posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 12:12 PM
U.S. PSYOP forces are forbidden to target (i.e., attempt to change their opinions) U.S. citizens at any time, in any location globally, or under any
ATS, BTS, What would you like to see in the future?
E.T. would like to see a future with A.T.S. & B.T.S. in it.
E.T. would like to see A.T.S. & B.T.S. in the future
Synonym = word that means the same or nearly the same as another word.
Little & small
Keen & sharp
Innocence & ignorance
Ignorance & innocence?
Innocence = freedom of sin, wrong, or guilt. Being innocent. Simplicity; lack of cunning. the innocence of a little child.
Innocent = doing no wrong or evil; free from sin or wrong; not guilty. Without knowledge of evil. Doing no harm. Harmless. An innocent person. An
innocent entity or being.
E.T. would like to see:
Objective: stars & all that goes with stars & star stuff on B.T.S. & all forums & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see:
Less denying freedom of sin on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see:
Less denying wrong on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see:
Less denying guilt on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see:
Less denying being innocent on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see:
Less denying simplicity on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see:
Less denying lack of cunning and less denying of cunning on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see less when denying of little children (maybe and/or) E.T. would like to see less denying of little children on A.T.S. & all
other places, please.
E.T. would like to see less denying of doing wrong on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see less denying of guilt on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see less denying of “free from sin” on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see less denying of “Without knowledge of” on A.T.S. & all other places, please if appropriate.
E.T. would like to see less denying of “doing no harm” on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see less denying of “harmless” on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
E.T. would like to see less denying of innocent persons, entities, and beings on A.T.S. & all other places, please.
Innocence = freedom of sin, wrong, or guilt. Being innocent. Simplicity; lack of cunning. the innocence of a little child.
Innocent = doing no wrong or evil; free from sin or wrong; not guilty. Without knowledge of evil. Doing no harm. Harmless. An innocent person. An
innocent entity or being.
Come to think about it. E.T. might like all E.T.’s senses to sense the above more ….
E.T. would like more looking at terms & conditions.
Ah, but who am I and what do I know?
A.T.S. is fun,
denying is a synonym for ignoring.
U.S. PSYOP forces are forbidden to target (i.e., attempt to change their opinions) U.S. citizens at any time, in any location globally, or under any
[edit on 25-7-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]