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What is the soul/awareness?

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posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by marko1970

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I wanted to point something out right quick about this self-awareness/soul thing. Self-awareness isn't a prerequ for having a soul, nor does it mean that a creature has one.

Many people (look at the case of Terry that was drug through the courts before they killed her) - We know she had a soul, but the doctors insisted she had no self-awareness.

The Terry Schaivo case. Indeed a great point.
She was absolutely a living, breathing being. Indeed has a soul, although no longer connected to the physical body.

So, just a hunch, or an opinion, but I'm thinking the Brain is the connecting point between the soul & the physical body during one's life.

I Think the Terry Schaivo example was a good one to bring up!
It shows the difference between the soul, & "self-awareness".

Thanks for getting that point.
That's what I was hoping for. And yeah, the brain is like the connecting point for the mind (or so science still thinks, and I don't supose I can argue it really). Hm. Oh no. If a spirit can continue to learn and change, that would mean the mind as what we think of as 'coming from brain activity' is not correct. That would mean that the brain isn't in fact the 'mind' and formulation of nature/nuture. Yeah no what.... It's been toooooo long since my evening coffee... I don't think I[m ready for this kind of thinking yet, and my inspirational source seems to have stepped out or something - (maybe it relies on coffee too?) I think I'll go make a cup and be back with more thought on that terrible idea of a can of worms in a few. lol

But, although I can seem to clearly put things into their correct spots - our bodyies are connected until we die - and if we want to say the brain is 'the spot', well... I don't think there is 'one spot' in particular - but it would stand to reason that it's the 1st choice pick. lol Ok - I'm going for coffee.... brb

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by GameSetMatch

Originally posted by AngelaLadySWow. That's quite different from anything I've heard or contemplated. Do you believe in a Creater or that we just accidentaly exploded into being (whatever they call that now days).

I believe in a Creator. There is no accidents everything happens for a reason even if we do not understand or comprehend it at the time.

Excellent! Then we can begin on the same page.

I don't agree with what you lable as the '3 parts' of us (or shall I say, where they reside), but I am interested in how you came to that beliefe. Is this something someone told you, you read about, or is this something that you gave thought to or just grew up believing without really thinking about?

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Thymus

Sure, we all experience godlike activity all around this planet. However, some people can figure out what it is.

But how come, Greys don't call themselves GODs at Area51, at the same time they are doing very good things to us? And how come, other aliens force humans to worship them as GODs , still keeping them in primitive, poor situations compared to other nations?

Just some thoughts about the existance of GOD.

I haven't replied on anything about the Grey business as of yet - I've been very careful not to actualy.
But I am thinking that you feel as if Aliens are God?

And I'd like to make a quick point, for God to be God, there can only be one of Him. But those who talk about aliens and greys etc, always talk about them in plural context.

Can you help me 'get', to a better degree, what it is you follow as a general belief system. (I don't want to believe that you think aliens are God, I guess this is my denial and 'double checking').

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 09:20 PM
If you were to rate a soul, call one better than another (which I don't believe we can, or should do) - it wouldn't be a judgement based on intellegence or abilities.

My intellegence is high, my awareness and perception of many things others can precieve is high, my 'other' abilities that many don't have is high. But if I had to choose, I'd say that my mother is 'better' than me.

Why? I mean I'm always out to help others (never charge), good hearted, all that stuff... but she's softer, kinder, sweeter, more the lamb than I am. I still often look at others criticaly when it comes to protecting my mother, father, brothers or children. I have faults, just as we all do - but I think she has less of them.

Geeze---- this was a lousy post wasn't it
hang on - I need coffee.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
But I am thinking that you feel as if Aliens are God?

And I'd like to make a quick point, for God to be God, there can only be one of Him. But those who talk about aliens and greys etc, always talk about them in plural context.

Can you help me 'get', to a better degree, what it is you follow as a general belief system. (I don't want to believe that you think aliens are God, I guess this is my denial and 'double checking').

Some people believe in God, some believe in Gods, some believe in the Lottery, Ego, etc. I could go on and on regarding beliefs.

Whatever I think of godlikee activities are, can be different as time changes many things. Whoever is controlling the godlikee activities over regions of the World, is unnecassary to know. whether it's done by Greys, Reptilians, or those created the Humans by genetic engineering. Good progress, impressive.

Most people need to believe in God, orr today's people tend to worship musicians, football stars, car types, and so on. For them, God is a BMW sportscar or simply a guitar. And it is damn serious as well.

