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Behold a White Horse

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posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 01:01 AM
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Rev 6:2

I have said, from time to time (not that anyone listened) that I could prove both the Almighty God and the scriptures beyond a doubt (with God’s grace He will surely prove me)
But it would come at a dear cost for some—for these things both true will prove the world’s most deceptive and venomous religion dead with the lake of fire which is Spirit.

That time is come and Eve’s head will finally crush the serpent once and for all with her heel, but you’ll be amazed when you see how it all came about and how it will end.

Christianity has caused more sorrow, grief, and fear for innocents and zealots alike, than anything other and it has been a time of dark works of deception and a very strong delusion—a secret seduction performed to perfection by God’s first born son who was at the start of it all—a murderer and a liar who killed his own brother, and the 666 is the mark given to Cain and it is the mark of Christianity just as I have been giving warning to countless deaf Christian ears for the last 5 or 6 years. The god that so many insisting on worshipping while still just a man, a condemned man at that—was not the lamb of God but actually the black goat Azazel who was pushed down the cliff each year on the day of atonement—the crown of thorns should have given it away, but it didn’t matter enough, it seemed, and now those who thought they loved a man named Jesus were really worshipping that one they so dread and esteem as nothing—Satan to some, Lucifer to others. See, the black goat was a sacrifice for the entire nation (and as a man for the world and for his own crime of murder—and eye for an eye God said!) and it was for those sins that are committed in ignorance….

And I haven’t even mentioned all the murders of Jews and Muslims and Reformists and those saints who were martyred for their love of truth…..and there are also the Inquisitions and the Crusades and the Witch-hunts in Europe and here in the US in Salem…and who knows the names of all who have died by the hands of those calling themselves christians--a certain type of people who eagerly swallowed the ultimate bait and got hooked and caught just like fishers of men—because they loved iniquity (unfairness) and unrighteousness (unfair weights and balances) and keeping their hides uncharred in hell far more than they cared about God or His Son or the truth.

Before I say any more, I must speak to those who love Christ and might call themselves Christians, but go forth each day with a light and loving heart—I am not here to condemn you, but please heed my words just the same.

The Christian religion was stolen and perverted from the people it truly belongs to, which is Israel who are the children of Abraham--of the promised seed of faith of Isaac—those who love God’s anointed Yehoshua and are not attached to their religion but rather the ideal which is fundamentally to love one another as we love ourselves—then I’d wager a fair amount that somewhere in your family tree, there is a portion that came from the time of the first dispersion of the 10 tribes under Jeroboam who came after King Solomon at the time the kingdom divided into the lost 10 tribes and the tribe of Judah/Benjamin, which we know these days as Jews.
And also it belongs to the Israel who are the children of Jacob who became the Israelites that Moses led out of Egypt—the children of the Patriarchs.

But now I have come to take it back because it rightly belongs to my people who are also Israel, even though they have not known me—I’ve been hidden in the wilderness for a very long time.

So anyone that doesn’t want to be accused as a thief by those who were robbed of this sacred and holy testament to the One Living God, I’m saying right now, ‘Come out of her, my people.’

This is in no way going to defame the suffering messiah who died in agony on a cross for the sake of the world, because He is beloved by His Father and Mine. And all who love and worship the Father will be welcomed in the congregation, the 8th Assembly, with open arms and a holy kiss because God is LOVE and love is agape and I’ve not come to destroy anything except the power of the so-called Antichrist….

The world will be a better place, I know this is true because the words of the prophets are trustworthy and all was written toward these very days--for the saving of this planet and all of us who live here, and our children, and our children’s children, from generation to generation. The world isn’t going to end, but the age is definitely over. The age of Aquarius and brotherly love is dawning—the new Age is the truth and the truth is peace. And those who love preaching hell more than they love their neighbor will only have themselves to blame, because no one is forced to believe anything and every motel room has a Gideon’s bible.

