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Do you think Jesus is angry?

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posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 08:30 PM

Actor Jim Caviezel has been struck by lightning while playing Jesus in Mel Gibson's controversial film The Passion Of Christ.


posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 08:41 PM
I don't think Jesus is angry.

Jim Caviezel was just very down to earthed. get it

[worst joke ever, sorry every body

[Edited on 23-10-2003 by YhwhsCreation]

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 08:53 PM
Angry? He's not supposed to get angry is he?

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:06 PM
Dude, he got nailed to a cross. He was betrayed by his friend and he was jewish. Of course he was pissed.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:08 PM
i think the actor might not have been that good. this was posted earlier today too, but im too lazy to find a link at this time

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by AlienS
i think the actor might not have been that good. this was posted earlier today too, but im too lazy to find a link at this time

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:17 PM
nailed to a cross? betrayed? You believe EVERYTHINg you read?

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:20 PM
Jesus is the most easily angered person I've ever met. He tilts on the smallest things, I promise you. He's a petimeter of sorts, he's like... well like the Gospel discribes him: a perfectionist. If you're not 100% sure you're 100% correct if he asks you something, keep your mouth shut. He hasn't got time for be�ervi�ers. If you don't know what Alef means, don't say Beit, couse then you'll end up in Beit. And I promise you, it's not a very fun place to be in the end. If Jesus ever comes to you and ask you about something having to do with wisdom, don't do like I did and talk away as if he was your equal. Ask rather if he can explain it to you.

This is how I know that the Church will get hell if they don't repent from their obvious paganism. Even children understand that it's not the bible they preach and live by. Just a brief look at the Law of the Gospel tells any fool that they have their roots in pagan soil and still stand there. They're handing out snakes disguised as bread, and wine of wrath disguised as salvation. Take my advise and take your children out of the Church unless you want to see them burn to dust until the fire is warm enough for yourself to be cast into the furnace. He's not playing games. He wants faithfullness. He wants his Sabbaths, his Passover and his Law. He wants his children away from the claws of Satan, but that's impossible as lng as the Church is breeding on them as Lilit sitting in her tree. The Roman Church and her daughters represent the greatest conspiracy this world has seen. Away from Babylon I tell you, flee from the disgusting woman! There goes highways to hell from her house. Hells Bells are ringing in to Sun mass. Don't have anything to do with her. She is drunken on prophets' blood.


posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:49 PM
Actually I don't even believe in Jesus at all and, I'm sick of hearing about him. Those are just the things I can remember about the Jesus mythos. I am just tired of people talking about him. I know let's discuss Zeus or Vishnu or Peter Pan. It's all a bunch of crap.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 09:54 PM
"Jesus" didn't really exist. See:

Knowing this, all the (dis)info about Jesus leaving a bloodline becomes moot. European monarchies have been using this hoax for centuries to justify their rule over ignorant peoples.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Helioform
"Jesus" didn't really exist. See:

Knowing this, all the (dis)info about Jesus leaving a bloodline becomes moot. European monarchies have been using this hoax for centuries to justify their rule over ignorant peoples.

Yeah, I know he's wasn't real and people use his name to justify about any crazy thing they want. Most religions are some form thought control.

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 10:13 PM
The Jesus of the Church has never existed, and that's exactly what is pissing him (and me for that matter) off. For they have closed the doors for the wise and intelligent and mislead the guillable and simple. But finally we're starting to see the contours of the real Jesus. The veil is flapping.... To me it's no wonder the Church prohibited the Bible back in the days. It discribes the Roman church as a whore riding the kings for gold and precious stones, drinking herself senseless on the blood of sacrificed prophets, leading the children of God astray. Something to think about.....


posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 10:52 PM
Dude, He got nailed to a cross for all of mankind. He was betrayed by his friend, He was jewish, and He's got some white guy that isn't even Him perpetrating a lie, playing His part in a movie paid for by a lunatic:

Revelation 1

I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man," dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14His head and HAIR were white like WOOL, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like BRONZE glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

Of course He IS pissed.

[Edited on 23-10-2003 by Colonel]

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 10:59 PM
Why do you think the white guy (or should I say Edomite) got struck by lightning twice?

[Edited on 23-10-2003 by Colonel]

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 11:12 PM
Of course Jesus is angry...I might even go so far as to say that (if you'll pardon the expression) he's pissed as Hell.

Look at what power-hungry, manipulative, control-crazy people have done to Faith over the centuries...I think he's going to give nearly the whole world a larger taste of what he gave to the greedy thieves in the temple.

[Edited on 23-10-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Oct, 23 2003 @ 11:18 PM
but i know i am very dissappointed...
with what you ask...

judgements on other lives...
love for material objects more than human be in g's...
lack of cohesion or attempt of...
individuals not allowed to make a righteouss choice without persecution...
lack of truth...

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 12:20 AM
if jesus did infact exist, then there is no way he would be angry. he distinctly says to turn the other cheek and love thine enemy. so for him to be angry, it would be to go against all his supposed teachings and everything he stoods for. and since he is the apparent son of god, i find it unlikey in that case. but then again i dont even think he was that. i just think he was a dude with ideas.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 12:24 AM
what you remember about jesus is not what those who "knew" jesus remembered about him...

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 12:32 AM
well, i don't remember anything about jesus, except for what i've read in the bible, which was supposed to have been written by people who knew him. i was merely spectulating on the likeliness of who he was, what i think of him.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 12:37 AM
what you think of him and who he was/is is two different truths...

read the things jesus said himself not what other people wrote of him, just as much disinformation then as now...

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