So for your last question, general belief system? Let's call it Lacerta Files for a start. I guess, all people have something to start with. Don't ask me why isn't it the Bible. It's written by moneygrabbing human beings. With some help of course.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:12 PM
Well, I don't supose, with our beliefs being so very different, that I can really say anything at all to that last post. The origonal post was something to speak about, but even that, the answers I give are based on what I live, see, her, know, believe etc - which is all God based. So I don't think I can really help you with what it is you are wanting to know.

I mean, if you don't believe in God, there is no reason to even ask about a soul - and your idea of awareness will be so different than mine - we'd be talking about 2 different topic. Maybe you should even add to your title that you believe in grey's/aliens as gods so people aren't confused and try to give you other aswers.

Good luck

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 08:25 AM
This is why I added this thread to the Paranormal Studies forum, not to the Religions or other forum. It already makes things clear, what to talk about, and what not to.

I didn't reject any religious comments however, mainly because I expected some hidden answers in your posts. I was right.

The Soul, Conciousness, Awareness could actually be exactly the same thing, except the word "soul" being born in the world of History, where religion was the most important.

Being religious, believing in God doesn't yet explain everything people want to know.

Yet, thanks for your replies, I know now a little more about the Awareness, even if you wanted to leave behind the Clues.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 12:52 PM
LOL - hope I leave many clues. lol

I guess my thought, in reguards to the soul or to the spirit, is that for a person to believe in a spirit/soul world, he or she must also believe in God. And those that don't believe in God, also try to say there is no soul or spirit (or anything else they can't see or scientificaly test).

That's why this was a bit confusing to answer and I left things kind of 'seperated out'.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 05:51 PM
There is no way to rate a soul... you would have to define 'soul' first, and have it solidified as that.... but its hard to say for sure........."This is the soul"

aside from that... the source of our being and everythings being has no bias, has no judgement aside from the energy you pull from it... it simply creates, it does.. it is motion, it is constantly 'making' or 'doing'...... So just our being alive means this source was intending for us 'to be' ..... the problem stems from us disregarding it, and being self-justified... our free will is the free will to be part of it, or not. It isn't about the actual choices we make.... its about the WAY we make our choices... with or without 'the source'.... this source doesn't care what you want.. it will produce and create whatever it is that is in your head. ... this is the power of thought... the power of intention...

a good teacher regarding this subject is Dr. Wayne Dyer... an excellent teacher too bad it took him 63 years to figure things out.

EDIT: I suppose I never answered the question at hand..

although there are lots of questions in the thread now..

There is no way to judge AT ALL the status of a soul.... considering the flesh is not us... and the other fact that... the source only judges according to your thoughts, it manifests your 'WILL' regardless of ANYONE elses oppinion.

[edit on 8/8/06 by dnero6911]

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 06:54 PM
I would also like to comment on my previous post in this thread..

The Soul is a place/container.... The Ego goes in that container/place.... and the Spirit is the fuel, or driving force for everything.. it sustains, promotes, runs everything.

The Ego to me is who we are as individuals... and just like our physical bodies our Ego bodies can wear "clothing" per-se... like anger, as a ripped garment, or jealousy, or concepts and good things as well... but stripped naked the ego is itself, unchangable, like our physical bodies... only by forced 'butchery'(plastic surgery) can it be changed.... and its changes are permanent... same goes for the EGO, when you do plastic surgery on it.. [plastic surgery for the ego IMO is drugs]


I *believe* we are saying the exact same thing perhaps, I just think semantics are to blame here... You have to understand that we are individuals as well as being 'the whole' ... this is not covered enough... the individual thing is not seperate from the whole.. in other words.. being an individual does not mean you have strayed away from the source... thats impossible, its our perception and I would like to give two definitions of perception (the psychological)

# Psychology.

1. Recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory.
2. The neurological processes by which such recognition and interpretation are effected.

What I am getting at here is... EVERY person is unique because their NEURO-NET is unique... NO TWO people can have the same one.. that is an IMPOSSIBILITY, IMO Absolutely impossible, and that is the only ONE thing that is... unless you 'wipe' a neuro net and impose another ('___'-25)...

I would like to establish that after death, we remain our individual selfs... just a more pure and 'source connected' version of that. Hence the saying we return to the great energy...

The belief that the ego is bad and must be destroyed is ludacris... have fun destroying yourself, because that is who we are..

Our 'ego' obtains/attains energy... in our neuro-net... adding to our energy...