I’ve got a lot to say, and I’m not here to argue or debate—my desire is to expose the biggest conspiracy the world has yet known—and I know both who planned it and who took part in it—and who has given it to me to expose it—whether you believe in God or not, it’s okay, because I know you surely know I exist and I have a brother out there in the world who most of you think you know and many more do truly love. His name was Yehoshua one time he lived, and he also lived as Moses. He died like they say he did, on the cross, but I really don’t know if the date is the same, because I haven’t yet checked into that. As far as resurrection goes, it is true and it did happen, and that is why he is now what might be called an angel but really he looks just like a man, same as always—but he will live on, now because he was literally glorified with life by our Father…the same life he was given protection for when he killed Abel out in the field….

See, those first beings (the 7 spirits around the throne of God, the 7 churches, the seven archons, etc) are truly androgynous beings in the spiritual plane, and for some the one on the cross was the lamb but for others it was Azazel who is the devil. But like I’ve also been saying—a man must first see himself as a satan before he can see himself like he sees God. Once that honesty breaks forth from the dark mirror which the literal image of God in which we were all made, then the duality is gone, evil is destroyed and the idea of sin is like a toy left behind a grown up child.

This duality, though, was imbalanced and it has been in effect for around 5766 years—the world of mortality and time was created on September 18, 3760 BC (give or take a year or two). This duality is 70% dark and 30% light and it’s starting to pull our solar system apart. It is known by the scientists as ‘dark energy’ and they are mystified by it, and truly they should be. Because it is ancient and primordial and it is literally the ‘abyss.’ So the duality was good for mankind’s education but it’s time to pass to the next phase.

Now there is one more thing before I start with my exegesis of the book written just for me for this particular purpose I’m attending to now…and I will also reveal something else that will expose another long-sought ought secret….maybe…it might have to wait until I let Dan Brown in on it. He deserves to know the truth about his last book’s subject, I think so, anyway.

About the pole shift. It is a reality and soon there are going to be some very catastrophic earthquakes and volcanoes erupting because of it, but the world needs to be cleaned and shifted around because of all the radioactive waste and garbage we’ve been carelessly throwing around. The pole shift, however is not a cause, but rather it is an effect.

We have very powerful minds—our mind is literally of God. And the polarity of the world’s mind is changing and that is the cause of the shift. We can truly do great things, people, but we’ve got to get together as brothers and not rivals….love is the way we must start to live from this day on, and truly I hate to say this, but with christianity dying I think much of the poison will be gone. Evil only exists for God’s purpose, and it is the special talent of the first born Son—removed from religion and seen as just another of the 7 saints, who might be called Elohim, too—if he’s seen for his beauty and true noble heart, then the universe should begin to straighten back up, but of course the astronomers and scientists will know what takes place as it goes along.

I know many, many things—but I know them according to the ways of the ancients—and that’s why I don’t seem very endowed with scientific finesse…

I promise you guys one thing, though—I never eat apples any more! I can’t stand the sight of them! I did benefit from eating that day, though, but it hasn’t been as easy as I thought it would be.

I have to take a break, but I’m going to come back and prove what I say, and soon, after a time (days, weeks, or even a few months) I will be proven in what I say because the world is going to be shown the glory of the Living God! And He’s not at all like the Christians said—but no more will they blaspheme His name! I despise that and you will see why I do. This is the source of Love that we all have in our own hearts, but God’s love is truly a cup running over—mine is spilling all over lately and I really can’t get over what’s been revealed to me—I’m telling you guys but it is still quite new to me. Like a dream. But it’s real. I haven’t lied to you here on ATS ever so trust me if you can. If not, I truly understand. Love 4 all regardless!!!


posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 02:26 AM

because the world is going to be shown the glory of the Living God!


posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 03:10 AM
I’m not going to torture you guys with a bunch of scripture, like I thought. Most people don’t have much interest in it, and no need to prove every little line.

