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Do you think Jesus is angry?

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posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Uhhmm...yeah, killing Jesus tends to be portrayed in a negative way....

My guess it's not so much about killing Jesus as it is reminding someone it's just in image of a lie any way you put it, which brings us back to the original subject of the thread: Was Jesus angry because of this? I don't know, it might just as well have been the the Dragon as he soars above just about everything nowdays it seems.


posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 01:27 PM
I find it quite odd that some of you talk as if you've met Jesus.
He's dead! I also find it hilarious that some of you think Jesus controls lighting and struck this actor, but he's not mad. Why do you waste so much time on Jesus?

[Edited on 10-24-2003 by Satyr]

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by deafence#

again, where did you "read" that?

are you gonna follow a book, or follow your heart?

How can you follow the Word without following your heart? The only thing is which word you follow and which heart you link with. To interpret the Word without spiritual counceling, is like reading a phone book for a stoneager. I read it in the bible that's where I read it. There and various lexica and dictionaries, atlases, historic sources etc. mixed with the dreams and visions I get because I use so much time with this. Been a long time now since I have had a guided dream though. Most of the dreams and visions I had when I was a kid. I sometimes got the feeling I was outside of time and space as if I suddenly was dragged out of my body. Very strange. I didn't become a Christian until I found God in a bunch of leaves, when I was 22.


posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Satyr
I find it quite odd that some of you talk as if you've met Jesus.
He's dead! I also find it hilarious that some of you think Jesus controls lighting and struck this actor twice, but he's not mad. Why do you waste so much time on Jesus?

The things of God is like sh!t for the world. They get sick in the Light, they can't manage to live there. They say God is evil and mocks the Spirit.


posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 03:17 PM
it may be "the word" for you, but i think it's just "a word", not "the way" but merely "another way". it all leads back to the same thing in the end. life that is. call it whatever you want. do what ever you want. but then again it all depends on what you are trying to do. no wrong/right besides what does work and what does not work for you. that's all. that's the beauty of it all, we're making it all up. and look at the what we're doing with it. we make love, we make hate. all of these, by and for us. but as i said before it all depends on what you are trying to do with your life.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 03:26 PM

I also find it hilarious that some of you think Jesus controls lighting and struck this actor, but he's not mad

I guess it's because it's kind of funny to imagine Jesus sittin' up there, looking down at this actor and going "take this!" and hurling down a lightning bolt ala Zeus...

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 03:39 PM
If he was angry he wouldn't be Jesus. But I'm sure he's VERY dissapointed.....

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 04:48 PM
Angry? You cant be angry if you dont exist right?

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 05:14 PM
I guess I'm just curious to see how xians explain this type of thing. Here's something that a xian would have to consider more than mere coincidence. So, does that mean Jesus is a lightning wielding, angry, vengeful spirit? Just for the record, I don't believe Jesus was the son of god, because I don't believe in god. But how would xians explain this away without making Jesus look bad? He's not supposed to be capable of anger, is he? (even though he gets pissed off in the bible)
Ok, I get it. We were given free will to do anything....except make Jesus movies that Jesus doesn't like?

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by mikromarius
Jesus wrote the Ten Commandments twise for Moses with the "finger of God" meaning a Ray of Light...

Where do you get this? Moses was OT, Jesus was NT...How do you know it was Jesus who did that if he hadn't *even been born yet?* Wherever you got your information is a backwards source & lying.

Originally posted by Gazrok

Although it is not due for release until early next year, it has already hit headlines after Jewish figures in the United States slated it for being "dangerous" and portraying Jews in a negative way.

Well, if the shoe fits...
Were you aware that the more conservative Jews believe that anyone who was not born Jewish is actually sub-human & they don't have to apply God's Laws to themselves while dealing with the "sub-humans"?
...Remember, being Jewish is not a faith but it's an accident of birth & heritage...Racism as the basic *core* of their faith.

Originally posted by mikromarius
To interpret the Word without spiritual counceling, is like reading a phone book for a stoneager.

If you consider that Revelations is describing current events as the lead-in to Armageddon, you should also be *very careful* with whom you take counsel with; This being the age of "False Prophets" and all...Organized Religion *is* a conspiracy.

Originally posted by deafence#
it may be "the word" for you, but i think it's just "a word", not "the way" but merely "another way"....
...but as i said before it all depends on what you are trying to do with your life.

Which is another reason to be very careful how you perform your research into the religion you hook yourself up with. Before you can take *anything* on faith, you must know a few basic "core facts" before you can discuss or define the purpose & goals of that faith. Research the *history* of the scripture & the changes that Organized Religion *made* to those scriptures as well as the scripture itself. Research the writings of those who performed the translations & the studies of that very history as well. There is no such thing as an "infallable translation" in any version of the Bible...You must study the histories of those versions as well to see what is most common between them. Also, try to find any *direct translation* of the Dead Sea Scrolls, as that is the origin of the entire Judeo-Christian faith & all of its splinter-religions; As a matter of fact, the current "version" of all of the Judeo-Christian line has a lot of "borrowed" tenants from the earlier "pagan" religions!

Research the religion itself, not merely one version of it & research other non-related religions as well; After a time, you'll find that even the non-related religions *are* actually related, at least at the basic core.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 08:01 PM
God hates thespians

Why else would he create Liza Minelli?

