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May 1 Protest -Will it hurt or help illegals?

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posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 06:56 PM
P.S. To answer the original question.... I think this will hurt their image even more in the eyes of the American people, but I'm not sure if it will hurt their cause.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Justmytype
If our goverment wanted to end this problem all they have to do is deploy the National Guard to each of these cities to round up all the illegals and deport them. Now if I was an illegal immigrant I sure wouldnt go to any protests especially knowing they are gonna cripple the economy by pulling this stunt. I do feel this will help eliminate illegals in our country if our Goverment does pull the sheet over all thier eyes and then rounds them all up like cattle.

just a thought

Justmytype, you are the only one who has got this right. The president says it is unrealistic to deport these people. Guess what, a lot of them are going to be grouped together on Mon. We send in the National Guard, and whoever else is needed, round up thes "ILLEGALS" (Yes I said it, that is what these people are) Not only do we deport them, we bar them from ever becoming citizens. Where do we put them...Well alot has been said on this site about camps through out the US. Ignoring that as a conspiracy theory, there are many former military bases thet have shut down. We dump them there until we process them. We take fingerprints and DNA, put this in a database, and make sure that none of these people come here LEGALLY. While this won't be a complete cure, it will be a start. It's time we tell these INVADERS that we are not joking.

Better yet, if any of these people we round up on May 1st, want a chance at becoming US citizens, then they have to be the ones to build a fence along the border. If they help build this fence/barrier (Which needs to be strong enough to discourage illegals coming across the border. My idea, which is extreme, but will work. One electrifed fence on the border, with the only Spanish language signs...stating that the fence is electrified, and the 25 yards seperating this fence from the next is filed with land mines. That should keep them out. If by chance they get through to the 2nd fence, which will also be electrified, and more powerful than the first, with no Spanish language signs, will use technology such as cameras, infra-red, heat sensors, so that the border patrol can come and pick them up) While my idea for the fence is extreme, I believe this is what is needed. I'll also agree that there may be better ways to do this, but until I hear something with the comperable effect, I'll stick to mine.

Once these fences are built, the illegals that helped build them will be sent back, and be able to get in line to come to the US. Again, those who don't help will be barred forever of coming here.

Once the fence is inplace, we need to come down hard, on those who employ these illegals. (Again, being extreme, we should basically put them out of business) But being realistic, we should fine them heavily, so that they will think twice, before hiring anymore illegals.

In response to the above, we need to increase the number of legal immagrants we let into the US. But to be let in, they have to learn our language, our history, and our culture. I'm not saying they are unable to celebrate/respect their heritage, but they must be Americans first. Otherwise, your outa here.

As for those who say that illegals take jobs Americans don't want...I have 2 solutions for you:

1) Bring back the chain gang. For all minimum risk security prisioners, you will work these jobs on a chain gang. (And maybe even work off part of your sentence.) For those who are worried about people being sent to jail for labor...Impose a mouratorium on sentencing guidelines that exist when this is enacted for, say 10 years. For these guidelines to change, it takes a 3/4 vote of Congress or the States.

2) There are millions of able bodied Americans receiving a monthly WELFARE check from the Govt. These people will be required to work these jobs to continue getting any Govt. support. If they are unwilling to work, then they are on their own. (BTW: I understand that there are people out there who can't work, and I am all for helping them with Welfare. This is only for the able Bodied.) The amount paid from these jobs, will reduce the amount spent on Welfare considerably. And if they don't like these jobs, them I'm willing to invest the money saved to help train them to get better jobs. Whether it is college/education, training, aprenticeships, etc. As long as your willing to WORK, we should be willing to help.

I am not advocating door to door searches for illegals, that is unrealistic. What I'm offering is deporting them where we find them, barring them from ever becoming US citizens, and punishing those who employ them. Will this cure the problem 100%, NO. But it will be a good start, and that is what no one is proposing. Both Democrats and Republicans are pandering to these people as if they will be voters. Oh, yeah...all legal immagrants will have to wait a set time, 5 or 10 years before they can vote. Problem solved.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 08:44 PM
The illegals I know are going to take the day off -

drink some beers and enjoy themselves.