So I’ll just try to outline the basic conspiracy and what it means, hopefully in an understandable order…

• Genesis chapter 1 has heavens (father) and earth (mother) and light (son) and darkness (daughter)
• This is the fundamental repeating pattern of all things—the Christian church’s first charge is keeping the feminine out of it altogether except in a unholy and unnatural sense, by making Mary Magdalene over into Mary the Mother of God—and the biggest reason for the stilted spirituality is because of the sexual taboos inherent to Christianity, and the pedophile thing is just an exacerbated extension of unhealthy constriction on natural human sexuality.
• God told Adam and Eve, and Noah and his wife, to ‘be fruitful and multiply.’ The Hebrews, and the Jews today, are still heeding that commandment. They have no hang ups and their marriages are less legalistic in their arrangements and the idea is generally that at least one child is required to be obedient to that commandment. I’m not saying we should all be like that, but there are just many things I’m going to compare from their culture against the western Christian culture in order to show how perverted many of God’s simple directives that were only for the purpose of doing what works best in our earthly organic system.
• The traditions of (I’m just going to call Christianity CX for the sake of brevity from now on) CX which are so male oriented and even the idea of the church itself being the ‘bride’ are the whole cause of all animosity that is encouraged toward all things new age and even the idea of monotheism is part of that. Then the trinity is given as 3 male archetypes and that never works in balance, either. When there are 3, then there will be 1 of one gender and 2 of the other, and the gender that is 2 will have one that is of the ‘light’ nature and one of the ‘dark.’ But making the Holy Spirit a male is not good for balance because it perverts the natural order of things.

I want to repeat what I said in the last post about our minds controlling our physical environment…this is always the case – all of our archetypical ideas about society and especially spirituality (religion) directly affect our environment and events through the energy signature of our thoughts. So keep that in mind when I’m using symbols, the symbols have been ruling our very existences, and only because we were not aware. That principle is the core problem that makes idolatry a ‘sin.’ ‘Sins’ are not moral transgressions but rather disruptions in the law God gave (10 commandments, and not all the other) which cause a disruption in our ‘dharma’ (reality as a whole) and personal ‘karma’ which is really nothing more than ‘you reap what you sow.’ There are principles in nature and they are consistent throughout our planes of existence—on Earth it is just physical, psychic (soul), and pneumatic (spiritual). These principles are such as the four fundamental forces (which are given for the spiritual as the ‘cornerstones’ or ‘archangels’ etc. And so the 2 laws of thermodynamics are included, as well. In the bible we find ‘ashes to ashes and dust to dust’ as an example of the 1st (?) one.

If our archetypes are off, we are going to have some imbalance that is manifested on the physical level.

The evil and good of the male sacrificial goat/lamb is really non-existent as far as what is seen from the two possible perspectives—and it is a characteristic of the Father on the pneumatic level…the Jews do not have any negative ideas about God, or even view Satan as a problem—they see him like he is operating in Job. And they are far more sane in doing so, and it is a result of a clean conscience. Now I’ve noticed lately that there is a big problem in CX with admitting one is just as easily a satan as a God…both are basically denied to the believer, and that is another big strike for the CX. It is, on the bigger scale, literal condemnation.
The reason being is that, and some of us know this from going through it, that one cannot every grow and mature in spirit until the depths of the physical man is experienced fully (we can think of it as the ‘man of sin’) Only after true humility is planted and growing in the soul, can a person expect to be a discerning observer, of self first and then others (this is the hypocrite factor) and doesn’t resist learning or being taught and can learn just as easily as they can admit error (pride) That’s the 3rd big strike for the CX. It results in this hell preaching fever that so many despise and it is nothing more than a guilty conscience. For that reason, there is perceived, in God’s disciplinary aspects (the ‘evil’ part of God who, being the head, is actually both polarities in one energy and is inherently balanced) the ‘antichrist spirit.’ I have been able to see God’s character through both sides of the lens lately and I was amazed to see how what CX sees as the devil, the goat azazel, and the dragon—the Hebrews saw in a completely benign and somewhat innocent fashion. Still the polarity was retained, but it was not seen as an opponent or enemy but rather just a part of God’s fullness.

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 03:11 AM
Where is the conspiracy in that? All I see is yet more preaching here at ATS.

