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New Video Footage of Flight 77 Hitting Pentagon Released

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posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Aris
So, PieMan and AgentSmith, what you are saying is that over a hundred or so seats and over 80 or so tons of alloys got vaporized into thin air but 66 of the 68 bodies' DNA on those seats and in those 80 or so tons withstood what those alloys didn't?

"We didn't find the plane but we found 98% of the DNA inside it"!!!


I would imagine skin,bone and hair got shredded and thrown all over the place. Metal flying everywhere, bodies being was probably like a meat grinder spewing bits and pieces all over. I really don't think it would take much to be able to read someones DNA. Fingernails, brain matter,bits of bone. Aris don't get me wrong, Im just like a lot of people here..I really don't know what occurred or wether or not it was a passenger plane or military plane but Im saying that it shouldn't be too hard to be able to identify the bodies using DNA if in fact they were present.


posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by ronishia

see that what i find funny about it, the alledged terrorists are alive and well, in different parts of their countries, so why are they still being blamed for crashing the planes hmm lol. know what is the funniest thing of it all?.... that some conspiracy theorists make such claims yet they never have in consideration that westernized Muslim names are not unique....You can find several people having the same name to the T.... But some people would make conspiracies out of anything, and these people seem to pray that those who read their conspiracies don't know the facts...

Not only that, but I keep hearing this and none of the conspiracy theorists who believe in this presents any proof to back their claims.

Originally posted by ronishia
the same happened on 7/7 the london bombing, they picked these guys out as the bombers YET again some of them were found alive and well wondering what the heck was goin on.


Let's go over some facts shall we?...

The construction of Arab names is totally different from westerners names. They don't have First, Middle and last name, but instead have a chain of names which gives the names their father, their grand-father, their great-grandfather, etc all the way back to their roots. It also includes a description of the person, if they have a first born, and the place where they were born or the family/tribe to which they were born.

The first name, or main name (ism) of an Arab person are Arabic words which have a meaning and give character to the person.

For example Ali (elevated), or Abdul (slave of).

Normally after the "ism" comes the "nasab". (unless this person already has had his first born) The "nasab" is a chain of names which tells the heritage of the person and names their ancestors. The "nasab" uses the word "ibn" (sometimes bin/Bin) to indicate this heritage. Ibn/Bin means "son of".

For Example: Ali Ibn Amin ibn Afzal ibn Shaif ibn Qasim ibn Hasan ibn Yousaf.

A full Arab name wouldn't end there, but this is an example of the nasab. The above would mean "Ali son of Amin son of Afzal son of Shaif son of Qasim son of Hasan son of Yousaf".

In Arab names you also have the "laqab" which gives a description of the person. The "laqab" can be easily identificated because it always starts with "al", for example "al-Rashid" which means "the righteous" (in the true Arab form it is an "l" and not "al" meaning "the") The laqab goes right after the "ism", but the laqab is not always used in Arab names.

For example" Ali al-Rashid Ibn Amin ibn Afzal ibn Shaif ibn Qasim ibn Hasan ibn Yousaf . Which would mean "Ali the righteous son of Amin son of Afzal son of Shaif son of Qasim son of Hasan son of Yousaf.

But it doesn't end there either. After the "laqab" there is also the "nisba" which can describe a person's occupation, tribe/family or geographical area. For example a Palestinian would be known as al-Filastini (the Palestinian), and his full name would be as follows. Ali al-Rashid Ibn Amin ibn Afzal ibn Shaif ibn Qasim ibn Hasan ibn Yousaf al-Filastini

Arab names change, as for example when a Muslim becomes a father for the first time, when they have their first born. When this happens a Kunya is used in front of the Ism. The "kunya" precedes the "ism" with Abu which means "father of"

So our friend Ali al-Rashid's full name would after having his first born "Salim" change into: Abu Salim Ali al-Rashid Ibn Amin ibn Afzal ibn Shaif ibn Qasim ibn Hasan ibn Yousaf al-Filastini.

