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Behold a White Horse

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posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Blondie4

I deeply regret the one post I wrote against an innocent queen struggling to
try to explain herself to a bunch of jackels.
You don't owe anyone an apology for your beliefs, least of all the stone

Have you even read this thread?

I could care less what she believes. That is not the issue. The issue is she is not stating what she believes. All she needs do is state what god she is referring to.
What Christ she is referring to and what Lord she is referring to. That would clear things up real quick.

If she wants her soap box to state her opinion and beliefs----Great. Just state them clearly. No deception is needed.

Simple enough, I have no problem with anyones beliefs. I have a problem with twisting the truth and confusing the lost.

As far as stone throwers please don't include me.............I carry a sword.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
Why she couldn't simply state this is beyond me. Most people are welcoming in sharing their beliefs.

#1 Because I can not lie and so to 'simply state this' was actually beyond me, not YOU.
#2 I did share my beliefs with you, in explicit terms not lacking in detail of any sort. You can find them at the top of this page, as a matter of fact.

But it seems that you would prefer to concoct your own false witness and create an annie you can curse and condemn in the interest of your own self-righteousness. Which is worth about the same as a Susan B. Anthony silver dollar.

And meanwhile, you guys are probably waiting in breathless anticipation for a preserved and (zombified) or (mummified) body that would not only be unclean but would be considered an abomination returning with a name that has been given for you to trample on much like Jezebel's body was long before. But that's the thing about the names....dead is dead and alive is alive and resurrection is not dependent upon body or name---God's life source is the source of all life, resurrected or not.

You can't have it both ways, either - either God accepted the sin sacrifice, which was made on our behalf in graciousness by our High Priest and offered without blemish, willingly, and in all meekness; fully submissive and made an object of humiliation and public display in the presence of an evil which was created for the same purpose as the good, proving it by consuming it by fire from above - or you can have that exact same body, face, and name back as you were expecting, or some semblance thereof. But remember the movie Pet Cemetary? Let's not do that to our beloved Savior!

And also then God would by necessity relocate away from such a cursed thing as dead body and find a new home; leaving you here with your heart's desire.
And it wouldn't be the same because God would take the love with him, too; and those left behind would be demons one and all.

And the fact of the matter is the face you expected wasn't who he truly was...for no one could know that it was Moshe who gave himself up for us all...Moshe was God's first son, made on the Mount of Sinai in the cloud of smoke! That is why his face glowed and the people mourn Him so. Because he was our Shining Son of God and the Bishop of our Souls. He was Yehoshua the anointed who saves in the name of Elohim!

But now you are going to live in the presence of God Himself before too long! But God lives in men! God is pure spirit and that is fact. God is giving us the ultimate gift that is better than what your imaginations decided would don't reject it because it is given with sincerity and love that you cannot fathom.

For example, a few pages ago you'd asked if she worshiped Baal.

You know, boys, this is MY thread. Don't be murmuring in here. Go elsewhere to murmur and defame my cause. If you want to call God 'baal' then you'll have your chance soon enough. But I would reconsider, definitely.

Having read the above I now understand the remark.

That's not possible at this point, considering the seared state of your conscience. You are in a fugue from your mind and clarity is not available to you at this point.

Like I said - enough with the murmuring.

If she believes everyone is saved, then what's with all the Hell-fire and damnation speeches? After all, we're all saved according to her beliefs, right?

Saved, yes.
The world is saved and the people upon it are saved from themselves, and in the end we will all get to live in the glory of our LORD and His Grace (or rather the face of grace) and have equal chances to thrive and grow in our souls and raise our kids in a world where no one rapes them or damages their baby souls with deviant desires caused, once more, by religious envy... and no one will be hungry while others grow fatter and richer...and the fruits of our chosen labors and our gifts of skill and talent can be done with just as we please, ourselves, without unfair taxation and concocted plastic financial tallysheets which enslave our minds in a worse way than a ball and chain would restrain our freedom in a physical sense.

And no one fighting or hating over religion because there won't be any except on a private level and no places built for the purpose of worshipping God, since He made this whole world and He already built Him the temple that He desired, just as He had thought best to build it, to last and to serve Him and all the people, in Spirit and in Truth.

World without end AMEN.
And so blessed be our Most High God for He thought to give us all these things and will not even take them away from those who might despise Him or be offended in Him on that coming day when His perfect righteousness will be revealed for all the world to see...

