posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 09:55 AM
Ok, now I can be here again. Notice the new flag in the corner.
I love your water stories, Spira. And the Taco the works. Maybe this Labor Day weekend. I just know it will be a white cake with taco
seasoning, and I will top it with a Mexican chocolate frosting. Everything is from scratch. Hey, my BFF will be over next week, so I will serve her a
piece of my Wacko Cake. It won't really match with the theme for this week's dinner, Crush Season, but MrD and I will open a bottle of our homemade
wine, so who will care after we drink the nectar of the goddess?
Oh, and how thoughtful of you to volunteer Jeeves for clean up in Napa. We're like that around here. On a serious note, my son emailed me that his
aunt's house is structurally ok, but things fell off the wall from the shaking.
Hey, olaru, I tell you, you could be mighty busy around ATS, if you posted everything that makes people go,”Huh??”. For example, take that
Pennsylvania Gov who pleaded for relaxed liquor sales laws in his state by appealing to women. "I think a lot of people want to be able to walk into
a grocery store," Corbett said. "Particularly, a lot of the women, want to be able to go in and buy a bottle of wine for dinner, go down buy a six
pack or two six packs, buy dinner, and go home. Rather than what I just described, is at least three stops, in Pennsylvania."
Well, now, he actually ha a good point. In my state, I've always been able to run in to buy ingredients for dinner AND some alcoholic beverage. Now,
here comes the problem. By the time I got home and had a little apertif, I usually either forgot what it was I was going to cook or fell asleep on the
sofa, with the family patiently waiting for Mom to wake up and cook. But I did save time getting home!
And don’t send Mom to the drug store for a prescription. Why, the last time I did that for cold medicine, I walked away with both prescription and
some rum. But I tell you, once I started in on the rum, I forgot my cold and felt so much better after a long nap.
Having had the unfortunate experience of buying alcohol in that state (jeez, people in Russia at the time were waiting less time in shorter lines for
bread), I can attest that people are going to abuse alcohol whether it’s from a package store or Big Box Grocery Mart. I don't know if there was a
single car trunk in PA on a Friday after work that didn't hold mucho cases of beer from the package store. Temperance, whether in Pennsylvania or in
California, doesn’t depend on where the liquor is bought.
Well, gotta run. See ya'll later!