We misunderstand the nature of the 'soul' and the nature of the 'ego' .. remember there are 3 to the trinity...

it is

SPIRIT - which runs everything
SOUL - (gas tank for spirit)
EGO - the machine, the individual... the spark, the knowing, the awareness, the observation of God...

I wish I had the time or money to write a book.. I only ever get a bit of the information out.. and a bit of it, seems stupid and uneducated.. I have very deep reasons for these 'sayings' as it is a feeling...

I would also like to comment on your post here..

Now as far as the soul being a 'place or container'... it's just the opposite actualy. It needs no container, but it just so happens that here in this 3D physical life, we have one - the body. After death we are free! No longer are we TRAPPED in this 'container'

That is a big misconception... we are free already.. we simply haven't realized it..

This 'prison' is a prison of thought... the body is a by-product of the combination of spirit and soul... something like this..


(see what I'm saying here?)
the spirit goes in the soul...(as above)
the ego goes in the flesh...(as below)

This idea of death is a mystery to us... a place we cannot see or really know.. the elders understood this.. and used it to their advantage.. because the water and the sky are places we know so we would look there for heaven... and after that lie was corrected.. (the kingdom is inside you) they decided for another lie.. the kingdom awaits you after death.. a major lie.. The kingdom is already ALL around you... it isn't 'waiting' for your death to pop up...

[edit on 8/8/06 by dnero6911]

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
And those that don't believe in God, also try to say there is no soul or spirit (or anything else they can't see or scientificaly test).

That's why this was a bit confusing to answer and I left things kind of 'seperated out'.

Trying to say: either believe in God, or just back up your posts with proof?
Therefore believe, or else back up your claims.
It is not what this thread is supposed to be about. As you can see, I didn't ask anybody to hold up any evidence about the Soul or Awareness.

Also, I am clearly aware of your knowledge, I know that youu KNOW things you just don't want to post here. Anyway, I don't really want to beg youu to post me anything useful, simply watching your mistakes. Whether they are well set up, or not. Because it seems to be, that anything ruled out from your "belief" is wonderful information-flow for me.

It applies to other aliens on this site, not just to you.

PS: why do youu dislike Greys exactly?

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 09:24 AM
We do know the body and the soul are two separate things:

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." - Matthew 10:28

That there is a shepherd and an overseer:

"To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
"He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls." - 1 Peter 21:25

Does that mean the soul can be destroyed?

"As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, you will no longer quote this proverb in Israel. For every living soul belongs to me, the father as well as the son—both alike belong to me. The soul who sins is the one who will die." - Ezekiel 18:4

How do you keep the soul alive then?

"so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." - Romans 5:21

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 09:54 AM
For me, the vast records of ghost activity almost proves the existence of an afterlife of some kind. Its nature seems to be elusive and limited, but when you are dealing with other aspects of reality this seems often to be the case.
I agree with someone in a previous post about it being up to us what happens after we die.
Our own creative freedom, and creational powers are somewhat limited in the physical world, due to its density. But what happens when those constrains are lifted? You gain greater control of your own experience. Hence differing accounts of near death experiences.
It can take awhile to see through the mist of your own beliefs about death after you die apparently.

A question that needs to be answered is how much of our consciousness/awareness is a product of our brain, and how much is of our 'soul' if it exists.

A random thought, what if we were modified in the past from apes to humans in order to become suitable carriers for our souls?

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by T0by
I agree with someone in a previous post about it being up to us what happens after we die.
Our own creative freedom, and creational powers are somewhat limited in the physical world, due to its density.

A question that needs to be answered is how much of our consciousness/awareness is a product of our brain, and how much is of our 'soul' if it exists.

A random thought, what if we were modified in the past from apes to humans in order to become suitable carriers for our souls?

Possibly the awareness is "evolving" thrrough a lifetime? Meaning that after death a person ccan become a more advanced being, or at least the awareness may be more experienced. I imagine this whole lot by:

- Recieving a brand new body, but loosing all the memories. Not hard to imagine. All this could simply be done by a well developed system controlled by those responsible for the evolution of souls.

For your questiion I strongly believe that the awareness is not the product of the brain, the soul (made of human moral laws and knowledge) is more the product of the brain. It means, that aanimals have no soul.

You are right about that random thought. Some 4O thousand years ago God created Man to have a mind capable to manage a certain type of awareness.

I still want to know what is the diversity among the awareness of each human? The most advanced?