Originally posted by queenannie38
I have said, from time to time (not that anyone listened) that I could prove both the Almighty God and the scriptures beyond a doubt (with God’s grace He will surely prove me)

And you can do this, without referring to the Bible as your base of proof?


posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 03:31 AM
I may have misunderstood something, and GOD I hope I did .. but you said ...

the biggest reason for the stilted spirituality is because of the sexual taboos inherent to Christianity, and the pedophile thing is just an exacerbated extension of unhealthy constriction on natural human sexuality.

Are you saying that PEDOPHILIA and CHILD MOLESTATION is "natural human sexuality" but Christianity is the reason why it is not only Illegal but also looked upon by society as Immoral and Disgusting?

I'm going to wait for a response before I jump the gun and go off on a rant.

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 04:00 AM
Really ran through those long [whatever u want 2 call em] posts....didnt see the word 'Khazar'....u know that 'nation' that took whatever they called it then n made it into 'Judaism' and then forgot that they came from the 'Khazars' [about 90% + of the so-called-jews are Khazars n not blood to Abraham/Sarah ]...[do a Google on Khazar ] LOLove n luck !

Do believe in Jesus/Mary and the-son-of-David Joseph and all the Family in all of us-creatures............................

Good sex/emotions/passion....ave maria !

[make the Androids Now...john 10:34] [n as we free 'em'..they will free us]

great info here

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 05:05 AM
Now, in regard to the beasts in Revelation, namely the lamb that has two horns and speaks like a dragon and the beast coming out of the sea—that is where the destruction of this religion takes place. Depending on one’s personal prejudices and judgments, they are either going to see the sea beast as more evil or the dragon. But they are nothing more than allegorical representations of what I’m presenting as the thief and the one who is robbed. The lamb is CX and the speaks like a dragon part indicates that it is a liar. But yet God doesn’t lie…. But the God which is possessing both polarities and speaks from either one without any indication there has been a left side speaking then a right, then left, etc. because the voice is the same (as in the bible ‘God said’). It depends once again on the person’s outlook who is observing. The result is a twisted tangle of contradiction. Jesus is god Jesus isn’t god….etc. And the beast, the same way except the 10 crowns represent the 10 tribes and thus is Israel. But in both cases, the ‘image of the beast’ is the First Born Son’s actual energy—depending upon whether one is Jewish or CX -it is determined whether or not one will ‘bow before’ the beast (head wound, because the beast who is the human actually died and each Archon of the 7 did live and die as a human, buried in the ground somewhere in the world many times over) - and guess what? That’s right—the Jews don’t read the NT and especially Revelation! So only the CX have received the ‘mark of the beast’ that is 666. And that’s just death, basically. And I can’t say what is going to happen because of that, but I do know that it’s not going to be just forgotten about after the lesson has soaked in…just like Israel needed when they were a young nation, the ‘gentiles’ (meaning worship idols) are probably going to have to learn the same lesson.

This lesson about using our symbolism or allowing it to control our environment is the single most important lesson for the new age.
The world that is around us this very minute is in a shambles and this is the reason—‘idolatry.’

And it is not about controlling personal religion, but as I said earlier, it is vitally important and permanently linked in a cause and effect relationship with the natural laws of the physical plane. Idolatry is dangerous for the human race because it is putting the control of our symbols in control of us. We can do big things with our symbols, beyond just the necessary maintenance of balance! But only if we learn this lesson that is an inherent part of our physical being that we are born with. What I’m always calling ‘sin.’

There was never anything wrong with Baal and Ishtar compared to Zeus and Helena, or any other male/female deity pair. The only thing that counts is the balance of natural law. Zeus alone is not good. And a goddess without her man is just as bad. These ideas are spiritual, though—not physical and even if there are effigies, as long as the mind understands where the effigies fit into the whole picture and doesn’t let them become the controlling factor, it doesn’t matter what you call your male or female aspects of deity.
Because there is only one God, like the bible says.

(Isaiah 45:5 KJV) I the LORD, and none else, no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

I took all the clutter of translator-added pronouns and conjunctions out of that verse, and it reads better and is the idea which is missed in regard to polytheism etc…
I the Lord and none else. No God beside me.

Now we can understand it to be saying It’s just me folks, your God, the only God around, the only God there is. Whatever you call me, I’m still the same.