These protest organizers are fools.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 08:48 PM

CS you rock! I like your ideas! Best ideas I've heard in a looooong time!

However, I would add that the ones that do want to stay should join our armed services for 4 years and serve in Iraq and the war on terrorism, then upon return, they have shown their allegiance and can become productive American citizens who are earning a LEGAL pay check.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 08:55 PM

I think this will hurt their cause.
It appears that the intent is to hurt the US economy. It may, or may not be noticed.
But the intent is there.

If there IS an effect on the US economy, this will hurt BOTH sides.
If there is NO effect on the economy, the protestors have shot themselves in the foot.

I think it's a lose-lose proposition for those who protest.

I'd also like to add. That if this protest is to be FULLY HONEST, then those who protest, must not only become a non-producer for a day. They must also NOT take advantage of any governmental services.

[edit on 28-4-2006 by spacedoubt]

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 09:22 PM
Well I guess that Monday will tell the story, and for all the illegals out there protesting I dont think that its gonna end to much in their favor. Any illegal arrested in this protest should be forever barred from obtaining citizenship in this country, they think they have the answer, they are being led around by these protest organizers who have an agenda other than their own, I say bring on Monday and we will see the begiginning of a long and drawn out battle, someone even mentioned civil war, who knows?

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 09:37 PM
May 1st ..... May 1st...... I hope how the entire U.S. can see their own nation without immgrants. I wish...... but of course many people still wouldn't bother to care. My neighbor is one who wouldn't.

Every Sunday a field worker comes to his house. And jeez.... he is so demanding and abusive as well. He would literally harass the worker (yes he is hispanic). He would call him names, make him cut the same patch of grass three times straight becuase the house owner wouldn't be satisfied, and I could see it in my neighbor's eyes; he has hatred toward immigrants. After the worker finishes with the lawn he goes back to pull his cart in tears because of the abuse. Unfortunately he lost his only other brother, when he crossed the Rio Grande.

But you know why he works? To get money for his wife and his 3 little children who strive just to be fed. Now I do not live in a poor of town (which is just a few miles south from here) but I've seen the blood sweated by immigrants just to survive.

To those who cut our lawns, to those who keep supermarkets running and a city full of restaurants and public services; to those who pick up your trash in your neighborhood, to those who keep parks neat and litter- free, to those who clean the very own toilet you sit on at work, or at your school.............why make them felons???????????

Immigrants are the people who made our pillars, they run the everyday services of more than 200 million Americans and work to be the best and to satisfy us citizens. They come to the U.S. just for the same reasons as your grandfathers or great grandfathers came to the U.S. decades ago. They attempt to come into U.S. borders knowing that at any moment they could die of heat exhaustion or drowning when crossing rivers.

So my first point : Do I support the Immigration reform act? Of course not......if it involves making people felons, who work more than many Americans do work in their entire lives, of course not. Let's say the reform act aimed at something much more humane, like attempting to process aliens (in case of criminal activity) and strive to give the righteous ones a chance at citizenship then I'd support it.

My second point: I've seen many people in this site in past forums who would treat hispanics like trash. Please I ask you to be more considerate of others; you know who you are. Comments such as "round those animals back up and send them back to their wasteland in Mexico" (yes I have seen such comments in this site)
are very insulting. Another example .....

"It's time we tell these INVADERS that we are not joking. "
. Just hostile..... it's ok if you think that way but just remember that this is the "plan" that past generations have used to bring you here, and right in front of your computer screen.

On the other hand side, I do think that our borders should be protected a slight bit more in case of any malevolent people belonging to terrorists organizations attempting to cross the border. But at least give those people who have been in the U.S. already working diligently for the good of the public a chance..... a chance for freedom.... not a chance for enslavement inside a prison cell.......

[edit on 28-4-2006 by llfrequencyll]

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 09:46 PM
that is just beautiful frequency. I ask this question to anyone here. How many have "lost" a job to an illegal immigrant? How many people here have been unable to get a job because it was employed by illegals? Have any of you guys actually had trouble at all finding a job where an illegal held a position that you needed? Please just respond to those questions.

If you decie to just make up a story, then your only lying to yourself.