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 10:13 AM
I also believe that it is possible to create the most "Evil" soul simply using genetic engineering on humans. Is it possible that what w see around the World, is justt about this? To create the most hostile, the most horrible type of awareness a human body can carry?

Should be easier than creating the most good one.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
We do know the body and the soul are two separate things:

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." - Matthew 10:28

That there is a shepherd and an overseer:

"To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
"He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls." - 1 Peter 21:25

Does that mean the soul can be destroyed?

"As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, you will no longer quote this proverb in Israel. For every living soul belongs to me, the father as well as the son—both alike belong to me. The soul who sins is the one who will die." - Ezekiel 18:4

How do you keep the soul alive then?

"so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." - Romans 5:21

You know Saint... I read a lot of your replies.. its not that your uneducated.. because obviously you are a scholar of sorts or you wouldn't be able to quote and remember quotes... But My only problem with you, and its not really a problem, more of wish that you would maybe hold more credence to your actual experiences... You quote stuff but it seems its just a bunch of pretty words.. like you don't actual understand it.. (not saying you don't) but you don't relate it to life.. or how you incorporate your learnings into life.. you seem more like your speaking at people.. (which I do all too much).. but I was hoping to more hear your experiences with your knowledge than just your knowledge.. I've already replied to this thread and no one responded to me so I refer to that post.. this is by no means a 'flame' war... I just was hoping I could relate to you Saint, because we all have such a hard time explaining ourselves, we need to better articulate ourselves.. (me aswell).. using the old texts as a means to explain anything isn't explaining anything new.. or better... thats the problem. We as the 'new' thinkers need to explain it to the new thinkers in a way that relates to their experiences.. I dunno anymore man.. blah

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911
You know Saint... I read a lot of your replies.. its not that your uneducated.. because obviously you are a scholar of sorts or you wouldn't be able to quote and remember quotes...

Thank you for at least this credit.

Originally posted by dnero6911
But My only problem with you, and its not really a problem, more of wish that you would maybe hold more credence to your actual experiences... You quote stuff but it seems its just a bunch of pretty words.. like you don't actual understand it.. (not saying you don't) but you don't relate it to life.. or how you incorporate your learnings into life.. you seem more like your speaking at people.. (which I do all too much).. but I was hoping to more hear your experiences with your knowledge than just your knowledge.. I've already replied to this thread and no one responded to me so I refer to that post.. this is by no means a 'flame' war... I just was hoping I could relate to you Saint, because we all have such a hard time explaining ourselves, we need to better articulate ourselves.. (me aswell).. using the old texts as a means to explain anything isn't explaining anything new.. or better... thats the problem. We as the 'new' thinkers need to explain it to the new thinkers in a way that relates to their experiences.. I dunno anymore man.. blah

Thank you for this constructive feedback. Certainly I see the point and will endevour to make it more applicable to daily life and include more of my personal history. The difficulty I've had with submitting personal testimony is the attitude of "your 'experience' isn't proof" which is true to the extent that by my history, I cannot prove it to someone else. What I can do though, it to help other people find their own proof through their own experience. Without naming names, I can state for three people on ATS that I now know well, I'd been able to assist them in obtaining their own evidences to believe in God. This by no means is to my credit, as the only thing I've done is what I've been directed to do. Rather, I've been an active and engaged participant in facilitating their already present desire for truth. No magick, no special skills, no powers of persuasion, no brainwashing or mind control technique. Only talking with them, asking questions, and providing advice should they choose to take it. That's it. There have been those I'm sure who have U2U'd me wondering what "secret device of manipulation" I'm using and surely were disappointed to find that there was none.

As far as my personal experience, I used to be what I dub an "agnostic oblivionist". I believed one of two scenarios existed as truth:

A.) What you see is what you get. When I die, I cease to exist. There is no after-life and is pointless in eternity. Therefore, this speck of 70+- years of my life is also pointless.


B.) Something did exist beyond the human realm and it was "messing with me" by refusing to prove itself to me.

Keep in mind, I went about discovering the truth the wrong way. After a year of anger, bitterness, frustration, depression, serious consideration of suicide, and rage, I was fortunate enough to find rescue (or rescue found me). After receiving the free gift of eternal life, I knew peace, hope, faith, truth and love. I found out that every moment is indeed important and has an important role to play in eternity. That gift is received for the soul. Though it has been a decade and a half since then, all I want to do is to share how that gift can be received. I offer to do so by U2U as to not side-track the discussion.