And you might choose to call God 'antichrist' or you might recognize the One you love, but either way, there won't be any more coming after...for there is just the ONE GOD who lives always and has never died in any form, even the flesh. If you chose to worship a man instead of God who is the source of man, then it is was your free will choice in a world that was ruled by deception and lies, and that's about how it goes in such a place.

But this place will not be much longer and the truth might hurt at first, but it heals with little or no scarring at all!
And we will all learn great things from both our mistakes and our victories as well as so much from one another!

BUT the most blessed thing of all, the impossible thing that man would never, could never, has never, achieved will be true and lasting peace all over the globe.

And yet I know that so many will be cursing and raving 'antichrist' 'The Jewish Messiah signing a covenant of peace must be killed!' and all sorts of the expected and planned chaos....but you can't kill that which God has made alive and you can't leave this world for another place because this world is the seed for the empty universe...

And when you die, you'll just return to live again until you get it through your head that there is but ONE GOD and HE is a GOD of PEACE and GOOD BLESSINGS without RESERVE or PREJUDICE and covenants of peace and prosperity are ALWAYS good when they are held as covenants and not broken!

So get used to it because that is how it will be and nothing can change it and it was never up to you to decide, anyway!!!! Thank goodness!!!

And if you don't like me knowing this and not yourselves, then remember how many jewels you gave me just by blaspheming my life and my Savior God.

You can't that which God loves! So just learn to love. Because that's all there is going to be.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 12:12 AM

by queenannie38
The same lance which later became an obssession to an ill favored one who sought it as a symbol of christianity and a reinforcement of the mask covering his ultimate and secret self-abhorrence toward his own jewish identity - and perhaps caused him to nullify himself for a while in the thoughts that because he was a 'christian' it was okay to murder more Jews than anyone could keep true count of! Although he did desire to know just how many he had exterminated in his worsening madness and fear. Good thing God doesn't use our censuses against us.

La/La Land, it's 'Khazar/jews', just so the little lost sheep get the 'drill' right and what about all the other 'cults' of people that de furher had removed... ohh and it's stated in many places on the net, that for 2 million, de furher would have let all the 'imposters' go to Palestine and play 'super' 'chosen' [imposter] people there but the 'zionist' pimps for the Great Babylonian Harlot wouldn't give the money [chump change to them] to the Nazi supermen... which leads to so much more info... did you ever think that old boy Adolf just copyed the the lines of the Pharisee/Rabbi's about the 'chosen' and made it the German/Aryan brainwash Program just as the Rabbi's had in their Khazar/jew Programming ???

Her highness does seem to enjoy this slug it out Thread at times with her Pharisee 'friends'... hope I'm not pouring water on your session but how about the 1 and 1/2 billion babies murdered by Abortion in the last 33 years??? And in my book, they all were real children of Abraham in Mary/Jesus with Joseph... so lets not get 'hung' up on 'words' but get into the Spirit of the Grand Show... Infinity

Lolove n luck n good sex/emotions/passions/humor/health/seats... Ave Maria ! the Playwright Jesus ! Live from Times Square, the Crossroads of the World, the Great White Way ! [have a drink ! ][from My Body n Blood at Her Breasts] kisses !

Holy Dora Dyke, Robin !

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 07:54 AM
I think it's evident by now that the Bible is not the Word you hold to. I was actually hoping when I first saw you posting quotes from the Bible, that it was something you'd accepted completely. As far as "murmurings" these things were said here in the forum so that you could address them...or not address them as you've chosen to do. I agree this is "MY thread" as you stated and you feel it is all about you. It isn't. Sorry. In response in this and other thread you joyously pick up swords and axes ready to slay. I have only the Word of God and the Spirit that carries it. I'm not armed with a sword to kill. I may not be able to "turn the other cheek" after decapitation, but I can abide by the following:

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul." - Matthew 10:28

Rather than spark more violence from you "queen" I'll submit to God's will to be the only remaining voice for you and bother you no more as you wish. You'll be in my prayers and will continue to be present should there be anything further I can do for you.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
As far as stone throwers please don't include me.............I carry a sword.

No, you ARE a stone thrower. I know because I don't get to use my sword on you, it's like swiping at the air.

