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May 1 Protest -Will it hurt or help illegals?

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posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:53 PM
I have a sollution to this problem that most of you seem to support. Lets liberate Mexico and bring democracy, and then annex it as the 51'st state (unless we force Israel into annexation first). Then there wont be a such thing as illegal Mexicans anymore.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:58 PM
I come from a communist country, and it most certainly is a day when communism is celebrated-FYI

As far as the protests, i hope since they beleive now there will be sting operations, they will opt to stay home.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I hope that is what will happen. If word gets around about sting operations, you are right. None of the illegals will be out.
At least this may prevent it from being as bad as it could get.

The very best thing that could happen is for all employers too fire any who do not show up for work on Monday.

Another thing that should have happened had it been proposed is to get all Americans to go out dressed in red white and blue then shop/buy all they can on Monday. Some efforts were started to get this to happen but it was done too late.

Yet another thought just came to mind. Americans as a whole should boycott any Latino businesses that close on Monday in the future.

I am sure there has to be other ways, but I cannot think of any right now.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
I have a sollution to this problem that most of you seem to support. Lets liberate Mexico and bring democracy, and then annex it as the 51'st state (unless we force Israel into annexation first). Then there wont be a such thing as illegal Mexicans anymore.

odd I have not seen what you are claiming. I have however seen many say we do not want illegals to enter our country and take away jobs. How you can twist that into meaning we want to liberate them is beyond me. :shk:

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:21 PM
Shots-You have some great ideas there
Well, its not too late, at least for people on this board to go out and buy as much as they can!!!
We can make a statement too.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:48 PM
I say dont deport them but at least make all of them able to work legally and pay taxes. And for the ones who can prove they came here legally(with visas or expired visas) give them a chance to be successfull if they already have build (rebuild i should say) their lives here.

Also for people who think getting into this country is a easy task, its not. My mother had a really successful job in Brazil and even with the help of her business owner, she was just able to get visitors vise (easiest of them all) on the third try.

I hope these vile vermin do go into homes and churches to show the true agenda. I hope there are riots and death in the streets, then perhaps the gutless worms in washington will see the invation for what it is. I will be ready to defend my home and business.

Get out of my country go back to your third world hellhole YOU created. Take your disease and corrupt drug dealing scum with you. Go march in your own county. I hope you take your president scum with you too..........."Bush the real Mexican president".

People like this person above and all the rest of the selfish, unhuman, close minded people should be the ones getting deported. If every one these kinds of person got deported to the moon, the Earth would be sooo... much better and not to mention peaceful.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Shots-You have some great ideas there
Well, its not too late, at least for people on this board to go out and buy as much as they can!!!
We can make a statement too.

Sorry it would be unfair for me to claim they are my own. I was just passing on on what I have read on some other forums. I do however agree with those ideas and wish I had thought of them first.

I did have one idea of my own that came to mind and that is anyone planing on building a new home should have written into their contract stating any and all labor must be done by Legal citizens or card carrying legals in the US.

That alone could put a lot of Americans back to work because their jobs have been stolen by illegals. This would be verified by my earlier post where builders are complaining that they did not show up for work last week.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:02 PM
Well thats fine. Houses are expensive now as it is WITH illegal immigraants help apparantly. If you believe most of these builders are in fatc illegal, can you imagine what a house is going to cost when they have ALL been replaced with American citizens? Not only is their pay probably going to be the same anyways, but unions are going to be lining up to charge them for their services, ad they will amazingly pass the cost to you as well.

I would prefer that anyways though because Americans wil be workign those jobs and stop complaining about immigrants. I still think we should just annex
Mexico into the 51st state, banish the current president and congress and begin our efforts to grow our empire there. The biggets benefit is the tiny tiny border we would have to gaurd compared to the current one. Common if that isn't in the interest of this nation, what is? Adding 25 million+ taxpayers to our system will help exponentially. We can mine the hell out of those mountains and gain alot more farmland to grow on. Then we can squash that silly Azteln whatever group using our anti-terrorism laws.

That will give this country about what? close to 15% control of land on Earth?

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by yadboy
I've tried to stay fairly neutral and keep an open mind on this issue, but this pushes me farther towards the "deport 'em all" camp. I really don't think that could be a good idea, even if it could be accomplished without mass riots, but how many of the people protesting even have the right to protest. Any illegal protesting doesn't have the legal right to assembly in this country. How's that for irony...

I don't advocate kicking these people out, but we can't just bend over backwards to give them whatever they want either. That would be like telling everyone who wants to come here illegally that there's absolutely no downside to doing so.

deadcats read my mind and beat me to the punch LOL

[edit on 4/28/2006 by yadboy]

Well in my view, racism isn't really an issure. It definately is draining our funds, immigrants that never worked a day in there life and foreigner's getting free rides and half price off everything. No rules for no one that has ever added to the system, but to the people who have been doing for years can just drop dead. Although many news agencies try to play the boo hoo game and say how broken they'd be since some families are half legal/ half illegal there illegal family members have to go home. But how the system doesn't care about the families that have been here for generations. Look how backwards we are, people that aren't supposed to be here protest, but we can't even protest neccesary things. It seems that the whole immigration debate is racked with holes? So is the hole oil thing, the whole economy, and i will be laughing when american can't pay her debts and i can walk away
. I honestly don't think it's going to help or hurt, the public doesn't really care anyway. Just sleep in your beds and let rambo take care of any business for you. And the majoirty of humans aren't all that trustworthy either. How we do live in hell don't we

[edit on 29-4-2006 by malakiem]

[edit on 29-4-2006 by malakiem]

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
Well thats fine. Houses are expensive now as it is WITH illegal immigraants help apparantly. If you believe most of these builders are in fatc illegal, can you imagine what a house is going to cost when they have ALL been replaced with American citizens? Not only is their pay probably going to be the same anyways, but unions are going to be lining up to charge them for their services, ad they will amazingly pass the cost to you as well.