[edit on 11-8-2006 by saint4God]

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911

I *believe* we are saying the exact same thing perhaps, I just think semantics are to blame here... You have to understand that we are individuals as well as being 'the whole' ... this is not covered enough... the individual thing is not seperate from the whole.. in other words.. being an individual does not mean you have strayed away from the source... thats impossible, its our perception and I would like to give two definitions of perception (the psychological)

I agree - we are like everything else, and it's all 'one' and individual. I think I covered that a while back with someone. And along with that, you have culture, they 'person' themselves and the way the think - alot of factors bring into play change allot of things - but I do believe in absolute truth. So some things will not change, regardless of all factors conserning the person or persons thinking about the truth and makeing a decision within themselves as to it's validity. We can lie to ourselves and grass is orange, but no matter what we beleive or why - the grass is green (or brown). lol But in regards to perseption - deffinaly, perception is a word that means what the person is aware of - therefor the word perception and it's definition won't change, but the meaning of it (the awareness of the persons your talking to) will change.

Originally posted by dnero6911
The belief that the ego is bad and must be destroyed is ludacris... have fun destroying yourself, because that is who we are..

Very true. If a person has no Ego, they would be labled a spycho-path or anti-social (same thing in many books). The Ego is VERY nessasary. Without it we would be nothing more than Id or SuperEgo - basicaly a person that has no consciousness, no care, consern or empathy - those who kill and steal and just don't care - at all... that is the Id. The SuperEgo being the main or only thing going on would give you the opposite deal. Niether senerio good for the person (or those around him).

Originally posted by dnero6911
Our 'ego' obtains/attains energy... in our neuro-net... adding to our energy...

We misunderstand the nature of the 'soul' and the nature of the 'ego' .. remember there are 3 to the trinity...

it is

SPIRIT - which runs everything
SOUL - (gas tank for spirit)
EGO - the machine, the individual... the spark, the knowing, the awareness, the observation of God...

Body, soul, spirit. The ego is not the body, it is just a part of the way the mind inside the body works along with the persona... a part of it I sould say.

Originally posted by dnero6911
I would also like to comment on your post here..

Now as far as the soul being a 'place or container'... it's just the opposite actualy. It needs no container, but it just so happens that here in this 3D physical life, we have one - the body. After death we are free! No longer are we TRAPPED in this 'container'[/ex

That is a big misconception... we are free already.. we simply haven't realized it..

This 'prison' is a prison of thought... the body is a by-product of the combination of spirit and soul...

I see what your saying, and I undersatnd your point of view - but it isn't the same as mine. I believe differently.

Originally posted by dnero6911
(see what I'm saying here?)
the spirit goes in the soul...(as above)
the ego goes in the flesh...(as below)

Well, spirit/soul are the parts of us that are non physical and they continue to live on eternaly. The ego is in the flesh, is a part of the flesh etc. This I can agree with.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Thymus

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
And those that don't believe in God, also try to say there is no soul or spirit (or anything else they can't see or scientificaly test).

That's why this was a bit confusing to answer and I left things kind of 'seperated out'.

Trying to say: either believe in God, or just back up your posts with proof?

No, I'm not saying that at all. Basicaly, I'm saying that my beliefs are based on my belief system. I don't want to go into those 'proove it' threads - I hate that. But because my beliefs are based as they are, and because your beliefs are different - for that reason - there is no real conversation that is able to take place here. I can learn about your viewpoint (which I am glad for), but I don't think I can teach you or answer any questions you have --- our basis are different.

Originally posted by Thymus
Also, I am clearly aware of your knowledge, I know that youu KNOW things you just don't want to post here. Anyway, I don't really want to beg youu to post me anything useful, simply watching your mistakes. Whether they are well set up, or not. Because it seems to be, that anything ruled out from your "belief" is wonderful information-flow for me.

It applies to other aliens on this site, not just to you.

PS: why do youu dislike Greys exactly?

I do know things, but I am not stingey with 'the info' lol. I'd be more than happy share anything I know. (although some things would seem a bit unbelievable, therefore I just keep quiet). I do try to answer questions the best I can. Sometimes there aren't words to give meaning to things (if that makes any sense).

If there are things I know that you want to know - certainly ask and I will answer. I do hold back often, mostly because it would take a book written to make a simple concept understood, many wouldn't believe me anyway, and - well - it gets tiresome to try to explain the same things over and over and have someone say PROOVE IT every darn time. I could give proof of this or than and an unbeliever would still say 'parlor trick' or whatever and wouldn't believe. So I avoid.

