knew then without a doubt that you were ready to be hurled into the unknown. At that instant you not only saw, but you knew all about the double, the other."

I interrupted and told him that he was giving me undeserving credit for something that was beyond my understanding. His reply was that I needed time to let all those impressions settle down. And that once I had done that, answers would just pour out of me in the same manner that questions had poured out of me in the past.

"The secret of the double is in the bubble of perception, which in your case that night was at the top of the cliff and at the bottom of the gorge at the same time," he said. "The cluster of feelings can be made to assemble instantly anywhere. In other words, one can perceive the here and the there at once."

He urged me to think and remember a sequence of actions which he said were so ordinary that I had almost forgotten them.

I did not know what he was talking about. He coaxed me to try harder.

"Think about your hat," he said. "And think what Genaro did with it."

I had a shocking moment of realization. I had forgotten that don Genaro had actually wanted me to take off my hat because it kept on falling off, blown by the wind. But I did not want to let go of it. I had felt stupid being naked. Wearing a hat, which I ordinarily never do, gave me a sense of strangeness. I was not really myself, in which case being without clothes was not so embarrassing. Don Genaro had then attempted to change hats with me, but his was too small for my head. He made jokes about the size of my head and the proportions of my body, and finally he took my hat off and wrapped my head with an old poncho, like a turban.

I told don Juan that I had forgotten about that sequence, which I was sure had happened in between my so-called leaps. And yet the memory of those 'leaps' stood as a unit which was uninterrupted.

"They certainly were an uninterrupted unit, and so was Genaro's cavorting with your hat," he said. "Those two memories cannot be made to go one after the other because they happened at the same time."

He made the fingers of his left hand move as if they could not fit into the spaces between the fingers of his right hand.

"Those leaps were only the beginning," he went on. "Then came your true excursion into the unknown. Last night you experienced the unspeakable, the nagual.

I'm done with the quotes/external, my apologies for the length

Originally posted by dnero6911
The belief that the ego is bad and must be destroyed is ludacris... have fun destroying yourself, because that is who we are..

Very true. If a person has no Ego, they would be labled a spycho-path or anti-social (same thing in many books). The Ego is VERY nessasary. Without it we would be nothing more than Id or SuperEgo - basicaly a person that has no consciousness, no care, consern or empathy - those who kill and steal and just don't care - at all... that is the Id. The SuperEgo being the main or only thing going on would give you the opposite deal. Niether senerio good for the person (or those around him). [/quote

What I mean is that the ego is the spark of our awareness, it is our seperate awareness, which must become 'naked' .. i a manner of speaking 'dead' but you cannot kill awareness or 'the spark' the flesh is nothing really, the physical is really nothing.. the physical is made from the invisible, not the other way around... and also that these different dimensions/universes and everything else we percieve as 'out there', are 'somewhere else' but they all, (that is) EVERYTHING exists in 'this' world, this reality.. there are no other realities, like.. else-where

Originally posted by dnero6911
Our 'ego' obtains/attains energy... in our neuro-net... adding to our energy...

We misunderstand the nature of the 'soul' and the nature of the 'ego' .. remember there are 3 to the trinity...

it is

SPIRIT - which runs everything
SOUL - (gas tank for spirit)
EGO - the machine, the individual... the spark, the knowing, the awareness, the observation of God...

Body, soul, spirit. The ego is not the body, it is just a part of the way the mind inside the body works along with the persona... a part of it I sould say.

Okay, well what I meant here is not that the EGO is the body, BUT that the body is a reaction to EGO and SOUL combining... 'as we see' thru sexual relations.
The body is a 'no-thing' once the awareness leaves the soul, which is of the flesh..

* Psa. 22:20: "Deliver my soul (nephash) from the sword..."
* Jer. 38:17: "If thou wilt assuredly go forth unto the King of Babylon's princes, then thy soul (nephesh) shall live..."
* 1st Sam. 19:11: "If thou save not thy life (nephesh--soul) tonight, tomorrow thou shalt be slain."
* 1st Kings 19:10: "...they seek my life (nephesh) to take it."
* Esther 7:7: "Haman stood up to make request for his life (nephesh)..."
* Psa. 22:29: "...none can keep alive his own soul (nephesh)."

Our Souls, which is more our flesh than our ego, can only become immortal once we can shift our conciousness/awareness to and fro.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 03:06 PM
You asked who said there really is grass and how do we know that it's actualy green? I won't get into a debate over absolute truth or what 'really is' based on the preception of each person etc. That was an example, as you know, to make a point. I'm too old and stressed to go back to the debate days. At one time I would have gotten a charge out of that - but I've grown tired of debating. Maybe on another day.

