Ah, back at the ole Lounge. Feels good. Feels right. More Hawaiian coffee, por favor.
Oh, I see that DP invited Judy Garland here to sing! I love that song. Yes, indeed, a very fitting song for that day. And I see that Spira brought
in.... The Flower Duet! OMG, that is so my favorite song, that I sing it whenever I hear it... or even when I don't hear it.
Been busy. Been
here for a few days. MrD
said that Frank Sinatra's house might have too many bad vibes in it ....ghosts or gangsters or sumthin like that... so MrD and BFF and I chose this
place instead. No bad vibes, but I did see a skunk waddle across the front landscaping by the gate one early morning, and another day a roadrunner ran
across the driveway.
Oh, I see that Spira is on summer vacation. Let's see, I'm going to have to think up an essay to write when she gets back. Title, What I Did During
the Summer.....
MrD is so full of wisdom. The other day he said, why is it that, when people go crazy, they do violent things, like shoot guns. Why can't they go
crazy and do things like make cotton candy for everyone, or clean everybody's shoes? He also said that starting from now on we're going to celebrate
birthdays for three days: pre-Birthday, Birthday, and post-Birthday. I'll admit that, with retirement, I coulda spent more time celebrating my
birthday, so we're going to start doing that with the next birthday, maybe BFF's sister's Bday, then continue on from there.
You know, olaru, I was in the grocery store the other day, and an older cowboy tipped his hat at me, to say, "Howdy, Ma'am." Although my town is
continuing to increase population with emigrants from Southern Ca and the Bay Area, I love living in a town where cowboys, ranchers, and farmers tip
their hats.
I finally found something new to do. I wouldn't say I have a bucket list, but if I did, then horseback riding lessons were definitely crossed off a
while back. So, what might I find new, if anything, to do at this time in my Life? MrD and I finally signed up for library cards at our local library
recently, but that was about as exciting as, well, signing up for library cards. Besides, I'd had a card there years ago, when the library card was
still made out of paper, and barcodes had just been invented. Well, as I was rummaging among my cd's for something to play, I saw an old cd of Swiss
yodels. Hey, I could learn to yodel! Yep, I told MrD to set up a schedule to use our bedroom "studio"; he can play his guitar in there, and I will
practice yodeling. So, how 'bout if I show you guys what I've learned so far? Here goes.....
...... wow, where is everybody?? .....MrD, what time did I sign up for the studio today? Can I have more time? Looks like I need more practice.