Only those who live by the sword die by the sword and one who casts rocks is cast out, himself.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Blondie4

I deeply regret the one post I wrote against an innocent queen struggling to
try to explain herself to a bunch of jackels.
You don't owe anyone an apology for your beliefs, least of all the stone

Thank you. That is very sweet. I did not think it was good to say anything to your first post and I am so glad I didn't!

God bless and keep you, Blondie!

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
I think it's evident by now that the Bible is not the Word you hold to.

Well, in a sense that is true. I used to. But the Word can be in letter (which is actually 'dead' although still truth) or in Spirit (which is truly the 'living Word')

I have gone from holding to the letter to being held by the Spirit. And when I realized the Spirit was cleaving to my soul, I put the letter down. I don't need what is dead when I am now alive! But the essence is the same....the Word is our resurrection, in a sense, and once we come to life we know the depth of the letter and can water the field with that understanding.

I was actually hoping when I first saw you posting quotes from the Bible, that it was something you'd accepted completely.

But your hope stopped short of fleshly judgments and prideful assumptions. And when you realized that I do not have any esteem for the word 'christian' you were blinded to the fact that my reason is because I hold the HIGHEST esteem for the name of the LORD and the glory and honor of the most HIGH! I will reject the letter if it casts an evil glow on the Holiest and Greatest Name there is! I don't look to men for my approval, only to GOD! And if you don't think God cares about His name in the highest sense of the word, then you are very mistaken. God knows that you attach more glory to a label than the Spirit.

In Spirit and truth....
Not letter and law....

And yet the Spirit upholds the law but the letter is dead. Truth is the life. So when the letter dies, and you cling to that, you die, too...

As far as "murmurings" these things were said here in the forum so that you could address them...or not address them as you've chosen to do.

I have addressed them all but one, and that one because it wasn't time. And it wasn't from one from your crowd - nominal christians set out to prove their christ at all costs...

I agree this is "MY thread" as you stated and you feel it is all about you. It isn't. Sorry. In response in this and other thread you joyously pick up swords and axes ready to slay.

Someone else said this was 'my' thread. UnrealZa I think it was. So I just picked up on that.

I have only the Word of God and the Spirit that carries it. I'm not armed with a sword to kill. I may not be able to "turn the other cheek" after decapitation, but I can abide by the following:

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul." - Matthew 10:28

That's exactly right. And how do you know that isn't me? How do you know, truly?

Would you know God was in Yehoshua if He was here right now, saying things that went against your religion?

The Pharisees had no idea at all. They had looked for this One for centuries, yet when He showed up they called Him a devil.

History repeats itself, Saint4God and it is repeating right now and you are totally unaware because you are worshipping your ideas of a man named Yehoshua instead of God. The Pharisees worshipped their ideas of a man named Moses instead of God.
But inside they were one in the same! And so the mourning over a first born Son is written of....they don't know yet and I hate to have to reveal it, but I will have to. And when their immediate reaction is finished, and they consider they will then see just how loving and perfect God is! In all things! For all men!!!!

It's a 'generational' thing. Very profound but very logical once it makes itself known!!
And there are no more generations, because there will be no more 'sea.' So I know that you will eventually may not be Saint4God in that time, but I will know you. And you will then know me! I hope, though, that you are among those ready to stand up next month!

Rather than spark more violence from you "queen" I'll submit to God's will to be the only remaining voice for you and bother you no more as you wish. You'll be in my prayers and will continue to be present should there be anything further I can do for you.

I am here to serve you, not you serving me. But I know it is very possible you will never see that. I don't know if it will be given to me to open eyes, or not. I don't think so, but I haven't been given to know that yet. If I am, I will surely open yours because my heart is hurting right now knowing what I know.

At any rate, I know God has the good of every soul in His intentions and so there is not much more to do but trust that. And do my part in the field.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
As far as stone throwers please don't include me.............I carry a sword.

Only those who live by the sword die by the sword and one who casts rocks is cast out, himself.

Live by the sword die by the sword is in the natural world and not the spiritual world.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
As far as stone throwers please don't include me.............I carry a sword.

No, you ARE a stone thrower. I know because I don't get to use my sword on you, it's like swiping at the air.

That should be an indication that your god is false and has no power, just like I said. The power that you have experienced is from the serpent whose only weapon is deception. Ahura Mazda is Baal who is Satan. Satan is a defeated foe to those who understand the truth.