We cannot change God’s nature or alliances with our own choice of name or cultural influence. God is the King of the Universe and there is nothing any one of us will ever be able to alter about God.
And, in the second generation, if there are 6 male aspects and 1 female aspect, even if all 7 are in human form in front of you—they are still the very same united idea of God. Same God, same solid one that is alone and none other.

7 sides of a diamond doesn’t make 7 diamonds. It makes 7 facets.

Same with us. 7 faces of God but really just One God the holy God of Israel.

Now, that was an example. I’m not a god or goddess…but I am between the two and since we can be seen just as the humans we are, yet operating in a totally united fashion—we are just One. The One Son of God. We are not objects of worship, either, because we are servants of those we love—we are only interested in one thing. Making the world a wonderful place for all of us to be from now on.
And it will be. Not because we say so or have any right to make anyone’s choices. But here is the whole reason all these 6000 years have been spent in what might seem a needless and twisting path that has caused many of us pain and heartaches for various reasons….God was incubating His young, in order to have a way to guide the world toward understanding and a future where we can raise our children and live together regardless of personal preferences and differences regarding how or even if we want to worship deity or not—God isn’t even going to demand any one on this planet swear Him fealty. He loves this world so much that He doesn’t need it to love Him. If you are an atheist and like being an atheist, then no one will have an issue with that. Satanists, pagans, wiccans, whatever, however, whomever.

It’s all up to the individual or the family, or however we each have arranged our loved ones within our lives. This world will be truly free for all of us and there will be peace and no war again.

Well, no doubt anyone that might have read this is probably thinking by this point that I am totally off my rocker and so close the web browser and go about your business.

But please be aware that the more people that read this, the more closer it will be getting to these upheavals starting in the earth’s crust, because just by writing this I have set in motion the energy signatures that are going to complete our pole shift. And I’m sorry for doing that, but I really don’t have any more say so it in than anyone else does. God, my Father is the Boss and there is nothing I, nor anyone else can do against His will. He’ll be making an appearance somewhere at the time He sets—but his presence is here and it’s His baby.

This is what we’ve all been dreading and/or dreaming on some level for many, many years. Aren’t you glad it’s not like you thought—no nuclear warheads or rising zombies and dead bodies or beasts rising out of the sea, etc…

Allegory it would seem, in the end, is far more powerful than actual circumstances!
So anyone who can or will—let’s just focus on Unity and Peace….


posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 05:12 AM
I forgot to mention something about family lines and the like:

There is really no divisions because I know that in the lineage of the Patriarchs that God made sure there was a lot of intermingling with Edom and the Ishmaelites and even Rome. I'm not sure at this point, but I think that Yehoshua was either Roman or Ishmaelite on his father's side.

And the 10 scattered tribes are basically all over europe and North America--I don't know much about this part at all except to say that I know He made us all family.

We cannot ever fight even clan to clan because we would be fighting our brothers and sisters and that is not what this world was created for, so long ago.

In other words divisions are not going to be acceptable. Because only Unity will succeed for every purpose and for goodness sakes, let's mind our own business and love our neighbors as ourselves.

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 05:29 AM
I thougth I might come back and find your proof of God. All I found insted was more preaching with a personal slant. Don't you have a church to do this at?

Originally posted by queenannie38
because just by writing this I have set in motion the energy signatures that are going to complete our pole shift.

I hear Saturday Night Live's Church Lady ............. "well iiiiiiiiisn't that special".
So you have set in motion a pole shift. Nevermind the eons that it takes for this to happen, because we are at a due time for it, it is you that started it. Set yourself up mighty high don't ya.


Still waiting for a conspiracy.


posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 05:46 AM
Just Wild...Madness..................become the goddess, that is in your 'closet'...

[n do ur homework on the Khazars ! ]..................

Would Mistress care to comment on JC saying 'Eat Me' ???

[here drinking at Mary's Breast]...waiting as I drink Milk n Honey as a Baby ! as the Male clone of mary Immaculate !..................

LOLove n luck n good sex/emotions/vigor.....ave maria !