You said you ment that the ego is the spark of our awareness, it is our seperate awareness, etc... I understand what your saying. But I dissagree. I thought I had posted what the Ego, SuperEgo and Id were all about here in this thread - it may have been somewhere else though (I've had to post on it many times).
But this is a difference in our basic understanding and belief - there is no impass at the moment.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
You asked who said there really is grass and how do we know that it's actualy green? I won't get into a debate over absolute truth or what 'really is' based on the preception of each person etc. That was an example, as you know, to make a point. I'm too old and stressed to go back to the debate days. At one time I would have gotten a charge out of that - but I've grown tired of debating. Maybe on another day.

I didn't want an answer, it's okay, I don't believe there is a 'really is' that I suppose is our main difference... Christs just gave us a pattern that worked, and it is the path that will lead to all other paths, since the path that the christs chose had a 'heart'...

You said you ment that the ego is the spark of our awareness, it is our seperate awareness, etc... I understand what your saying. But I dissagree. I thought I had posted what the Ego, SuperEgo and Id were all about here in this thread - it may have been somewhere else though (I've had to post on it many times).
But this is a difference in our basic understanding and belief - there is no impass at the moment.

Yes, I did read you're response I just wanted to clear up any misunderstandings about my context so anyone else looking at OUR debate would understand the points slightly better on both sides of the fence. Its my belief that that is the trick played on us, the trick that we aren't seperate entities aswell as combined or part of the 'source'.. and that what we desire as seperate entities is always correct providing our 'intuition' tells us that and not our other senses...

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Clarky
Theres no such thing as a soul.. its simply a case of brain activity and your lifes experiences.. this makes you.. you.. or maybe not?

What you mean is that Brain and Mind are the same. Not separate. If you can clone a human, the soul comes along with the brain matter that was cloned.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Yes, I did read you're response I just wanted to clear up any misunderstandings about my context so anyone else looking at OUR debate would understand the points slightly better on both sides of the fence. Its my belief that that is the trick played on us, the trick that we aren't seperate entities aswell as combined or part of the 'source'.. and that what we desire as seperate entities is always correct providing our 'intuition' tells us that and not our other senses...


I often have to do that too ... just reiterate. It's almost scarry to think that people might think your the one that said or believes 'such and such' and that be wrong info.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 05:42 PM
According to the controversial psychic Sylvia Browne's books, the soul is made of antimatter, and arrives in the body via the pituitary gland. Of course, who knows? At least she has a point of view. Again according to Sylvia, all of us go through more than one life, because our mission is to learn, and life is how we learn.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
Basicaly, I'm saying that my beliefs are based on my belief system.

I can learn about your viewpoint (which I am glad for), but I don't think I can teach you or answer any questions you have --- our basis are different.

I do know things, but I am not stingey with 'the info' lol. I'd be more than happy share anything I know. (although some things would seem a bit unbelievable, therefore I just keep quiet). I do try to answer questions the best I can. Sometimes there aren't words to give meaning to things (if that makes any sense).

If there are things I know that you want to know - certainly ask and I will answer. I do hold back often, mostly because it would take a book written to make a simple concept understood, many wouldn't believe me anyway, and - well - it gets tiresome to try to explain the same things over and over and have someone say PROOVE IT every darn time. I could give proof of this or than and an unbeliever would still say 'parlor trick' or whatever and wouldn't believe. So I avoid.

'My beleif', is not mine alone - it's what rules my life/thinking/everything. Let me lay it on the line clearly so we don't misunderstand each other. I believe that there is one God, our creator and heavenly father. I believe that He sent His son, Jesus, here to die for our sins, I believe the bibile to be entirely true and not only is it history and lessons and commandments - it is promises, explinations, covenents - it is a book inspired by God himself and is timeless in it's knowledge and ongoingness. (it is about yesterday, today and tommorrow).

I also believe there is another world going on right here with us that most people don't see, hear, smell, feel. I know about this world, I live with the awareness of this world. People call that psychic or 'sensative' or empath or or or or or... There are all kinds of names for it. I call it a blessing. I understand things, am inspired to understand or know things, I feel, sometimes see, sometimes hear, sometimes smell - I am simply just aware of more than most. And I believe God is in charge - he knows these things and expects me to be wise and of service.