How is it that you are deceived?
Can you bend the spoon? There is no spoon!!!

Why would you swing your sword if I wasn't standing in front of you? And yet it's worked in the past hasn't it. Why not now? Your power is deception and I am not deceived. There is no sword. I see the truth of the Messiah. The battle is already won. These are far more than just empty words for those that understand.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

Originally posted by queenannie38

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
As far as stone throwers please don't include me.............I carry a sword.

No, you ARE a stone thrower. I know because I don't get to use my sword on you, it's like swiping at the air.

That should be an indication that your god is false and has no power, just like I said. The power that you have experienced is from the serpent whose only weapon is deception. Ahura Mazda is Baal who is Satan. Satan is a defeated foe to those who understand the truth.

How is it that you are deceived?
Can you bend the spoon? There is no spoon!!!

Why would you swing your sword if I wasn't standing in front of you? And yet it's worked in the past hasn't it. Why not now? Your power is deception and I am not deceived. There is no sword. I see the truth of the Messiah. The battle is already won. These are far more than just empty words for those that understand.

It is funny that you (Sun), cannot fathom what Annie says. She has clearly stated her position through and through, but yet you call her a liar. I watch her posts and discern her statements, and I do not take offense, even though I place myself in the listeners shoes, but yet you still seem to think that she is wrong and your faith is correct. Isn't this why there are dead children in Lebanon and Israel, because two beliefs think they are correct and the other is lying. The message is that all are saved, or do you think you are above something or someone or did you gain this salvation from your own works? No you did not, and I suggest that you remember it is God who makes you sanctified, not your truth. Since all are saved, then what measure are you using to calculate someone else' faith? Are you judging words?

It rained cats and dogs here a few weeks ago, prove me wrong.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by ben91069
It rained cats and dogs here a few weeks ago, prove me wrong.

I have sources stating this is an expression and does not literally happen:

There's more, but this is a good start. Where do you live? (

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 11:16 AM
It is certainly not impossible, Saint4God:

From Wierd Weather

Over the years all sorts of animals and plants have showered down during thunderstorms, possibly sucked up from rivers and lakes by tornadoes (or their watery equivalents - waterspouts) into thunderclouds and then dumped miles away in heavy rain. Another sort of shower of wildlife might be easier to explain. Dozens of dead birds have occasionally been seen plummeting out of the sky, sometimes partly frozen. These poor animals were probably swept up high in the powerful updrafts of a thundercloud, then frozen like hailstones before gravity took over.

Even though there is no way to prove to YOU that Ben is not speaking the truth, there is, by the same measure, no firm foundation to support that what he said is impossible and didn't happen.

Oh ye of little faith... :shk:

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by saint4God

Originally posted by ben91069
It rained cats and dogs here a few weeks ago, prove me wrong.

I have sources stating this is an expression and does not literally happen:

There's more, but this is a good start. Where do you live? (

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 10:38 AM
queenannie stated:

History repeats itself, Saint4God and it is repeating right now and you are totally unaware because you are worshipping your ideas of a man named Yehoshua instead of God.

I worship Yeshua for He is God incarnate. Now did man tell me this or did the Holy Spirit reveal this to me through Scripture?

Also, what is your source of information that Jesus is not God?

Thank you

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by ben91069

It is funny that you (Sun), cannot fathom what Annie says.

To me it seems funny that you cannot fathom that I knew exactly what she was saying. That's why I continually ask her in other threads to name her god, her lord, her christ and her master. But when she continued in her deception, I decided to do it for her. Fathom that.

She has clearly stated her position through and through, but yet you call her a liar.

Yea, I saw how clear she spoke when someone asked her what her religion was. Did she not say that she followed no religion? Was that the truth?

Isn't this why there are dead children in Lebanon and Israel, because two beliefs think they are correct and the other is lying.

No, that would be because one group of people is wanting to wipe the other from the face of the earth.

Since all are saved, then what measure are you using to calculate someone else' faith? Are you judging words?

All are not saved. Sure I'll judge some words. How about you come out and tell who your god is and what religion you follow?

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by ben91069

The gift of revelation from God is the same. No one can or should judge anothers faith even by words because words are not truth, but belief is truth

This is pure hogwash, belief is not truth. Just because you believe that you can flap you arms and fly to Mars doesn't make it truth.