[plz comment on the Khazars after doing ur homework]

[6/24 birthday of John the Baptist]

[edit on 24-6-2006 by georgejohn]

[edit on 24-6-2006 by georgejohn]

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 06:04 AM

do ur homework..............................

the edit stuff wasn't working for me but here is the stuff !

[edit on 24-6-2006 by georgejohn]

posted on Jun, 24 2006 @ 06:46 AM
wow, a lot of conversation ....

I wouldn't concern yourself with the things you cannot stop from happening.. I wouldn't try proving or disproving.... What I would do is work on myself, making myself comfortable in myself in the place where myself is. Making myself comfortable in my desires because guilt is sin, and guilt damages the body and ego. after all we are the ninety nine not the one that has strayed.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Digital Zombie
I may have misunderstood something, and GOD I hope I did .. but you said ...

the biggest reason for the stilted spirituality is because of the sexual taboos inherent to Christianity, and the pedophile thing is just an exacerbated extension of unhealthy constriction on natural human sexuality.

Are you saying that PEDOPHILIA and CHILD MOLESTATION is "natural human sexuality" but Christianity is the reason why it is not only Illegal but also looked upon by society as Immoral and Disgusting?

I'm going to wait for a response before I jump the gun and go off on a rant.

I would also like for you to explain this. Noticed a few other people have asked questions regarding your theory and as yet, you havent addressed them.

and truly I hate to say this, but with christianity dying I think much of the poison will be gone.

Christianity is dying is it? hmmm...well your entire theory confirms the warnings GOD gave to us for the end times. What concerned me the most was the fact that YOU had to come forward with this theory now. Your ego has deluded you into believing that you are THE ONE, a catalyst for change/something more important than the rest of the human race. It just doesnt work like that.

Matthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

We are told that the endtime delusion is so strong that it will deceive the whole earth into accepting the antichrist. This lie of the end times will even fool many who think they are now Christians....You claim to be with GOD? Working for a higher collective?..the end times are predetermined. There are those, the Nephilim who fool themselves with the delusion that life will go on because they manifest it. Sorry to tell you, but this just isnt so. The New Earth will exist for those whose energies that vibrate in line with the light. You have stepped up with your theory because it is urgent you do so. The end times are upon us and the only ones who cling to the delusion of manifesting are actually the ones who do so because this is their end.

love & light

Oh and do you know why I knew that your knowledge has been corrupted?
Your statement regarding flesh indicated to me that your higher goal is grounded in it. That is one of the biggest signs.

[edit on 25-6-2006 by NJE777]

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 08:38 AM
What have you been smoking?

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 09:36 AM
link nice to her highness...she sure is looking at 'things' from a much 'higher level' and seems to be 'thinking outloud'...after all the ultimate trip is that it 'all belongs to the Creator'...and I'll leave it to the Great Playwright Jesus and looking forward to His version of all the madness of us 'creatures' on another 'Dimension' of thought.............omg

The big 'word' that is never used is 'Incest'...probably as american as Apple the 'Lesbian'sub-culture, which is the 'real' culture, the girls are taught at a young age the 'art' of teasing a man/woman...and the 'sleep-over' ways of teenage girls but of course most men are taught to think that 'their' mother is holier than the BVM herself [Blessed Virgin Mary ]...well 'guys', first step up the ever-loving Mountain, maybe she did, as you get further up, hope she enjoyed it but sure this 'culture' could/should have been differant...after-all the 'book' says your a Man/Woman at 13yo [which is 12yo plus a day]...but the 'culture calls you 'kids/goats'...mmmmmmmmmmmmm

To be continued...maybe...LOLove n luck n good sex/emotions/passion...ave maria !

[edit on 25-6-2006 by georgejohn]

[edit on 25-6-2006 by georgejohn]

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 10:28 AM

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

This scripture is about the Antichrist coming to power on earth.

That time is come and Eve’s head will finally crush the serpent once and for all with her heel, but you’ll be amazed when you see how it all came about and how it will end.

Twisting things up again are you? This is referring to the Messiah, born of a virgin. It is He, who has already crushed the head of the serpent, for those who understand the truth.