So, thanks for this long reply. Basically you use the Bible to explain things , you use your belief system, full learnt literature that was written and documented. Meaning, that IF I would ask you : PROOVE IT! ... you could just do it. And I would have no reason to comment on it, because the Bible says so. That is completely right, any person questioning your comments would see back-up details in the World's most read Book.

But as I posted it before, I would like to put away all evidence and proof, I was just interested in personal opinions, comments, and at the end, we will see what comes up.

People don't think using "belief system", it is a support for those who require a guide in their life. The Bible, the Coran, other books, or simply a knowledgeable persoon is great life-support. What I am interested from every person is simple: Use your common sense. Nothing more. Perhaps it provides a lot more information, truth than anything else. Actually, I believe in God, as well as any others who know God exists, He and His mates are living forever, simply because their body is not of this biological matter. But God remembers those days when He was jumping around on trees eating fruits and nesting His youngs. I guess I'm right.

Actually, I would like to hearr more from you, nobody will come up with the Evidence/Proof stuff, believe me. If yes, just ignore them. You are enlightened.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by FutureLibrarian
According to the controversial psychic Sylvia Browne's books, the soul is made of antimatter, and arrives in the body via the pituitary gland. Of course, who knows? At least she has a point of view. Again according to Sylvia, all of us go through more than one life, because our mission is to learn, and life is how we learn.

I think it is true that people live more lives. To learn. But how does a soul learn? Can it remember things? Or is it possible, that genetics is responsible for a more advanced feature of the same awareness in his new body?

This doesn't explain why the hell does the same soul arrive into the new body. I guess, some reason is why does one particular soul reborn in another body after death.

Also, I do believe that there are certain people whose awareness will never live another life for certain reasons. Perhaps because they are simply useless for anything to learn. Just like crocodiles won't have a soul to live in a lion for example.

But I can really imagine that a T-Rex would surely have an interesting soul to reborn as a Mammuth or some other dominant animal. Then it would reborn as a King in a human community. I guess, things are about this.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:24 AM
Well, I don't use the bible to explain things, but I believe it as my fundimental truth. There are things that happen, things I've experienced that I don't find the answer for in the bible. But I do know the basic principal are in there and they can guide me in right direction.

But as I posted it before, I would like to put away all evidence and proof, I was just interested in personal opinions, comments,

Oh cool
I HATE the 'proove it' thing! (but now I forgot what we were talking about.) LOL!

My experience seems to make me want to say... What is this? What happened? Why don't people know about this, why do I have to keep things secret?

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
My experience seems to make me want to say... What is this? What happened? Why don't people know about this, why do I have to keep things secret?

So, we are getting to the actual point. Sharing informations with me meams you'll share these infos with others as well.

Actually, I know who you are, what you are doing, these are supposed to be secret informations. You gave me these clues to get to the conclusion that you are not a Grey, not a Reptilian, but you are an advanced human being. I think, it isn't a secret, since you gave these infos in your comments. I am very glad that among all others you seem to be the most open person towards me, however, some others just drom exact informations about simple things.

Do you want me to show a photo of one of your specimens?

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 12:40 PM
A photo of an advanced being? Are they all extrodinarly blond and fair skinned with very brilliant blue eyes that seem to star right through you? lol That would be discribing myself. Which is odd - alot of small children are blonds, but not many 37 years old who don't touch hair die or highlights are still that color.

I'll be copy/paisting a reply I make in another thread (if they ask me to explain - I will, but will also be interested in getting the same info to you).

I'll admit that I do tend to grasp information, or pull information from paces that aren't - well, I know about alot of things that I guess I shouldn't really know about - for no particular reason other than 'it came up' and the info was there.

What I ment about keeping secrets... not that I want to keep secrets... is that if I were to talk to you, here on line or on the phone etc - you and I would simply share info. If I talked to you in person, if you lived near me... If that were the case - I'd not tell you things I'd tell you now. Why? Not because I don't want to. I'd love to be able to. But how fast would word spread that 'the lady down the street....'

No one want's to be labled or different. Personaly, I think I am normal, and that everyone else just don't take advantage of what they are given.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Thymus
why does it belong to me?

It doesn't belong to you. It IS you!!
The body is just a shell that we carry it around in so that we can walk in the physical world on earth.

Once you accept that.. you will understand a great many things more clearly.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
A photo of an advanced being? Are they all extrodinarly blond and fair skinned with very brilliant blue eyes that seem to star right through you? lol That would be discribing myself. Which is odd - alot of small children are blonds, but not many 37 years old who don't touch hair die or highlights are still that color. .

