posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:31 PM
Reading a few more of the responses to the subject in this thread, I get the impression that folk here are easily influenced by the debunkers and
their controllers.
Do folk here also believe that all native Americans came from Siberia about 15,000 years ago, that human culture went from cave men to pyramid
builders in about 3,000 years after the ice age, that irregular-shaped stones as big as houses were dragged up to Machu Picchu by hand, that the Olmec
had no metal tools to carve their basalt stones, that Giza is just a bunch of tombs, and so much other dis-proven rubbish from the archeology
establishment? If so, I really am in the wrong place!
Just imagine for a moment what the effect is to Semir, of being told by people, who have not seen the evidence and have not visited the sites, that he
is a fraud. What does it serve him to continue if there is so much doubt? Why spend years and so much money in excavation of a fraud? Why get carbon
dating done? Why invite archaeological students and experts to come and see for themselves and help with the work?
In other words, he and thousands of others have seen the overwhelming evidence and are utterly convinced of the truth of it and are continuing with
the work because it is so obvious. Semir says that the work will probably go on for decades because there is so much to be done.
I have seen the film and photos of the excavations of the very flat pyramid sides, corners, tunnels, petroglyphs, large cut stones, etc, far more than
were available when this thread began, or were available on 2007, and I have no doubt whatsoever. Which is why I will consider going to Sarajevo if I
can find the funds.
After the Megalithomania conference, it is certain that a number of people who have extensive experience and qualification will be there in Sarajevo
in August and will report back their findings. Then the speculation based on devious debunking can be over - can't it!?