Just in case you have not noticed most homes these days are built by non union labors. So you can leave them out because they will not have any effect at all.

As for annexation, you have to be kidding. Why on earth would we want annex a nation that is already poverty stricken let alone controlled by drug lords?

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:24 PM
House prices are high due to the population/land ratio. More people then land, which creates a high demand in houses, building wadges are less of an issue.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:33 PM
Viva La Raza !!!! Viva Aztlan !!!, Finally we latinos are taking back what is ours! And you gringos y gringas can do nada about it. We have every right to flood the U.S. with illegales, to turn it into a third world country like Mehico. We have already introduced a virulent strain of tuberculosis into your country. Call Landrum Jr. High School in Houston, Texas and ask about that. Let us also introduce you to more hepatitis and a little disease called leprosy where the skin dies, literally turns to rotten flesh, and then falls off the bone. These diseases are quietly making a comeback amongst the border states courtesy of us. Our el presidente Vicente Fox is now your el presidente - he makes policy for you. Your president Bush and your token govt. is very weak. Your Senators pander and jockey for the latino vote - begging us to cross over. Surrender your social security and your pensions stupid Americanos! When the 20 million of us already here get citizenship then we will be eligible to bring over our entire families from the old country. Add to that the many, many niños we are quickly reproducing and in five years you will have an additional 100 million+ latinos, demolishing your famous "safety nets". When we need welfare, SSI, medicaid y medicare, bilingual education, food stamps, we come to you. Your companies will be heavily taxed to sustain us. Your social security system will be overcome by our mere presence and demands. Stupid Americanos! Have you ever smell the cesspools on a warm night in Mehico City? Have you ever taken the acrid air into your lungs as you defecate into the same fields where you also plant the strawberries you will later ship to unknowing, naive Americanos? You will drape yourself in Mehico's flag, your famous Alamo will be transformed into a monument to Santa Ana! Hiding in your rich houses, eating your rich foods...fat, prosperous, stupid Americanos. Your government has abandoned you. We are coming...we are here!!!! Viva La Raza!!! Viva Aztlan!!!

Juan, your new master

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by BigPimpin

House prices are high due to the population/land ratio. More people then land, which creates a high demand in houses, building wadges are less of an issue.

Housing prices are high because the market will bear such extortion. The statement that this involves population:land ratio is applicable to highly populated areas only.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:36 PM
The May 1 Protest will fizzle. But that does not mean it is not a success. The Movement is urging an important issue to put on the front burner of discussion. it is whether there will be a second May 1, 2007, Protest that really counts. I support the Protest.

posted by zappafan1: “Hi, Donwhite: Nicely put about the courts, but the land Mexico called theirs was stolen by Spain from the American Indians. How far back do you want to go? [Edited by Don W]

That is true. We are not going to give back any land to either the Mexicans or Native Americans. Or the Hawaiians.

But as an aside, I see the day coming shortly when after Fidel dies, we will give back Guantanamo Bay to the Cubans. As we have done under Carter, returning the canal to the Panamanians. And we’ll hold a plebiscite on statehood or independence in Puerto Rico. And throw in the American Virgin Islands, too. I see us clearing the slate, so to speak. All this before 2020. So we can get much deeper into our own internal challenges.

It seems to me we could do a reverse Rhodes Scholar Plan for people of Mexican descent. Not the white Mexicans like Vincente Fox, but the real genuine Mexicans. At least half Indian. DNA certified. Up to 8 or 10 years of education in America with a full stipend for all expenses. Let them choose the institution. Same for Native Americans. For maybe 5,000 people at any one time. Otherwise, just try to be nice to the world.

Same for the Palestinians; if you go back far enough, the Holy Land belonged to the Jewish people. But the many wars since then, and the intervention of the (corrupt) United Nations (in the later 1940's, I believe) caused much of what is happening now.

Count Bernadette was assassinated in Palestine when he was the UN representative attempting to end the hostilities. I do not concede the UN was “corrupt.”

That is why I say let’s start all talks about the final settlement of the League of Nations Palestine Mandate question in 1967 with the Six Day War. As we used to say on the boards, first person to mention Hitler loses, so anyone who brings up any event prior to June, 1967, loses that point.

Because I believe only the United States can resolve the case there, between Arabs and Israelis, and that should be obvious, I have come to believe the U.S. does not want a real peace in the region. That it is the publicly unstated American foreign policy that turmoil and conflict in the Middle East fits better into our continued interest in dependable access to (relatively) cheap oil from the Persian Guff.

[edit on 4/30/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by larazainvader

Racist quote snipped.

Take your racist claptrap somewhere else. Your hateful negativity is not welcome here.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:07 PM
This display will only hurt America. Those who support illegal aliens are as reprehensible as those who break our laws by coming here without documentation and then demand rights. The very idea floated by many, including, unfortunately, our President that America requires an underclass of illegal aliens to do the jobs that Americans will not do is classist, racist, and most of all fallacious.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:11 PM
Oh Grady, please,
that avatar!!!!! Geeeez.....

I dont know if i will b e able to sleep tonight
after seeing that!!!!!

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Bibliophile

Originally posted by larazainvader

Racist quote snipped.

Take your racist claptrap somewhere else. Your hateful negativity is not welcome here.

neither is yours

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

neither is yours

Please post quotes of my racist statements in this thread. There are none.

[edit on 4/29/2006 by Bibliophile]

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by larazainvader


To all who read that tripe. Do not let the individual bait you.

Mods take note. [size=5=]Troll Alert.

Please deal with accordingly.

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