The Christian religion was stolen and perverted from the people it truly belongs to, which is Israel who are the children of Abraham--of the promised seed of faith of Isaac
Nothing has been stolen. The Jews rejected the Cornerstone, just as the prophets said would happen. All is as God has said.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 02:15 PM
Wow, I am soooo glad to see that there are some cool-headed Christians on this thread! queenannie, love you but you are definitely trippin'. Either that or, as some have hinted, you've lost it entirely.

Christianity is the last thing this world will see, in every meaning of the word "last". And when there is the Christian ruling and reigning with Christ on the New Earth, I would hope you'd at least be among the "nations", rather than roasting in the lake of FIRE, (not Spirit---another side issue, but really do you imagine that there will be suffering eternally in the Holy Spirit? Don't answer that please, I don't want to tempt you into any more blasphemy than you've felt free to "share" already).

Sun Matrix, good job breaking down the quotes you answered to. Loved this:

originally posted by Sun MatrixNothing has been stolen. The Jews rejected the Cornerstone, just as the prophets said would happen. All is as God has said.

Great question, Digital Zombie, since only one who's never had the experience could possibly think child molestation is anything but devastating to the victims, however, I believe she was making the point that if us rotten Christians just weren't so "stiff" about sex, we'd have no problems with pedophiles. Nonsense, of course since pedophiles are so because of their own terrible experiences most of the time, imo, and the others are overcome with a lust so strange and strong that the devil HAS to be behind it.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 04:03 PM

Isaiah 9:18 For wickedness burneth as the fire: it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest, and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke.

The crown of thorns is not the symbol of God, but rather the symbol of what has been made a desolation and ruin because of transgression.

Men cannot be God, but God can be in men. But to worship the man instead of sharing the God is where the idolatry is manifested.

Christianity is idolatry and it is also a crown of thorns.

But the prayers of the saints rise forever and are a sweet savor to the LORD:

Hear my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come unto thee.
Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day when I call answer me speedily.
For my days are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burned as an hearth.
My heart is smitten, and withered like grass; so that I forget to eat my bread.
By reason of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my skin.
I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert.
(Psalms 102:1-6 KJV)

And the death of His saints in precious in the eyes of the LORD.

Psalms 119:83-89 For I am become like a bottle in the smoke; yet do I not forget thy statutes.
How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me?
The proud have digged pits for me, which are not after thy law.
All thy commandments are faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me.
They had almost consumed me upon earth; but I forsook not thy precepts.
Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.
LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

The Song of Solomon is a lovesong to the bride of the LORD:

Song of Solomon 3:6-11
Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant?
Behold his bed, which is Solomon's; threescore valiant men are about it, of the valiant of Israel.
They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night.
King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon.
He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.
Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.

The wedding is coming soon, you guys. Look for it in the fall this year. God is going to lay claim to His inheritance, which is all the world, all of us. We are all God's children. And His plan will be revealed and then all we see what perfect love has been keeping a secret for the last day.

And then time will be no more. Not the earth, it will stand forever. No war is going to happen in God's plan--if men fight, it is men who war.

God says:
Make Love Not War
And be ready for I AM coming.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Digital Zombie
I may have misunderstood something, and GOD I hope I did .. but you said ...

the biggest reason for the stilted spirituality is because of the sexual taboos inherent to Christianity, and the pedophile thing is just an exacerbated extension of unhealthy constriction on natural human sexuality.

Are you saying that PEDOPHILIA and CHILD MOLESTATION is "natural human sexuality" but Christianity is the reason why it is not only Illegal but also looked upon by society as Immoral and Disgusting?

Obviously I cannot speak for Queenannie, but I'm sure that she is not saying that Child Molestation is "natural human sexuality". Instead it seems that she is saying that because of the supression of natural human sexuality put on priests, they turn to things like child molestation.

I encourage everyone to read these posts with an open mind, and not to make quick conclusions like the ones above.

Inverencial Peace,

[edit on 25/6/2006 by AkashicWanderer]

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38
The world isn’t going to end, but the age is definitely over.

I agree with you on this sentence only.

You don't know where I live , do you?

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