There are many immigrants here illegally who have all the benefits of many middle class Americans. They own a home, pay income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes. Children go to school for an education. They live exactly like Americans and work hard, their status simply got lost in system and they have had the opportunity to grow. It is sad that any day these people could lose all they have worked for, even when they pay taxes the same as us just because of bad paperwork years ago. They were simply afraid to report because their typical routines have helped them live a good life.

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 10:14 PM
Im watching a special at the moment on illegal immigrants, this woman is here telling her children in Mexico to be patient, that in a month or two she will have the money to try the dangerous chore of bringing her children into this country,ILLEGALLY!

Come on people there is something wrong here, CNN must know who she is, where she lives and putting this on national TV. Why is this being allowed to happen, and why is CNN allowed to even broadcast this illegal activity, knowing full well who this person is, this is absurd! They need to watch every move this woman makes and when she pays the scum who bring the illegals in, arrest the whole bunch involved in the operation.

Come on these people are just blatantly breaking the laws and getting away with it in front of everyone and its okay, something drastically wrong with this picture.

Interesting show for anyone intersted, its on CNN Anderson Cooper, right now.

Granted there are some people here illegally that lead productive lives and truly want to suceed, however there is nothing that will ever change the fact that they are here illegally, have broken laws and continue to break them by being here. If they want to abandon their country and be here then there are ways to do it, just as they say its to much red tape to arrest and deport them, they must be willing to go thru that red tape to gain legal access to this country.

[edit on 28-4-2006 by tracer]

[edit on 28-4-2006 by tracer]

[edit on 28-4-2006 by tracer]

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 01:30 AM
Can anyone spell martial law?
This would be a real good excuse to invoke it if the s**t hits the fan.
It seems to me that the tensions of this ( and other racial issues ) have
been pumped to the max lately. Perhaps a bit of stirring the pot?
I just hope that everyone keeps their cool, we don't need to give the captors the
excuse they are waiting for.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 02:18 AM
Why are illegal immigrants such a big deal but illegal business practices not? Why do people work themselves up into a lather at the thought of amnesty being granted to immigrants, yet blithely accept amnesty granted to corporations in violation of environmental and labor law? Seriously I don't get it.

Why can't people comprehend that odds are most of the people protesting aren't illegal? It's been pointed out that illegals would be reluctant to join in boycotts and walkouts because of financial concerns. Obviously these people aren't taking days off to protest their position is to unstable. The majority of protesters are logically citizens who can afford to miss work or school. I hate to sound cliche bringing up the race card and all that but is this inability to recognize the that not everyone who is hispanic is an illegal evidence of an accepted racist sublayer in our society?

I honestly don't know but I have my suspicions which is all they are suspicions, little better then personal opinion. In the end largely irrelevant.

Now will walkouts and boycotts hurt the movement? I honestly don't think so. In my opinion the fact that they are being vocal in the first place has already hurt their cause as much as it can be hurt. Americans resent being reminded of the social inequalities in our "perfect" society and actively reject whatever doesn't fit their worldview. A strike is largely irrelvant in the face of the deep rooted American xenophobia that is actively encouraged by the political establishment.

These people are here for a reason if they didn't have a positive effect on our economy big business would not tolerate their presence so the concept that a mass strike would have no economic repercussions is patently ridiculous. If big business wanted them gone because they were a threat they would vanish in a heartbeat becoming even more rare then active american communists (or even rarer, true anarchists). Odds are there will be no effect simply because no one will engage in these boycotts when the organizers realize how ridiculous the whole concept is and call the whole thing off. It's like expectly the entire US workforce to rise up enmasse against outsourcing, nothing more then a populist pipe dream. As far as I am aware of there has never been a single simultaneous organized mass civil action in this country since the civl war. We're not about to start now let alone a economically vulnerable socially unpopular minority like illegal immigrants.

[edit on 29-4-2006 by boogyman]

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by DYepes
How many have "lost" a job to an illegal immigrant? How many people here have been unable to get a job because it was employed by illegals? Have any of you guys actually had trouble at all finding a job where an illegal held a position that you needed?

It may not just be individual jobs but job sectors.

