posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:55 PM
we all know ATS is a place where people seem to love to post prophetic posts, from quatrains from nostradamus (sp?) to just random youtube videos of
nobodies claiming they know the future, what separates them all is one thing: the end result of the prophecy coming true, or not coming true
while it seems easy enough to post a thread, or read a posted thread, about an upcoming date with a prophecy attached, i can sometimes be forgetful to
follow through on that day to see wether the prophecy came to fruition or not
for instance, i have seen a couple times in a few prophetic threads responses that claim " if you are so sure your prediction will come true, will
you close your ATS account or never use that account again if it does not come true? " while i don't beleive negative consequeses should be
encouraged for false prophets, i do beleive that we should understand the importance of following through with some of our predictions
a good example of the following through would be recently when i read a post by a member who claimed that upcoming 4-19-10 or a few days around that
date were going to be 'prophetic', seeing as how i was interested i tried to keep up and when the oil spill started in harmony with this prediction
i decided that predictions and speculation of the such was more effective with hind sight kind of view
with that said, i consider that post a successful prediction, not because i claim it to have come true, but for the purpose of this post i would like
to clarify that it is benificial to be able to look back at prophecies after their dates have passed
so, for the longest time on ATS i have always though the ats prediction board, or ats in all, needed some kind of 'reminder' function to remind
someone of a post in the future, that way if you forgot about a prediction or post that interested you, that might have pertained to the future, you
could be reminded and then look at it during a time when speculation of it would be more accurate
such a tool or device an ATS could be as simple as a button at the top or bottom of a thread that said "remind of this thread" and apon clicking it
(in my mind, for my purposes) it would bring you to a page where you could type in a date in the future and after entering it, you would be brought
back to the thread or to ats home page
meanwhile days or months later, one the date that you entered came, a message could be sent to your U2U inbox saying something along the lines of
"dear indigo the fish,
thursday, june 17th 2010, you entered this date (the date you want to be reminded) to be reminded of this thread ( X link to thread X )"
i'm sure not too many other people on ats are as absent minded as i am when it comes to this thing, but i have been thinkng about it more often
lately, so i thought i'd throw my idea out there
btw, i have no idea if this idea is even possible, seeing how i am not a computer programmer or website creator myself, but i assume that somehow it
would be possible seeing how this site and other sites on the web seem to be able to do similiar and equally complex tasks
that is all
(i gave this idea it's own thread because i didn't know where else to put it, and the thread was closed and i was asked to put my idea here)