posted on May, 13 2006 @ 04:58 PM
Hello, MrPenny. I'm well at the moment. I logon to the community daily, but don't always post. Sports, no I'm not into sports. Catch motorsports
once in a while, and watch the Olympics. I do know it's baseball season, so you must be enjoying the sport now. Saw your post on grumpy thread--I
know a couple relocating to Central Missouri, they said its climate is mild compared to areas around it, no tornadoes, no hurricanes, not a lot of
snow, are they right? I know you must not be from around here, because the local school district doesn't fix their computers, or anything else I
hear; they just get rid of them somehow. Hey, come to think of it, my husband can fix computers and any electronics (likes to do stuff like that,
right now he's in the garage fixing a power steering fluid leak). I've seen him solder circuit boards (even in the truck), but as a last resort
I've seen him use the good ole "whack"--sometimes it works. Hey, I'll bet with your job, that you find all kinds of things stuck in computers by
students, or coffee/soda spilled by personnel.