One example: A few personal friends which were once very successful general construction contractors basically went belly-up when competing against other subcontractors which utilized more and more illegal help; their entire crews also lost their jobs all by being slighty under bid. This goes the same for many of the independent construction ‘trades’ or professional machinists, mechanics, masons, roofers, landscapers, barbers, cooks, stockers, porters and so on… which were once held predominately by ‘non-illegals’ less than 20 years ago.

Why act as if ‘these jobs’ did not exist before this flood of ‘illegals’? Of course people have lost jobs to 'illegals'.

Also, what do you think will happen if a majority of all these poor and needy ‘illegals’ gain rights as ‘guest workers’ or become citizens? Are they going to work for the same presumed low wages, do the same presumed menial jobs as so many seem to portray? No, absolutely not…they will no longer be flying under the radar…they are going to demand more and all the while with the new added twist of suing for discrimination; further bogging down the court system and driving up the cost of doing business.

Can one honestly believe these people are going to work for the same wages if/when they are made citizens let alone afforded rights as ‘guest workers’? Do you? Who is going to do these ‘unwanted’ jobs then? What will happen to all these supposed savings?

And as for “paying taxes” obviously you have never worked in a foreign country in the private sector as a citizen of another…guess what…you have to pay taxes!....and forget becoming a citizen...not to mention the very strict rules which are included in obtaining most employment visas.


posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:53 AM
There are anticipating trouble in the SouthWest states- churches have been asked to lockdown where the children are babysat, as they are threatening to go into places and houses and look for hispanics who do not want to join in this. Also schools will be under lockdown during the protest. I know this because my mother and brother live in Phoenix and they already have the warnings.
The illegals are threatening to go into places and my old mom who works voluntarily at a church is scared.
Its not bad enough she was almost held hostage 2 days ago at a bank which was being robbed- by- an illegal immigrant.
I told her to stay home but she said she had to go. She's almost 80.

I tell you, she wouldnt be going anyplace if i were there.

As far as this feeling of entitlement these illegals have, the credit goes to president Bush directly.

[edit on 29-4-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

There are anticipating trouble in the SouthWest states- churches have been asked to lockdown where the children are babysat, as they are threatening to go into places and houses and look for hispanics who do not want to join in this. Also schools will be under lockdown during the protest. I know this because my mother and brother live in Phoenix and they already have the warnings.
The illegals are threatening to go into places and my old mom who works voluntarily at a church is scared.
Its not bad enough she was almost held hostage 2 days ago at a bank which was being robbed- by- an illegal immigrant.
I told her to stay home but she said she had to go. She's almost 80.

I tell you, she wouldnt be going anyplace if i were there.

As far as this feeling of entitlement these illegals have, the credit goes to president Bush directly.

[edit on 29-4-2006 by dgtempe]

I hope these vile vermin do go into homes and churches to show the true agenda. I hope there are riots and death in the streets, then perhaps the gutless worms in washington will see the invation for what it is. I will be ready to defend my home and business.

Get out of my country go back to your third world hellhole YOU created. Take your disease and corrupt drug dealing scum with you. Go march in your own county. I hope you take your president scum with you too..........."Bush the real Mexican president".

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 06:39 AM

This is "it" folks. They are now publicly taking up arms against America.
By: Hal Turner Published Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:47 PM

For weeks they and their leaders have been openly talking about being engaged in "civil war." They now appear ready to formalize their rhetoric with guns.

The message below is from the official web site of "Voz De Aztlan" (The Voice of Aztlan). Their confidential subscriber e-mail list received the communique below on Thursday, April 27.

The leaders of the group are telling Mexicans to take up arms!!!!

Well, i hope this article is wrong wrong wrong!

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:04 AM

Its May day, its a traditional day of protests for workers. The Trade Unions started it in 1886 in London (i think thats how May day started) and now May 1st has been a traditional day of protest, but their are occasional riots (the infamous one in London afew years back). All thats going to happening is a day of flying the "Red Flag" and thats it.

(but i could be wrong)

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:23 AM
Personally, as this situation continues to develop and more negative information is released, I have less and less respect for the protestors. Some of the comments made by radical reconquista groups regarding our country and our citizens really disgusted me.

The worst statement concerned murdering all white Americans. I cannot respect people who think like that in the 21st century.