You can see that this would be a big confusion and more so when an Arab person is applying for a Visa or a Passport. So when Arab people apply for a Visa or Passport, their names are shorten, and our friend Ali might choose to be known in the western world as "Abu Salim" (father of Salim) or Ali al-Rashid (Ali the righteous), or even Ali al-Filastini (Ali the Palestinian). The problem comes when you have 100 Ali al Rashid, or Ali al-Filistani, or even Abu Salim.

So, can there be more than one Arab person with the same westernized name? YES.....

[edit on 18-5-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
So, can there be more than one Arab person with the same westernized name? YES.....

Just ask Cat stevens

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:18 PM
What really blows me away is the fact that the american public wastes some much of there time trying to figure this out, which is part of the plan " let them spend a few months trying to figure out what is real and what is not and knowone will ask the really important questions like
A. What is the reason behind what they did. and WHY did they direct this towards US. ASK YOU GOP REP. TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU . As a american you aught to get a really big kick out of there response. THREE POSSIBLE ANSWERS:
1. They do not know
2. They will give you the GOP response.
3. They will give you the truth.
Those are the questions all of you very smart people should be asking out here in this forum. THINK!!

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:48 PM
Yesterday or perhaps the day before I asked if we had any members of ATS who lived in the DC area? Do we?

if so, are you willing to go to the hotel and gas station and ask them to see the monitor that faces the pentagon and take a snapshot of same? By that I mean what the monitor shows which would either be it shows the west side of the pentagon or not on the monitor

That way we could address the two allegations to see wither those cameras could or could not have captured what ever hit the building. Once that could be done those two items should be a non issue. Well that is assuming they do not have a field of view that could have seen something.

I only bring this up again because the thread has grown and many are not reading all of the thread.


[edit on 5/18/2006 by shots]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:53 PM
An airplane did not hit the pentagon they never found it.
They never never found any passengers at the Pentagon.
The truth will never be told never, the story will stand that a plane hit the Pentagon and most people will blive it.
I dont know what really happened but we are not going to here the truth.
The people who are really responsible are very very powerfull and I gess dangrous at that.
but it makes me sick to know these greedy pigs can kill our own to get what they want AND get away with it.
All I can say is this when these greedy pigs die then they will pay for what they did
Of couse they dont know that yet but they will find out

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 06:05 PM
No Plane you have got to be kidding

There is some very convincing evidence that there was in fact a plane, otherwise they would not have found parts of one in the rubble would they?

[edit on 5/18/2006 by shots]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by ShazamsChampion

Originally posted by Muaddib
So, can there be more than one Arab person with the same westernized name? YES.....

Just ask Cat stevens

He aint no Arab. Thats for sure.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 07:04 PM
No plane...I guess those people who saw it plus the pictures of parts of the plane which were found at the scene etc, it was all made up by the U.S. government....

This theory, as well as others having to do with 9/11, shows that there are conspiracy theorists who are not interested in the truth.... They just want to believe "the U.S. government was behind all of it".....

[edit on 18-5-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:13 PM
I saw those pictures of a pices of a plane but I can tell you this IT IS NOT OF A 757 OR 767 so some one is LIEING.
OH buy the way, witness that say they saw an airplane who is to say they warnt
paid to tell that lie
I do not buy it!!!!! go fool some one else.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by cashlink
I saw those pictures of a pices of a plane but I can tell you this IT IS NOT OF A 757 OR 767 so some one is LIEING.

OK if you can tell us for certain they are not from said planes then please feel free to prove they are not.

OH buy the way, witness that say they saw an airplane who is to say they weren't
paid to tell that lie
I do not buy it!!!!! go fool some one else.

Here again can you prove they were paid? I highly doubt you or anyone else can but will certainly give you and others some time to do so

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by shots
Here again can you prove they were paid? I highly doubt you or anyone else can but will certainly give you and others some time to do so

Shots often times i have found, and I am sure others have seen it too, the tendency that some members, and even some of the staff members, have to claim that "those people that disagree with them must be paid by the U.S. government to say so".... This includes from fidel castro being an opressive sob, to 9/11, etc, etc...

It is sad to see what lenghts and dubious tactics some people use, trying to dismiss the facts...