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 08:55 PM
well MidnightDStroyer, one day i'd really like to research that kinda stuff, but i haven't found the time recently. i have everything but that it seems... though i've always felt intrigued by those things. i was merely saying, that i believe there is no "one way", but simply "other ways" that all lead back to the same thing, whatever you wanna call it.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 08:58 PM
Well due to the large amount of factual cartoons there are. I would have to say this bolt throwers is none other than ZEUS!!!

Heyseus you are free to go.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by YhwhsCreation
I don't think Jesus is angry.

Jim Caviezel was just very down to earthed. get it

[worst joke ever, sorry every body

[Edited on 23-10-2003 by YhwhsCreation]

You're saying he was a well-grounded individual?
(Just trying to compound the misery!)

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer

Originally posted by mikromarius
Jesus wrote the Ten Commandments twise for Moses with the "finger of God" meaning a Ray of Light...

Where do you get this? Moses was OT, Jesus was NT...How do you know it was Jesus who did that if he hadn't *even been born yet?* Wherever you got your information is a backwards source & lying.

This is the whole mystery of Jesus: "Him who comes after me EXISTED before me" John the Baptist says about Jesus. Jesus himself concludes this by saying "Before Abraham was, I AM. Jesus is YHWH. His very name Yeshuah is almost identical with 'yeshuwah - Salvation and his name is a shortened form of the Hebrew name Yehoshuah which means YHWH is Salvation, YHWH is Jesus. Yahweh one of the hottest candidates for the pronouncement of YHWH means The Existing One or Him Who Exists. When Moses asked God of his name so he could tell Israel who had sent him, God replied "I AM WHO I AM. TELL THEM THAT I AM HAS SENT YOU". Again: "Before Abraham was, I AM" Jesus said.

Originally posted by mikromarius
To interpret the Word without spiritual counceling, is like reading a phone book for a stoneager.

If you consider that Revelations is describing current events as the lead-in to Armageddon, you should also be *very careful* with whom you take counsel with; This being the age of "False Prophets" and all...Organized Religion *is* a conspiracy.

We agree there. The False Prophet is the Pope as I have pointed out numerous times. Benny Hinn is another one. Virtually all priests and preachers today are false prophets. They may be able to prophecy events accurately, but their self pitty and their colective ego hides the truth from them. Why do they never prophecy repentance from their own ways eventhough it's obvious they don't comply with the Law of God from the Bible?


posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 02:26 PM
You might as well wonder if the Easter Bunny is an English lop-eared, or is a brown Angora


posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

Originally posted by YhwhsCreation
I don't think Jesus is angry.

Jim Caviezel was just very down to earthed. get it

[worst joke ever, sorry every body

[Edited on 23-10-2003 by YhwhsCreation]

You're saying he was a well-grounded individual?
(Just trying to compound the misery!)

He must not have been too grounded if he was struck twice by lightning

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

I wasn't intending to hurt your feelings. Although I have done that to many in the past, you didn't have it coming.

I didn't think you did it on purpose either. Cheer up.

But, I do thik you're making stuff up. Like this phrase: " agree, he is like light and can transform himself into whatever apearance he likes."

Satan can change himself into an Angel of Light. And here is more than Satan. When Jesus first showed himself for the two disciples he found out doing his work, they didn't recognise him. But just before he left them, he changed his apearance back into the one they knew. And Jesus is the Light. And Light has many colors. When I had my dream where I met Jesus, I instantly knew that it was Jesus, but I fell into doubt, because he had short hair, not long as on all the idols, him being a Nazarean and everything. But instead of listening to the choir of fools saying I had seen Satan, not Jesus, that he had "the devils haircut" etc., I prayed and opene my bible. I read and came to the part in the Prophets with the rules for priests ministring in the New Temple: A priest shall not let his hair grow like women, neither shall he shave it all off, but he shall cut his hair and wear it short. Jesus is the Highest Priest in Heaven. He keeps his hair short.

"Perhaps he's an image we all have in our minds."

Really? Maybe you should give this a gander?

Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.

This is very fitting for the idols of the church. And your point was?

And, Jesus was black.

Well he wasn't black when I met him, but as I said Jesus can change his apearance as he likes. He can even walk through walls, become invisible and appear out of nowhere, so if he would decide to have black skin, it wouldn't change anything, for this is not about color or shape, but word and essence. If Jesus is black for you, he probably is. For you. Just as he was white when he met me. I was perhaps abit too quick with saying Jesus isn't black, for he may verywell choose to wear a black tent.


posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Zzub
You might as well wonder if the Easter Bunny is an English lop-eared, or is a brown Angora


Hehe. Yes. Did you know that the egglaying Easter Bunny you find in most Christian homes during Easter is a mythical creature that exists in ancient Venus myths? She was apparently born from an egg layed by a rabbit by the River Euphrates or something. Something to think about..... Venus is the Greko-Roman form of Astarte or the Queen of Heaven an ancient fertility goddess. The goddess they worshipped in Sodom by letting calves have sex with women. If you want to be a Christian you should burn every Easterbunny and destroy every Easteregg you have in your household, for you have been adulterous and forgot YHWH your God.


posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 03:02 PM
a few years ago i was stuck in a traffic jam on the M25 and I wondered to myself "what would Jesus make of this? What would he do?"

i think he'd be an Eco Warrior! :-)

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