As for the remaining protestors who are not directly associated with radical groups, but are still demonstrating on behalf of illegal aliens, if you desert your job, expect to be fired. I cannot condone this sort of irresponsibility. It shows poor work ethic.

I believe this sort of action will damage the credibility of the people involved. Taxpaying citizens in this country do not appreciate this kind of grandstanding.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Do you think this will help or hurt?

- the hospitals in the S.W. won't be flooded with illegals getting free medical
care on our dime. America saves money. YOU and I save tax money and
the rising cost of medical care/goods can take a one day break from rising.

- the hospitals won't be pushing aside Americans and legal immigrants to deal
with the floods of illegals. Americans and LEGAL immigrants will have a much
better chance of obtaining life saving medical care. Americans will LIVE whereas
they could have died before.

Ya'll don't believe me?? Ask Sugarlump about his experiences in the SouthWest
and about being pushed aside and made to wait for illegals to get their medical
care while he was in agony ..

- the schools won't have to deal with massive amounts of children who can
barely speak English, or who can't speak English at all. The Americans and
LEGAL immigrant children will all receive a better education on that day.

- Look at all the jobs that will open up for people who don't have a high education.
All those welfare queens can go work for a day and actually earn money instead
of getting government handouts (YOUR tax money). Jobs open up ....
unemployment goes down .... our tax money can go to other things rather
than unemployment and welfare.

I wish this was happening ALL the time.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by llfrequencyll
why make them felons???????????

Because they ARE criminals. That's why. Yes, many of them are nice.
Many of them have families. But so what? They are ILLEGAL and that
means they are criminals. That's the bottom line.

WE aren't making them criminals. THEY made THEMSELVES criminals
by coming here illegally. There is a legal way to come to this country.
There is a reason for a legal system to enter America. Countries can
only absorb so many immigrants successfully. When too many come in,
then there are socio-economic as well as massive other problems in
society. The country that allows too many immigrants without allowing
for absorbtion of those immigrants is a country that will fall and, most
likely, no longer exist.

It's basic sociology.

Immigrants are the people who made our pillars, they run the
everyday services of more than 200 million Americans.

ILLEGAL immigrants .... don't forget the ILLEGAL!!

Illegal immigrants flood hospitals in the South West. They make it so
that Americans and legal immigrants can't get medical care. They raise
the cost of medical care and they get billions upon billions in medical
aid through YOUR tax money. America pays for this.

Illegals fill the schools with children who can't speak english, or can't
speak it well, and this bogs down the American schools. The schools
have enough problems without having to shoulder this burden.

Illegals take jobs that welfare queens and the unemployed should be
taking. That's right. They absolutely DO take jobs from Americans that
could be, and should be, productive members of society instead of
being unemployed and unproductive.

They come to the U.S. just for the same reasons as your
grandfathers or great grandfathers came to the U.S. decades ago.

Not exactly.

Some do. Many don't. The gangs, the drug runners ... They work,
get paid, and many times send the money back to Mexico. They don't
help the economy by spending it here. They use our roads (which our
taxes paid for) our medicare (which our taxes paid for), our schools
(which our taxes paid for), our everything .. but they don't pay taxes,
they don't contribute to the economy by spending here, and they are
just plain illegal.

Oh, and my Father in Law came from Switzerland, and my
Great-Grandparents came from Ireland LEGALLY. My daughter
came from Bolivia ... LEGALLY!!

So these illegals absolutely are not coming to America for the
same reasons my relatives did. Mine came to be Americans.
Illegals come for many reasons, but most are not to be Americans.
If they wanted to be Americans, they'd be here legally.

And to anyone who is looking at this through rose colored glasses
and thinks they are all just poor people looking for a better life -
read the links in this thread ... about the percentage of murders
in L.A. committed by illegals ... the drag on the police forces in
cities like Chicago, LA ... It's NOT about people looking for a better
life. Most of the time, it just isn't.

(I'd repost the links here, but I think if I were to take my posts from
that thread and post them here, then it would be against rules ...
not sure ... and unlike the illegals, I want to follow the rules!! They
are there for a reason.)

[edit on 4/29/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

EXCELLENT find dg. I'm emailing this to everyone I know.
Folks are sleeping .... they are sleeping and their country
(OUR country) is being invaded. ugh!!!

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