Yeah, you win. You knew what that photo was meant to show, and what I was actually thinking of.

Back to the thread: Do you agree with me, that a person lives through more lives to learn? Also, that an awareness doesn't really "learn", but it becomes capable to access higher levels of awareness, that it will never ever forget? Possibly the awareness transform itself into something advanced, yet it's still the same?

If anyone can share informations with me about "levels" of the Soul, that could be great.
I do have a feeling, that there are already examples of these levels in human life. Compare the "Primitive" people to the "Advanced" people. Thhere are several groups of people, who will never ever be capable to perform simple tasks to get on with life, these are not related to learnt informations, but are based on their internal capabilities.

Taking it for short: Some people will never know that you are God, yet I know exactly that you are God right behind this username. Given your simple well understood clues through your posts, that you are God.

Now, these capabilities of mine are NOT learnt , nobody tought me in school to find out that there are Greys and Reptilians posting in this forum. Now get ready, someone is ready to ask you: "What is the PROOF that You are God?" Don't answer him.

P.S. : You are Female.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by FutureLibrarian
According to the controversial psychic Sylvia Browne's books, the soul is made of antimatter, and arrives in the body via the pituitary gland. Of course, who knows? At least she has a point of view. Again according to Sylvia, all of us go through more than one life, because our mission is to learn, and life is how we learn.

Sylvia Brown is a fraud. Im not saying all psychics are.. it is quite obvious that there are true psychic people in the world and many of them right here at ats.
However being psychic does not make you privy to the science of life. I doubt that she could even give a proper definition of anti-matter if put on the spot.
There is a very old and censored lecture from 1939 which descibes through observations of sub atomic physics what we are. I wrote about it in my blog.
Here is a link to the entry if you would like to give it a look.
In the entry there is a link to the lecture in its entirety and although it is hard to follow for some, it is the most logical and scientifically plausable theory I have ever read. It did however frighten the church and that is why they made sure it was silenced so long ago. That is until the magic of the internet put an end to censorship.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 04:51 PM
Its been a few, however I must say its nice to see that you all are getting the point.
What point...the soul/spirit/mind! Miss "Angel" has a good grip on this and has shared alot of information about this to me in the past and more so now. Im not going to say much...The soul/spirit are one with all of god, the mind is the foundation to all on this planet. So yes we are one but with what? With god (we are always one with him/her, even if you dont think he/she is real, further more if you dont think there is a "god" then dont bother with the spirit or the soul. go back to the foundation, your mind)
All paths lead you to god (and only god), get back to the root and start to see were you stand. There is no "evil" JUST different levels of good.

My "good" could be your "bad" and visa versa.
We are all here to help/grow/become/glow to be better then the "next".

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by O CORF 0
There is no "evil" JUST different levels of good.

My "good" could be your "bad" and visa versa.
We are all here to help/grow/become/glow to be better then the "next".

Main Entry: rel·a·tiv·ism
Pronunciation: 're-l&-ti-"vi-z&m
Function: noun
1 a : a theory that knowledge is relative to the limited nature of the mind and the conditions of knowing b : a view that ethical truths depend on the individuals and groups holding them

The above would be true IF there were no God and we had to depend on our own judgement to decide good and evil. Fortunately for us, we have an absolutely good God who can make that distinction.

Main Entry: ab·so·lute
Pronunciation: 'ab-s&-"lüt, "ab-s&-'
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English absolut, from Anglo-French, from Latin absolutus, from past participle of absolvere to set free, absolve
1 a : free from imperfection

[edit on 14-8-2006 by saint4God]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by O CORF 0
With god (we are always one with him/her, even if you dont think he/she is real, further more if you dont think there is a "god" then dont bother with the spirit or the soul. go back to the foundation, your mind)
All paths lead you to god (and only god), get back to the root and start to see were you stand. There is no "evil" JUST different levels of good.

My "good" could be your "bad" and visa versa.
We are all here to help/grow/become/glow to be better then the "next".

So, you are up to telling something, most people already know: Either believe in God, or do some researrch of logics, literature, science, documentary, etc.

But what if someone wants to skip the part: Believe in God , or else...

Actually, I do believe in God. I believe that someone or some living entities created Earth and the Solar System, or just the Earth alone, using this Solar System as a perfect place to create life here.

Imagine, that all the planets are right at their place, except that Earth is the only one suitable for life. No others here. Animalls could have been brought here one by one, from other places where life already existed. These creatures become different, addict to the existing nature, and so on.