---edited for mistakes---

[edit on 18-5-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:33 PM
For those that want to blive a 767 or 757 hit the pentagon you can thats ok.
Now for me I am not wareing BLINDERS!!! nothing adds up that the Gov wants all of us to blive and I am not going to fall for that bad video!
The Gov can feed that crap!! to all of us but some of us are not stupit and we will
not keep quiet about there LIES and yes we will prove them wrong.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:40 PM
So what's your evidence cash to claim it was not a plane?...

Could you expound as to the reasons why you say it was not a plane? We would like to see some reliable links please..

[edit on 18-5-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:44 PM
Shots if you blive the Gov story then why are you even on this thread
Did you come on here to make fun of other people and there blives.
Because I know you cant change my mind or anyone eles
laugh all you want you are the fool!!!


posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:53 PM
it is absolutly ridiculous to say that this video will put the “conspiracy theorist” to rest. and anyone who says that is demostrating a shortcut to thinking. first of all, i know of at least 5 other videos that were seized on 9/11. gas station from across the street, the hotal roof cam from across the street, and 3 dept of transporation videos. look at this view this video was seized as well. but they release this and say this will satisfy those conspiracy “nuts.” just the fact they have these video shows an obvious “cover-up.” the administration is keeping these videos secret for some reason. then they call me nuts and silly because i question this. the only thing this video release did was prove that the administration is withholding information from the american people. whether you beleive the official story, a cover-up or a conspiracy, one thing that cant be disputed is that they are withholdong information.

also the video does show somthing very interesting. it shows that the pentagon wall has already been comprimised before the plane hits. look at the roof line before the plane come into view. it clearly has a gap in the roof line already. Can anyone tell me why there is a section of the building missing?

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:56 PM
I know we dont have video of the plane near the pentagon ... but arent there places that must have video taped the alleged "path of flight 77" that could have caught whatever was going through the air ... i mean it didnt just appear in front of hte pentagon.

unless that is included in the confiscated videos

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 08:56 PM
Muaddib I dont need to feed you the same links that ever one has put on this thread that proves the Gov are lieing about 911. you need to start reading this thread from the beginning those links that you all sent no one can make out that mess and all that babble.
Just go to show you, you will blive anything the Gov will write and there photes

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by cashlink
Muaddib I dont need to feed you the same links that ever one has put on this thread that proves the Gov are lieing about 911. you need to start reading this thread from the beginning those links that you all sent no one can make out that mess and all that babble.
Just go to show you, you will blive anything the Gov will write and there photes

You don't need to prove anything because the wild claims that it was anything else than a plane are the lies and exagerations... No wonder all conspiracy theorists are viewed as "nuts" is wild claims like yours that makes "all conspiracy theorists nutcrackers" in the mind of most people....

People need to understand that backing lies, that it was anything else than a plane, will only taint even more the image of conspiracy theories...

Even after the people who keep claiming there was no plane, no parts of planes found, and after several members posted photos in which fuselage of a plane can be clearly seen, and even after the videos and people who said they saw the plane as it descended and crashed in the Pentagon, there are still people who will claim it is all lies...

These people are denying the truth because they don't want to believe anything more than what they believe.

[edit on 18-5-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Shots often times i have found, and I am sure others have seen it too, the tendency that some members, and even some of the staff members, have to claim that "those people that disagree with them must be paid by the U.S. government to say so".... This includes from fidel castro being an opressive sob, to 9/11, etc, etc...

It is sad to see what lenghts and dubious tactics some people use, trying to dismiss the facts...

I hear where you are coming from also why I asked if we had members of ATS in the DC area willing to visit the hotel and gas station to see if they could see what the monitors allegedly could see, but so far no takers.

There is one very odd thing about the gas station owner or attendant that makes me wonder about what was said. He allegedly claimed the FBI confiscated the tapes within and hour or so, yet by that time the station was loaded with media people all over the place. One would think the members of the media could have confirmed his story, but I have not seen anyone back up his claim the tape was in fact taken all we have is the alleged word of a reporter/s.

Just another one of those things that makes one go hmmmmmmm.


As for cashlink
I am not holding my breath for his proof :shk: :shk: :shk:

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