'My beleif', is not mine alone - it's what rules my life/thinking/everything. Let me lay it on the line clearly so we don't misunderstand each other. I believe that there is one God, our creator and heavenly father. I believe that He sent His son, Jesus, here to die for our sins, I believe the bibile to be entirely true and not only is it history and lessons and commandments - it is promises, explinations, covenents - it is a bood inspired by God himself and is timeless in it's knowledge and ongoingness. (it is about yesterday, today and tommorrow).

I also believe there is another world going on right here with us that most people don't see, hear, smell, feel. I know about this world, I live with the awareness of this world. People call that psychic or 'sensative' or empath or or or or or... There are all kinds of names for it. I call it a blessing. I understand things, am inspired to understand or know things, I feel, sometimes see, sometimes hear, sometimes smell - I am simply just aware of more than most. And I believe God is in charge - he knows these things and expects me to be wise and of service.

About Greys. If there are Greys, I don't hate them. I don't hate anything or anyone, ever.

Do I believe in aliens? I hate that question. It would be a bit much to say that of the gazillions of gallixies, and in the bazillions of stars and planets in each of them, that we are the only ones. That seems like a long shot. (At the same time, if God intended us to be alone in the galaxy - we are. And that isn't such a long shot).
If there are aliens - God make them, just like he made us, and He's in charge of them too. So if they are out there, I don't have to worry about them. And I wouldn't hate them.

So - as you can see - I didn't give an answer to that question, because I simply don't know. I don't think there are, but who am I to say?

Do you really think I'm an alien? (Sure, that would answer ALLOT of questions for me lol), but don't you think a person would know?

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 01:51 PM
Whoo... I need to make clear that I am a non-denominational Christian - and I beleive the bible to be truth. I needed to make this clear, because I believe this post sounds as if I partake in wahtever lifestyle or beliefs that Saint stated. I was attempting to post another point - our believes may not match up, but if her basics come from the bible, then I assume her heart to be in the same place mine resides.

Originally posted by dnero6911
You know Saint... I read a lot of your replies.. its not that your uneducated.. because obviously you are a scholar of sorts or you wouldn't be able to quote and remember quotes... But My only problem with you, and its not really a problem, more of wish that you would maybe hold more credence to your actual experiences... You quote stuff but it seems its just a bunch of pretty words.. like you don't actual understand it.. (not saying you don't) but you don't relate it to life.. or how you incorporate your learnings into life..

I understand what your saying... how you could think this way about the things Saint wrote... but I don't believe you understand that this is a way of life, not just things a person tries to remember or rehearse. For those of us that believe and live our lives accordingly, it's almost impossible to discribe to others how much it IS our life, effects our life - is the most important, #1 thing to us, through us, about us. In the bible we find ALL the answers to everything we need. We find support, encouragement, how-to's... It's like a athlete that revolves his or her life around health trying to simplify it and say "eat right, drink water and exersice". Yeah right, whatever. But this person LIVES these things - it's everything about them from the time they wake up till the time they sleep. Do you see what I'm saying?

When we do talk about how it effects us (right now, this situation, in th moment) - what we hear from others is "WHAT?! How do you manage to deal with all this? How can you live through all this? etc... and when we tell them what the bible tell us (how it is we are able to cope and get through such things in this life) - they often can't believe it, don't want to believe it, or want it - try it, but don't REALLY understand because they didn't really learn and try long enough to understand.

If you want illistrations - I'd be more than happy to help.

Originally posted by dnero6911using the old texts as a means to explain anything isn't explaining anything new.. or better... thats the problem. We as the 'new' thinkers need to explain it to the new thinkers in a way that relates to their experiences.. I dunno anymore man.. blah

Again - that old text is what we live by. It is a living text - it applies to yesterday, today and tommorrow. As for the 'new thinkers' and 'todays example' of how this works - my life, right now, is a prime example of how a person who by all world standards should be stressed to the max, completely down and out and given up and bitter and hateful... it is with this old text and it's principals and lessons that I can instead of these things I am greatful, feel blessed, continue with a good heart and kindness towards mankind, still have my children in home with BOTH their parents... it's a long unbelievable story - one that I'll tell another day if you'd like.

But it's daily miracles - things that would NEVER work out, things that do and continue to work for our best - because of and from Him - and because we learned and beleive and live by those old text...

You get my point. (I hope)

[edit on 8-11-2006 by AngelaLadyS]

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