I heard it somewhere, that Greys keep delivering useful foreign lifeforms, microbas and interesting living organisms to start a life here. Any alien could simply travel to a planet with nature , bring here seeds and eggs or living youngs, and there is the Wonderful Creation. Not a big deal! Is it?

Just get it... if I will be a specialist some thousand yrs from now, I will fly with my UFO to a planet, bring some animals here, THEN would you dare to post the same? God created animals? Which ones? The ones I find 1O thousand light years away on a planet? Or the ones from the opposite direction?

You wouuld explain the following: Sorry, it was a mistake. God createdd Humans, not the animals. NOW, You would be RIGHT!
Because it is true.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 06:33 PM
I believe a person lives - FOREVER. But I don't believe it is a cycle of endings and beginings. There is 1 physical death, and no reincarnations etc. But the soul learns and is continual - never stops. And yes, it is absolutely the part of us that becomes aware of those things we can't quite grasp here and now. I'd call that advanced.

Compare the "Primitive" people to the "Advanced" people

I'd like to point out here, that primitive is actualy quite a bit more advanced than the people now days are. People now depend on technology and such - before, we depended on OURSELVES. The more primitive you are (not social skills, lol), the higher your awareness is and the more adaptable and able you are to cope with 'today'

There is only one God, our creator, the creator of all things. He woulnd' be on the internet of course, but he does inspire people to say the right things at the right times.

But yes, I am female. (I keep forgetting that I took my picture off my avator).

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I'd like to point out here, that primitive is actualy quite a bit more advanced than the people now days are. People now depend on technology and such - before, we depended on OURSELVES. The more primitive you are (not social skills, lol), the higher your awareness is and the more adaptable and able you are to cope with 'today'

Yes, I forgot to add that "primitive" I meant to those people, who have complete access to today's technology, yet they have no idea of what to do with it. For example, there are several type of people who have the chance to heat up their room using electricity or gas devices, yet they choose to use up the wood strucutures from the neighbouring houses for heating. They have the chance to build a computer for themselves to learn by getting ANY computer from ANYWHERE, because a 486 type is free today. Yet, they rather keep away from computers.

Some people have the chance to become rich using simple steps ahead, yet they keep on struggling with tiny cents...

Now, what you meant by primitive people, those who have no chance to move forward, because they don't have the social connection to do that. It is fine. Once they have it, they will be better and better. These re lucky people, not primitive ones.

But would you call a person advannced with just perfect awareness, if he forms a terrorist group, carries out decapitations just for fun, and so on? These people differ a bit from others, they don't need to be at a higher level, nor do those being terrorized. They can addict to the situations, their awwareness will never ever evolve.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Thymus
Yes, I forgot to add that "primitive" I meant to those people, who have complete access to today's technology, yet they have no idea of what to do with it. For example, there are several type of people who have the chance to heat up their room using electricity or gas devices, yet they choose to use up the wood strucutures from the neighbouring houses for heating. They have the chance to build a computer for themselves to learn by getting ANY computer from ANYWHERE, because a 486 type is free today. Yet, they rather keep away from computers.

What I mean by primitvie is - well, like myself. I'm not a cave woman of course (lol - although I'd love to build my next house into the side of a hill, leaving a cave in the back as the back wall ... it's in the plans actualy)... Anyway. I mean that we use intuit to know that Gram needs us (we know first, then we call with the phone). We know the baby is about to wake up before it starts to move, so we are ready and there. We know what kind of person we are talking to, even though we don't 'know them' very well. We use what we were given first, then, we use technology. (But, although I have a heater, I use wood heat - it feels better. And although I have shoes, I go barefoot because it feels better. I have much but I give most of it away because I need little.) Also, our bodies seem a bit more primative too. (I'm speaking of my family line - the females that are like myself). Example...

I have a very small bladder (no idea if it's 'primitive or not'), but my pancriase is almost twice the size it should be. Along with that my tollorance for pain and drugs (rx) and alcohol etc is the highest any doctor has ever seen. My body functions differently. I can control my pulse and blood pressure (which by the way, is 106/68 - pretty low for a person who is under MUCH stress.)

Just different things - see what I mean though - primitive as in using what WE are and what we have before using technology. It's what people call the 6th sense that I feel is the primitive part of us - and it's what I rely on primarily.

But as far as worldly - I'm as smart as anyone I've ever met - as a matter of fact, my husband is the smartest person I've ever come accross and my IQ is only 2 points below his. But that 'smart' thing has alot to do with 'inside', not book learned only.

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