Does the ear say to the eye, "I have no need for you because you see but cannot hear.". No, the body should not spite itself just because the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.

Doing a little scripture twisting are you. Don't believe she's part of the body of Jesus Christ.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
This is pure hogwash, belief is not truth. Just because you believe that you can flap you arms and fly to Mars doesn't make it truth.

Haven't you just denied what you believe is truth? Listen to yourself.
"Belief is not truth.", you say. Now take your own sentence and substitute your truth (belief):

"Just because (I) believe that (Annie is wrong) doesn't make it truth." or
"Just because (I) believe that (SunMatrix is correct) doesn't make it truth."

Where is your basis for judgement that she is right or wrong? Because she cannot name the name of her God, which by the way has no name other than I am. But a new name will be given. What is this of religion? You say that only one who is of a man-made institution can know truth? If Christianity is the truth, then how can Jesus be the truth, for before Christianity was he.

Doing a little scripture twisting are you. Don't believe she's part of the body of Jesus Christ.

This is your problem Sun. You would be one to use scripture to back up your belief, but any time someone else does so, even loosely you scream liar and cheat, unless of course it only aligns perfectly with your beliefs. I have my own beliefs and not once have I said to myself, Sun Matrix is damned. But you have made it your master. I wouldn't even have to judge you if I wanted to. You do it so well on a consistent basis.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:41 PM
I think my above posts are pretty clear and I think you are hiding in the corner again.

I have no problem with your beliefs, if you believe blue cows save you, good for you. I have no problem with that. Are you afraid to discuss your beliefs?

I'm just not into the deception of the serpent thing. If you want to play, come on out and play and tell us what you are about. Tell us what you believe so we can discuss where your beliefs come from.

Enough of the smoke and mirrors, though it is clear to me, why don't you just say it?

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
I think my above posts are pretty clear and I think you are hiding in the corner again.

Hiding in what corner? Could you be more clear as to why I am now hiding behind something? I have only said one thing about you in that you judge others from the outside as if you can possibly see the inside of another. Now if you claim to know the hearts and minds of everyone else, you are truly gifted and are probably squandering it on a message board. You are trying to judge the truth of the spirit on the outside, when that is impossible for now. Is that so terrible that you take such offense or are you trying to defend something that exalts you above everyone else because of pride? Do not feel bad if you are rebuked, for no one was born with the truth so no one can boast that they can lord it over another. Do you think I always felt this way? No. I too used to judge people by deeds and words and it is no measure of their relationship with God. This is exclusively between God and the person, which is very private. You in no way know the details of God's relationship to Annie, or me, or anyone else for that matter. This is also true of my intelligence of your faith. How am I to know if you are held in esteem by God or not? You can claim anything you want, but it proves nothing to me of your faith being true, because for now truth is hidden.

I have no problem with your beliefs, if you believe blue cows save you, good for you. I have no problem with that. Are you afraid to discuss your beliefs?

And I have no problem with yours. In fact, judgement of others is a faith, and seriously I am not worried about if you believe that or not. I don't intend to quarrel with this forever, because it really isn't up to me what you believe, but for a time if anything we say makes sense, then so be it. I could discuss my beliefs, but what are they to you? I do not compare your truth as being better than mine, so why would you take me to court over the issue on a message board. Do you have an axe to grind that my beliefs don't make sense to you? I am sure they wouldn't so why should I parade them to others. If you want to discuss them then U2U me or email me, but it is not my intention to discredit your faith in front of an audience, albiet this has already done so.

I'm just not into the deception of the serpent thing. If you want to play, come on out and play and tell us what you are about. Tell us what you believe so we can discuss where your beliefs come from.

All beliefs come from God. There is nothing new under the sun. A student cannot be greater than a master, therefore all faith originates with the creator. It really does not matter what I believe, for that is reserved for me. I doubt my beliefs would teach you anything, since they are meant for me and not for you. If God had meant them for you as well, then you probably wouldn't be judging others, but obviously they are different truths.

Enough of the smoke and mirrors, though it is clear to me, why don't you just say it?

Say what? If it is clear to you, then I need say nothing. It is clear to me that you want me to say something to use against me, for that is your nature. I think I will take the 5th Jesus Amendment and stay silent in front of Pontius Pilate, only to ask, "What is truth?".........

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 12:58 AM
queenannie38, what do you believe in? What is the Mission Statement of your life?

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